One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Twitch walked along the hot Alabastian street, there really was alot to learn in the back alleys of a city, If you could pay for it.

(Setting up for joining if you guys will still let me join, sorry for not being active for a while)
(Let's find some land)

Valir was fishing off of the port of the ship, idly watching the cork bobber roll over the calm wake. "Not even a nibble..." He sighed. "I could really go for some fish." He looked across the sea, but the water seemed endless. He stood up, stretching and walking towards the bow of the ship. "Hey Iggy, when are we getting-" He stopped mid sentence. "Hey, I see an island!" He said, running to the front of the ship and standing on the figurehead.
Frigo had idle followed the ship as Keke commanded,but he did learn that he loved annoying Valir and now was the perfect time. Frigo closed his eyes and felt the water under him,then with a few swipes of his tail sent a school of fish on top of Valir,"Sss-Sss-Sss."

Keke had rid the town of the corrupt marines and the villainous pirates. Now she was in the Grand Line at Whiskey Peak,without a way to the next Island. She didn't have a log pose or a ship.
Valir got hit in the face by a jumping fish. "What the-" He started, but was cut off as more fish jumped upwards, bringing a wave of water with them. He reacted quickly, grabbing two fish out of the air but got drenched in the process. He tossed the fish onto the deck and looked down to see a white outline in the water. "Hey Frigo!" He yelled, laughing. "Thanks for the fish, but why'd you have to drench me? You're still following us?"
"hey, sea thing! you got him some fish, so I want a curious squid!" said Pbtenchi

#curious squid, nothing curious about them, other then how they are curious of everything. to bad they aren't good at putting 2 and 2 together. Worst tasting animal in the world, they are fished so that chefs can say they don't have any traces of them in their food.
After a nice long rest luka woke and yawned. "....time to make some food..." she gotbout of bed and wash up then headed for the kitchen to start cooking, but before that she went to the deck to see what everyone was up too.

Frigo glared at Pbtenchi with mistrust. Turning his head away from Pbtenchi,Frigo became aloof and just floated.
Luka got on deck and stretched she looked st the blue sky and smiled. ' a good nap and I am ready for any adventure....I wonder if we are almost to alabaster....' silver came running behind her. She smiled and petted the pup and looked at the ocean.

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Valir saw Luka walk outside. "Hey Luka, I caught some fish. Literally!" He said smiling and holding the flopping animals. "Any ideas on what we can do with them? Oh, and I see an island too, it's off the bow." He pointed, with his left hand and almost lost the fish as it wriggled in his grip. "Oh no you don't." He said to it, laughing.

(Whoops, bad timing haha)
Luka looked at fish and immediately knew what to make. She shadow basket and walked up to valir " put them in here, I have an idea on how to use one of them and we're gonna kept the other on for later and why are you drenched? "

(Thanks, I was going to edit but you saved me the trouble.)

"Alright, I leave them to your expertise." Valir said, dropping the fish in the shadow basket. "I have to say, that ability of yours really is handy. And it's that sea monster's fault. I guess he scared the fish into jumping and I got caught in the wake." He pointed towards Frigo as he floated near the surface. "But I got some food out of it." He said, smirking.

He went back to the railing and said to Pbtenchi. "I don't think he meant to get me my fish. It just worked out that way. You'd have to ask nicely to get something like that."

Valir looked down at Frigo. "By the way, where is Keke? I thought you would have been waiting for her at the Twin Peaks." He said loudly to the serpent.
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Luka smiled " well dry off before you catch a cold" she then walked if to the kitchen to start cooking. 'Boy I am hungry...'

Valir looked back at Luka. "Catch a cold? It's really warm out here..." He mumbled to himself. He took off his vest and shirt, wringing them out and laying them on the deck to dry. He pulled his pistol and sword out as well, making sure neither were in danger of rusting.
Valir looked up at Aeris. "Hey, she shows herself. What's with the box?" He asked quizzically.
Aeris promptly opened a door on the box and a breeze of cool air came out. "re-frige-rator" she spelled out
Luka put one of the fish in the refrigerator. Then she boiled some water and started to clean the fish she was planning on cooking. ' what kind of spices should I use to season this?'

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The island slowly became closer and closer till eventually we hit land. The island was very desert like but was nice in scenery in Iggy's opinion "where here finally" he jumps off the boat immediately wanting to stretch his muscles "Someone drop the anchor please".
(Think we should start in Nanohana?)

Valir laughed. "Alright then. I've got it Igneous." He said, but saw that Pbtenchi already saw to it. "Never mind. So where are we anyways? This is Alabasta, right?" He could see a city towards the east of where they dropped anchor.
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Luka felt the ship stop moving " hmm...must have gotten to the port of that island I saw when I was on the deck..." she put the fish inthe refrigerator and stopped the stove, then went up to the deck.

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Frigo shook his head,and pointed at them,then at the island.Pointing at himself then back to Whiskey Peak,"Ss ssss ss sssss."He hissed and groaned as if they could understand him.His gestures should have helped them,but if they didn't then it was to late,before they could reacted his body was wiggling and sinking into the water already on the way back towards Whiskey Peak.
Valir watched Frigo go. "Keep safe you annoying sea monster!" He yelled after him. "And send Keke towards Alabasta when you can, we still have her clothes!" He noted, remembering the bags in the captain's cabin. He put his shirt and vest on, but then decided that it was too hot for that and took the vest off, folding it in half and hanging it from his belt in the back. He turned back towards the island. "Think we can find some more adventures here?" He asked no one in particular, a smile touching his face.
Luka came out on the deck. " I hope we do" she said with a smile as she stood next to valir and leaned against the railing. " this place seems like a peaceful country..."


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