One piece: The new era [Inactive]

After waiting patiently for a whole thirty seconds Twitch decided if they weren't going to come to him, he would come to them.

He strode casually down the length of the ship towards the aft where he knew the entrance to the gallery would be.
(Ithink I was waiting for valir but I can't remember now) 
(Okay, so what am I actully needed to do?) 
"Resilient" said giraffe "it's a shame to kill you". He went back into his fighting position
" why cant you just drop dead..." luka said as she got ino a fighting stance ' maybe I should do full body armor..'
((Thank you!!))


Luka thought for a minute " alright..." ' everything this guy touches twists and breaks....what would happen if he hits a drill....'
"Clever girl" said girrafe before taking the full force of the attack. He fell flat on the sand. 
Pbtenchi headed back to the ship with valir
Luka slowly walked up to him to see iff he was dead or alive. She looked at the staff and sighed. ' how am I going to explain this to valir...'
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When Keke finally got back to the ship with Valir she head straight for the captains room,"Next time you get hurt I'll break your back so you can't move!"She warned as she place on a seat. Taking out a few medical equipment she started working on his ankle.
"Let's hope aeris didn't create a weapon of mass destruction... Again" thought pbtenchi outloud 
(It's late over here, good night)
Luka saw that the guy was unconscious. She removed her armor and summoned ace who she used to fly of back to ship where kain should by now.
Itsuki would be hiding in the plants near the ship. His mercenary business was goin pretty slow, so raiding was on his mind.
(Who's on the ship? I've been walking around and I haven't read about anyone talking to me, I might have missed a post or two though, sorry if I did)

Twitch stopped at the door, knocked loudly a few times and called out, "Anyone there? I'm coming in!"
(Keke, Valir, Pb, not sure who else is)

"Next time? So you're planning on sticking around?" Valir asked Keke playfully. He looked up from where he was sitting as a strange voice called out. "Who's that?" He wondered aloud, "It better not be more of those kidnappers..." He instinctively reached for his sword.
Iggy had made it back to the ship with Gen "More people on my ship" he leaped aboard and Gen followed he called out to the man entering the room "Hey what are you doing here? Friend or Foe?" his voice was angry. He had a long day and wasn't looking forward to fight anymore today.
Al along landed on the deck and kain got of it and looked around for gene.

A few minutes later luka came and landed on ship. She stretched and looked at kain "did you gene?" Kain shook his head. " hmm...." she looked around and spotted her captain and gene " there he is!....gene!!! We brought back kain like we promised!!!" She yelled. Gene looked ovee and saw kain and luka. He ran over and hugged. Luka smiled at the two.
"I'm not joining you idiots,but I will stay with you all till I get to see my grandpa once more. "Keke explained as she took out some gauze and wrapped Valir's ankle. Turning away she went to go find out who was knocking on the door.
' I need a shower.....' luka sighed went of to her room to nice cold shower. Her bags were already there thanks to Al 'the after word I should make some food for the crew....they muat all be hungry after the fight...hmm.....curry should do the trick' she smiled at the thought. She looked at the scepter and sighed ' valir is gonna be mad....'

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