One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Damn she's stubborn, he thought, watching her walk off. "No, I don't think that'll help. Plus I doubt she'd go easily." Valir replied absentmindedly. He was lost in thought, but then snapped out of it. "The marines are closing in." He noted aloud, and he was right. Their white and blue uniforms could be seem coming towards the docks. "You might want to go, unless you absolutely want to stay. I'll catch up soon." He smiled and turned to Igneous. "I'll be back captain, don't get captured while I'm gone." Valir said jokingly. He jogged to catch up to Keke. "You think that they need protecting? From what, the marines?" He asked, pushing his luck. "As much as I hate them, that's what they're here for. Loguetown will be fine, even if the mighty Keke doesn't fight for them." He held his right arm, applying pressure to stop the bleeding.
"hey! you there! ship! take me with you!" yelled Pbtenchi waving his arms for attention

(is it alright if I create a character who's a warlord to be my archenemy?)
Luka watched the two go and sighed a little ' I should train with my powers a little when I get the chance to...' she then got on Figro and waited for him to take her the ship.

Keke eyes darkened in anger,"I have been here for a year,and do you know how many times I have seen this exact same marine ship?Twice each month,and each time the Captain of that ship would always demand that everyone on this island pay 10,000 belli for each person in their home.This town maybe a market town,but that doesn't mean they have that much money."Keke came upon the approaching marines.Keke whipped her hand on Valir's hand taking some of the blood off.Taking a stance she thrusted her palm forward sending a hard stream of blood into the marines.
Valir stood stunned at what just happened. It's just like him, he thought, his mouth agape. He recovered after a second or two and caught Keke's arm again. " Then take it out on the captain. Wasting time on these marines won't solve the problem, will it?" He asked rhetorically. "Look, it's not my business, but since you saved me once I do owe you." He said. "If you want a hand, I'm in to help. But not to take it out on innocent lives even if they are soldiers." The last word dripped with anger. "You don't want the people here to think bad of you. Especially if you care about them so much." His last sentence held some sadness and regret. "You don't want to make that mistake."
"come on, let me on board! he yelled at the ship." 
(any of you on a ship? ill join you as assassin for a while
Iggy makes his way back to the ship as he ran anger started to accumulate from his thoughts of seeing his brothers ship destroyed he became very aggressive attacking any marine he saw even the Ensign ranked officers refused to challenge him hiding in alley's fearing his bloodlust. though he was very powerful he couldn't think straight so the amount of strain he applied with his punches would bite him in the a** but for now he was unstoppable and as sight of his ship became in his line of sight his anger vanished like nothing "just in time" he spoke to his self looking at the minor swelling of his arms he quickly dashed through the tree's telling Shiv to get going to the docks to pick up the other's but sadly things were getting chaotic as there were other pirates on the island who attracted more attention. Though this was good since it gave Iggy's crew time to escape but Iggy just became more of a threat so he was the big target Shiv moved to the docks.
"hey!" he cried in an attempt to catch the crews attention. (could you please let me on, ill join as assassin or mercenary for a while)
Iggy saw a man who was asking to join his crew "come on but I hope you can fight Protect the ship" he yelled as he leaped down returning to the clothing store were he left his jacket but to his surprise a nice young lady brung it to him meeting him half way "thank you" he replied with a smile and a wink the woman blushes and Iggy heads back.
Pbtenchi, having got on the ship felt relieved. "protect it huh" he grinned "easy enough". a short distance off a marine crashed into the ground.
After luka got on the ship she looked around it. 'Hmm....nice ship...' she then saw a few marines getting on the ship. She smiled and waved at them. She recognized mostly all of them. They stood there and stared at the her. Most of them smirked ' wow...they are really happy to see me..' she thought sarcastically. " hey there boys I suggest you get of this ship" The marines scoffed "why? Because this ship belongs to my captain and I am not gonna let you take" " we'll se about that..." there 5 of them and they got on and surrounded her. "Last chance" she grinned.

