One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Iggy watches as Luka takes out three men with ease "rookies" Iggy walks away "I thought this was a challenge suddenly a giant man appears "yes" Iggy doesn't hesitate he goes straight for the man sprinting full for then leaps in the air aiming for his head "Titans punch" this punch was with his left hand though it was weaker than a right handed punch it's accuracy and speed was amazing what felt like a single punch was 3 all together. The giant swings towards Iggy but Iggy dodges it and pushes off giving him more force to punch with, the giants eye's grew scared but he was ended quickly by the punch sending him to the ground head first and causing a small crater in the ground.
Valir fired and immediately ducked, feeling the bullet whiz past his head. He was rewarded with a view of the man falling out of the window. "Whoops." He said, "Didn't mean to kill him." He unsheathed his sword and blocked the first cut from the group of (now) four swordsmen. "Four on one? That doesn't seem fair." He grinned. "You'll need a lot more to catch me." He blocked another slash and kicked upwards, springing off his hands and catching the first attacker in the jaw. He kicked off the man and slashed into the second. Landing, he ducked both the third and fourth's attacks, then cut the third man across the chest. Using the momentum, he spun in the air, catching the last man's blade and sending it into the wall next to them. Valir caught him with his right foot, sending the man sprawling after his sword.
Luka turned and looked at the men that were coming towards her. She could just tie them up but decided to see how good her combat skills are 'plus....I can't subdue every enemy like that...' she create two short swords and ran towards the bounty hunters. She blocked an attack with her sword and kicked the man in the stomach. She jumped back to dodged a swing from the second man. The first man got back up and the two came at her again. She side stepped and stabbed then quickly stabbed the first man on the side. Then blocked another attack from the second guy with his sword. The first man has been subdued. Used her second sword and made a slash across his chest. The man jumps back and looks luka and then charges at her and swing his sword at her. She she takes delfect the sword upwards and then stabs the man in the stomach. '...stil need some more training....' she sighed.

Valir kicked up a sword with his feet and caught it in his right hand. He flung it like a spear, hitting the first man aiming at Luka. "Gotta stay aware Luka, we wouldn't want our cook going down." He yelled, loading his pistol and taking a shot at the second gunner who was swinging his rifle towards Valir. The bullet his the woodwork near his head. "Damn." He said, diving to the side to avoid the shot. "Think you can get the other one?" He yelled to Luka. He turned to look at Igneous. "Hey captain, more might come. Do we have all the supplies we need? If we're stopped we might want to stock up." He ducked as another shot came his direction. "But there could be more of these guys."
Iggy laughs "Valir your a better fighter than I thought" he says jokingly. the giant hammer rises with Iggy unaware since his back was turned. It smashes down only giving Iggy a second to react but to his surprise his hand had already done it the hammer was stopped "my hand eye coordination training actually is working" Iggy says in amazement. He bends his elbow then pushes the hammer away Iggy peaks over to the man who seemed to be playing dead which was worst then die "you pride will be forever shattered" he says in disgust at the weak giant. 
Iggy looks to Valir "we should be stocked on everything but food he runs into the bar "where's the food?" the bartender replies "we don't have much you should travel somewhere else for supplies" Iggy barges out "nope they have nothing to take he says as he knocks a guy out.
Luka nodded and jumped out of the just in time to dodge bullet to the head ' oh wow...I should destroy all the guns first...' luka got on the rooftop and was able to see all the people with guns. She then create vines that wrapped around the gun and broke them in half. She then jumps down and punches a person without a gun in the stomach and kicks another one on the side.

"Then I guess we can leave when you want to." Valir said, tucking his pistol away. "Hey Luka, you don't need anything before we leave, do you?" He asked.

(So we leave then?)
" well I was planning to buy some clothes....but we can do that on another island" she said to valir

"yeah I doubt they have clothes anyway they barely have food" he chuckled he jumps onto the boat "Luka get the anchor please" he goes to the helm grabbing the wheel.
Luka got on the boat and used her vines to help her raise the anchor. She then went over and petted silver " thanks for guarding the ship boy..." silver growled and luka smiled.

Valir laughed. "You'll have better choices somewhere else. Just get on Iggy's case so we make a stop that you can shop at." He said, sheathing his sword and climbing onto the ship. "Ready to head off when you are Captain." He looked towards the town to see people coming out of the buildings, many of whom were brandishing weapons. "And we should make it soon."
Luka laughed " alright I will..." she then remembered "and guys I dont have a room to sleep in because you guys never showed it to I just pick one or what?"

The boat pulls off into a uturn and out of the town after things were calm he hastily pulled out the map "Little garden? no uh Dum island? I guess the cold is fine" Iggy turns to the others "How does Drum island or we could go to Alabasta oh and yeah pick a room" He looks at the routes he could take.
"Somwhere warm.....I am not going to an island that is cold in these clothes...and ok" luka said to iggy

(I'd assume there are only 2 or so. I'm out for now, we might want to wait for Pb, but that's up to you. Also, what happened to our Navigator?)
Luka smiled and then went of to find herself a room. Silver turned into a pup and followed her. After a few minutes , she found. She closed the door and feel asleep on her bed. Silver jumped on the bed and fell asleep next to her.

Iggy watches the Log pose but was not really following, he believed since it didn't have a brain how would it tell him were to go after a long confusing but joyful trip Iggy had finally succeed and the Island was in site "Yeah I know we have our differences but we work good together" he speaks sincerely towards the log pose giving it a fist bump. He takes it ease the rest of the way.
Iggy notices Pb walking up to him Iggy secretly kept his gaurd up "Alabasta I think" he says nervously "well no need to be around the bush. Honestly how do you feel about my leadership?" he spoke in a serous tone.
"I done some thinking, and I'm sorry, it's true I'm not happy you let me and sis nearly get slaughtered, but I haven't been in the crew long enough to distrust your judgement, and for that I'm sorry"
"About the fight I just needed to know I wasn't surrounded by weaklings who were just going to cause me to take a bullet everytime someone above them comes around" he speaks serious but kindly "first off you guys put the boat in danger second you used know strong techniques and third you didn't use teamwork such as a combination attack" he was more judgmental sounding "Sorry if I sound rude but I just can't imagine seeing any of you guys dead" he sounded solemn.
Iggy chuckles "there's a lot of people that are new world level bu that doesn't mean you can't win especially with team work and a devil fruit. Your surrounded by water create an attack that incapacitates him while the other attack. I thought you have been around the sea before? Have you ever used any special moves?" he wasn't as serious now as much as he was proud of him finally being helpful as a leader.
"Well back in the day, I created screens and aeris would snipe through them, but I think he would just clear the mist by twirling his chain."
"How about you fill his lungs with hot mist or something now he's stunned and vulnerable and then Aeris, Valir, and Luka attack at once and he should take some damage" Iggy chuckles "just think about your advantages you have in a fight you have range I think so use it"

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