One piece: The new era [Inactive]

(were both still falling right?) "oh?" said owl. "well... the nearest town is right here! he said as he pulled a cloth out and threw it above him for Keke to land in. (go in please)
"Finally,that is all I asked I want. I even asked politely. "Keke groaned going in without a second thought. Later on she might admit this was a dumb move,but currently she was being lazy and the headache didn't help at all.
inside the cloth, was ruins, a whole city was stashed inside, and in the centre, looking dark and gloomy, stood pbtenchi
"Actually, I think I'll be fine." Valir said, retracting his hand and walking through the doorway. He emerged into the hidden room and stepped through the broken wall into the room that they started in. "Kain? Are you in here?" He yelled, still unable to find the man.
" but it is going to get worse..." luka said to him. She sighed at his stubborness and continued to follow him into the room they found the passenge in. She then summon silver who she told to sniff him out. After a few minutes he got his scent, which he followed. As luka was following silver she asked " so...what are gonna do with this?" Luka referring to th scepter.
Keke looked around in amazement and then looked at Pbtenchi,"Who are you?"She wondered hoping he wasn't the guys pet.
"I'm Keke and he didn't catch me. I came here willingly. Someone with such a weak ability couldn't catch me. "She explained as she turned away and noticed the ruin's steps.
"Who cares. As long as I get to Valir to thank him,and apologize for Frigo,then I'm good. "Keke said as she founded the nearest comfortable seat.
"Well duh that is obvious. Are all pirates idiots. "Keke ignored his last question while she fiddled through her bag looking for medicine to help with her headache.
"have you hit your head? were trapped in an inescapable handkerchief " said pbtenchi 
(the owls power is to create subspaces inside cloths, you posted you fell into his handkerchief. you know what a handkerchief is don't you? they are pretty old fashioned)
"Yes actually and I have an headache. Now stop yelling before I rip your tendons out and shove them into your eye sockets. "Keke said with a monotone voice and blank face.
"Logia users are all cocky. You don't know my strength or power and you are already prepared. You are rushing into a fight without thinking and your opponent has an advantage. "Keke explained as she finally found a few pills in her bag. Sorting then she took one and rubbed her head.
"Well, I have only been hurt once in years..." Said pbtenchi. "And even then the chance of meeting two people like that so early in the grand line is slim"
"Like I said cocky. You obviously haven't fought anybody worth anything except one person. "Keke explained ignoring him while she put her hair into two low ponytails that draped over her shoulder.
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(I don't think logia can hit logia, I believe ace died to a combo of haki and logia, if that's what your going on) 
(since this argument is pointless we cant prove either of our points with the authors words, can you just change your post so we can continue?) 
"Well, I've killed a lot of people, so I think strong people are rare" said pbtenchi
After a while the pills didn't help at all,"Ugh...Shush now,I'm gonna go to sleep. Wake me when we get to the next city or you escape. "Keke groaned as she placed her bag down and used it for a pillow. Laying flat on her back she stared at the empty handkerchief sky.
Twitch had heard there was a crew raising trouble from the men at the docks, tjey sounded fun, he'd asked around but hadn't been able to find them.

He had found their ship, he figured they hd to come back eventually so he paid an urchin to tell him when somone boarded the ship.

(Note on the Lugia argument)

Lugia effectively can't be hit when they're paying attention (so they can activate their fruit) so I doubt another Lugia type would affect it much unless the types allow it, water (if it existed which it wouldn't because of the whole no swimming thing) would be able to hit crocodile, a glass type would technically be able to hitvthe light man (can't remember his name, he's an admiral in the navy).

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Valir looked at the scepter as he fell into step with Luka. "We should hold onto it. If nothing else we might be able to use that gem. It seems pretty powerful, even just as a means of canceling out devil fruits." He said. Miss All Soul's Day twitched. "Don't you dare take that. It's my key to power, my-" Valir jostled her, forcing her to stop talking. "Shut it. You've been a nuisance. You think we'll listen to you?" He asked rhetorically. 
(Sorry I haven't posted, it's been a hectic day. Today won't be much better.)
Iggy makes his last left and was insight of the Crocked Connie "there's my baby and again some random person is aboard I swear people these days have no respect" he sighs angrily and walks to the ship leaping aboard like usual he takes a seat tired from his walk he still hadn't regained all his strength "Can you guys leave?" his voice was lazy and annoyed.
(so, can I bring the owl over there as he was delivering prisoners to miss all souls day? also pandas the only one aboard). panda turned to face Iggy and swung the club at him

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