One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Hey cap, how's it going?" Valir asked lightheartedly as Igneous walked into the room. "And I'm the idiot am I? Whose the one that...carried a complete stranger to his ship alone? What if I was a bad guy?" He asked shrewdly. "Plus, I didn't really have a choice. Sometimes you just need to take a chance on a stranger." He grinned. "Even one that plays with sea monsters."
"Well it sounds like you are in some trouble already and...never mind" he decides to not force her "Hey Valir that marine captain has scheduled a battle for who ever the strongest crew member is. If we win we leave safely we lose we die."he sounded very indifferent about there situation "Also I took care of all the ship resources"
"Marine what now?" Valir said, sitting up suddenly. That could be a problem, he thought worriedly. "Tell me everything." He said, his tone becoming serious. With his good arm Valir pulled the bag of berri out of his tunic and tossed it to Igneous. "And if you've taken care of everything, wouldn't you need this?"
Iggy was more serious now "Well apparently we've been watched ever since we stepped foot in town he is a captain but I never caught his name. He is legit he wore the marine clothes under his own, He followed me all the way here I leave for a drink and return he has made his self known standing on the ship saying that he will allow us to leave if one of us can impress him if not 3 minute head start and he kills us also I haven't payed yet everything should be delivered by noon tomorrow" Iggy catches the money "see I knew I could trust you" he spoke excitedly.
Keke just to their dilemma as she worked on Valir.she chuckled a bit,"Reason number five your an idiot:You forgot you were unconscious and if you weren't I bet I could take you down easily. One more thing,it isn't smart to call the doctor an idiot while they are operating on you."Keke explained as she took out a completely different syringe,giving him the evil eye. As he tossed the bag,"Move again I'll break the other arm!"Her threat was empty,but she usually threatened her patients when they wouldn't stay still,that is if she couldn't calm them down.
Valir laid back down to avoid angering Keke further, ignoring her remark. "Yeah, yeah. Mind adding a new shirt to that list of supplies? I don't want to have a bloodstain on me all the time. People give weird looks." He said, mulling over the news in his head. "Have you told Shiv? And by the way doc," He said, turning his head towards Keke, "You should try being nice. It goes miles in getting a patient to cooperate. And from the sound of things, our marine friend might think you're with us."
"I was going to tell Shiv but I heard a girls voice in here so I had to check it out and Valir is right you are now affiliated with pirates" after that was said he left to find Shiv so he just called to him "Shiv were are you urgent news" he shouted but not very loudly. He looks to see if he may have passed out somewhere.
Keke smiled at Valir and leaned in rather close,"I can be nice,that is how I get so many make patients,but I rather mean. If I get to nice the old perverts may try something. You aren't a pervert are you?"She chuckled as her breath ran down his neck. Keke retracted herself and her smile was gone,"Reason number six you are an idiot is you probably fell for my act.I already have a bounty,and it's not like they could catch me. "She explained as she finished the stitches. Keke picked the syringe and injected some of the pink poison into Valir's arm,took the rest out,and started to rub the rest up and down his arm,"There. The poison and the infection germs will act as a magnet toward each other and willneutralize each other. "
Valir laughed heartily. "Actually, you had me going for a second. But if that's the best you can do, I'm not worried. I've had others try much harder than that." He said, smirking. "Thanks for the help though, really. I owe ya." He flexed his hand, but couldn't feel much. Guess I'm still numb, Valir thought to himself. "You say you've got a bounty? How'd that happen? Aren't the Kuja supposed to be exempt from government interference?" He prodded, grinning slyly. "It took me a little while to make the connection between you and your sea monsters, but that's it, isn't it?"
"Reason number seven you are an idiot: You confused the Kuja and the Fishman. Kuja can not speak with sea creatures,but Fishmen and Fishwomen can,while Kuja have a natural connection with snakes. I am of Kuja descent,but I am not part of the Kuja tribe,which brings up another reason. Reason number 8 you are an idiot:We are in East Blue,not the Grand Line. Even if we were past the Grand Line you would still be wrong,Kujas rarely leave the island,and most if the time it is the queen. "Keke explained her ancestry in depth,but not revealing to much about the Fishmen heritage.
"Ah, but am I really the idiot? I know you're a Kuja, which was just a guess, and now that you're part fishman." Valir said, looking at her eyes. "That certainly explains the sea monsters. And given that you're here anyways," He said, sitting up straight, "I assumed you to be a Kuja rogue. But that isn't my business." Valir said shrugging. "In the future though, I wouldn't let people know you have fishman blood. Most aren't as accepting of it as I am." He stared at her intently, then broke eye contact. "Either way, I owe you my life, or at least my arm." He lifted it to test the stitches' durability. "Any way that I can repay you?" He asked, a hint of a smile touching his lips. He still felt light headed, but his thoughts were more coherent than before.
"Most people don't care especial since I save their lives. When people do ask of my heritage I tell then,but discrimination is by view,if they can't see it then they don't hate it,and not to mention people fear the unknown unless the unknown is an adventure. "Keke expressed her feeling on the hatred towards Fishmen. Keke just looked back at him and shook her head,"No,I was born in East Blue. Be careful with those stitches since I did that with cloth thread instead of stone made for operating,"Keke checked her lab coat to make sure there wasn't blood,but there was,"First off you can get me a new coat and a whole outfit!"She boomed with a smirk as she pointed at her skirt.
"Being a doctor has its perks then." Valir said, not pressing further into Keke's history. At the outfit comment he laughed. "I think we can do something about that, but I just gave the money back to our captain there." He stood up slowly, making sure not to move his arm too much. No need to hurt it more, he thought. "Hey Igneous! We owe this nice girl some clothes!" He shouted, moving towards the door. How did I end up in this position anyways? he pondered as the past couple days' events played in his mind. He pushed the cabin open and stepped into the sun. "And I have one more thing to add to the shopping list." Valir pulled the marine pistol, his trophy from their escape, out of his tunic. "I could use a holster and some extra ammo. If it comes down to it, I can get it myself though." Valir said, a glint in his eye.

