One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Luka was sitring in the kitchen looking through her cookbook with Al sitting in her shoulder. "Hmm....there are so many good food....what do you think?" Al cawed and turned the pages with his beak until he stopped on a page with the recipe for gumbo. " Gumbo huh..." she closed the book "sounds good to me." She then heard valir enter the kitchen and impressed that the kitchen is already cleaned up. She got up and started to take out the ingredients and utensils needed for the gumbo. " well I did work at a restaurant before so cleaning up this kitchen wasn't really that difficult..." she smiled a little "oh and we're having gumbo by the way" she added.

Iggy ignored Valir and continued towards the reverse mountain no time to waste "Hey sea monster you better leave now or you maybe hurt or something" Iggy was filled with adrenaline he had killed a few men and took on a captain and even gaining more allies and many people who wanted him to make it so he wasn't stopping here "Everyone you better brace yourself" after he spoke he would ignore what ever anyone else said. They slowly came up on to the reverse mountain and Iggy smiled as night had fallen and the water currents grew strong whipping the boat around causing it to creak a little but soon they got back on track flowing up the hill at extreme speed and all Iggy could do was dream.
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"a bit shaky" said Pbtenchi "probably not the best time to say I could have lifted the ship over with my ability" 
(anyone gonna post?)
Valir felt the ship lurch and struggled to keep upright. "Damn, not even a warning? I guess there's no time to waste for our captain there..." He said. "Hey Luka, I'll be outside. Let me know if you need some help, otherwise let me know when the food's ready!" He bolted out the door, only to be greeted by the sound of roaring water.

"Hey Iggy, ignoring my suggestion is fine, just give a heads up next time you're planning something crazy!" He yelled, smiling from ear to ear. Reverse mountain, it's amazing, He thought to himself. It truly was, and in the dead of night the only light came from the stars and crescent moon. The white waters rushing upwards seemed to play with the faint light, catching and reflecting bits of the cloudless sky in its turbulence. Valir moved to the front of the ship, almost having to climb the deck to do so. Passing Igneous, he grinned, yelling "There's something I've always wanted to try. Consider me the look out!"

Valir moved to the tip of the bow, climbing onto the carved sea monster head, using his good arm to keep himself steady. His blood coursed through his veins and time seemed to slow as they climbed higher and higher on the raging tide. He felt that he could make out each individual drop flying by, each one shining like the stars above them. "This is amazing!" He bellowed above the surf.

When luka was about to start making her food she almost lost her balance, but caught herself at the counter.' And up we go on reverse mountain...and we're alive' She looked at valir who ran the kitchen to look at the view. She also decided to go to the deck and see the view. ' wow....I should draw this when I get the chance...' she smiled. The night sky was filled with stars and sound of the water rushing as the ship moved up the mountain. ' it sounds very refreshing for some reason....must be the sound of adventure...' shw looked at the crew members ' I wonder what challenges we will face...' she giggled a little and looked at the scene.

Iggy finally snaps out of his trance as he see the crew gather on the ship to look at the amazing view of the night sky and it only grew more beautiful as they climbed to the top. The only problem was the lack of maintenance the ship has had in it's long rest it made an unsettling creaking sound ever few seconds that only a captain and shipwright could be pained by emotionally Iggy didn't show it but he loved the ship more than just the fact that it was his brothers. He loved it from the first time he sailed it to the docks and it yawned to him with sweet relief that it could awake and adventure again with it's captain who would protect it with his life and that it would do the same. Iggy cried on the inside every time he heard the sound even though it was most likely nothing but the normality of a ship on a strong current.

"Valir I just thought of our crew name it's to flashy how about the Cross pirates it's less arrogant"
Luka looked at him when he said the name of the crew. She grinned " I like! Oh and captain we're having gumbo for dinner by the way!!" She yelled.

Valir looked back at Igneous, just barely hearing him over the torrent of water below them. "The Cross pirates? I can work with that. Even if being arrogant is more my style. We'll have to make a new flag though." He said, still smiling. "By the way, I wouldn't worry about the ship. She's strong from what I can tell and small creaks don't mean much. And I'll patch things up once we're on calm waters." He looked forward again, treasuring the view. "We're nearing the top." He observed excitedly.
Iggy looks at Luka "Gumbo? hmm I guess that's fine and you make the best food I have ever had" he smiles then looks to Valir "yeah I like being arrogant at times but when an admiral smashes my face I don't think my ego will protect me" he laughs as the ship creaks again and tries to take Valir's word for it.

"were getting close guys ready yourself for the jump in a few minutes"
Luka smiled " thanks cap" she then grabbed onto the railing of the ship tightly, so she doesn't get thrown of the ship.

"Gumbo sounds great Luka!" Valir said, his stomach rumbling again. "And that's true. I'm not looking forward to running into one of them any time soon." He replied, laughing with Igneous. He felt the ship shift and looked forward. "You're right, I can see the peak from here." He paused. "Wait, did you say jump? We're jumping?" He yelled back. He obviously had not thought about getting down on the other side.
Valir looked forward again, almost falling backwards off of the carved head. "I mean, okay, but-" He stammered, then shook his head. "I guess we can't slow down, can we?" He forced a smile. "Then let's do it. I hope your ship's up for a rough landing Captain!" He looked back at the East Blue, its calm waters a blanket of blue-black, dotted with the reflections of twinkling stars. In the distance an island could be seen: Loguetown, a solitary yellow light against the darkness. "This is really happening." He said to himself, almost in a daze. "I'm going to the Grand Line, Oligai. Maybe I'll have some stories of my own to tell one day." His words were lost to the wind.
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Iggy laughs "Valir were going to fly up as the ship goes over the mountain but we should land safely as long as no one panic to much" Iggy looks over to the mountain top pointing at the freezing water that reflected the beautiful night sky "wow" the ship reaches the peak flying high in the sky it felt like they were floating.
Valir didn't have time to reply to Iggy. He reached down and held on tightly to the figurehead, feeling weightless as the Crooked Connie cleared the peak. His body lifted off of the carved wood a few inches, but he kept himself in place with his good arm. He looked down as a moving light caught his eye. The Twin Capes lighthouse could be seen far below, it's light rotating and casting shadows across the water. "The Grand Line." Valir marveled, his eyes glowing.
Luka's eyes widen and smile was stretched acrossed her face. "Wow..." the view from the top of the mountain was breath taking. She the gripped to the railing tighter when she felt her feet leave the deck for a few seconds. She looked back at the entrance " see ya later everyone..." she then looked back at the view " time to get ready for an adventure for a life time!" She said and laughed.

Luka look at pbtenchi " well it's not poison that's for sure" luka looked at him seeing that he is a little nervous " it's kind of like stew except it's a little heavier or lighter...depending on how you cook it"

"sounds interesting, I will look forward to trying it" said pbtenchi 
"im not very good at saving up, so I don't eat much good food" said Pbtenchi jokily
Luka looked at him "is that suppose to be a joke?" She sighed a little " it shouldn't matter if you had money or not...people should still get something to eat..." shebwent back to looking at the view ".... starvation is the worst thing ever..."


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