One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Iggy laughs "I'm not leaving but I could always step down since both Valir and Pb dislikes my leadership" he pulls to the left as he sees land.
" and your picking me to be captain?" She looked at the ocean " where are we going?"

Iggy laughs again "No I will ask everyone, we shall have a vote" he then go's to anchor the boat "where here oh and stay here and fix the sail I just need to talk to someone" he steps off the ship onto the quite town of whiskey peak which was unusual.
Iggy walks around and sets his sights on a bar which had to have someone in it he walked in to find a crowded bar as he walked in no one really cared they treated him like a normal person maybe they didn't know he was a pirate he walks up to the bartender "You know a man by the name Voncliff?" the bartender stares out Iggy with an indifferent expression "Yeah I know him why you ask?" Iggy smiles "I need to speak with him where is he?" the man chuckles "you a pirate? you should go if you want to keep your head by the way he's in the new world" Iggy stands up and some guys block the door.
(I'm assuming we passed some time before getting to the island)

Valir walked out of the sleeping cabin, rubbing his eyes. "Why are we stopped, did we find an island?" He asked, but no one was on deck. He looked down at his right arm, which was mostly healed. Maybe there's a doctor who can tell me if I can get rid of these stitches he thought, jumping off of the ship and heading in towards the town.
Luka found some seeing supplies in the infirmary. 'Well...these should do it...' she flew up to the sails and started to stitch up the sails. After a few minjtes she was done and she landed on the deck and stretched. She then saw vslir leave the ship. She looked around ' need to do some shopping...' she created silver in himan size form and said " guard the ship" silver grolwed in response. She smiled and jumped of the ship and followed valir.

Valir walked into the town and was greeted by smiling faces. "Hey, do you know where I could find a doctor?" He asked a person welcomed him to Whiskey Peak. "I'm not sure, but go ask down at the bar. That's where most of the people who need help come from." The man said, still smiling. "Okay, thanks." Valir replied. These people seem pretty friendly he thought to himself, heading down towards the bar.
Luka quietly followed valir ' hmm...he must not have noticed me...' she thought as she followed him. "?' I wonder it this place has any good clothes....or ingredients...' "hmm...."

Iggy was surrounded by pirate hunters so he got ready for a fight "Stop" the bartender yells "Now look this boy here will beat all of you on his own and then his crew will probably take turns kicking you around" the hunters put there gaurd down looking nervous Iggy turns to the man putting his hands down "thanks" he spoke confused "this happens alot were not the strongest but we fight together as a community but that doesn't help much have a drink" Iggy decides to take the offer "Sure" he spoke untrusting the man.
Valir walked up to the door. "I guess this is the place." He said, pushing the door open. To his surprise Igneous was at the bar having a drink. "Iggy? A little early to have a drink isn't it?" He asked in his upbeat sarcastic tone. He noticed the other patrons moving back to their seats and hiding weapons. "Making friends?"
Luka followed valir to a bar. ' hmm....I should wait outside....' she leaned against the wall of the bar outside and waited for valir to come out. People were looking st her as they walked by '...must be my hair and eye color....'

Iggy turns and sees Valir "Oh hey we need to talk" he said jokingly as he took a sip of the alcohol "uh I remember why I don't drink again"
"Actually, I think we do. But first," Valir turned to the bartender. "Do you know where I could find a doctor?" he asked. "Why, are you sick?" The bartender replied, backing up a step.

Valir laughed. "Nope, but I do need to know when I can take these out." He sticks his right arm out to reveal the stitches. Many of them were loose or falling out already. "Uh, I'd say now. And I'm not a doctor." The bartender hands him a drink. "Here, it'll help the pain."

Valir took the drink and was about to drink it. "Wait, how much is this?" He asked the man behind the bar. The man smiled. "It's on the house."

