One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Luka laughed and used her powers to set up the table for everyone ' me, cap, valir and pbtenchi...' Al on her shoulder cawed. Luka looked at Al " what wrong?" Al flew of and landed on the crow's nest and pointed with his beak " ohh...wake him up!" Al nodsed and poked the person in the crows nest with his beak.


Valir came out of the Captain's cabin, looking a little crestfallen. "I couldn't find any instruments, not even a guitar." He sighed. "Oh well. A Cappella works just as well if I can get everyone to join in." He saw Pbtenchi coming out of the kitchen. "Is it ready then?" Valir asked, his face lighting up.
Before Pbtenchi had finished nodding Valir was already running for the door. "Thank god, I'm starving!" He said enthusiastically, bursting through the door. He moved to the table and sat down, smiling.
Al poked him for a while but he wouldn't wake up. Luka sighed "oh well..." Al landed on her shoulder and she went back inside and saw valir. She laughed " what have you guys been eating?" She asked as she began to seve the food.

"Whatever we could make. I can't say I know how to cook very well though." Valir replied, thinking back on his burnt attempt at chicken on their voyage to Loguetown. "That, and fruit. Can't have enough of that!" He said. His mouth was watering from the smells wafting over the table.
Luka looked at him " it's a miracle you guys survived this long..." she put the bowl of food in front if him and pbtenchi. "Oh well...enjoy" she said with a smiled "would you like anything to drink?"

"I'm fine, thanks! You might want to set some aside for the captain and Shiv by the way. I wouldn't want them to miss out." Valir said, then started digging in. The complex flavors melted and mixed in his mouth, complimented by the spices that Luka put in. He let out an involuntary sigh. "This is awesome Luka! I'd say you're a great addition to the crew." He said genuinely, smiling up at her before resuming his meal.
Luka smiled "thanks...and I will" she got some food for herself and sat down with valir and pbtenchi and started to eat.

Valir finished his plate and sat back, a satisfied smile on his face. "I haven't eaten this good in years, maybe ever." He said. He took a deep breath. "So who likes music? My friend used to tell me that a real dinner on a ship isn't complete without a crew coming together in song. It was one of his favorite things."
Luka smiled at the two and was happy they enjoyed the food. She finds it a little fun and sad that pbtenchi fainted after eating ' what has he been eating....?' She sighed a little and then smiled at valir " I would love to hear some music and maybe I can sing along as you play"

Valir's face sank. "I actually don't have an instrument, I couldn't find one on the ship. Plus the only thing I'm good at playing is the guitar." He said. "But I know a lot of songs. I learned them while sailing around with my parents." He thought for a second, then he had an idea. "Actually, I know a classic that would be perfect. Do you know Bink's Sake by chance? It was the first song I ever learned." He paused. "Maybe we should wait until the whole crew is here first..."
Luka smiled " I know that song pirates that came to our restaurant always sang that song. When they are partying and stuff"

"red rum use to sing it all the time when he was drunk... Wahhhhh RED RUM" said Pbtenchi, as he burst into tears
"Yeah, it's a great song." He said to Luka. He turned to Pbtenchi as he started crying. "Wait, Red Rum? He was your master?" Valir said, surprised. He calmed down and tried to get Pbtenchi to stop crying. "Hey bud, it's okay." He said, not sure what to do. His eyes were getting heavy after the meal, but he didn't want to leave 'tenchi like this.

(Actually, I have to go... Apparently I have work today -.- We'll break out in song soon enough. Feel free to bunny Valir in small things if need be.)
Luka thought for a minute and face palmed " I just realized something....i can make the instruments..." she then made a shadow guitar and handed it to valir " give this a go" she said to him

Iggy stays on the deck while everyone else went in. iggy watches the boat falls from his feet like a missles as it bolts down the mountain river but he stays floating in the sky he felt like a bird then he fell as if his wings where clipped and he smashes into the boat with his hands first. Then pushes off onto his feet nearly falling off but grabing the mass of the ship just in time he stands as the wind and water hits him in the face and Iggy could see the legendary whale "Laboon"
Senji who sees the approaching ship heading towards Twin capes where Senji stayed over the weak Senji was deciding if he should test the strength of the approaching crew to see if they would survive the grant lane and so he can test his own strength and satisfy he want for a fight or if he should just sit and watch them go by.
(Back for now)

Valir took the instrument gingerly. "It feels so light." He said, holding it. He strummed the strings, testing the sound. It sounded just like a real guitar. "Now this is interesting." He mused, standing up and strumming some more. "You really are full of surprises Luka." He grinned, then began playing. "Yo ho ho ho, Yo ho ho ho!" He sang out letting the music fill the kitchen cabin.

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