One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"You look like the proper succubus." Valir joked, untying his arm sling and removing his vest. "Uh, sir, you really should use the dressing room..." The clerk said, gesturing towards the doors at the back. Valir had already taken the shirt off of the display and was sizing it to himself, feeling the material and checking it for flaws. "And that one is for display only..." The man said helplessly. Valir ignored him and nodded approvingly at the shirt. "I'll take it, and whatever she's getting. Does that work for you, or does it have to match Figro's eyes?" He asked Keke sarcastically as he removed the ruined shirt, catching the pistol and bag of belli as it slipped out of his belt. "Whoops, forgot about that." He said, tucking both away. He moved to put on the shirt and a set of crossed scars on his left shoulder could just be seen before he buttoned up the new tunic. "And how do I look?" He asked Keke as he rolled up the cuffs to his elbows.
Luka looked at the customer and saw some marines asking around questions about pirates making them feel uncomfortable. She sighed and left the kitchen to go and talk to the marines. She crossed her arms and looked at them " how many times have I told you people not harass the customers in this restaurant?" The marines looked her " we're not harassing them we're asking questions" luka sighed " whatever...if your not gonna eat here they leave. This restaurant is mean to bring smiles to people's face with our food, not to bring you you people and turn this place in a information gold mine for you" she glared at them. The marines glared back " there is pirate her with a bounty we are trying to catch them" " this is longue town pirates with bounties come here everyday, who ever you searching for isnt any different and even if they were in this restaurant they would still be customers here not criminals for you to arrest in frontbof the get out or I'll kick you out" the marines glared at her " tch..." they then turned aroumd and left.

Iggy returns for the last Canon which was done before he even got there Droi spoke "Yeah I get better and better as I make these things" he was very cocky about his work. Iggy smiles yeah "it is amzing work in such a short time" Iggy walks through the streets once again and the villagers made jokes "long time no see" "hey look it's the canon man" "hows the weather up there?" the last one was kinda offensive but they were friends so it was okay Iggy reaches the ship and him and Shiv place it and it's respective spot. As Iggy takes his brake he notices a marine he looked familiar to Iggy after some few minutes of thinking he remembered he was a Captain who came to his home town a few times.


And was owner of the Skin-skin-fruit a Paramecia type that allows the users skin to become what ever they touch. But why was he here what was his reason for being here Iggy decided to not to be just ignore it and to head back to the shop. "Droi I'm done but I need-" Droi cuts him off "Wood planks and a sail plus gun powder it's already being brung to your ship" Iggy gives droi a manly hug and giving him belly "Wish you could join my crew". Then heads out on to the streets he takes a different route which people still acted as if they knew him turns out word gets around but again marines followed him but they weren't from this town so they must have came with that other Captain. Still they didn't attack and just left Iggy alone after walking around Iggy finds a restaurant who's food drew him in and he couldn't resist he walks in and finds some marines. They seemed to have been asking questions but where no threat to him they couldn't handle a little girl Iggy takes a seat calling for a waiter he only had a few Belly on him so he could eat a small snack and go the marines leave but catches site on Iggy whispering to each other.
Luka sighed as she watched them leave, she looks at the customers and smiled at them " I hope they didn't cause too much trouble for you" " dont worry about it luka" luka smiled at them " so would you like some desert?" The customer nodded " chocolate cake would do, thank you" luka smiled " coming right up" she then walked of to make their desert.


A waiter went to Iggy to get his order " what would you like sir?" He asked him.

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"How did you know one of my nicknames was Soothing Succubus?No it doesn't!His favorite color is red,but he hates blue,ironically.And my favorite color is blue,but I hate red,so me and him made a compromise that I would only wear blue if their is red with it,or else we start arguing,fighting,and he won't allow me to ride him that whole day.I'm not done either."She explained as she reemerged from the dressing room with a black dress with a white snake going round it.Keke walked over to Valir and started poking his cut up arm,"Mr.Laurence said that is for display only,so take it off and ask for something similar.As long as I am here I told all of the towns people that nobody would die if I could help, and you will show everybody in this town respect,no matter who they are,even marines."Keke boomed and smiled at the clerk while he smiled back with a face of relief.
"Ouch!"Valir exclaimed as she touched a tender point. He looked at Keke with annoyance. "You're serious? Unbelievable..." He sighed, taking the new shirt off. He turned to the shop clerk who seemed more at ease. "Sorry. Is there anything similar to this?" He asked, smiling at the small man. "Actually, we have one nearly the same, but the material is a little more durable and the cuffs are a different style. One moment." He said, looking through the rows of clothing that encompassed the shop. "Ah, here we are." He said, pulling it out of a rack near the back. "Try this, and please use the changing room this time." He said politely. Valir took the shirt and shot Keke a look as he entered a dressing room.

