One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Valir rolled and bounced off of his hands, dodging a follow up hit by Daren. He was starting to see red. "Luka." Valir said, his voice sounding calm. "Don't let that woman beat you. And stay away from my fight, it's going to get wild." He grinned wolfishly. Daren threw a punch at Valir, yelling, "I said don't get cocky!" He saw it coming as well as the strike from Ferrun's whip. He ducked to dodge the whip punch simultaneously then stabbed upward with incredible speed. His blade went though Daren's hand and he held on as the large man pulled back. "I'm cocky for a reason you bastard." Valir said, riding the man's flailing trunk of an arm and swinging his foot up into his face, slashing outward as he did so.

The blow connected just as the sword cut free, rendering Daren's left hand useless. The gorilla man roared in rage and pain, grabbing Valir before he could get away and slamming him to the ground. Valir spit up blood as he hit, stunned from the blow. He rolled as Daren tried to stomp him, but Ferrun's whip caught his ankle, preventing him from going far. "I'm going to crush you." Daren said through gritted teeth. "You won't last long while he's angry like this." Ferrun chimed in, pulling the whip to spin Valir. He swung his sword to cut the whip but it was already coiled above Ferrun's head, ready for another strike. Daren's foot came down inches from Valir's head.
Luka looked at valir and grinned " I will and also dont die. We're going to the weapon store after this" she then moved out of the way when daren and ferrun came after valir.

She looked at mrs.all souls day "its onky tip...right?" " yes..." luka laughed " then I have nothing to worry about..." she dash up to her and swung her blade at her again. The lady blocked and luka threw her hunting that she wasn't using in the air and punched her in the gut. She then quickly. She then caught her knife and kicked her on the side again, but she blocked it with the scepter. She then created a shadow spike which she jumped back to dodged.
Valir cut sideways into Daren's leg, causing him to buckle and let out another cry. He sprang off of his hands to escape another hit and caught a crack from Ferrun's whip across his shoulder. I need to keep track of them both he thought at himself, otherwise I'll die. The realization sank in. Valir jumped back, running in between the rows of golems. "You won't get away." Ferrun said coldly, walking slowly after Valir. Daren rose to his feet, murder in his eyes.

Valir stopped and took a deep breath. "Feel where they are." He told himself, trying to calm down. He ducked as Ferrun's whip slashed through a golem, nearly hitting his head. Remember fighting Oligai. Be aware. He thought aggressively inwards. As Daren rushed Valir, smashing through golems in a murderous rage, Valir could sense his presence. His moves. There! He jumped and flipped upwards, his head inches above Daren's as he brought the sword downwards in an arcing slash. It caught the large man by surprise, cutting along his back. Daren collapsed.

Valir looked coldly at Ferrun who sat stunned for a second at the outcome. "You- I'll kill you!" the kidnapper yelled, striking outwards with his whip and drawing a short sword from a sheath on his lower back. Valir could see each individual ripple travel along the whip and sidestepped to avoid it. The whip shot back and Ferrun struck with it again. Valir held his ground, slashing outwards with his sword and deflecting the whip off of the iron at the tip. He rushed the man and slashed multiple times, but Ferrun was surprisingly quick, parrying the flurry of attacks with his short sword. A look of panic crossed Ferrun's face as he realized that he was giving ground. He struck out with the sword, screaming at Valir.

Valir ducked under the obvious strike and kicked upwards, sending the short sword flying. Horror shot across Ferrun's face just before Valir slashed downwards across his chest, opening a large wound. The man doubled over, only to have a knee fly into his face and send him sprawling.

Ferrun and Daren both lay on the ground defeated, Ferrun writhing in pain while Daren sat unmoving

(That was a long post haha)
Keke walked out of the captain's room and onto the main deck. Looking at Panda she raised an eyebrow,"Hey,do you know where the nearest town or cities. "
"Oh? Seems we missed one. Hey owl, do we need this one?" Said panda. "Sure panda you can do what you want?" Said owl. With this panda drew his club.
Mrs. All souls day saw that ferrun and daren have been defeated. " tch..." she muttered. " I wouldn't take my eyes of my opponent" luka said as she pounce on her and pinned her to the ground. She then used her free knife and stabbed her shoulder. The lady cried in pain " that hurt didn't about this?" She twisted the knife in her wound and she cried in pain again " that pain is nothing compared to what the people you capture went through!!!" She yelled at her in anger.

