One piece: The new era [Inactive]

' I am going to kick this guy where the sun does shine' luka was mad 'I cant believe I am in this situation again....' she mentally sighed. ' I feel so weak...'

Keke had arrived to Alabasta the same day Iggy left. The young woman had willingly gave herself over slave traders to get to Alabasta,but since they didn't know her ancestry she could escape whenever she pleased. At the moment she was hopping on the ship rather loudly,"Idiots!Leaving the ship. I should just take my stuff and burn this dingy."Keke complained and groaned as she went through the ship to the captains cabin which was where most the most valuable items were,but her bag was there also.
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"So what's your name?" Valir asked the man. He looked almost like a comical gorilla. Along with the tattered hat he had worn leather gloves with metal on the knuckles. "Shut it." The man replied, squeezing Valir's arm harder and pulling him down the steps. They arrived at the bottom and turned left, entering a small, mostly bare room with a desk, lamp, and a chair. The chair spun around and Miss All Soul's Day surveyed the two pirates.

"Thank you for bringing them Daren. You may go now." She said curtly. Daren grunted. "Yes ma'am." He left, glaring at Valir.

"You two are in for quite a treat." Miss All Soul's Day said, standing up. "You're going to help me find something. Something important to my work. It's in this temple. Your job, as slaves," She put an emphasis on the last word, "Is to remove the sand from the lower chambers. Now, normally I wouldn't concern myself with my slaves, but you are outsiders of this country and don't know how things work." She strode around the desk, coming to a stop in front of Valir. "The rules are quite simple. You dig, or you die. If that isn't enough motivation, your friend here," She smiled at Luka, the expression now touching her cold eyes. "Will lose something. I haven't decided what yet. An arm? A leg? I suppose that depends on your transgression."

She turned back to Valir. "The same goes for her. If she tries anything, you will also pay. I hope you see the situation clearly." She smirked wickedly. "Oh Daren." She called. Daren appeared quickly, taking up the entire doorway. "Please take them down to the tunnels. They have a lot of work to do."
Luka was glaring at the women the entire time 'she is gonna loose an arm and a leg when I summon jasper...' these guys didn't scare her they were like the pirates that took her when was little.

Daren grabbed the two pirates by the shoulders, leading them out of the room. Miss All Soul's Day let out a satisfied sigh. "We are getting close now. I can taste it." She said, reaching under the desk and pulling out an ornate gold and obsidian scepter with a hex shaped hole at the top. "Soon Taph's Army will be at my command and this damned country will fall."

Daren pushed the two towards a hallway to the left, going down another flight of limestone steps. The sound of their footsteps echoed off of the sand colored walls but soon gave way to the sound of grunting and scratching. They arrived at the bottom, coming out into a larger chamber full of working people and others who were driving them. Shovels and pick axes sounded against the stone and sand, removing debris to be carted into another part of the structure. "You'll work over there, under Ferrun's supervision." Daren said, looking directly at Valir. "If you try anything, pirate, he will not show either of you mercy."
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Luka looked at valir and then at Farun. ' all I need is like one to two minutes...' luka sighed and looked at everyone that has been captured. ' I wonder why thet don't think I am threat?'

Ferrun turned to look at Valir then Luka as Daren ambled away. "You two. Grab a shovel each. Load whatever you dig out into the carts to be taken away." Ferrun said. He was very straight forward in his orders. "If you move slowly, you get whipped." He stated, nonchalantly bringing the coil of dark leather into view. It had a spike of iron on the end. "Now go." He bellowed. Valir moved in the direction he pointed, picking up a shovel. As he passed Luka, he whispered. "We'll have to go with it for now. Look for an opportunity to get those off, but don't get seen. I'd like to keep my arms and lets today."
Luka nodded and began to dig. It's going to be hard to look for an opportunity, since her hair is object she was going to use to pick the lock with.

Valir was digging along side her, shoveling the sand into the cart nearby. He glanced around on occasion, taking in the room that they were in. It was fairly large and had many carvings on the walls, murals depicting an ancient civilization. Hundreds of people were working around the chamber, the groups being watched by slave drivers. Slackers were whipped until they moved at a faster pace or stopped moving all together. "This place is atrocious." He said quietly so that only Luka could hear him.

