One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Decent. If you throw an orange in the air, I can cut it in quarters before its halfway up, with one sword."
"impressive but your going to have to prove it" he goes to by an orange and returns "here you go" he stands infront of him and tosses it up.
Shiv would unsheath his sword quuckly and slash at the orange twice. He would use his other hand to pull his scarf off his face and then catch a quarter of the orange in his mouth.
Igneous claps slowly and as he catches the other slices "your good with a sword now I need someone good with a canon" he sighed
"Well..." Valir said slowly, "I'm not bad. And considering my buddies here are looking for me;" he motioned at a group of navy soldiers walking down the street, "I'm in, for now." He glanced back over his shoulder at the marines. "We might want to get going soon though, captain." Valir said, trying the title out. "Even a smaller pirate ship is bound to attract unwanted attention, sooner or later."
"Welcome to the crew" he says excitedly towards the new crew mate. He thought about the captain title it sounded honorable. "if you are saying we need to go lets go" he jumps on the ship and takes one last look at the crowed of people just encase he saw anyone else that could be useful. Sadly no one stood out he sighed and went to remove the anchor and attempts to hoist it up"could I get some help?"
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Valir climbed aboard the Connie and moved to help Igneous. "If I'm joining up though, I'll need to at least know who I'm working with." he said, "I'm Valir. What's your name, or should I just call you captain?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Valir I am Igneous but just call me Iggy same goes for you Shiv" they lift the anchor onto the boat. "alright we can go now" he walks over to the ships steering wheel "were shall we head first?". He looks to Valir as he assumed the thief should know the best place to go.
Valir looked at Igneous. "Well, Loguetown is always a good place to start. I think it's east?" He said, turning back to the port as he heard the shouts. "But it looks like we have company." An armed group of ten marines moved along the dock, shouting after the new pirates. Somewhere, a megaphone den den mushi boomed over the harbor. "Move a ship into position! Don't let the pirates escape!"

"We definitely should have left sooner. What do you think we should do?" Valir asked Igneous.
"well if we stay we risk being trapped and if you are good enough with a cannon we can make it plus the Connie is alot fast that it appears" he doesn't wait for a reply and puts shiv in control of the ship "Valir get the canons ready and I will distract the marines" he leaps from the shi kick a marine in the face then sending jabs to several different marines knocking them out before they could react. A marine man yells "there no record of anyone of this caliber in Crew. They aren't the same pirates be careful"
Valir smiles, saying "Alright captain, but don't take all the fun." He moves to the port, noting the lack of right facing cannons. "That could be a problem..." Valir mutters to himself, looking around for fuses and cannonballs after noting the gunpowder barrels next to each cannon.

After a minute or so Valir returns to the first cannon and sets a fuse in the top, then loads a cannonball. "We're ready on one cannon Ig, but you'd better get on." He said, looking out at the marine ship moving to intercept them. "We're losing our window to leave easily."
Shiv would jump in to the crowd of marines and start making a flurry of pain with his blades.
Shiv pulls off "alright I coming" Iggy does a last kick and leaps onto the ship saluting goodbye to the marines as Shiv takes the ship farther from the docks trying his best to leave room for the cannons to shoot. "I got it Shiv" Iggy takes over pulling to the right giving just the amount of distance for a Cannon to shoot. Iggy noticed that he was really good at maneuvering the ship. "it's all you Valir"
"Let's see what we can do then," Valir yelled enthusiastically as he lit the fuse on the cannon. The cannon blasted it's projectile, sending the cannonball flying into the mast of the marine ship. The mast creaked and fell across the deck and damaging the railing. "Huh, that went better than expected!" Valir said, grinning and moving to load another cannon ball.
"Nice shot Valir" he was already feeling like a pirate and had a new found respect for his brother. "Shiv help Valir" he keeps a steady ship so that Valir had better reload. He then searched for the opening gladly there were only 1 other ship heading there way so they had a easy getaway this time.
Shiv would go downstairs and start hauling cannonballs closer to the cannoneer.
Valir took another cannonball from Shiv and loaded it up with powder, then set the fuse. "Think you can bring us about again? Hopefully we can do enough damage to stop them there." He readied the striker, adrenaline causing him to bounce nervously on his feet.
"I think I can get you a better shot" he pulls to the left and does his best to line up with the ship to get a vital shot. He yells "ready to fire?" halting the ship by turning left in right as if he was drifting.
"Oh I'm itching for it." Valir says, lighting the fuse. A few seconds pass, but the cannon hasn't fired. "Crap, we've got a bad one. Toss me another fuse, quick!" He yells, watching the enemy ship slowly pivot and drift towards the Connie. "Either that or we'll get to have some more close quarters fun," he mused, touching the sword by his side.
"yeah that was a bad one and you guys should make the decision to get close and personal because where to close to make the shot work" he yells unsure of what to due leaving it in there hands.
Valir quickly switches out the fuses. "I'll see what I can do first." He said, lighting the new fuse. The cannon blast echoed off the harbor behind them, but the cannonball flew above the deck, missing the ship and landing in the ocean in a spray of white. "Crap, maybe I'm not a great shot." He muttered. "I don't think we have time for another, so get ready!" Valir yelled. The enemy ship was closing in fast, swinging their sides towards the Connie. "Hey captain, think we can get along side them? If we can disable the rudder we can still get away. Plus, then we get to have some fun." His blood was rushing through his veins as he thought of the battle ahead.
"yeah I can get close" he pulls a right then a tight left that set them close enough to the ship "GO NOW" he yelled louder than usual.
Shiv would pull his scarf back up, before jumping to the other deck and drawing his swords. "Who wants to be human sushi?"

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