One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Iggy walks out onto the boat and announces "I am going to bed if you need me I'll be in the captains room. He sits in the captains chair spins a little then falls asleep in a few seconds he was deep in sleep with a peacful smile on his and his fist lay on the arms of the chair twitching eagerly for Iggy to awake again and punch something.

(I plan to skip to morning but you guys can continue to post if you want and I will hold off)
"Hey Luka! Think you can get me up there? I don't want to hurt my arm anymore. It's still healing and even playing guitar isn't great for it." He yelled. His voice echoed off of the walls of Reverse Mountain, and Laboon made a noise in response. "I wonder what he's saying." He said to no one in particular. It seems like he wants more music, Valir thought, and he planned on obliging.
Luka looked at him "sure!" Al flew down and landed on the deck. He then became big enough for valir to fly on.

Valir jumped on Al and they flew upwards. His dark silhouette could barely be seen from below against the night sky. When they reached Laboon's head Valir jumped off and landed lightly. "Thanks." He said, smiling. He looked down at the monstrous whale. "So, Laboon is it? How do you feel about music?" He began strumming, not waiting for an answer.
Luka smiled at valir " no problem" she layed down and looked at the night sky. It remind of when looked at it with her parents. ' miss you....' she she saddened a little, she missed them. But she has a nee family jow and shebis gonna protect them with her life ' I am not gonna let anyone die in this crew...'

Beneath the two of them, Laboon moaned and seemed to sing with the guitar. Valir smiled lightly, relaxing completely for the first time in a while. His mind calmed as he played, like the ocean after a passing storm. The notes drifted outwards from the instrument, giving life to the otherwise still night. The air around him seemed to breathe with the music, slow and lulling, matching the rhythms of the waves against the Twin Capes. "I haven't had a night like tonight in a while." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Everything is so peaceful."
Luka smiled and closed her eyes as she listened to the music. ' sooo peaceful....and calm....' she hummed a little with the song. It reminded her of the lullaby her mom use to sing to her when she was little. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Valir eventually stopped playing, putting the guitar down. "I guess it'll disappear when she wants it to." He thought aloud. He laid back and looked at the stars. "You're not planning on going anywhere tonight, are you Laboon? It would cause Luka here a lot of trouble." Laboon moaned in response, but didn't move. "I'll take that as a no. Keep an eye out for us then." Valir said, smiling slightly. He drifted off to sleep slowly, the steady breathing of Laboon soothing him and making his eyes heavy.
The next morning luka woke. She yawned and stared at thr sky for a few minutes. She sat up and stretched, she looked at laboon and smiled " morning laboon" laboon made a noise. Luka laughed, she then felt something licked her hand, she turn around and saw it was she shadow wolf silver in pup form " hey silver...." she yawned " Al switched places with you? " silver growl and rita nodded. " go wake up valir" silver ran over and licked his face to wake him up. Meanwhile luka looked at the beautiful view before her.

Valir slept soundly through the night, no dreams or nightmares ruining his peaceful sleep. He woke to something licking his face. "Huh?" He mumbled, trying to push it away. Opening his eyes, he came face to face with Silver. "What- oh, hey." He pet the wolf formed shadow, which seemed to respond like a normal animal. I still don't get her devil fruit, but it's remarkable, he thought groggily. He yawned and stretched, then looked around. "Good morning Luka." He said sleepily. "Couldn't have just shook me awake or something?" Valir patted the whale underneath him. "Thanks for not moving Laboon. I haven't slept that well in years." The whale made a noise in return.

Valir stood up, looking around. The sun's rays could be seen on the edges of Reverse Mountain, but they remained largely in the peak's shadow. "Is anyone else up yet?" He asked, looking towards the ship.
Silver growled playfully and went over to luka and she smiled and petted him. " nope , I thought it would funnier to wake you up with silver. She giggled a little and looked back at the ship " I dont know who else is up"

"Of course you did." Valir said, laughing along. He stood up and looked out at the sea before them once more. "You know, it's a new day. The beginning of a new adventure." He said, his gaze on the horizon. He looked down at Luka and grinned. "No time to waste. I'm going to go wake everyone else. Hey Laboon, please hold still a little longer." He yelled, running towards the front of his head. Laboon shifted slightly under his feet. "No, still!" He said, laughing.
Luka stood up and stretched " well I should go and make breakfast... " she yawned. She got out al again and flew down to the ship with silver and then made him disappear. Then began to walk to the kitchen.

Valir slid down Laboon's face, holding his sword in front of his to keep from scratching the massive whale. He kicked off and rolled on the deck of the ship to land. "Sorry about that." He said, smiling and scratching his head at Laboon's sound of annoyance. "Thanks again for the hospitality. No one's ever let me sleep on their head before." Laboon made a noise in response, looking down at the ship with his giant eyes. Valir looked around the deck, then yelled, "Hey! Anyone awake?" as loud as he could. If they weren't, they should be now he thought happily.
" of to make breakfast~ what do I make~....." ahe began to laugh a little " oh wow....scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese!" She began to take out the utensils and ingredients to make the dish.

Valir poked his head in the kitchen. "So what's for breakfast?" He asked Luka, seeing that she was already getting to work.
" scrambled egg, with bacon and cheese" she answered " whag do you want for lunch? " she asked.

Frigo had come over the mountain with the rest of the ship,but instead of landing softly he hit the water with a belly flop. He stayed in the same spot for the while night,but now he was upside down like a dead fish.
"Sounds delicious. And I haven't thought that far ahead. Something with meat would be good though!" Valir said cheerily. Something caught his eye and he looked up. "Pbtenchi? What are you doing on the ceiling?" He started, then thought for a second. "Wait, never mind, Logia. Well good morning, it sounds like we're having eggs and bacon soon." I'll have to get used to seeing strange things he thought, shaking his head and smiling. "I'll be outside, I'm going to enjoy this daylight." He said as he headed out the door.

Valir got up on top of the deck, looking back at Reverse Mountain again. Something large in the waters near the base caught his eye. "Is that... Frigo!" He yelled alarmed. The serpent wasn't moving. Valir quickly took off his vest, shirt, and affects (pistol and sword), then rolled up his pants and tied them off at the knees. He jumped into the water and swam towards the floating sea monster to see if he was alive.
Luka looked back at pbtenchi ".......morning" and then she went back to cooking she first cut up the bacon and then began to cook it.

Luka laughed a little " thanks" she stirred the bacon a little and began to start on the scrabbled eggs.


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