One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Glad to keep you on board and we should have some wood in the captains room" he points to the room. "how long till Loguetown?"
"I'm not sure, I actually stowed away to get to that port." Valir replied sheepishly. "As long as we follow the pose I think we'll get there though." He headed to the captain's room then emerged with some lumber and tools. "I'll be working on getting the hole patched if you need me."
"Alright you fix the hole and I will make sure we stay on target with our location" he takes to the wheel and time starts to pass a little faster.
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Iggy was getting tired of the long trip he wasn't yet use to the boat ride. He had only been on a few short boat trips but he at least had his family to keep him company and these to acquaintances where not family yet. He left the wheel checking the captain room which held a chest filled with berry, a map of the grand line, swords and guns, several tools, a desk and chair, and a pair of gauntlets. iggy approachedched the gauntlets but they where to heavy to wear " these are the same gauntlets he died for but why?" he walks out of the cabin making sure they were on course which they where he could see the island in the distance. " not far now guys".
A woman's scream could be heard from the ship. A few feet away a woman with white hair could be seen getting circled by a group of large sea monsters. The scream got louder as the monsters got closer.
Valir stepped back to look at his handiwork. "It'll definitely hold for a while." He said to himself, gathering the hammer and remaining nails up. "Well, patchwork is done. It should hold for a while, but it's not permanent, Cap." Valir remarked before he walked into the captain's cabin to put the tools away. He placed the hammer down where he found it, then tucked the box of nails under the shelf. Valir moved to leave, but stopped mid stride when the map caught his eye. He walked to the desk and touched the map lightly, brushing his fingers over the Red Line.

A scream from outside broke Valir out of his reverie. "What the hell?" He exclaimed, running out of the captain's cabin. He stopped once he caught sight of them. "Sea Kings?" He yelled in disbelief. A figure with white hair could be seen among them. "How'd she get- where'd she-" He stammered, legitimately lost for words. Valir rushed to the cannons, determined to help the girl.
Shiv would jump off the ship and latch onto the side. After he concentrated for a minute, the monsters would have a moment of confusion, then start swimming hungrily to the west. Shiv would go limp and barely remain attached to the ship.
"I gotcha" he called to Shiv as he pulls him up. He then returns to the ship wheel turning towards the girl. the ship seemed to move faster but this was only due to the adrenaline rush in Iggy's body they soon reached the girl but the sea kings were no longer being fooled they seemed to regain there minds but not yet ready to attack. Iggy was planning to make a hit and run but they were sea kings for a reason.
"Hey!What do you think you are doing!?"Keke roared as she climbed on the ship's deck.Anger seeped from Keke as the water dripped off of her.
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" Valir don't fire" Iggy walks up to the woman " were you not in distress miss" he gave a confused look as the sea kings surrounded the boat but weren't attacking. Though Iggy was still ready just encase.
"No I was not. I was playing with these sea serpents. "The sea kings surfaced and revealed themselves to be nothing but serpents instead of sea kings.
"Playing? With sea monsters?" Valir asked incredulously. "How do you play with sea monsters? In my experience they aren't very friendly..."
"Then I feel sorry for you,because I do know that two of these guys are the protectors of this island and the other one is my friend."Keke explained as she pointed to the center serpent. It was smaller than the other and it's scales were pure white.
"Sea monsters I see they are alot smaller than a sea king" he looks up to the sea kings "im very sorry for our interruption he then looks back at the woman. "I'm sorry for getting in the way of your fun but I am kinda glad that I did" he looks the woman over and rubs his chin she didn't look very tough but it is impressive to make friends with a sea monster. "Would you like to join my crew?" he felt there was no point in trying to be around the bush.
"Nope,sorry I'm no pirate and besides you were about to attack my new friends."The center serpent roared a bit and they all began to wiggle and submerge themselves. Keke instantly turned and dive straight into the water. A few seconds later she resurfaced riding the center serpent as if it was a surfboard,but it was only visible by the distorted image of it under water.
"well I tried Sorry again" Iggy returns to the will getting the ship back on course towards Loguetown "I guess not everyone's cool like you guys" he says referring to Shiv and Valir. He wondered if she would have been any help in the first place she wasn't very tough looking but to him neither did his already crew mates did maybe it was due to his tall stature he wasn't sure maybe he was just full of himself.
"Well excuse us. It definitely looked like an attack to me." Valir said, leaning against the readied cannon. He looked at Igneous. "Was it just me or did that strike you as odd?" He chuckled, "Maybe we can't talk though." He said, looking from Igneous to Shiv.
"That far out... angry at us for 'saving' her... I shouldve known" Shiv pants, somewhat exhausted from the recen uses of his fruit.
"Yeah it was weird who plays with sea monsters but doesn't want to be a pirate?" he rubbed his head oblivious to why she woudn't be a pirate but maybe they would meet again if she's mean't to be with them. "Well were coming up on the island so far we need food and water, more wood do we need more gun powder as well?"
"Well this ship could probably use a replacement sail, just in case we hit something crazy in the Grand Line. Which we will." Valir said, stepping to the bow of the ship to see Loguetown. "We really lucked out with that Log Pose. I don't know how we'll navigate once we're across the Red Line though..." He looked back towards the girl, now much further off. There's something about her, but I can't place it... he thought, furrowing his brow.
"alright a sail Valir you can hold the money it's in that Chest in the captains room" he gave the duties to the thief since he probably wouldn't lose it and he didn't worry about him stealing it he trusted him. "the red line is exactly what we need it'll build character" he said with a hardy pirate laugh that he was working on.
Valir looked over at Igneous. "You want to leave the money with the pickpocket? Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked slyly, his eyes glinting. "Well, if you want me to, who am I to refuse?" He strode to the captain's room, entering and moving towards the chest. "And we might want to pick up a cannon or two for the right side." He called out, opening the lid.
"I trust you Valir and yeah and we might as well get three" He readied himself to stop the boat as he stopped somewhere hidden but not far from the docks. He drops the anchor halting the boat "here we are guys lets move out" he leaps down from the ship heading through some trees and ends up in the town.
Trust, Valir thought as he took the berri from the chest and deposited it in a pouch for the town. Now that's something I haven't heard in a good while. He slowly closed the lid, preventing the wood of the framework from banging against the edge of the lid. "Alright, but you can't expect me to haul all three back here alone!" He called out after Igneous. His mind drifted to the sea monster girl again as he stepped into the daylight. In the distance the bustling town could be heard, from market streets to the docks of the busy port. The sounds and mingled and drifted to the Connie on the sea breeze.

Valir jumped off the deck onto the land, making sure that the berri pouch was secure and hidden in his tunic. "Hey Shiv, are you coming into town or do you want to keep an eye the ship?"

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