He emerged wearing the garment, the cuffs already rolled up. "Actually, I like this. Thank you. You certainly know your trade." He said warmly (if not a little forced) to Mr. Lawrence. "Anything else then Keke?" He asked, being civil.
Iggy is approached by a waiter who ask him his order "well I have 20 belly give me as much as that would take me" he smiles with his hunger soon to be quenched. He takes a look around from his seat wondering if this was the place the Captain spoke of it was nice and fancy in a way but how was it's food.
The waiter nodded and went of to the kitchen.


Luka was making the desert for the tabel that was being questioned by the marines. A waiter csme in and said " there is a gentleman outside with onky 20 beli and wants whatever food that costs that much..." " only 20 beli!!" Robert yelled " tell him to take a hike! All food here go above that!!" Luka wacked his head and looked at the waiter "hmm...." she snapped her fingers " I know what to get him" she said with a smiled. She finished makong the chocolate cake for table 30 which was the table that was being questioned " chocolate cake for table 30!!" She yelled and then she started making the food for the gentlman 'pasta with cheese and chicken should do it...' after about 20 minutes she was done wirh his food. She gave it to the waiter " there ya go" she said with a smile. The waiter nodded and served the food to the gentleman " there you go sir".

After about 20 minutes Iggy was served. The food was very nice looking it was chocolate cake and it appeared to be more than what he could pay maybe the kindness was all over the city Iggy didn't care he was just thankful for the food he was giving he took a bite chewing it for a few seconds befoire swallowing so that he could get the full affect of the cake. He paused for a moment after he swallowed the food and then bursting out "THIS IS DELICIOUS compliments to the chef" this was no surprise he hadn't had restaurant for in ages maybe never. He finishes the cake of within seconds. "hey eyepatch you shouldn't be so loud" a voice spoke beside "What?"

Iggy turns to the man who is the Captain who arrived on the island "Your this guy correct" he shows Iggy's bounty poster and Iggy replies "yeah you guys have an amazing photographer". "I am Captain Bora I came here to replace that worthless game playing fool who let guys like you escape" Iggy smiles towering over the man as he stands. "I like that guy he was fair and what do you mean guys like me pirates, were not all-" Bora cuts him off "step outside so that I want cause this restaurant any trouble" Iggy begins to walk outside "by the way after I'm done with this guy I would like to meet the chef." He steps out the door and immediately Bora strikes with a fist made of silver sadly for him Iggy was one of the worst opponents to come to hand to hand blows with Iggy strikes Bora in his stomach before his fist could land though Bora wasn't fazed to much by it and Iggy steps back. The citizens weren't to much fazed by the fight since this happens regularly.
Apparently the waiter served the wrong food to the wrong table. Luka sighed " donr worry about you just started working here..." luka then made another chocolate cake for the table that asked for it. After she was done she said to the waiter " I'll serve this food" the waiter nodded and left the kitchen. Luka then went to the table that was suppose to get the cake " here ya go sorry you had to wait longer than you were suppose to..." " it's fine" luka smiled " enjoy" the new came to her remembering something. He lightly tapped her shoulder. She turned arpund and loomed at him " yes?" " the man that ate that chocolate cake would like to meet you" luka tilted her head " ok...where does he sit?" The waiter lead him to the table. " where is he?" " he is outside fight a marine I think..." luka nodded " ok I can wait can go back to work" the waofer nodded and went back to work. Luka sat at fhe table and waited.

Keke nodded with a smile and returned from the dressing room with her ruined clothing.Handing it to Mr.Laurence she ask nicely if he would fix it.He nodded and Keke turned to leave,"Let's go eat,I'm hungry!"She knew he would pay for both of her things,but she still needed a new lab coat.Turning on her heels told Mr.Laurence to order her a new lab coat,"Please,sir.He will pay for all of this!"

