One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Iggy smiles "I've always been a fighter and lived by survival of the fittest I am only now growing as a captain" his tone was light hearted. Luka approaches him asking asking about a training room "Nope but we could biuld one below us there's alittle extra space"
Valir sat up, his eyes locked on Igneous. "Well let me give you a pointer to help you out. If you're not willing to fight with your crew, you're not fit to be captain." He sighed. "But, I did say I was going to follow you. Sorry for my outburst. You'll have to show me that God Hand of yours sometime though." A light smile touched his face, but there was still a bit of mistrust behind his eyes.

(I'm going to bed too, I have work in the morning. G'night ya'll.)
Luka got to the training room and started thing " I want to work on combat...or concentration and form of my shadows...." after some time she decided "....alright I'll work on combat...." she sighed. She summoned octo the octopus and made large but not so large that it took up the entire room. She smiled. She then turned it's tentacles in sharp swords. " alright! You know what to do!!" Octo immediately statted attacking her.

Iggy smirks at Valir thinking "If you only knew what I am facing in the future" Iggy walks up to Aeris "Welcome to my ship can I get the Logpose?"she hands it to him "thank you" he straps it to his wrist and heads to the wheel the anchor had already been pulled up so he could just go. He moved commonly through the sea which was still sunny and had calm waves allowing Iggy to relax "yeah I could get use to this and after a while the logpose is easy to read". After some time had past a cold current settles in and before Iggy new it there was snow falling from the sky like a blizzard was occurring " Okay yeah can someone fix this thingy" he yelled aggravated and frustrated towards the Log post as he tapped it "come on work" he spoke sadly towards the device.
"Captain, I challenge you to a duel, I don't like your cocky attitude, I think you cowardly avoided the fight, if I win well, nothing, if you win I will resign from the crew and fight argus on my own" said pbtenchi ( you don't have haki as far as I know, I was planing on leaving the crew eventually, still not sure about now so consider this a test.)
(Question: how does Iggy know what he's facing later on? Grand Line is full of surprises. Plus that doesn't seem like a reason to avoid a fight)
Iggy smiles "I don't know haki for one and like I told Valir anyone that steps on my ship is family to me so if I could win then I would still lose" he speaks as if he wasn't taking him seriously. Iggy tosses the log pose to Aeris "can you fix it? its being weird." Iggy turns left dogging a glacier.
"Your not taking me seriously, I like this crew, but I don't like you, I'm serious about this fight, how about if I let your attacks hit me?" Said pbtenchi anger in his voice
"I'm sorry kill me if you wan't I think this weather is clouding my thoughts so yeah" they break through the snow and the sun comes out "thank god" he becomes relaxed again as he lets out a sigh in relief.
Luka create a shadow sheild to block and attack from octo. She then ducked and used two shadow swords and cut of the tentacles which of course. She then jumped out of the way from being stabbed by some in coming tentacles " come on octo! Attack me like your trying to kill me!!" Then suddenly a tentacle wrapped around her feet and threw he again the wall. Luka fell " the that...." she look and then quickly rolled out of the way frim it incoming tentacle swords.

"Sorry that I am such a bad captain I always could give someone else the spot" Iggy voice was gloomy and his face was saddened by his lack of leadership and so much hate he was getting the weather becomes hectic again the wind was becoming strong and the sky became dark and cloudy Iggy was unfazed and just ignored the wind until a wave crashes into the ship making it tip Iggy eye's become wide as he hears a crash he turns to the sail seeing that it ripped in secrecy under the sound of the crash "VALIR?PB? SOMEONE? WERE TAKING ON WATER!!!" he yells.
Luka did a back hand spring and cut the tentacles of octo. She then heard iggy yelling about water 'what?' She looked at octo " let continue later" she made him disappear and then ran up to the deck. " what's the problem captain?" She had a few cuts here and there but nothing serious ' I should make octo more serious....'

"LUKA GET THE SAIL STITCH UP IF YOU CAN" he was still yelling but he wasn't panicking. He pointed the sail rip.
Luka looked at iggy then at the sails. She made Al and flew up to the sails. "Huh..." she made a shadow needle and string and started stitching up the sails. After a few minutes she was done and then she landed in front of the captain. " I fixed it but...ypu need to get a new one or get real materials and fix the work is temporary" she said

"Thanks and you should probably check on the boat I heard a crash but it could be nothing" he was talking normal now.
" a crash?" Luka thought for a minute ".....oh...that was me training..." she said to him "I was thrown against the wall.....that's what you must have heard..."

Iggy sighs in relief dogging another glacier "Yeah I assumed this ship should be tougher than that but check anyway better be safe than sorry" He looks forward noticing the weather was getting better and he could see Cactus mountains.
Luka nods and then goes to see if anything is damaged and such. She looked around for about an hour. Then goes up and says " everything seems fine to me"

"Alright oh and Luka who would you like to replace me as captain" he says curiously with his back turned to her so that she couldn't see the expression on his face as he spoke he thought to himself "I wonder will she answer or just say I should be captain hmm"
Luka blinked when he asked her that question " I haven't been I this crew long enough to answer that..." she replied

he thought to himself "so she's either avoiding the question or genuinely not sure" Iggy smirks "Oh well keep it in mind then" he comes up on the island but sailing through the foggy atmosphere.
Luka nodded 'why the heck did he ask me that question? ' she at iggy " where are going? "


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