"So when is our marine friend supposed to return for our heads?" He asked, sounding more nonchalant than he felt.
Iggy looks over to Valir "no problem we have plenty of money" he tosses Valir the money. Iggy then takes a minute to look out into the town he could see a man walking towards the ship Iggy recognized him "hey your from that shop right?" the man stands showing no emotion "yes I am I need some measurements for the cannon" Iggy smiles "alright go ahead and do you want to be a pirate?" the man still emotionless "no I don't do good on water but thanks for asking" Iggy frowns "okay" the man makes his way down into the ship measuring everything. Iggy returns to Valir "Well after breakfast tomorrow it's on him he said it's there best restaurant"
"That's generous of him." Valir said, looking at the shopkeeper. "Well before anything I'm going into town. Keke, shopping's on us (well, on Iggy here really), just don't go overboard please." He pocketed the bag of berri, tucked the pistol into his belt and hopped off the ship. As an afterthought Valir took our his sword and cut his sleeve off carefully, then tied a makeshift sling to keep his arm from moving too much. "I'll need to get my clothes updated too, considering the state they're in." He said, frowning. "This was my favorite shirt..."
"Well you guys handle your business I will help out the shipwright shop maybe things will be done faster and we can prepare for the worse tomorrow" he says light heatedly as the man finishes his measurement "hey you mind if I assist you with this delivery" he smiles "wow the first time a pirate has ever offered come on i'm Droi by the way" Iggy and the man head off back to the shop. Once they get there Latao looks suspicous "why are you here?" Droi replies "he's helping probably because he afraid captain Fumetsu wants his head" Latao chuckles "don't worry we should be done faster with your help".

(I just noticed I call one piece money Berry but it's actually Belly I never actually thought about it until now. So (BELLY IS THE NAME OF ONE PIECE MONEY)
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Keke hopped off the ship to follow Valir,"I promise...Maybe...."Keke walking speed increased and she took the lead,heading directly for the market place.Loguetown is a trading town so the market place was rather big.Turning back to Valir Keke chuckled,"Well now you need a new favorite shirt.You also ruined my skirt,which matched my shirt and Figro's eyes."She said refering to her current shirt that was blue and red,and her sea serpent's eyes were heterochromic.
"Well I don't know much about fashion, so I'll leave the choice of shop to you." Valir said, taking large steps to keep up. "Who is Figro, if you don't mind me asking?" The market bustled around them, full of life. "If you don't find something that matches, I suppose you'll want a whole new outfit?" He asked with a ting of sarcasm. As long as I can find a shirt to replace this one, he thought, very conscious of his missing sleeve. A few people snickered at his appearance from behind, but he ignored them. Most avoided him when they saw his arm and bloodied sling.
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Droi walks over to a few cannons "you can take this one it fits perfectly and matches the other cannons you have" Iggy sizes the canon up think about his approach Droi chuckles "I hope you don't think you can carry it" Droi pulls out a cart to hold the canon. Iggy was dissapointed that he couldn't carry the canon he grabs the handle taking the first canon to the ship. 
As he walked through the town people looked at Iggy whispering words to one another they had looks of worry on there face. Iggy smiled at the villagers and attempted to wave some flinched at the raise of his hand while others waved back this really showed how much of an affect the pirate king left behind no longer were pirates considered bad, some were bad and attacked civilians and towns while there were good pirates who just wanted treasure and to become king of pirates. Slowly but surely Iggy reached the ship lifting it from the cart onto the ship with Shivs help then returning back to the shop for the next one.
Valir looked around as they moved through the town, taking in everything he could. Despite his recent infection, he felt his strength returning more and more as they continued on. She certainly knows what she's doing, he mused, flexing his hand. He was greeted by a fresh tinge of pain from his sewn wound. If only she was a miracle healer. His thoughts played in his mind and Valir absentmindedly began to hum to himself, window shopping for something that he liked.
Keke noticed a few things she liked,but she was gonna use her own money for those. Following Valir,Keke noticed he was inspecting her work,"What's wrong?You don't trust me?"
"Huh?" Valir stopped humming and looked at Keke. "I never said that," He glanced back down at his arm. "More thinking on being an idiot." He said, playing off of her insult. "But there isn't any way to make this heal faster is there? I miss using my arm. Had it my whole life ya know." He chuckled at his own joke. "Besides, you fixed me up without knowing me. I'd say that warrants some trust." He paused. "Some." He added cheekily.

Valir stopped in front of a small shop with some clothing displays set up. One shirt caught his eye, and it looked almost the same as his current one (minus the missing arm and blood stains of course). His face lit up. "I think I found what I want."
Iggy returns to the shop picking up the next cannon which was being finished. He walks down the street again but this time people spoke so he spoke back it was just small talk but thew fact that he was a pirate and was treated like a common citizen no more like a celebrate. It felt good having all there "good lucks" and "I'm cheering for you in the new worlds" made him feel good. Though the marines who roam the city did not like this they walked behind Iggy with there swords but did not seem to be trying to hurt him so he ignored them until they came to a stop just before the tree's.

Him and Shiv carried it onto the ship placing it in the correct spot.
Keke followed Valir and noticed a few things she liked,"Ooo!"She sprinted through the clothes and picked up a few things,heading directly for the dressing room without a second thought. Stepping out of the dressing room Keke sported and off the shoulder top with a broken heart,one side was blue and the other was red,with black shorts and a pair of black heels,"How does this look?"Keke asked Valir and the store clerk.

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