Mr.Laurence kind of chuckled at Keke and nodded,but told her that her lab coat was on the house.
Bora stands as he smiles with crazy eye's "A rookie pirate yes a rookie fighter not even close, you would have been a supernova sadly you ran into me" he grabs a shiny sheet of metal like material from one of his marines his arm started to become the material so Iggy strikes his face as it covered his finger tips Bora then regains his stability and vanishes in then air but Iggy still strikes throwing flicker jabs since they wouldn't take up much energy. Bora then reappears from Iggy's blinside smashing him into a wall Iggy recovers quickly leaping onto a building as he thought to himself "I can't beat him I must finish this by escaping". he leaps down as Bora leaps up and then says "VERTIGO PUNCH" Bora looks down at Iggy and would become confused and disorientated feel as if he was hundreds of feet in the air far from Iggy and there was no gravity around him. But really Iggy was no more than 10 feet away striking at him with a charged fist that smashed him in his face sending him flying into a few building and when he wakes up he will be still have a loss of balance that would last 3 minutes.
"Well that's nice of you. How much for everything then?" Valir asked, looking at Keke's outfits and finding the price for his own shirt. "Let's see... It should be about 1,200 belli, plus 50 belli for the display shirt. You ruined the cuffs you know." The shop clerk said. "That girl's got expensive taste." Valir sighed, handing the shop keeper the money. "Sorry again." He said, "I'm used to ignoring rules. It's more fun that way." He winked at the clerk who just shook his head and chuckled. "If you say so sir." Mr. Lawrence said, bagging the clothes. "Here you are." Valir took the bags after putting his vest back on and tucking the bag of belli away. "Thanks." He said, rushing out of the store to catch up to Keke. How did I get stuck carrying the bags? he wondered.
Iggy moves quickly into the restaurant he speaks quickly "who's the chef?" everyone points to the girl at his table. He scoops her up saying "hope you don't mind walking and talking" he dashes out of the restaurant past the marine "thanks for the food you ever think about being a pirate before you say no I really need a cook and you seem very strong kicking out those marines you belong on my ship" he ducks into an alley "Plus you seem like you could use some adventure not to sound rude" marines run by and Iggy continues to move towards the ship hoping that the ship was not found yet and Shiv was okay. Iggy sees the ship he place the girl down "thank god the ship is fine I'm Iggy by the way so will you join me if so we gotta find my crew"
As Valir exited the store, he was greeted by an ensign ranked soldier waiting outside. "Excuse me sir, I need a word with you." He said, stepping in front of Valir and holding a marine musket at his side. "The navy has reason to believe that you are connected to Igneous Cross, a criminal with a 10,000,000 belli bounty on his head." Valir chuckled. "Is that so? And what makes you say that?" He asked, putting the bags of clothes down outside the shop. "Yes, it is." The soldier replied tartly. "Well I don't know him." Valir lied, gazing coolly at the man before him. "Is that so? A man matching your description was seen to be aiding Igneous in his escape from Shells Town (just choosing a name for where we started. This can obviously change if need be). I ask that you come with me for questioning." The marine said as another marine ensign approached from behind him. "We would also like to search your bags." The newcomer said, reaching for the merchandise from the store.

"And if I refuse?" Valir said, putting his hands behind his head and leaning against the window of the store. His right arm hurt from straining the stitches but he ignored it. As he did so the butt of the pistol could be seen at his belt. 
"Where did you get that pistol son?" The second marine asked, placing his hand on his sword handle. He was older than his counterpart and seemed to be in a foul mood. "Those are only issued to members of the Navy. So either you stole it or you killed a soldier for it." He growled. "And either way, we can't have that. One chance. Come with us peacefully, or you'll regret it." Townsfolk stopped along the street, watching the confrontation between the marines and Valir.
Luka was patiently waiting for the man ro finish his fight. She really didn't have all day. Ahe sighed a little ' I should go back to work...and tell the waiter to tell me when he comes back...' luka was about to get up and leave when a man came running into the restaurant and asking for the chef. Luka thought he was talking about another chef at the restaurant, but when everyone pointed to her, she was surprised and was about to aske if her was the man that called her. Before ahe could ask he scoopws her up and ran. She blinked in surprise ' what just happen....' the restaurant went silent and Edward watched the entire thing ' I had a feeling something like this would happen one day...' he laughed a little "everyone get back to work!!" He ordered.

Luka looked at the man as he talked and was still trying tk process what just happened. She took a step back "...I dont have a good history with you guys..." she said to the Iggy as she remembered her first encounter with the pirates that raided her home island. She was lucky to escape from them. She sighed a little "but you dont seem like the crazy evil I might consider...." she said to him a little unsure.

