One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Your welcome Luka" he then walks off touring the city talking to himself "So were would someone find an organization like Baroque works?" he knew it was best he checked out things before he told the others. He went with his first instinct "spread the word" he said with a sly smirk he went to a small fruit stand saying loudly in a whisper "A Pirate needs his fruit" the lady looked at him strangely as he walks away she whispers to others "yes hope this works" his whispers to himself.
Luka smiled and found a stored with some nice tops and shorts. She chimmed a little as she looked throught the store. She a red top with with a black butterfly on the back with dark brwn short. She then found a sky blue top long sleeve with a red rose on front left side of the top with white short. Next she found a white long sleeve top with a black cat sitting on a branch in the front with black shorts. She found a plain looking knee lenght black dress and purple short sleeve top that has a black heart in the front with dark blue shorts. She chimed a little as she was done shopping.

Valir browsed clothes as Luka did, but found nothing that caught his interest. "Oh well." He sighed, then looked over at Luka. "Find everything you want?" He asked, eyeing the pile of clothing that she had accrued. He idly noted as a boy, not older than 15, entered the shop and browsed as well. He brushed past Luka, bumping her lightly. "Sorry." The boy said, smiling apologetically and continuing through to the rear of the store.
Luka smiled back " its fine" she said to the boy she looked at valir " yup I am done!" She said happily " what about you?" She asked.

"I didn't see anything that appealed." Valir said, shrugging. "Go ahead and pay and then we can go find the captain." He stretched, looking back towards the boy. He looked down as Valir caught his eye.

(FYI, the boy stole your coin purse)
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Luka nodded and went to the counter to pay for the clothes when she reached into her dress pocket to get the money she saw that it was gone. ' I just had it in my pocket...' " is something wrong?" The store clerk asked luka shook her head "nope, give me a sec" she sighed as she tired to remember. She then realized she has been pick pocketed ' seriously? ' she sighed and looked at the boy and saw the pouch. She made a shadow swallow, which grabbed the pouch back and handed it back to luka. She used it to pay for her clothes and then walked up to the boy and smiled at him " do you have any siblings? " she asked.

"Uh, I..." The boy started, knowing he'd been caught. He dove through a rack of clothes and dashed out the cloth covered back door to the shop. Valir chuckled as he went. "Not much for small talk, is he? Want me to catch him?" He asked, noting the direction the boy turned between the swinging fabric.
Luka frowned a little " I was just curious....I was planning on giving him some money...or buying him something...." she said to valir and she grabbed her bags.

"Really?" Valir said, genuinely surprised. "Most people don't take too kindly to pickpockets." He looked back towards the door. "Here, give me some belli." He said, holding out his hand. "I'll make sure he gets it. Plus, I've been in his position. Maybe I can offer some advice to stay out of trouble." He didn't know why, but he pitied the boy.
Luka smiled and gave valir a hand full of beli. She hand alot so that wasn't really alot. " thanks" she said with a smile.

Valir grinned. "No problem. Watch your pockets on the way back." He said, walking out the doorway and making a left. He surveyed the area and noticed scuff marks in the sand from someone running. He isn't very careful he thought, following the trail. It turned down an alley and disappeared into a wall. Valir took a step back and looked for more clues. He saw a shadow on the ground move and looked up in time to see a head of hair ducking behind the wall.

Valir ran and kicked off the adjacent wall, catching the ledge and pulling himself up. Glad my arm is fixed, he mused as he stood up. "Stay back!" A voice said to his right. On the other end of the building was the boy, a knife in his shaking hand. The boy was inching towards the far side of the building. "Slow down kid. If I wanted to hurt you it would have happened by now." Valir said, raising his hands with his palms open to show that he meant no harm. The boy didn't lower the knife. "What do you want?" He barked, his voice cracking.

"I came to help. I have-" Valir began, but was cut off. "Liar! You're here to take me away. Well I'm not going!" Valir paused, then reached into his shirt and pulled out the bag. "Look, the girl from earlier wanted you to have this." He tossed it on the ground in front of the boy. 
The boy faltered, looking at the bag. He picked it up hesitantly, looking inside. "Why? I just tried to take this." He began. Valir looked at the kid sadly. "I've been in your situation. Stealing, just to eat, right?" The look on the boy's face told him that he was spot on. "It's not my business, but you need to be careful. There are people who won't be as nice as we are."

"I know." The boy replied. "There are people who kidnap others. They took..." He stopped, then broke down. "They took my brother. He used to work for us, get us food, but now..." Tears fell from his eyes. "When you came up here, I thought that I was next."

Valir took a slow step forward. "Calm down, no one's going to take you." He said evenly. "Can you tell me about these people?" He asked, making sure to keep his distance a bit.

[Okay, I'm out. When I get back we're going to have some fun with some slavers > :) ]
Luka nodded and watched valkr run of after the boy. She sort of understand where the boy is coming from. She didive in the street of logue town for a few day until Edward found her. 'huh...I was very scared at first...I tried to run away....but he grabbed me by collar and carried me into the restaurant...he got me some food and clothes...he was a really nice man...' she smiled and tied a shadow string around the pouch and pocketed it. She then walked out the store and waited for valir.

Iggy had grabbed a drink to keep him destracted but time wasn't moving any faster nor was anyone trying to attack him or anything "well plan B talk to the crew I guess" he makes his way to the nearest clothing store until an odd women became a possible threat she seemed to have been following Iggy "Yes 2 points cap Cross" he looks for a alley way which he ducks into seeing if she would follow after a few seconds she did.


