One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Luka sigh " oh quit complaining we got you out of there..." she helped him up " come lets go...and see where hall lead to..." " it probably that thing that witch captured us to find..." " what is it?" " an army of golems and the gen of light..." "hmm..."
Valir turned around. "Wait, what now?" He asked Kain. One of the stories from his childhood flashed back to him. 'It's more of a legend really.' Oligai said to an eagerly listening Valir. 'There's a country whose power was once unmatched. They controlled the legendary weapon, Pluton, and even had an army of stone soldiers. These soldiers were completely obedient, marching only for the man who had the scepter that created light...'

"So she thinks the legend is true." Valir said out loud. "And that's what Miss whoever is looking for?" He asked. Kain nodded, his face visible in the dim glow coming from the hallway. "That's why they've been taking people. We're forced to clear the sand and stone from these halls so that she may find the key to that power."

"Well maybe we can find it first." Valir said, walking towards the hallway. "C'mon, they'll get through the rubble soon enough."
Kain nodded and luka followed happily ' I need a shower after this....' she followed valir throu the hallway. She looked around as she walked, there were writing on the walls about the gen of light and the scepter. 'Wow...' they then came inti a room where it was filled with golems and bright lookong gen in the middle od the room.
The room was massive, holding golems standing in rows like soldiers waiting for an order. In the center, a raised platform had a pillar that was emitting light from the top. "And that must be the scepter of light." Valir said, moving swiftly to the limestone podium, climbing the side. He reached the pillar dais and slowed. "Luka, don't come up here. This pillar looks like sea-prism stone." He said, keeping his eye on the hexagonal Gem. It's light seemed to move like sunlight refracted in water, the patterns playing in the surface.

Valir reached out slowly and picked it up. The light dimmed but remained. He cast his gaze around, then frowned. "Where's the scepter? In the legend I heard, there's a scepter. It isn't here though." He said furrowing his brow.
Luka looked at the golems. ' an army...big enough to destroy this island....' she looked at kain " did she ever talk about why she wanted the gem and the scepter?" Kain shook his head " no...she never talked about it in the open all we ever knew was to dig until we find the and entrance of sorts..." luka sighed
(Honesty a lot of this thread hasn't been classic one piece, but that isn't the easiest to make without animation. I have a back story type deal for all my stuff but I haven't introduced it yet :P )
"Isn't it obvious?" A voice said from the door. Valir turned to see Miss All Soul's Day and Daren. "I'm going to put this country at my mercy. And I have to say, you were quite helpful. I'm not sure we would have found this room so quickly if it weren't for you." She walked forward, Daren in tow. Voices could be heard from outside the room, echoing oddly on the stone. Valir reached for his sword, then remembered that it wasn't there. "So you want this army huh? And how do you know it even works?" He asked, biding his time. "Oh, I know. I've done the research. That gem you're holding," Valir subconsciously squeezed the stone. "Do you even know what it is?"

"It's the Gem of Light, right? It's supposed to control the golems when used with the scepter. Too bad that isn't here." He replied.

"Oh? You mean this?" She took the gold and obsidian scepter from off of her back, laughing at Valir's surprise. "I've already got one key. Now I just need the Light of the Sea."

"Light of the Sea?" Valir asked, confused. He was inching backwards slowly, but Miss All Soul's Day didn't seem to notice or mind. "Oh you didn't know? That gem is condensed sea-prism stone, much like a diamond is condensed carbon." Seeing his blank expression, she just laughed. "You don't even understand. Never mind. All you need to know is that the golem machines will react to the energy of the Light when it is activated." She held out her hand. "Now hand it over before I make Daren take it from you."

"If it's sea-prism stone, then would he even be able to?" Valir asked, inching back more and more. Miss All Soul's Day's eyes narrowed. "Very perceptive. The stone will significantly weaken a devil fruit user. But he just needs to get it from you. I'll take care of the rest."
Luka looked at valir and kain ' this is not good...' " better go and hide....things are about to get very hectic..." kain nodded and went to hide. Luka then created a sword and tossed it to valir. She then glared at mrs. All souls day. " why do you want to destroy this peaceful country? It has done nothing wrong..."
Miss All Soul's Day threw her head back, laughing. "I don't care what it's done. I just want to submit it to my new power. Now," She looked at Valir, a fire in her eyes. "Give me the stone." Immediately after the words left her lips, Daren rushed Valir, transforming into his half Zoan Gorilla form. "Ah crap." Valir muttered, pocketing the stone and brandishing the sword that Luka created. Daren grinned viciously, pulling a blade off of his back and swinging it with his immense strength at Valir. My Sword Valir thought, anger rushing through him. "Give me my sword you monster." He yelled, blocking the hit. The force behind it sent Valir flying into a row of golems. They crumbled under the force. "So much for an all powerful army." He thought before Daren was on him again. He swung and caught the gorilla man in the arm, but Daren didn't even slow. He grabbed Valir by the neck and lifted him. "Time to die." He said, a wicked grin on his face.

Valir fumbled in his pocket and pulled out the Light of the Sea, pressing it to Daren's arm. The man roared and threw Valir towards Miss All Soul's Day, staggering back and dropping Valir's sword.

