One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Luka sat down and began to eat. Silver was playing with a shadow ball are made for him. " so have you decided what you wanted for lunch?" She then added " dint touch the other plates" she got grabbed his and went to the counter, after a few seconds came back with second for valir and put the plate in front of him. " there ya go"

Luka laughed and served pbtenchi's 3rd serving " cap do you want 2nds?" She asked. As she ated her food.

Iggy stands were he seats and walks out "thanks Luka going to go train a little just noticed this is perfect place" he walks out on to the ship and changing out of his clothes again and jumping into the water "okay Laboon how far do you think I can go" Laboon roars. He runs at an rapid speed up against the current but is holted by it's force "If you can't go through go over" he raises his right leg out of the water and tries to step onto the water hi leg slightly grab the surface and he steps forward then does the same with his left as fast as his reflexes could but his foot ran through the water pushing him back Iggy becomes red with anger and thrashes the water "I will make to...there Laboon" he points to a rock hanging out of the cliff.
(So many alerts!)

Valir finished his second plate. "Thanks again Luka. If you need any help cleaning up, let me know." He said, standing up. He walked outside and went to the bow of the ship where he left his clothes and affects. He put his shirt, vest, and boots back on, all of which were warm from the sun. He strapped his sword onto his belt and tucked his pistol into his pants. "Much better." He said happily now that he was dry again. "Yo ho ho ho." Valir sang to himself as he watched Igneous fight the current on Reverse Mountain.
Luka took everyone's dishes and washed them. She put the food that we're eaten in the refrigerator. She then went outside to get some fresh air. Silver followed her out. Luka sat on the figure head and looked at the vast ocean.

(le sigh) 
Pbtenchi walked out into the open air "about a log pose!" he cried, "I know a good mechanic who can hook us up with one!"
(Dramatic haha)

Valir looked over at Pbtenchi, stopping his music. "Oh? Where do we find him? He doesn't make ship calls, does he?" Valir asked with a touch of sarcasm. He saw Luka sitting on the figurehead. "Taking my spot now?" Valir asked jokingly.
Luka looked at valir and grinned "yup, mine now! " she said childishly and laughed. Silver growled playfully and was sitting on her lap and looking at the ocean with her.

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"nah, its not that simple to get in contact with people in the underworld". he then pulled out a transponder snail and dialled a few numbers. "red rum drinks red wine". he stated calmly. "hey, sis I'm at reverse mountain, and we kinda need a log pose, I hope its not any trouble" said Pbtenchi.
"Fine, but I'm stealing it back later." Valir said to Luka. After Pbtenchi pulled out his transponder snail, he chuckled. "Really? Because that seems exactly like what you're doing right now." He said. "Ah, my mistake though, he's a she."
"Alright, it's not like we can really go anywhere before then." Valir said as he leaned against the deck railing. "Hey Pbtenchi, I haven't seen you fight yet. Want to do a little sparring? I'll ask you not to gut me, but since you're a Logia-user I can probably go all out. It could be fun!" The last sentence was a little sing-song. He looked around. "We probably shouldn't do it on the deck though. Don't need to hurt the ship." He remarked.
Iggy had attempted the feat many times now but it was only getting him halfway were he needed to be and anymore training would be suicide unless he wanted to lose a leg. He walks back to the boat with his head down in defeat, Laboon made a sad like well sound causing Iggy to look at him "what?" they stare at one another for a few second then Laboon roars causing Iggy to raise his head "What does that mean" Laboon then roars again as his runs up the current touching the rock then slides back down. Iggy smiles "So you wan't to challenge me? Okay" Iggy gets into a running position then sprints through the current nearly falling but pushing off and grabbing the side of the wall for support then leaps for the rock. Time moved in slow motion as his hand reachs for the rock he was only finger tips away until he was yanked down by the currents as his toe touches the water and Iggy falls back and onto Laboons head. "Iggy was disappointed but he could only smile as he looked down at the jolly roger "I just became a rival with the same well as Monkey D. Luffy WOW" he slides down the whale and onto the ship "You win this round" he walks into the captains room getting changed then walks out and siting down and says "So are we ready to go yet?"
Since Keith was lazy,he usually patrolled the air hoping a weak pirate would come through.He loved a good fight,but not all of the time.The last time he was at Skypiea he got a few upgrades,his first upgrade was his new transportaion,the Jet Skates.An old Skypiean gave it to him,"Hmmm...Next target spotted.Unkown,but not a marine or trader ship.Ugh...well at least they will get to see my face before they die."Keith declared as he spotted Iggy's boat in the distance.Turning on the water Keith's skates kicked up water as his speed increased.If they hadn't noticed by now that Keith was on his way,then they would find out when he was about to kill them.
Iggy heard no response and assumed everyone would rather stay her for now "well I guess we can stay for a bit" he stands up feeling quick relief in his legs as he rubs them with his hands "Wow I guess Laboon really did help thanks big guy" he steps off the ship and onto land inspecting the lighthouse.
Suddenly in the distance a small dot appeared, until it transformed into the figure of a person and one of the new dangled dial motor boats
"So that's a no then?" Valir asked, a little disappointed. "Oh well." He sat down on the deck and looked at the sky. A stream of clouds caught his eye, streaking towards the ship with a figure in front of it. "Hey guys, what is that?" He asked, pointing at the figure.
"So that's your mechanic? How's she flying like that?" Valir asked, dials and other artifacts from Skypeia being completely foreign to him.

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