Iggy stopped all his running he had to relax he was killing all his energy "thank you god we have a chef and a lot of ingredients" he walked around seeing pirates fighting marines they were a bunch of weaklings. He then felt bullets flying at his head he dodges and then a knife come to his neck and a voice appears "I got God hand" Iggy jabs him in the stomach "pirate hunters?" the gunner looks scared. "How do you know my name?" he speaks "you are the big bounty right now" Iggy smiles "really? so cool now GO" the hunter runs off as well as Iggy who accepts his lack of brakes.
One of the marine came running at luka with a sword and swung it at her. She side -stepped and kocked him in the stomach and send him flying in the ships masts. The marines lopked at her "and when I said I am going to kick you out I really can kick you out" she smiled at them mockingly. Then two of them came at her at the same time with swords. Shadow vine came out of the ground and wrapped around the marines and threw them overboard. The last two pointed guns at her. She just created a shadow spike and destroyed the guns. Then ran up to one of them and punched them in the sromach and threw him in to the other marine. She clapped her hands together " too easy..." she then created shadow vines and threw them of the ship.

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Keke picked Valir up and tossed him over to Frigo,"Get lost!"She screamed as she turned around to face the marine soldiers.A smirk crossed her face as the few remaining soldiers stood up from being knocked down.Frigo caught Valir in his mouth,and started rushing towards the ship.Cracking her knuckles she pulled out some syringes,"Night night marines!"She boomed as the syringes flew and emptied themselves into the marines.Some of the marines got dizzy,others went delusions,while the rest passed out.Walking towards the captain (Forgot his name),"Oh Captain my Captain."
What just happened? Valir thought as he was caught by the sea monster. "You'd better not eat me..." He growled, his anger rising in him. He climbed out of Figro's mouth and swung on top of his head. He looked into the serpent's eye. "You've got to watch out for her you know. That's a bad path to go down." He said, then sighed. I don't even think this thing can understand me. The ride would have been invigorating if he wasn't lost in thought. Valir jumped off Figro's head and landed on the deck. "Thanks for the ride." He mumbled, then turned away. "Luka, where's Iggy? Let's get out of here." He said, stone faced.

Valir noticed the bags in the corner where Igneous put them. He walked over and grabbed them. "Hey, Figro, These are Keke's. Take care." He yelled, tossing the bags at the sea monster, who caught them in his mouth. Valir then went to the captain's cabin to find some bandages to wrap around his arm and stem the bleeding.
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"Huh? Oh, hey. And you are?" Valir asked as he walked out of the captain's cabin, eyeing the newcomer and wrapping his arm. He sure likes black, he mused. On closer inspection the shroud he was wearing was made of black feathers. "That's an interesting jacket you've got." Valir observed, flexing his hand and only half paying attention. He was watching the commotion on the docks. "I wonder if we'll get any more marine visitors?" He thought aloud.
"thanks for the compliment, and I don't think there will be anymore, they need to treat their injured." said Pbtenchi.
"Maybe. They can be pretty ruthless though." Valir replied, gazing towards the town. The docks were utter chaos with marines and one or two other pirate crews fighting. Panicked sailors were running about as well, and who knows how the situation looked more inland. "I think we caused quite the ruckus." He said, a chuckle escaping his mouth.

(What time of day is it now? Still day or evening?)
(dunno) "I think we should leave as soon as possible." said Pbtenchi, peering over the edge at the chaos going on around.
Luka stretched as she watched that chaos at the port. 'Wow...It' total chaos out there...'she looked back at valir and the to the new guy that got on the ship while ahe was fighting the marines. " who are you? " she asked the guy that got on the boat. "And where's the kitchen?" She asked valir.

"oh, my names Pbtenchi, I was apprentice to a famous assassin" he said "oh, and the kitchens that way" it sounded like he was eating something.
"Probably, but we're not going anywhere without the captain. It's his ship." Valir thought for a second, "Any idea where Igneous is anyway?" He asked. He turned to Luka. "Opposite the Captain's cabin, you can't miss it." He said, pointing to a door in the stern of the ship. He smiled sheepishly. "There might be a few dirty dishes to clean... or most of them."

Valir leaned his back against the wooden railing of the deck. "An assassin huh? I didn't think that was an apprenticing gig. I just figured you did things yourself to make a name."

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