One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Why don't you ask her yourself?". The waver parked next to the ship and the piolit jumped aboard. "...." Said aeris. "Oh sorry, I should introduce you , this is aeris, my adoptive sister, she's not much of a talker" said pbtenchi
"Oh really?" Valir said sarcastically, smiling. "I'm Valir, and I'd say I'm the opposite. We might get along just fine." He remarked.
Keith's waver stopped near the ship as he sprang from it,"Time to die,or come along peacefully."He yelled at them.Landing on the mast,the sun was at his back,blocking the view of him from the pirates.The man was tall and had an arrogant air about him,"Hey,do any of you have a bounty?If not,then killing you would be a waste of my time."Keith yelled down,as the chain wrapped around his waste moved and clanged a bit.
"I'm not so sure, she's a cyborg, this isn't polite but she has very little idea of emotion". Aeris stated straight at valir 
( in manga when a villain is introduced right after a new character the new character kicks their ass, so bad timing)
Valir looked up at the newcomer on the mast. "And who are you?" He asked, seemingly oblivious to his questions. "Do you want some eggs? I think we have some extras." He said, being friendly.
Iggy climbs to the top of the lighthouse and acts like a monkey but was then holted when he sees some girl arriving at the ship "who's the girl? Pb knows her apparently" Iggy slides down and walks over and finds that another person, a man drops in unannounced and ask about bounties Iggy would not rather kill another man until he got Voncliff so he kept quiet and blended in with the back ground.
These guys are a bunch of idiots.The first one didn't even acknowledge the killing part,and the second one is a lazy hobo.Maybe if they were handsome like me they would be worth something.

Sighing,Keith pulled a notebook with bounties inside of them.Looking from the book,back to the group he noticed a young man join the crowd,"Hey you,you have a bounty,and there for I will kill you and take you in!The rest of you are just trash,so get lost before you end up dead!"Keith warned as he pulled out a few knives from behind his back.
"So no eggs then? Well you're not taking down the captain. He still needs to take me through the Grand Line." Valir said, pulling his sword out of its sheath. "But I don't really want to take on a bounty hunter today."
Iggy was pointed out from the crowd easily "I really have to waste my strength on some nobody" he thought to himself in anger. He tries to resist his punch "Valir? someone? could you handle this guy I am saving my strength for someone else"
A knife dropped out of pbtenchi a sleeve and in moments it was at Keith's neck "don't move, this is a number 5 encrusted steel dagger, a very fine make too, they say it it slits throats as easy as it cuts paper, want to find out?"
Iggy smiled gratefully at Pb "thats my boy" he spoke estatically in happiness cheering him on like he was a fanboy.
"Like I said,you are all trash.That guy with bounty,is trash too,but he is new trash that has been there for a week or 10,but the rest of you are just been sitting in y'all's crap for years.Now you think you can compare yourself to me,a diamond!Hahaha!"He explained as his after-image disappeared.Keith was now standing in front of Iggy,with the knives he had pulled out earlier stabbed into the deck around him.
"Well, that's different." Valir said, seeing Keith appear in front of Igneous. "You're a quick bastard aren't you? But so am I." Valir dashed and cut at Keith's left hand.
"Seems we underestimated him, sorry to bother you aeris, but could you hold him still?" Pbtenchi asked. Aeris revealed a chain mace and wrapped it around Keith's leg in a nimble throw. "My ability allows me to control everything from cool clouds, to burning hot steam, STEAM BOMB" with this a burst of steam fired from pbtenchi's hands.
"Didn't I say I was saving these fist for another" he speaks as he moves extremely fast off the boat and landing the landing in a open hand stance with his Left above his right and his legs at a wide stance. Iggy watches as the others attack the man but he stayed ready just in case they were not strong enough to take him out.
Keith chuckled at their child's play as he produced two of his chains.Wrapping one around Valir's sword and the other around the man himself,he snatched the sword out of his hand.Pulling Aeris and Valir in to use as human shields,"Devil-Fruit?Zoan,Paramecia,or Logia?"He asked as he used Pbtenchi's friends or comrades as his shield.Turning his attention back to Iggy,he shook his head no at his statement.
"Nice try." Valir said, kicking low and catching his sword with his weak hand. "But I learn fast." He pulled the sword out of its trap and swung it wide.
"Do I look like a Zoan to you" said pbtenchi. "Sis, you okay? Sorry for the commotion". Aeris stood up, seemingly unaffected. "His mind is pink, he's to vain for me to see" stated aeris
Iggy watches the amazing skill of the man and would praise his abilities to his face and give him a good fight but that was not the priority as of right now he was aiming for someone out of his league someone who was probably going to bring him close to his grave. Iggy becomes nervous and fearful for what his future fight holds. "Dammit no time to become a coward but I shouldn't step in I have to see what my crew can do"
In one fluid motion Keith ducked and counterattacked Valir's attack,with a cartwheel that would kick him in the chin or upper-body.Keith continued his acrobatics as he turned to face Valir,Aeris,and Pbtenchi.Tossing a few daggers and knives at them,he continued to move toward the railing,"You bag-of-idiots should learn teamwork.If you don't,you will end up dead.Vain?A lot of people have called me that so it must be a complement,thank you!"He smiled at Aeris.
Luka fell asleep on the figure and was using silver as a pillow. She sat up and yawned " what with all the commotion down there?!" She yelled. She looked down and saw a man with a chain and a girl with pink hair. "....who are you guys?" She asked as she sat ip and stretched.

Valir caught the kick on the chin and bore the brunt of it, flying backwards. As an afterthought he swept his foot up and kicked a knife into the air. He did a handspring and caught his sword in one hand and the knife in another. "Thanks for the souvenir!" He said, surprisingly cheerful during the fight as he was holding his anger back. "Hey Luka, care to lend a hand? Ugly here is right though, we need to work together."
"Thick" aeris said quietly to herself. Pbtenchi got out a hand gun and aimed straight for the head and pulled the trigger.

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