Valir hit the ground hard and the stone fell out of his grasp.
When daren fell to the ground luka created a shadow gorrila name, goku who punched daren and sent him flying into the wall " nice job goku!" She then grabbed valir's sword and went to valir to make sure the he was ok. She saw mrs all souls day about to grab the stone. " oh no you dont!" Luka created a shadow barrier around gem of light too. The shadow sword that valir had disappeared since he didn't need it anymore now that she has his sword.
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"mmmurrmm" came the muffled cries of Pbtenchi as the cloth fell over him. "okay we have captured the ship. Panda, take this one back for torture" said the owl as the cloth shrunk to the size of a handkerchief.
Valir stood shakily. "Oww..." He mumbled, grabbing his sword. "Thanks Luka. Where's Kain?"

"Don't move." Daren's voice said. He was bleeding from his head and his cowboy hat was missing, but he grinned evilly as he held Kain's head in his hands, covering his face. "Let the barrier around the Light go or I'll snap his neck." His eyes widened wildly. "And you'd better do it quick. I doubt that he can breathe well."

Miss All Soul's Day laughed. "Good job Daren. So tell me girl, will you help Gene's brother or will you be responsible for his death?" She asked, a look of triumph in her eyes.
Kain was struggling for breath and looked at luka who was trying to make the decision. He saw a smirk on her face ' what is she smirking about?!!? I am about to die!!!' He continued to struggle. He then heard someone cream in pain. It was daren. He looked throught the gaps and saw blood dripping.

He was suddenly thrown into luka who was expecting the throw to be very strong and got. This caused the barrier to disappear. " ugh..." luka groaned a little " are you ok?" She asked kain. She then felt the barrier around the gem gone. Her eyes widened " valir!!! The gem!!"
Valir spun to face Miss All Soul's Day right as she picked up the Light of the Sea. He ran towards her, sword drawn. "Ferrun." She said, and his whip came out of nowhere, catching Valir's sword and stopping him mere steps from the woman. She smiled, placing the gem into the top of the scepter. "Finally. At long last. RISE." Her words echoed across the room. Everyone froze expectantly. Nothing happened.

"What?" Miss All Soul's Day said, a look of confusion on her face. She raised the scepter, the stone emitting light across the room. "Golems, hear me. I said, rise and kill them!" Nothing stirred in the room.
Luka got up and used her vine to grab the scepter from mrs. all souls day and scepter and throw it to valir. Daren was going after him but was stopped by goku who slammed into him and punched himin the gut and threw him into the wall. ' geez...hiw strong are these guys?' She then summoned silver and razor. Razor pounce on furren and bit into the arm with whip and silver was dangerously growling at mrs. All souls day and was about to pounce on her.
Miss All Soul's Day moved quickly, snatching the scepter out of the air. Valir slashed his sword at her but she blocked with the scepter then kicked him hard towards Daren. Ferrun threw the shadow wolf off of him. He whipped Valir, catching him across the face as he stood up, the iron tip cutting deep into his cheek then quickly pulling out. "Kill him Daren, Ferrun. I'll handle this little girl." She said, her anger spilling over. "I don't know why they aren't responding, but no matter." She jabbed at Luka with the tip of the scepter.

(Luka can fight her now, Valir will take Ferrun and Daren)
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Luka dodged the attack from mrs. All souls day " really? Your going to try stab me with the scepter? I got knives thrown at me where is worked, before I became a pirate!" She yelled as she created throwing knife at her, then made 2 hunting knives and ran towards her and swung it at her.
(You control Miss All Soul's Day, but if the tip of the scepter touches Luka it'll disrupt her devil fruit powers)

Valir swung his sword up, smacking the tip of the whip away. "You're really pissing me off." He said, rushing at Ferrun. He dodged another crack of the whip but took a punch from Daren, sending him to the ground. "You think you can take the two of us?" Daren scoffed. "Don't get cocky kid." Valir stood and surveyed the two men. I'm faster than them, but it's hard to keep track of both of them, he thought. Blood was dripping down his face from the gash on his cheek. He saw Ferrun sling his whip back and dodged in response. Daren took the opening it created and jumped at the boy, his gorilla arms swinging wide on both sides to take him down. Valir ducked low and thrust upward with his blade. Ferrun saw the attack coming and twitched his whip, causing it to wrap around the sword and bring it off course. Daren's knee caught Valir's chin, taking him off of his feet.
( @Jailbird , you could always jump in to help Pb out. And Pb can't you bring in Aeris?)

Valir recovered, pulling his sword away and landing on all fours. He laughed a little. "I can't help but be cocky. I love me a good fight. It gets my blood pumping." He stood up straight. "And with the two of you I can go all out." He feinted towards Ferrun as he raised the whip again. Daren moved in response, but Valir dodged away from him, putting Daren between himself and Ferrun.

Valir cut upwards, feeling his sword catch Daren's arm where he was already cut. He spun quickly, removing his sword and kicking Daren into Ferrun's attack. "You'll have to try better than that." He said, sprinting towards Ferrun. He swung high but Ferrun dodged the sword strike. Using the momentum, Valir swept the slave driver's feet, knocking him to the ground. He tried to follow up with a downward stab but had to dodge as Daren's fist hit the ground where he was standing only a second before. "I don't care if you go all out. You can't defeat us as a team. We'll tear you limb from limb." Daren roared, dashing at Valir right as he landed. Valir used the flat of his sword to brace against the attack but was sent flying backwards.
Mrs all souls day dodged the throwing knife and blocked luka knife with her scepter. " so your not just a pretty face" luka smiled " yup!" And the she kicked her on the side which she jumped back to dodge. " tch..." Mrs . All souls day said. She then dashed forward and tried to stab her again with the tip. Luka blocked the tip with her knife but it broke through. Her eyes widen and jumped back to dodge it. " how the.." mrs all souls day laughed " the tip is made of seastone little girl" "nice..." luka said sarcastically.

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