One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Luka looked at valir " want met to sent Al out and bring the captain to the ship? " luka asked

"oh, that's just the amateurs, true assassins, " he said with a hint of pride "must learn how to walk through a crowd of enemies unseen."
"You can try if you want to, at least find where he is. Of ourse he wanted to leave and he's the one that isn't here." Valir said lightly. "That's a good skill to have. I think it would be easier if you weren't wearing a raven feather cloak though. It might be pretty noticeable." He joked at Pbtenchi. "Oh, I'm Valir by the way."
Luka nodded and created Al who was big for one person to ride " alright boy go find the captain." Al flew of to find the captain, which he was able to do I a few minutes. He landed in front of him and waited for him to get on his back. If he did he would grab him with his talons and take him to the ship.


Luka then went to the kitchen and sighed. " you guys could at least wash the dishes!" She yelled from the kitchen. She sighed and went inside and started to clean up the mess.

Iggy emerges from the chaos with his fist soaked in blood and a smile on his face. He leaps onto the ship and takes the wheel and heads towards the reverse mountain "And the adventure begins" he says as he turns to his crew "

so what's our crew name?"
"Likewise." Valir said, then looked at the kitchen door. "Hey, I said there might be some dishes to do!" He defended. "If you want some help, let me know." He turned back to Pbtenchi. "I agree with you though, chances are slim that the marines are going to come for us right now." A marine vessel docked in the harbor caught fire as he was talking and echoes of gunshots and swords clashing could be heard across the water. "They have their hands full. I guess some pirates really like to take advantage of the situation." He looked across the water, colored mottled shades of gold, red and orange from the setting sun.

"Welcome back Cap." Valir said as Iggy boarded the ship. "You still haven't thought of a name?" 
Valir thought for a minute. "It should reflect us, but mostly the captain. How about the King Fist pirates?" He suggested. "You do want to be the Pirate King, don't you?"
Al came back and landed on th3 deck. He turned into a small falcon and landed o Iggy's shoulder and cawed a little.


Luka sighed, she washed the dirty dishes and kitchen utensils, then used her shadow vines to put them away in the correct cupboard and drawer.

Frigo came back with Keke's bag and dropped it on the deck.Picking up the ship up on it's back,he looked at Iggy for directions.Keke had told Frigo to take the ship off as fast as he could,"Ssssss...."He hissed as his eyes glowed and beamed from the sun hitting them.He would also listen to whatever direction Iggy commanded.
"that was my first goal but now I just want to adventure to the world and just be a legendary pirate and if I become pirate king then that would be greate plus I still want to be a legendary boxer oh and the king fist pirates are fine I guess" he looks at his fists "but these fists are above the kings fist" he referring reffering to the king.
"are we talking about our dreams now? okay, for me there is someone I want to kill..." he said this last part menacingly
Valir laughed. "Don't get too cocky. But that's good, if you weren't strong I wouldn't follow you." As Frigo lifted the ship Valir caught himself on the railing. "Frigo? What the hell?" He remarked, confused. "Where's Keke? Why aren't you helping her?" He yelled at the sea monster, his anger seeping through his words. He ignored Iggy and Pbtenchi.
Frigo hissed multiple times at Valir angrily,as if he was saying,'I would help her if I could,but I can't and she told me to help you guys.Now shut up!'Frigo turned his head away from the ship.His tail came over the railing and whipped Valir's butt.Frigo could be seen chuckling as he pulled his tail back underwater quickly.
Luka smiled as she was almost done with the kitchen. She face palmed as she remembered she forgot something really important. " my cookbook...." she sighed sadly 'I cant believe I forgot about it....' Al sense his master's sadness and flew of towards Logue town to get luka's cookbook. As he was getting closer to the port he was Edward standing there staring st the ship with a book in his hand. He landed on his shoulders and cawed fir the book. Edward smiled and handed hom the book " tell her to take good care of it and tell her ti take care as well." Al nodded and took the book and flew towards the ship as fast he csn before the frigo moved it and landed in it just in time before the ship moved. He calmly flew of into the kitchen.

Valir nearly fell over the deck from the hit. "Watch it sea monster..." He warned. He took a deep breath and ignored the serpent. "Alright, who?" He asked after turning around to face Pbtenchi. "Someone who got away on a job maybe?"
Valir perked up at the name. "Warlord, right? Lowest of the low." He said, remembering the stories he heard when he was younger. "I think he even killed his own father, but I'm shaky on details." He looked Pbtenchi square in the glasses (lol). "You're after him?"
Valir looked intrigued. That's a suicide mission if he goes after Xeno, he mused. "Oh? So it's revenge then." He said, his words not betraying his thoughts. "You'll have the entire government after you if you take him down. Not to mention his crew."
"if I can just kill him, I don't care what happens to me" he said. his powers were activating themselves and he was producing mist
As luka put the last dished and kitchen utensil away. She heard a something hit the table behind her. She turned around and she saw Al sitting on top of a book. She went over and looked at the book. Her eyes widened as she saw that this was her cookbook. She put the book down and her shadow falcon " thanks Al...your the best " the falcon cawed happily for his master. Luka put him down and went through the cookbook " what do you think I should make?" She asked

Valir raised an eyebrow. "Devil fruit huh?" He asked, seeing the mist billow off of Pbtenchi. "It seems like everyone's full of surprises." He felt the cool mist start to dampen his vest and bandage. "Hey, calm down bud. No need to release everything here." Valir said, raising his hands in front of him.
Pbtenchi snapped out of his angry delusions and the mist snapped back into him. "sorry about that, it happens when im angry"
Valir chuckled. "It's no big deal. We all have our moments." He said. His mind flashed to Keke attacking the marines, then even further back to his childhood. He shook his head to get rid of the memory. "But if you stick with us, you might run into the guy. I think Captain Iggy over there plans to go big, so we're bound to attract some attention from everywhere."

Valir looked towards the horizon as the sun sank just below the skyline. In the east stars were already beginning to show. "Hey Igneous" He yelled unnecessarily, turning towards the captain. "I don't think we should take Reverse Mountain in the dark. From what I've heard that place can be treacherous during the day." 
Valir felt his stomach rumble and remembered that Luka was in the kitchen. "Let's see if she needs any help." He said to no one in particular and walked over to the kitchen. "Hey Luka, what's on the menu and how can I be of assistance?" He asked jokingly. The dishes were all cleaned and put away. "You work fast I see." Valir said, looking at all the cleared space.

(I'm out for now, don't have too much fun while I'm gone ;) )

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