One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"You don't have to tell me twice," Valir yelled, stepping back and jumping towards the marine ship, using the railing as a springboard. He rolled as he hit the deck of the marine ship, quickly drawing his sword as he landed, then parrying an incoming slash. "They're boarding! Capture them, at all costs!" The marine captain yelled as more marines moved towards Valir. Now this is more like it he thought.

His sword painted silver blurs as he struck at the marines around him, cutting two and engaging another with a wild flurry of sweeping cuts. "Hey, Scarf guy, take over here. I'm going to make sure they can't follow us." He smiled mischievously, looking towards the lower deck entrance. "They've got to have some powder on board, right?"
"thats my crew" Iggy spoke quitely to himself in happiness that he had already found to crew man. Even though they had there flaws he did to and they all would grow stronger. Iggy stay within there range so that they could still reach the boat but dodge there canons.
Shiv would jump pretty high up, do a sideways flip in middair, and land right behind his fellow swordsman. He would then begin slicing and dicing any marines in a ten foot radius.
Valir ducked under one of Shiv's slashes and made a break for the hold. As he's a few yards from the door, a voice bellows "You're not going any further, pirate." He turned, still running, toward the voice only to see the blur of an axe blade sweeping horizontally towards his face. Valir ducks immediately and lifts his sword to deflect the massive attack above him, then rolls to avoid the follow up strike. That was too close, he thought as he kipped up off the deck. The large marine scoffed at Valir, "What, no attack? You were so gung-ho a moment ago. But you won't escape."

"Who says I'm trying to escape?" Valir laughed, stepping back as another swing swept towards him. He felt the hold door behind him and tried the handle quickly. "Locked, I thought so." He said to himself, "Maybe my new friend can help me. Hey marine, I don't need to attack you. You're not even a threat!" The taunt brought a growl of rage as the marine lifted his axe high. "You've got nowhere to go, don't be so cocky!" He yelled, bringing the weapon down at Valir. The new pirate dove forward under the marine's legs and heard a satisfying crash as the axe went through the door. "Thanks for that, I didn't have a key." Valir said smuggly, sweeping his sword in a wide arc and he jumped up. The blade caught the marine and was immediately followed by Valir kicking him through the door. "Now where's that gunpowder..."
"oh no" the ship started to gain on them now Iggy had to put all his trust into Valir since he coudn't leave the ship and Shiv was occupied. They still had time to make it but it wasn't going to be easy he maneuvers around the cannon balls that targeted around the ship. the other ship was slightly bigger than the last it was times like these that he wished he had picked up a devil fruit "VALIR WE GOTTA GO NOW!!!" he yelled as his adrenaline pumped and the ship had been hit. He rushes down to see if it was vital gladly it wasn't but it could be he leaps back up on to the ship and takes back control of the ship.
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Valir rushed out of the ship, a trail of smoke following him. "Yeah, we definitely do!" He yelled back, "They might be missing a little more than a rudder soon." He grinned and ducked as a shot from a marine rifle streaked past his head. Way too close. He tackled the marine as he was pulling out his pistol and took the weapon from his hands, then struck him with the butt of the gun. "I'd like to live, thanks." He said sarcastically while pocketing the pistol. "But thanks for the present." He blocked another sword strike and returned the stroke. He swept another marine before jumping towards the Connie.
Shiv would climb up on the enemy's mast, yell something incomprehensible across the ocean, and go back into the fray. The next barrage would miss Iggy completely, but the marines would still cheer. Perhaps Shiv is a magician?
"alright thats one shiv come on" he yells as he didn't want Shiv to get himself killed Iggy was unsure of what he was doing but it must have distracted the gunners because they missed every shot or maybe it was a outside source Iggy wasn't sure but he was glad it happened. He pulls from the marines so if Shiv was going to make it this was his last chance and if he didn't jump Iggy hoped he could swim.
Valir grabbed the railing of the Crooked Connie and started to pull himself up. "Shit, why are they cheering? Hey Iggy, did they get Scarf guy? I can't see from down here." He yelled, climbing over the railing.
Valir moved to the cannons and began loading powder in each of them. "Well I wouldn't be to worried. I mean, he can swim, right?" He said, hefting cannonballs into the barrels. "Cannons are loaded if we need them, but-" His sentence was cut off by an explosion from the aft (back) of the marine ship, destroying most of the lower rear and rudder. Valir grinned, "-but I don't think we'll need them. They can't even limp away at this point."
Shiv would grab a musket from one of the marines and use it pole vault onto the Crooked Connie. "Nice work, now lets leave before more come.
"That works for me." Valir said as he put the last fuse in the front cannon. He was bleeding from his forearm he noted, but he decided that it could wait. "Ready to go when you are, cap." Valir chuckled as he watched the remaining marines scramble to put out the fire from the explosion. "Now that's the second closest escape I've ever made." He mused, stepping back from the railing.
"Well that did the job good work" He pulls out away from the burning ship "off we go" they sail far from the marines and Iggy and the others can relax "so Shiv were you the cause of the canons missing the boat completely or was that the work of another?" he walks from wheel.
"That was me, yea. I kinda stole their eyes for a moment." Shiv would say, brushing a little grime from his shirt.
"Yeah, what do you mean, Shiv?" Valir asked, noting his name as Igneous said it. "They seemed excited for a second there too, I thought they might have gotten ya."
"I'm kinda a magician of sorts. Illusion is my thing. I just made em see your ship stop dead, so they aimed at a ship that wasn't there." Shiv explained.
Valir raised an eyebrow, "You've got a devil fruit then? Now there's something you don't see every day." He said, a little envious. The marines' shouts were already fading in the distance. "Well this is already proving to be quite the adventure captain. You and your crew are full of surprises." He chuckled and moved to the wheel of the ship. "Luckily, so am I. We still need a log pose, right?" Valir asked Igneous. "It could be hard to find our way otherwise."
"devil fruit Illusion what category is that Logia?" he says confused and curious "Loguetown is bound to have everything we need Valir but it is not going to be easy we probably have bounties on our heads and there is a Captain on that island" His tone of voice changed to serious. "we need to be careful."
"Don't worry about it, we have a thief and a fruit eater, it shouldn't be a problem."
"You said illusions, right? I've heard of that one. Boro Boro fruit, I think it's Logia." Valir said, straining to remember, then dismissing it. "Yeah, but to get to Loguetown we'll need one of these." He withdrew a log pose from his pocket, smirking again. "I found this while looking for the gunpowder. It's pointing East, so I think it's our best bet to get there." Valir said as he attached it next to the wheel. "I'll try to be. By the way captain, you never told me why you have this ship. You're not headed to the Grand Line, are you?"
"I am indeed going to the grand line then the new world you punking out on me" he says with a light tone. "this is my brothers ship he made it to the grandline but died soon after but his crew mate brung the ship back and my parents hid it away and now I am using it."
"Ha, me? Nah, things just became more interesting," Valir said, his eyes lighting up. "Consider my skills at your disposal!" He walked to the railing and looked over. "And it looks like I already have a job to do." He sighed as he looked down on the cannon hole. "I hope you have some spare wood to patch things up."

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