One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Iggy effortlessly blocks it with his right hand then pushes off the club and running up to panda to give him an upper cut to the chin with his left hand.
Luka nodded and looked at the scepter and the light of the sea. After a dew minutes they walked into the area the where all the slaves were. She looked around saw a few guards the were left. She just used her shadow vine and tied them up. She then went around and destroying the chains and releasing everyone.
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Iggy chuckles at the large man as he leaves his stomach open while covering his face. Iggy cocks back his right hand aiming for a accurate spot and once it was seen Iggy strikes Panda's stomach with enough force to brake a large boulder which was hopefully enough to take him out and not to much to harm the boat.
Iggy dodges the grab leaping away "I have know where to go it's my ship or these people and I can't put to much strain on my torso by just pushing him of the boat but it has to be done in moderation" Iggy thought to himself then waited for Panda's attack as he put his fist up unlike his usual open hand stance.
Iggy was shocked by this stroke of luck "Thank you" he said sarcastically as the humanoid pinball came flying at him he pulls his fist all the way back then punches him around 30 feet away this attack wasn't for hitting just pushing so he should have barely felt it.
panda using his weight forced him self to the ground of the deck, leaving a few noticeable cracks "grnngh" panda grunted angrily
Iggy was a little aggravated now and he finally decided to try a little harder he ran up to Panda and strikes at his heart using his left hand (not a fist like a chop but straight forward) if it was direct it would strike through his flesh and penetrate his heart .
Iggy was hit with some sound but was somehow unaffected by it due to his strong will but Iggy didn't want to kill him he still needed answers from the guy. He just turned the attack into a fist which should stun his heart and break his rib cage.
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(hey hey dont kill him! besides its a devil fruit ability, I don't think your injuries can stop sleep!) 
panda felt the blow and coughed up blood and fell over.
Iggy walks over to the guy "I assume your a lackie of that guy. Did you eat my crew? Or did they leave or something I really could use your help" Iggy sounded tired. He kept his guard up assuming that the guy wasn't done yet. Panda coughs blood and frowns "I wan't say anything" Iggy knew how this wen't no information would be gathered therefore he was useless Iggy tosses him off the ship.
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Keke sat up from her resting place in a huff,"I'm not comfortable and this stone could mess up my back,I'm gonna break out of here!City or no city!"Keke screamed as she picked her things up and started to walk towards the walls.
Umaki wandered around the desert island of Alabasta in search of a town. "Ith hot..." She mumbled, groaning inwardly at herself for not buying a map beforehand. She trudged on under the hot sun, her footprints being blown over with sand behind her. Her ears picked up a faint sound in the distance.

"Huh?" She said, turing that way and squinting. Sure enough, through the waves of heat were a few colorful blotches. "Found it!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air and immediately running in that direction. As she approached, two things became clear to her. One - the sounds coming from that direction were fighting sounds, and two - the buildings were half-sunken in the sand. She sped up her pace towards the town beyond the rippling shimmers of heat.

Umaki sprinted into the town at a dead run, flopping down in the shade of a half-buried building without further thought. "Ahh... Ah. " She panted and rolled over to touch the cool stone of the building. She turned her sense of touch back up to that of a normal person, and was immediately hit by another wave of heat. She pulled out her water skin and took a long gulp. She had to be careful when lessening her senses or she might not even know she was overheating.

Now, for that noise. Umaki listened in to the sounds around her. Yep, they were definitely fighting. She didn't need super hearing to hear that a battle was going on.

She put her hands on her knees and stood up, stepping out of the shade reluctantly and heading in the direction of the sounds.
(Back, sorry, I've been working.)

Valir urveyed Luka's work. "you're pretty quick, you know that?" He praised, turning his head towards Miss All Soul's Day. "Your lackeys aren't that strong." She just chuckled. "You think this is all that I have to offer? You must be foolish." Her words put Valir on guard. "So who else is there then?" He asked, tossing her on the ground in front of her. "Hey Luk, think you can get these people to help you find Kain?" He asked, glaring at Miss All Soul's Day, whose smirk revealed nothing.

(Pb, you can send whomever. Evergreen, you can handle finding Kain and if you want you can get him back to Gene. We'll have company soon though.)
Luka grinned " thanks" after she freed everyone. She went and asked them " hey! Now that we helped can you help us look for guy name kain?" Thebslaves looked at each other and then nodded. They then began to help look for kain. After a few minutes they found kain hiding behind a cart. Luka went uo to him and smiled " hey! We're alive~" she said in a sing along voice. She giggled a little " come on lets get everyone out of here" kain nodded and everyone start to gwt out of the temple
"Watch out for other enemies coming though. Miss All Soul's Day isn't saying anymore." Valir said, hoisting her up before following Luka. "No point in staying down here." He mumbled, clearly annoyed. "Right when I thought we were in the clear."
" can't I just stabbe her shoulder and make her talk?" Luka said. She sighed as she walked with valir to the exit. She summoned 3 hawks who flew outside to keep a look out for enemies.
"Nah, we don't want to maim her. She could bleed out on the way. Plus I just love her upbeat personality. It really brightens my day." Valir said, adding a sarcastic comment at the end. "But if her kidnappers don't show up before we're out, then we'll have to decide what to do with her." He thought for a moment. "I suppose we could give her over to the Alabasta government." Miss All Soul's Day scoffed, but Valir ignored her.

(Let's wait for Pb to send his bounty hunters, unless you want to go ahead and get the slaves back to the town.)
The hawks kept an eye out for any enemies. This let everyone feel somewhat at ease as rhey cross the desert and head back to town wbere they reunited wirb their families and friends. Luka smiled and looked at mrs.all souls day. She poked her with the staff. She really enjoyed bothering her and gwtting on her nerves. She giggled as she poked hee some more
Valir dropped Miss All Soul's Day in the sand. "Luka, lay off." He said, chuckling at her torment. "We still have her other friends after us. And I don't think they'll like how we're treating her." He thought for a minute. "We should probably move from the town. She mentioned someone," He looked back at Miss All Soul's Day. "Mr. Goldenmane was it?" She didn't respond. "Either way, he's probably going to hear sooner or later about what we've done, especially if we're in town with her tied up with us."

"I'm taking her back to the ruins." Valir said suddenly, looking at Luka. "I don't want to put the people of this town in trouble or the ship. You can stay here if you want. I'm going to make sure we've got our trail covered though." Maybe we should have left her in the desert he considered darkly.
Luka nodded "alright I am gonna take kain back to gene and then come back to pick you up " she made her three hawks disappear and summoned Al. She got on and told kain to get on which he did. " be careful valir" she before she flew of toward the ship woth kain

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