She used her shadow vines and tied her to the ground and took the scepter away from her.
Miss All Soul's Day glares at the two of them. "You won't get away with this you know. Mr. Goldenmane will-" Valir stabbed his sword down right next to her face. "I don't want to hear it, and I don't care. And guess what? You're probably good for nothing to him now. Your scepter didn't work and you don't have an army. Sure, you've got your slave drivers and kidnappers, but we'll take care of them too." The woman's face was completely white. Valir turned to Luka. "So what do you want to do with her? We could always leave her down here." He suggested. "But we need to get everyone else- wait, where's Kain?"
Luka twirled the scepter and looked around " he should be around here somewhere...." she then yelled " Kain!!! You alive!?!?!!! You can come out now!!" Her voice echoed through the room.
Keke played with her hair and looked at then with blank look. She had never seen any if them before,"Do you know where the nearest town is?"she repeated walking over to the railing.
Keke was instantly tired and drowsy. Falling backwards she hit her head on the railing,"Ow....What the hell was that?"She groaned getting back up. The pain had awakened her from her tired state.
"Oh?" Said panda. "Not many people can withstand my tired noise, let's try it again shall we? Tired noise..."
Rubbing her head she groaned,"Assholes. What kind of person treats a beautiful woman like this. Ugh...And now I have a headache. "Keke hissed as she turned to look at them with anger.
"hmm, not working" said panda. "can I owl?". "go ahead" owl replied, "just don't wreck the ship, we could sell it". "Tired noise..." said panda, but this time something different happened, the ring wrapped around himself rather then the Keke, until he started snoring, then his muscles tightened, his face contorted and he drew his club.
Mr. Goldenmane spoke in a tone of anger "Jack you like him to don't you? huh I couldn't wish for a better opponent" Jack walks up next to him with a smile on his face "Yeah I can't believe you are risking your men like this" Goldenmane chuckles "He's surely not dead but he is weak and they are the medicine to make him all better" Jack nods in agreement "So are you going to kill him or enslave him?" "Well that woman has a plan so I shall let him live he will be useful to her"

Iggy and Monga walk silently through the street until they reached an less populated area "Iggy someone is coming" Iggy stops and say "Go you've helped me enough" She looks worried "Okay be careful" she runs off.
Keke may have a splitting headache but watching while watching him she mentally recorded data,"He is...asleep?What does he plan to do?Well I don't care,I'll leave now and go thank Valir."Keke mumbled as she turned to leave,not caring about the people or ship.
Valir went up to the podium in the center and scanned the room. "I don't see him. Maybe he tried to run away." He said, sighing. "He just has to make our job difficult, right after we saved him too..." Valir jumped down, ignoring the pain in his ankle as best he could. "Let's go get everyone else out of here." He said, walking past the two figures laying in heaps on the floor. "And I think we'll bring her." He bent down and threw Miss All Soul's Day over his shoulder. "She might work well as leverage." He grinned slyly as the words left his lips and began towards the entrance they came through.
Keke quickly stepped to the side,"I am being polite. You should wake up your friend before I use him for experiments. "She warned owl that she would use panda as a test subject.
Mrs. All souls day was tied up with luka's shadow vines. Luka sighed and followed valir. As she was twirling the scepter and walking she noticed that valir was walking funny. "Hey do you need help walking? I can make a wheel chair or I can summon silver if ya want. You shouldn't put pressure on that any way"
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"haha, once panda gets going nothing can wake him. and, even if you somehow do, I have a hostage" he said as he took a knotted handkerchief out of his pocket, "have fun panda, ill deliver the hostage myself" he said happily before jumping other the rails. Panda smashed the club down at Keke.
Iggy gets ready for a fight getting in his usual stance the figure appeared as a shadow leaping down as the sun shined around him. It was unclear if a man or a women dressed in a hooded black robe the voice spoke in a neutral voice "Watch carefully i'm only going to show you once" the figure passes slowly and stretching there muscles then stopping and getting into a stance that mirrored Iggy's ."What are you doing?" the person groans "shut up and watch now hit me as hard as you can" Iggy does what he is told and charges moving in a zig zag motion striking with his right hand towards the torso of the person and is dodged Iggy stops himself before he hits a wall. "Your fast so what?" the person chuckles and Iggy could tell that it was a woman "Am I or did you just miss think about it" She disappears "I missed?" he then walks back to the ship subconsciously as she thinks.
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Valir thought for a moment. "Nah, I'm alright. Actually, give me the scepter. I'll use it as a cane." He said, holding his other hand out after putting his sword away.
Keke did a back hand spring landing on the rail,then jumped over Panda and used him as a spring board launching her over the same railing that owl went over,"I just want to know where the nearest town is. I could careless about the hostage.

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