As they continued to work, Valir's thoughts drifted to Gene. "Why do you think he did it? Gene, I mean. Why do you think he tipped off the people who took his brother?" He asked Luka. Maybe he doesn't even have a brother, he thought, suddenly getting angry at the boy.
Luka nodded in agreement. "These people may have agreed to give him back for us..." she whispered as looked at the people. ' the conditions were the same back on the ship as well...' she say thought.
"Maybe." Valir conceded. He remembered Miss All Soul's Day's words. "I hope he'll work hard in excavating too when we catch him. You two certainly will." Her smile still stuck out in his mind. "I don't think they'll honor that though." He said, loading another shovel full into the cart to top it off. Another man came over to take the cart away. "I think that Gene will end up down here if we can't help him."

The man taking the cart hesitated. "Gene? Oh no. Please tell me they don't have him." The man said.

"Wait, are you Kain?" Valir asked, looking at the man. He couldn't be older than twenty. "Hey, hurry up!" Ferrun yelled, brandishing the whip menacingly. Kain nodded at Valir before pushing the cart away to dispose of the sand and rubble. Valir turned to Luka, waiting on another cart to arrive. "Well we found him." He said, grinning slightly.
Luka looked at kain and frowned. She kept an eye on furrun and noticed that he stares at each group every 10 seconds. 'It going to be tight but I know I can pick the lock with in 10 seconds' she kept shoveling and looked around the area and noticed that the others are concentrated on their group. She looked at Furren and he just turned around. Luka quickly to out her hair clip and quickly picked the lock. She counted in her head '10..9..8..7..6..' she almost got it '..5..4..3..' Furren was close to turning around. But she kept calm '2..1..' the cuffs dropped and she immediately created a dagger and cut valir's cuffs.

((Break out time!!))
Valir felt his cuffs drop right as Ferrun turned. "What- Stop them!" Ferrun screamed, bringing his whip up. Valir threw his shovel at Ferrun who smacked it out of the air with the whip. Valir was already sprinting towards Kain. The man was pushing the cart back to be filled up and Valir grabbed him and pushed him into it unceremoniously. He pushed the cart, moving it quickly (if not jumpily) across the floor of the chamber. "I'll explain later, but we're getting you away from here." He said as Kain let out a noise in surprise.

Other guards were closing in on the two of them. "Luka, we need some help. And I could use a sword." Valir yelled, ducking behind the moving cart as a pistol shot rang out over the roar of the guards. The other slaves stopped and watched in fear. Ferrun pulled out a transponder snail from his shirt pocket. "Daren, those pirates have broken their shackles!" He yelled into the snail. "I'll handle the situation. Close off the path upstairs."

The sound of stone grating on stone could be heard as Daren moved a giant boulder in front of the flight of stairs. In her office, as it were, Miss All Soul's Day tutted while listening to the commotion. "What a useless effort. Oh well. At least Ferrun will be able to have some fun." She smiled as the sound became muffled from the stone. "Daren, make sure that the rest of the slaves continue working. Kill one as an example if you have to." She sais, speaking into a transponder snail on her desk. "I want that gem."
Luka ran with valir and created a nice sharp shadow sword for him and handed it to him "be careful that is very sharp and has all my anger and hatred in it so have fun!" She said with a smile. She then created a dagger and threw it at one of the guard's legs which made them fall. ' I should target practice...' she then created shadow wall behind her and valur to stop the bullets. She then create silver and her anothe wolf. She got the ailver and yell " valir get on the razor!!" She created shadow vines that tied the people pursuing them down. This gave valir time to get on razor.
Valir shook his head. "I've got Kain and I need to keep him alive." He said, using the sword to cut Kain's shackles. He saw Ferrun wind up from the corner of his eye and swung the sword just in time to block a strike from the whip. "Where do you think you're going slave?" He asked, venom in his voice. "You know, I don't like being called that." Valir said darkly. He gave the cart a big push and turned to block another snap from the whip. "I don't care what you like. You have no opinions anymore." Ferrun said, winding up for another strike. "You're ours to do with as we please. Now get back to work and I'll only take your arm." The third trike was lightning fast and caught Valir in the arm. He was bleeding, but the cut wasn't deep.

Valir cursed under his breath. He blocked another strike but could see the other guards closing in. He looked around quickly and saw a doorway off to the side. "Luka, there!" He yelled, turning heel and sprinting towards the cart. He caught it and wheeled it in the direction of the opening. "It's not going to fit. Kain, I hope you're good at landing." He said, managing a grin. "We're not slowing down."