"Wow your even cooler than I thought and by the way I'm not into attacking villages I just want to go on an adventure with a crew who will become like family as we search for treasure and obtain are dreams and become The pirate king and his crew I don't wan't to force you" he smiled as he thought about there soon to be adventure. "so you in if so pack what you need and if anyone gives you trouble don't act guilty because you haven't done anything wrong just held to that boat or come with me" he sneaks around looking for Valir.
Luka looked at him and smiled "thanks for the offer b-" " just go with him" some said tobher outbof nowhere. She looked behind her and saw Edward " but sir...the restaurant..." Edward smiled at her " this is an offer that you get once in a life time...the restaurant will do fine with out did train some of the people there so they will do fine..." she smiled at him " did you find us?" " I use to be a pirate before...and know a few tricks.."(you can make up something about his history) luka nodded " thanks for taking care of me" she bowed " your always welcome back to this restaurant so go out there and cause havoc" he said with a grin. Luka smiled " oh...I will" she laughed a little. Edward looked at Iggy "good luck handling her. She csn have quit a temper" he laughed a little. " thanks for everything and take care" she then began to follow Iggy.

Valir looked around at all the people, then back at the marines. "Fine. I don't want any bystanders to get hurt." Valir said levelly. The second marine nodded to the first, "Grab his sword and pistol." He drew his own sword as he said it. "Don't try anything funny, or you won't be around much longer." The marine said, brandishing the weapon. Valir laughed as the first marine took the pistol from his belt and struggled to unhook the sword's sheath. "Just don't hurt yourself with that." Valir remarked, staying as relaxed as possible. "Grab the bags too." The second marine said, ignoring Valir's snide comment.

"Oh, you don't want to do that. Never mess with a lady's clothes." Valir said, wondering where Keke had gone off to. Where's Igneous for that matter? he asked himself. He's not even here and I'm taking heat for him.
Keke looked past Valir at the Marine and the man's eyes perked up with surprise as he pulled out a Keke and Iggy's poster.Looking from Keke's poster to her actual self he screamed,"Your the Demonic Doctor!You are both coming with me no-"He was cut off by Keke's glare which was followed by a knee to the stomach,an uppercut that sent the marine.Landing the marine's eyes were glazed over as he laid unconscious on the ground,but the two wanted posters came floating down.Keke pulled out a scalpel and sliced both the posters up,one was of Iggy and the other was of herself.If anyone could get a direct look at it,before Keke cut them into tiny pieces,then you would have seen Iggy's poster and Keke's.

The image on her poster was of her,as a child of around 10-12,hunched over in a ferel state,with razor sharp teeth and blood dripping from her mouth.At the bottom was her bounty 20,000,000.It was a painful memory that Keke would rather not remember,so after the marine produced she kind of snapped and ran away after cutting the posters up.

(Sorry if the bounty is too high,I will gladly lower it,but I have reasons behind it.Feral State!)
Valir quickly headbutted the other marine as he panicked and tried to raise his rifle at Keke. He picked up his pistol and whipped the dazed marine, knocking him out cold. "Hey, wait!" Valir yelled after Keke. He sighed and tucked the pistol into his belt, then re buckled his sword on as well. As he was leaning down he caught some of the shredded poster. "Huh, I guess she has a wild side." He said to himself. The people that gathered were watching Valir tentatively from a safe distance after seeing the attack. He ignored them and picked up the bags in his left hand then set off after Keke.
"so you choose to join me" Iggy looks back at her with a smile then looks back forward "can you fight?" he says as he sees marines he leaps out taking them all out with his right hand then moving towards were the clothes shop was he went to before. Quickly he moved but not to fast for the women he sees Valir running off and two marines "Guess they are the lackies" he dashes towards them using his attack "JAB JAB FLICKER" it looked like a simple double punch with his fist but it was only his right hand knocking out the first one and injuring the second one with a minor injury then heads after Valir "were you going?" we gotta go the longer we stay the more we fight and the more dangerous we become."
" yup I can fight" luka said to him with a smile. She followed Iggy " hey I lived here long enough to know a few shoet cuts to the docks" she said to Valir and Iggy.

"Iggy?" Valir asked, "What the Hell? You know I got attacked because of you, right?" He shook his head, still running. "Never mind. I'm trying to find that doctor, she just sprinted off after dropping one of those marines back there. I think it had something to do with her bounty." Valir grinned slyly. "Which is twice yours by the way. You might need to step up your game Cap." He heard marine shouts from a side street. "I see that you already have." He said, shooting Iggy a grin, then looked at Luka. "I'm guessing you're with us now? It's a pleasure." He said, "But I need to find someone first. You two can go on ahead if you want or you can help me look, but I don't think I'll be long."
Keke would obviously head to the docks,but she still needed the rest of her stuff.Running out of the market district she head straight toward the inn.She was out of their in a minute and was off to the docks.With bag in hand,Keke was running away from her problems,which wasn't something normal for,but she felt that the when the towns people found out she could go feral and kill them all,she figured they would hate her and fishmen alike.

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