He shrugged and downed the alcohol. "I'm not going to turn down a free drink." Valir unsheathed his sword and held it above his arm, moving it quickly and cutting the remaining stitches, pulling them out.
"Oh so it's okay for you to drink I see" he says jokingly as he attempts another sip "okay a little better" the bartender smirks "there you go" Iggy sticks his tongue out trying to get rid of the after taste.
Valir chuckled. "You get used to it. I personally like my drinks when I can get them." He said, pulling out some cloth and wrapping his arm. "That should do it." He said to himself. He could feel the people in the bar looking at the two pirtates as the bartender said, "So another drink then?"

"Actually, I need to talk to my friend here." He said, grabbing Igneous's shirt. "C'mon captain, we can talk outside."
As Iggy and Valir leave you could hear the hateful whispers that were coming from the pirate hunters they get outside "well to be blunt I think someone else should be captain it's obvious that I am no leader actually I am a bit of a loner who doesn't rely on others and expects others to do the same" his voice sounded confident and weak and he sighs "so who do you think should take my place?"
"Shut up, you idiot." Valir said grinning. His face returned to normal. "Look, we all got heated at the Twin Peaks. I still don't think you handled it the way a captain should. But you brought us all together. Hell, if you hadn't told me to join up I'd probably be picking pockets back in the port you found me. You can definitely lead. I know Pbtenchi doesn't think so right now, but I do. You've got some learning to do, but we all do." He turned to the girl near the door. "Don't you agree Luka?" He asked, smirking slightly.
Iggy was dumbstruck he was so confused from what he gathered he assumed Valir would agree with him and Luka would eleaborate more on her previous statement and he knew had to be right about Pb he had basically wanted to kill Iggy. Then again he was sure that all pirate crews had there conflict now that he gave it another thought he had never lead anyone. Iggy returns from his silence "well thats good to know uh well let's get going no reason to stay here" Iggy begins to walk to the ship.
Valir take a couple of steps then stops. He felt uneasy, like someone was watching him with malice. "I don't think it'll be that easy." He said, pointing his thumb at the bar. "We've got at least three waiting inside for us. And I'm sure there are more around." He didn't know how he was aware of their presence, but he could almost feel them staring daggers into their back, waiting for Iggy and Valir to make a move.
Luka was about to asked if she could borrow valir and do some shopping, but sigh when valir said their are people waiting for them to attack. She stayed silent and was ready to makes he shadow swords if needed to.

Iggy smiles "well then I can make up for me leaving you guys to fight" Iggy cracks his hands "You got first dibs make them show themselves" he spoke excitedly
Valir grinned. "Can do captain." He spun on his heels, pulling out his pistol and aiming it at the doorway to the bar. "Alright, come on out. I still haven't gotten to use this, and if you try anything you'll be my first target." He said cheesily. Two men walked out of the doorway. "How'd you know we were there?" Valir chuckled. "Intuition. The same way that I know that there were three of you. Now where's your buddy? What do you want?" The first man, a tall fellow with a scar on his neck, pointed at Igneous. "He's got a bounty. We want it." He said.

Straight to the point then Valir thought. "You'll have a hard time. Now again, where's your-" His sentence was cut off as a gunshot hit the ground in front of him. "Don't move." A voice said from the roof. "We've got another three guns trained on you two. Give up, and we'll spare the one without the bounty."

"Hey Luka, care to lend a hand?" Valir asked, still looking at the first two men.
Luka looked at the man on the roof and then at the teo in front of her. " yup" she tied up the two men in front of her and then trip the one on the roof and made him fall face first on the ground and then tied him up. She took out a shadow dagger and pointed it at one of their neck " so...where are the other three? " she asked one of them.

A noise from the side street revealed five more pirate hunters rushing Valir and Igneous. All but one wielded swords, and the last, a hulking giant of a man, held a large hammer. "Now thing's are getting interesting." Valir said, looking at the newcomers. "Hey Iggy, want to show me how strong those punches of yours are? Now might be a great time, cap." A glint of metal caught his eye. Valir turned to see two men aimed at Luka and a third at himself. "Heads up Luk, they're on you." He said, raising his own pistol to the man aiming at him.

(Feel free to bring some other guys into the fight to spice things up.)

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