One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Valir looked back towards the top of Reverse Mountain, watching the spray turn in to ice in the air. It took him a moment to realize how cold it was, mostly due to the adrenaline, but it wasn't bothering him. He felt the ship falling faster and gripped the figurehead harder in response. The water below the ship was roaring down the mountain below them, crashing into the Grand Line at the base of the mountain.

"Wait, you haven't?" Valir asked, overhearing the conversation. "You should have said something sooner! We've got plenty of food. Luka, you're a good cook too, right?" He looked back at her questioningly.
"assassin business isn't as successful as people think... sure you get paid a lot, but employers are uncommon..." said pbtenchi
Luka looked at pbtenchi with a smile " well now that your on this ship you'll get to eat properly now" then she looked at valir " yes I am great cook, ask cap" when the ship finally stopped. She looked at the Grandline ' the pirates grave yard...Let we dont becoming fish food later on...Although....that is possible...' she stretched a little and went of into the kitchen to start cooking.

"Alright." Valir climbed off of the sea monster figurehead and turned to Igneous. "So? Is she a great cook? Or should I wait and find out for myself?" He asked, smirking slightly. His stomach rumbled again. Although I'm not much of one for waiting when I'm hungry, he said to himself.
Luka went to the kitchen and started tk make the gumbo. She first boiled the water and started to cut up thw vegetables and meat. Cutting up the vegetables the vegetables didn't tak long but cutting the meat did. While she was doing that the water started to bubble which meant that it was ready to add the powder. She took out a measuring spoon and dropped one cup of powder into the pot and made a shadow vine that stirred it while she cut the meat.

((I dont actually cook in RL so go easy on me T-T))

Valir looked over at Pbtenchi. "Well, we've got the captain who you've already met, Shiv who I guess has kept out of sight, but he's an illusionist so that's not so surprising, Luka as our cook, me as our shipwright, at least for now, and our doc- never mind." He said, catching himself. Her bags were still in the captain's cabin, but Keke hadn't shown up at all. Maybe she wasn't coming back. "And you. So there are five of us." He said, counting the members out on his right hand and checking his stitches. None had pulled out, but the bottom three were still a little loose. Nothing too bad, I hope.

"So the question is, what do you bring to the crew?" Valir said authoritatively. He grinned afterwards to show it was a joke.
"oh yeah, I never really showed my devilfruit" said Pbtenchi "well for a start im logia, second, I have the ultimate anti-devilfruit power, and third, im an assassin" he said counting on his fingers
Valir recalled the mist flowing out of Pbtenchi. Mist? That's the 'ultimate anti-devil fruit power'? he thought skeptically. "And how's that?"
"it condenses into water on objects, it shares property's with sea water when condensed, in large amounts in nullifies me to though..."
Shiv would have been sleeping in the crow's nest the whole time, unaware of all the goings-on.

((Hot dayum, i just got all the posts since my last dumped on me.))
Valir thought about it. "I guess that makes sense. Don't you need a lot of water to nullify a devil fruit user's abilities though?" He asked.
After she was done cutting up the meat she dumped the vegetables and the meat into the pot and began to stir it until it thickened.

"I see. Well you'll come in handy if we meet any big names. Most of them have some sort of ability." Valir said. "Mmmm, that smells good. Hey Luka, how long until we get to eat?" He yelled inside.
" about 30 or minutes! " she yelled back. She tried the gumbo a little bit 'need something a little spicy...' she then went of into the storage while her shadow vine stirred the gumbo to look for a spice of sorts.

"Alright, I'll be in the captain's cabin." He said, moving to the door and looking around. He's got to have something. Valir looked around the cabin. Can't have a proper crew dinner without some music.
After about 5 minute lula csme back out of the storage with 2 spices. She walked back to the pot and tried it again. ' hmm...a little bit of both....should do it...' she she took a pinch of both spices and aprinkled them in the pot and stirred for about 10 minutes before trying it. She smiled ' perfect!' She giggled a littled and continued to stir for 20 more minutes.

upon arriving at the kitchen Pbtenchi was amazed, the gumbo was shedding gold sprinkles in his mind, upon seeing the food he never thought he would get to eat, he fainted.
As Luka was humming and stirring the pot, she heard something hit the floor behind her. She turned and saw pbtenchi on the ground unconscious. " pbtenchi!" She went over to him and propped him against the wall. She shook him a bit " hey! Wake up! "

Luka sighed in relief and laughed a little " its gonna be ready in a few minutes. Why dont you go and get the others."


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