"Wait, what?" Came Kain's startled response. He could only brace for impact as Valir pushed the cart towards the door and dove over it.
As luka rode silver and sighed as she saw valir crash through the door. She glared and ferrun " we are not slaves and we are not your to do as you please!" Razor growled dangerously and jumped on ferun and attack him. He bit into his arm.

Luka got out and landed next to valir " you guys ok?" Razor was disappeared when luka got outside
"I'm fine. That was actually pretty fun." Valir said, being cheerful. "My back..." Kain moaned in response. Valir looked back at the doorway to see the stone giving way. "We need to move, now!" He yelled, grabbing Luka and Kain and pushing them away from the collapsing doorway. When the dust from the rubble cleared, there was no light save a crack or two between the cart and the fallen stone. Valir rubbed his head sheepishly. "Uh, I meant to do that. Now they can't get us." He said.

"Look, who the hell are you?" Kain asked, visibly shaken. "I mean, thanks for saving me, but what's going on?"

"I'm Valir, and this is Luka." Valir replied. "We talked to Gene. He wanted us to help you, so here we are." He looked around in the dimly lit room. "Okay, maybe we're not being super helpful, but we got you out of there."
" wow!" Luka said as valir pushed her away from the collapsing door. She looked back at it " that was a close one.." she muttered. She tied her hair up and looked around. "Well this is just great..." she look around and saw that they were in a room with no way out. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
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Iggy had been wondering for who knows how long but he was close to death and things became clear the venom had hit his body in vital area's. Voices was speaking in his head it sounded like a echo of a angered old man "Don't die on me I can't move with out you. just keep fighting, follow my voice, come on we can do it were strong together." Another voice but juvenile like spoke as well "Yeah just let us take control of moving you just need to not die." Lastly two child like voices who spoke in unison "We won't fall as long as you will is strong." Iggy was basically brain dead and the only sense he had was these voices.

Suddenly Iggy finds his self in a small room rapped in bandages from the waist up "Where am I now?" a girls voice appears it was vaguely familiar "Hey remember me? You know kinda stabbed you." she spoke jokingly nervous Iggy smirks with surprise "Yeah I remember did you bring me here?" she replied stepping closer "yeah I know a doctor she fixed you up she said you are not alive anymore that venom is still in you." Iggy sits up "I feel great. Now for training." The girl softly stops him from moving further "wait you shouldn't strain-" she was cut off "I need to end this or else no one will" he hops up putting his shirt and coat on leaving the building. The girl follows "My names Monga and your Iggy right?" Iggy continues to walk "Yeah and walk like your stalking me less attention that way" she falls behind.
(Hey valir you have escaped right? Can I send owl or panda after you?)

Pbtenchi was on the ship when he heard the sound of footsteps. "Huh?"
"I mean serously!Ugh....This place is incredibly junky,it's like a pack of wild monkeys live here. It is so unsanitary that I rather burn this ship with my patient instead of helping him,"Keke groaned and hissed just as she walked into a spider web picking up her bag,"KEH!!I'll I burn it,burn it,burn it,and I'll kill them!!"She screamed and raved wiping the webs off her face in fear and disgust.
"We're trapped. How is this saving me?" Kain asked, a tone of annoyance entering his voice. Valir turned to him. "Look. You could have slaved away helping them find god knows what until they kill you or you could come with us. We'll make it out of here." Valir walked away from the rubble of the doorway, feeling along the walls. "There's got to be another way out..." He mumbled. His foot caught a piece of rubble and he tripped forward into a wall. He braced himself with outstretched hands, and to his surprise, part of the wall gave way. "Damn, that collapse could bring this whole-" Valir stopped mid sentence as the hole he created, his second one today, had a dim glow coming from it.

"Hey, I found something!" He said, looking back at Luka and Kain.
Luka smiled " a stroke of luck!" She said happily. She got up and looked at kain " can you walk?" She asked
(You can control Kain too if you want. It'll help things flow more freely)

"Yeah, no thanks to him." Kain said, standing. Valir glared at Kain. "You know, a simple 'Thanks for saving me from eternal slavery' would do." He said sarcastically before kicking the wall below the whole. It gave way, making an opening large enough for a person to pass through. He stepped over the jagged bottom, entering another small room with a hallway at the far side that twisted off to the left.

Digging and grunting could be heard from the entrance that had collapsed. Sounds like they're already trying to work through it. Valir mused, looking back. They've got their work cut out for them.

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