One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Hmmm....I can help you look and go to secure the ship..." luka said to him " what does your friend look like?"

"No offence but there's a strong captain here so I shouldn't leave you here alone" he continues to follow Valir.
"She's got white hair and is wearing a black dress with a white snake on it. Overall, she's pretty hard to miss." Valir said, scanning the crowd. "I appreciate it but I can handle my-" He stopped himself, frowning down at his arm. He was already bleeding again from some of the lower stitches. "Never mind, that's probably best. Mind carrying these though? I only have one arm to work with as it is." He said, holding the shopping bags out to Igneous. "They belong to Keke."
Luka heard the description and nodded " alrighty..." a black falcon appeared on her shoulder " long time no see Al, go and find a lady wearing a black dress with a snaked on it. She also has white like me" Al flew up into the air and looked around after about 10 minutes. He cawed and began to fly in the direction he saw keke " he found her!" Luka then began to follow Al.

"How did-" Valir began, but dismissed it. I can always ask later, he thought to himself as he changed directions to follow Luka. "What was your name by the way?" He asked, running up next to her.
Iggy grabs the bags from Valir no problem "I only need my god right" Bora approaches "god right you say?" Iggy stops and places the bag in his large inside pockets. Iggy becomes very serious you could tell from his eye's which were usually calm and mellow but they were sharp and angered Iggy goes for the attack that could possibly harm him or could be fatal "KINGS PUNCH" he he charges his punch but is cut off by a small green dot from the sky "Fumetsu?" Iggy spoke uncertain as Fumetsu smashes his staff into Bora "See you in the new world God Hand Iggy Gloglogloglo" Fumetsu says and laughs. Iggy runs off speechless attempting to catch up with Vlair.
"My name is luka...Luka Ruvan!" she said as she ran. ' maybe I should summon silver...hmm....we are pretty far...' she lookrd at Valir " whats your name?" Luka asked him

Keke stood at the end of the docks with Figro looking down at her.He hissed and opened his mouth for her to toss her bag in.Turning to face the town Keke cracked her knuckles,"When they get on their ship,I want you to take them and leave.Don't come back for me,just take care of them.I will come get you sooner or later."Keke waited with her new dress flowing in the wind.
"I'm Valir Nayr." He said as he looked around at the buildings that they were passing. "Wait a minute, we're headed to the docks." Valir observed. He was silent for a moment, then looked at Luka. "Silver, is that another one of your dark animals or something?" He asked, thinking about the shadow hawk she produced.
Luka looked at him "no he is a shadow wolf....and can you read minds?" Luka asked " and do you want to ride a wolf to get to the docks faster? " luka asked

A small squad of marines stepped out of an alley a couple yards in front of them. "Stop the pirates, they're trying to escape! Aim!" The officer of the group said, pointing his sword at Valir and the others as ten other soldiers lined up and tried to take aim with musket rifles. "Too late." Valir said with a wild look entering his eyes. He kicked off the wall to his right and simultaneously drew his sword. He swept at chest level across the group, forcing the marines to block with their gun barrels or risk losing their lives. The last soldier wasn't fast enough and dropped his weapon, screaming and clutching his chest. Valir recovered and slashed upwards at the officer, sending his sword flying. He didn't even have time to react before Valir's foot connected with the right side of his jaw, sending him into the line of marines. Valir sheathed his sword and caught up to Luka.

"No I can't read minds, but I understand a devil fruit when I see one. I'd like to know more about it later, but if Silver can get us there quicker, then I'm all for it." He said, clutching his arm. The lower three stitches on his forearm were loose.
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Luka nodded and created silver in front of them and made him big enough to let two people to ride. She got on him as she ran and grabbed valir by his good arm and helped him up. She created another wolf for Iggy to ride. Once he got on "follow Al boy! " silver and Iggy's began to follow Al and they got there in 10 minutes.

Iggy took a moment to just gather what just happen and the amount of power he was going to have to face if Bora wouldn't have got in the way. Iggy looks back and sees Bora standing and speaking as he brushes off the attack "those two are going to destroy the town" Iggy looks forward as he notices that Valir fighting and then then the girl makes shadow animals that Iggy rides this gave Iggy sometime to think about his name "god hand Iggy not bad in fact I love it" he stares at his god right and then his archangel right saying "your still the king of angels lefty" then regaining himself focusing on finding the sea monster girl.
As they got to the harbor district, a shop caught Valir's eye. "So that's where that damn shipwright shop was..." He shook his head. Not the time, he told himself as they raced past. "Your wolf sure can move." He remarked to Luka as they approached the docks. He sat up, scanning the docks quickly for any sign of Keke. It didn't take long before her white hair caught his eye at the end of the dock, passed the bustling sailors who were fairly alarmed at the approaching group of shadow wolves. "I think I see her." He said, "At the end of the docks."
Luka looked at the end of the docks " okie" al landed on her shoulder " go to the end if the docks" she told silver and he immediately ran to the other end of the docks with Iggy's wolf following them.

Valir jumped off of Silver as they got to the end of the dock. "Keke?" He said tentatively as he walked towards her. "You just took off. Is everything okay?" He asked, much more calm and reserved than usual. What he saw of her bounty poster flashed through his mind in graphic detail. He suppressed it and waited for her to answer.
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Luka got of silver and petted him. He growled playfully " good boy" luka said to him. She also petted Al " you did well too" she smiled a little. She then made them both disappear and looked at the that valir teied was looking for ' she is pretty...' luka thought to herself.

Pbtenchi was upset. very upset. his adoptive farther was killed in front of him, and he was drunk. he didn't like alcohol, this was first time drinking. his tears were pouring down into his drink.
Keke had fire in her eyes and was about to go on a warpath,"Everybody on the ship!If you aren't on it then you are in my way and like the marines you might die. "She instructed as she walked past them. Frigo looked down at them and motioned for them to get on the ship.
Valir grabbed her arm with his right hand as she walked past him, ignoring Figro. His stitches began to bleed again slowly, but he ignored them as well. "Hold on now. What the Hell is with you?" He asked as concern and anger entered his voice, "You rush off out of nowhere, and now you're going back? For what, revenge?"
Pbtenchi saw a bunch of marines run past. "could they be after me to? this is an island of outlaws, better run just in case " he thought. and with this he was out the building before you could here the money for his bill drop.
"Don't worry about me!You are the one in trouble.One of y'all are gonna have to stitch him up."Keke explained as she snatched her arm back and continued walking forward.Figro lowered himself waiting for them to get on so he could take them to their ship,"Revenge?I have no reason for revenge,but the villagers on the other hand.I told the town's people that I would protect them and that's just what I'm gonna do!Now Leave!"She roared as she walked toward the damages.
Luka whispered to valir " want me to tie her up and take her to the ship?" She asked him.

Pbtenchi was in hurry. he figured he would just get on a leaving ship and have them take him to the next island.

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