One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Itsuki would quickly bring a shield up to block the attack, but the force still sent him sliding backwards to the other end of the ship. He stays on his feet, though, and once he stopped moving, he would slam his shields into the ground, sending him skyward. He would use the weight of his shields to direct himself back at the captain and attempt to land shields-first on him.
Iggy hand throbbed in pain he was yet use to using such force against a hard object. Iggy eyes set sights on the falling shield usually Iggy would dodge but there was a choice him or the ship he obviously choice the ship the shield smashes into Iggy as he uses his body like a spring taking away the force that would smash through the deck of the ship. Iggy was crouched down as low as he could get as his arms defended the shield with a Cross he was to restricted to make an attack so he had to wait for his opponents move.
"What the..." luka saw the two starting a fight so she moved back and watched. She saw iggy protect thebship from being destroyed by that shield. 'Should I stop them?' She asked herself.
Itsuki would swing around behind him and use the momentum to jab the end of his shield into Iggy's lower back.
Iggy had no choice but to take the hit he braced for impact as he tumbled forward and shakes off the pain it was a good thing it was his back instead of his stomach. Iggy then charges for his a left jab to his body but that was a distraction as he aimed for a right hook to his face with his face the times between the two attack were a split second.
Itsuki's instinctual reaction of ducking beneath a shield saved him from a massive blow to his face, in exchange for a slightly lesser blow to his forehead. His head would fling back, causing his hat to come loose. Instead of fighting back with all his rage, he would use the energy from the punch to fuel a backflip, in which he'd bring his shields back up.
Iggy smirks "Dont worry about me I can take little pain" he then charges again he choose to just throw a barrage of punches since this was more of a sparring match than a fight well atleast to Iggy it was. The punches would strike from everywhere with the occasional blocking for protection.
Itsuki would dig his left shield into the ground to protect himself, using his right to occasionally pop out and jab at Iggy's elbow. He wasn't sure how long it'd take this guy to wear out, or if he even would. At this point, he knew this was the right crew, and was just testing his strength.
Iggy was beginning to feel more awake then ever he loved the feeling of a fight but he knew it was no time to waste energy so he used one last attack it was hard to do but he had to attempt it. "phisically your strong but how about mentally" Iggy steps back and a strange aura emits from his body then vanishes Iggy then moves as fast as his reflexes allowed then he falls onto the floor "Nevermind I guess my misdirection needs work" he says embracing his failure "Your actually pretty strong defensively though offensively your average but not important you have proved me wrong"
Iggy smiles "yeah I'm fine just over doing my injuries" he stands up and rubs his stomach were the bruise were "I should be better once I eat" he says as his mouth salivates at the thought of food.
Iggy turns to the stranger "Well of course you can join, By the way whats your name" his tone was lazy again.
"That's something I don't know.I learned how to fight from him.He is a marine actually,but he dumped me in East Blue for my safety I guess.We should find you some crutches."Keke said walking out the door without turning to Valir.

(Sorry my phone is dead,can't charge it an I just got to my computer)
Valir shook his head as he stood up, putting his foot on the ground gingerly. "I'll be fine. Plus I can get an awesome cane to use from Luka." He said, grinning and walking out the door after her. He turned towards the group of people. "Hey, who's this?" He asked, pointing at Itsuki. "Oh, and Luka, do you still have the scepter? I think it'll make a cool cane to use." He said, turning to her.
Luka looked at valir and nervously smiled at him "um....about the see....I ran into a hunter...and stabbed his....hand with it...and the scepter to his devil fruit....powers...." she sighed " I am sorry...and food is ready..."
"Captain Iggy of the Cross pirates and the ship were aboard name is The Crooked Connie" he says as he walks to the kitchen dinning area"If your hungry then follow me"
Valir looked crestfallen but hid it and perked up. "Don't worry about it. At least that lady can't use it anymore. She got away by the way..." He said, scratching behind his head. "Do we still have the Gem or is that ruined too?" He asked, reflecting on it's composition. Crystalized sea-prism stone could be useful.
"Seriously, it isn't a big deal." Valir laughed, then added," I might take that gem off your hands if you don't mind though. It could come in handy. But," His expression changed to one of anticipation. "Did I hear food is ready? Because I'm starving." He exclaimed.
Luka smiled and created a shadow crane for him and gave it to valir " yup food is ready we're having curry"
Valir took the shadow support and leaned on it. "Thanks. If I didn't have something to lean on I'm pretty sure Keke would kill me." He chuckled. "Curry sounds great." He walked towards the kitchen. Opening the door, he was surprised to see Kain and Gene already sitting at the table and helping themselves. "Hey you two, glad to see ya together." Valir said, smiling.

Gene stood up and walked to Valir, pulling out the military pistol. "Thanks for saving him. He might not admit it, but we're grateful. You can have this back." Valir took the pistol and tucked it away with his free hand, then tussled Gene's hair. "Thanks for holding onto it for me." He looked to Kain. "You two still need to be careful. Miss All Soul's Day escaped with another bounty hunter. And apparently we have another big player out there. A Mr. Goldenmane." He sniffed the air then hobbled to the pot of curry, with the help of his cane, and got himself a bowl.

"But for now, let's eat. I could definitely use the energy." He walked to the table and plopped down in a chair, almost spilling the bowl of curry.
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