She spoke with a nervous tone of voice but a face was stern and aggressive " I see you noticed me so you must be a strong opponent and unless you come quietly we will eliminate you so what shall it be?" Iggy smirks "So are you apart of this organization I have heard about?" Her eyes widened as she charges at Iggy showing that she wanted death Iggy allows her to take a stab at him seeing her will to kill she strikes barely slicing the side of Iggy's stomach then runs off hastily. Iggy ignores the cut it was deep but it would heal "She must have been a rookie who needed money like the man said saddly she left with all the information I needed" he walks out of the alley and towards the clothing store.
----- after the boy's story -------

Valir furrowed his brow. "Alright, I see." He said to the boy. "Do you have somewhere safe to go? Maybe somewhere to hide?" He asked. The boy shook his head. "I've been living on the streets for the past week or so. I don't have a home anymore." The last sentence struck Valir like a sword. "Alright. Come with me. We have somewhere that you can stay until we can get your brother back." He said, standing up. They retraced the steps towards the clothing shop, finding Luka out front.

"Hey Luka, I thought you headed back to the ship." Valir said. Upon seeing Luka, the boy stayed behind Valir, who laughed. "Oh don't worry. She isn't mad. She's really quite nice." He turned back to her. "I've got something I'm going to do while we're here. You're welcome to help. I can fill you in back at the Connie." He stated, his face becoming serious.
Luka looked at the boy and smiled. She gave him and apple she brought " you look hungry..." she then looked at when he said she can help with whatever he is planning on doing. " I wanna help, I already got what I wanted si I dont mind causing some trouble" she said with a grin. She then made Al her falcon who carried her bags back to the ship for her. She looked back at valir " so...what are we doing?"

"We'll talk at the ship." Valir repeated. He could see shadows on the roof behind them. Someone knows we're here he thought darkly. He dismissed the shadows and looked at the boy. "By the way, what's your name?" He asked. "You never did mention it."

The boy started, surprised. "Oh, my name is Gene." He said sheepishly. Valir smiled. "Well Gene, there's more where that apple came from. You'l be able to eat and rest once we're back. I hope you don't mind a little walk though." He started off towards the ship, Gene following close behind. The figures on the rooftop moved out of view.
Luka smiled at the boy "so what do you want to eat? Just tell me and I can cook it up for you" she said with a smile as she walked with valir.

The boy blushed, "Well... I haven't had much but bread recently..." he said, a shamed look in his eyes. "How about stew?" Valir chimed in. The boy looked at him. "It'll be great. She's a great cook, and you'll get to have vegetables and meat in it. How about it?" Valir continued, winking at Luka.

"That. That sounds great." Gene said warmly. They were nearing the ship and the jolly roger could be seen at the distance. Gene's eyes widened. "You're... pirates?" He exclaimed, suddenly on his guard. "Where are you taking me?" He sounded scared.

"Woah, calm down." Valir said, stopping. "We're good pirates."
Luka smiled at the boy " alright chicken and vegetables stew it is" she said as they neared the ship. She looked at the boy when seemed scared " gene calm down, we're good pirates I swear..." she said trying ti calm the boy.

Gene was still hesitant. Valir sighed and pulled out his pistol. Gene flinched at the sight, but Valir held the barrel of the weapon and held it out to the boy. "Look, here's my pistol if it'll make you feel safer. We're not trying to hurt you." He said, smiling lightheartedly. Gene reached out slowly and took the weapon. "... Okay. But I'm holding onto this." He said. "Sure." Valir said, grinning. They started walking again and got to the ship. Valir climbed aboard and Gene followed, climbing the side with apparent ease. "Alright, let's go to the kitchen. Luka can make some food and I can fill her in." He said, opening the door.
Luka smiled and entered the kitchen. She began to take the utensils and ingredients needed for the stew. " so...want to fill me in with what we are planning on doing? "

Valir took a seat at the table, motioning for Gene to do the same. "So from what Gene tells me, his brother, Kain, was taken by kidnappers three weeks ago." He said, letting the news sink in for a second. "We don't know who they are, but I think they could be remnants of Baroque Works, or at least connected to them. They live somewhere in the desert and have been taking able-bodied men and women. I don't know why, but I think they're probably building something that needs manpower."

He looked to Gene, but the boy was expressionless. "We need to find them and get Kain back. Hell, maybe we can save them all." Valir's voice was getting darker, touched by anger. He took a deep breath. "Gene thinks they could be in the ruins of Erumalu. The place has been abandoned for a while, but it could be a hideout now. He knows generally where it is and can point us there."

Gene began to speak, but Valir cut him off. "I want you to stay here Gene. It's not worth you getting killed or captured over. You can rest and eat. You could even play with Silver, our resident guard dog." He said, smirking. "But leave this to us. We're strong." He looks back at Luka. "So what do you think? Up for a hunt?"
While he was speaking luka finished making the stew. She put some in a bowl and served it to gene " there ya go" she said with a smile " it you want mlre there is plenty in the pot" she said with a big smile. She then looked at valir " oh...I am up for a hunt" she said with smirk. " those guys are going to pay"

"Glad to see that you're on board." Valir said. "We'll be back Gene. If not, get the blond guy in the raven feathers. He'll be able to find us. And don't worry, he's a good guy too." He stood up, stretching and yawning. "Which direction are we headed Gene?" He asked.

"Erumalu would be west, over the river. Most of it has been swallowed by the sand." Gene said, looking down into the stew. "Thank you, both of you." He mumbled, a tear rolling down his face. "Don't worry about it." Valir replied, grinning. "We'll be back soon." He stepped out of the kitchen onto the deck.
Luka smiled and patred the boy's head before following valir "so you wanna fly?" She siad with a grin. She let silver have the abily to decide which size he want to be since gene might play with him after he is done eating.


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