One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Valir looked at her in a moment of disbelief, then said, "So you've got a devil fruit then? That's annoying." He watched Panther and circled slowly so that his back was to the girls' sleeping cabin, trying to figure out how her power worked.
Keke came trim the kitchen with a nonchalant look plastered across her face,"Hey!Shut up!I still have a headache. Next time you make much noise I'll cut your tendons out and strangle you with them!!"She yelled as she sniffed the air. Not noticing Panther,well ignoring her,she spoke up,"I smell a dirty cat!"
" um keke....that dirty cat is this lady!!" Luka yelled pointing at panther. She threw a shadow knife at panther. To check her out a bit.
The knife turned into vines and tied up panther " did I struck a nerve?" Luka said with a mocking smile.
"It would be different if you were a clean cat,but you smell like trash from the slums!Since you smell like a dirty cat,don't you know how clean yourself!?Oh and why are you here?"Keke walked back inside and came back with soap.
Luka felt pain surge through her body after silver was defeated " I hate it when that happens..." she readied her knives and dashes forward and swung her knives at her.
Keke held the soap up,"Dirty cat!Here is some soap!"The young woman screamed through the air as she waved it back and forth.
Shadows appeared around panther and stranggled her. She also tried restraining her by wraping it around her arm with thorns in them. ' maybe I should try using chains...' while she was occupied with that she tried to grab her and throw her into the sea.
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Valir bolted, moving towards Luka's belongings. He started rummaging through them. C'mon, it's got to be here somewhere he thought frantically. "Damn devil fruit users..." He muttered under his breath.
Keke sniffed the air and noticed an acid or poison,"What's that smell?"She wondered as she unglued her eyes off of the fight. Noticing that there was acid going through the ground,she looked up,"There is another dirty person. "
well heres owl atleast 
crocodile stood up from the melting rubble, acid dripping from him like sweat.
Valir's eyes lit up as he found the scepter. It was twisted grotesquely out of shape, but the stone at the top was still intact. Its surface seemed to shimmer like light through the water. "Luka was right, this thing is ruined." He said to himself, pulling the gem out of the top and tossing the twisted obsidian and gold commodity to the side. He pocketed the stone and rushed back out and below decks to offer some support. He saw another figure forming, a wicked liquid oozing off of him and eating away at the ship. "Damn, another one? Things really are getting interesting." He said, allowing a smirk to cross his face.
"Why are you here and what do you want?"Keke wondered as she looked down around the man. Everything was melting around.
crocodile turned attention from keke to valir, instantly noticing the gem in his hands. "better call owl to collect that" said crocodile, gancing at the condensed sea stone.
Valir kept his eyes on Crocodie. "They probably want to take us down since their buddy Owl couldn't." He said, pulling the gem out of his pocket. "And they might want this. It didn't work for Miss All Soul's Day but I'd wager it's still valuable." He smiled but the expression didn't touch his eyes. "Isn't that right?" He asked Crocodile, doing his best to stay calm. The acid dripping off of the bounty hunter made Valir wary of attacking.

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