One piece: The new era [Inactive]

(hooray valir is here, keke can you just be patient enough for valir to beat the owl?) 
"oh?" said giraffe, returning to a fighting position
Luka coated her arms and legs in shadow armor. She created 2 hunting knifes. The same knives she used to fight mrs.all souls day. She got into a fighting stance as well. ' gotta be quick and careful...'
(I was waiting on that other girl, but she's got super senses so she can find me again)

"Then c'mon. We're almost out of water." Valir said, waving Miss All Soul's Day forward. He was moving more slowly, but could see the sunken buildings. "And I can see Erumalu." The woman reluctantly followed, her mind working to find a way to escape and kill Valir. She got even more annoyed as he drank more of the water.
"I must be imagining things again." Valir said out loud as he saw Owl waiting outside the city. Miss All Soul's Day let out an excited noise. "Owl! Help me! This boy has been dragging me everywhere..." She said, her anger very apparent. Valir looked between the two. "So I'm not imagining anything." he said, taking another sip of water and resting his hand on the hilt of his sword.
"your out of shape, the boss it's impressed" the owl said gingerly reaching into his pocket for his handkerchief " (NOWS THE TIME KEKE, or wait until valir wins)
Keke felt the wall and noticed it was made of cloth,a smirk appeared across her face,"Goodbye idiot!"She yelled Pbtenchi as she pulled a scalpel from her cleavage and slashed the handkerchief,freeing her from the devil-fruit created prison.
Valir dropped the water skin to his side and drew his sword. "So are you planning on fighting me as well?" He asked Owl. "Or will you step aside?"

(Pb you'll have to do Owl's reaction to Keke breaking out)
Iggy searched the boat for any major damage there was none he noticed that he was putting some strain on his wounds but nothing to serious but then again he's no doctor so how would he know. Iggy remembers that kid from before and finds him in the kitchen basically in plain sight since there no really good hiding spots "Hey kid come with me it's not safe here" the kid stood up looking scared "don't worry you'll be fine" he says joyfully "We should find the others but I should get a check up first". The two make there way through the town slowly but surely.
Keke landed softly and noticed Valir,"Oh hey!I have been looking for you. Thank you for taking care of Frigo."She said ignoring Owl completely.
Valir was momentarily confused. "Keke? Where did you come from? And you're welcome, he was acting strange in the Grand Line." He jumped into a fighting stance at Owl's outburst. "I wouldn't recommend it." He said, brandishing his sword. He glanced over at Miss All Soul's Day as she began inching away. "Don't you dare move." He growled at her.
"And Pbtenchi?" Valir said, lowering his sword. "Where did you two come from?" He asked, keeping an eye on Owl.
"This creep has a weird ability, he can fit anything inside that handkerchief". "I think I found Atlantis in there" he joked.
Umaki watched as the boy yelled to her. She dropped her hand and started walking towards him, only to find him in the middle of a conversation. They thought she was a mirage? That might actually be kind of funny. She waited until the boy had disappeared to start following him. All the way, she hummed a little tune to herself. When the boy came into sight again, Umaki got just close enough to hear him, then hid again.
Valir turned to Owl, fire in his eyes. "You took my crew mate and my friend in your little bag? Let me guess, for her little slavery project?" He asked, pointing his sword at Miss All Soul's Day. "It's safe to say we'll break more than your little bag." He said darkly, taking a step toward Owl.
After a few seconds luka heard movement and threw her knife in the direction she knew the twister guy was in.
Luka turned around and kicked giraffe in the stomach with her shadow coated legh, which fixed itself. She then ran towards and slashed at his chest giving him a cut across the chest. Luka jumped back and the knife fixed itself.
Valir twitched his sword, then dashed forward, bringing his blade in an upward motion at Owl's sword hand, aiming for the wrist. "Maybe I'll take your hand first." He said quickly.

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