One piece: The new era [Inactive]

Valir devoured the curry and sat back in his chair, stretching his arms above him. "That was amazing." He sighed in satisfaction. He looked at Kain and Gene. "I'm going to find Luka, I think that she has the key to finding Miss All Soul's Day, and Mr. Goldenmane as well." He stood up and strode out of the cabin, calling out over his shoulder. "Oh, and make yourselves at home, but don't eat too much. Our cook might not be to happy to prepare a meal twice."
Luka finished eat before valir and was now sitting on the figure head looking at the view. She was softly sing a song her mom sang to her.
Iggy takes a seat at the table and devours the food in front of him "Gene I see you have been reunited with your brother good for you" he stands and makes his way onto the deck as he takes a a tired yawn a black figure in the corner of his eye. Iggy immediatly strikes but is dodged gracefully Iggy leaps back preparing his self "Jack!? oh Jack it you" Jack face looks confused and suprised by his reaction "You don't seem very startled by my presence Iggy appoaches him "I figured out that move you talt me" Jacks suprised face becomes a smile "Smarted than I thought" Jack throughs a punch and it misses "You surpassed my technique?" Iggy yawns "made it my own by the way why you hear?" Jack face becomes angered.

"Just defeat that bastard if you can, alright" he then runs off into the distance.
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After looking around the ship a bit, Valir found Luka on the bow. He was about to yell out her name while bounding up to the bow when he heard her singing. Slowing down, he walked slowly up to the railing, careful not to disturb her. Can't say I know this song, Valir thought to himself, trying to follow Luka's gaze. She sings it well though. He filed away his question and listened to her voice as it sailed away from the ship over the waves and the dunes.
After about three minutes luka stopped singing " hmm....I should get some flowers later..." she muttered as she looked at the sun set. She missed her family and wished she could have given them a proper burial, but she couldn't so every year she would throw flowers in the ocean. She sighed and looked at the sky.
Keke was the first one done eating and had went for a swim with Frigo,mostly to help him catch some food. As the full moon's rays danced across the ocean,they also lit up the night. Keke pulled herself upon the deck with her hair slicked down by the water. The droplets across her body were lit up by the moonlight,"Before I go inside Luka,do you want some fish or something?"
Luka looked st keke and smiled " thank would be nice....juat put them in the fridge in the kitchen" she said politely.
Valir missed the exchange as Luka's song steered his thoughts to the South Blue. He thought of his sleepy little port town, reminiscing on the first time that he set sail with his father. He stared off over the ocean, the steady sound of waves gently lapping against the ship lost on him. I miss you Dad he thought for the first time in a while. You and Mom and Oligai. He clenched his fists as the scene in his mind changed to a darker memory. His eyes seemed to mist over for a second.

Valir snapped to, relaxing his hand. He looked over at Keke and then back to Luka, remembering his reason for finding her. "Hey Luk, do you have that scepter?" He asked. "If it's with your stuff don't worry about it now, but we might need it in the morning."
Luka looked at valir and nodded " its in my room with my clothes" the told him. She daid as she went back to looking at the sky.
"Okay, I'll remind you in the morning then." Valir said indifferently. He felt worn. "I'm turning in. You two have fun out here." He said to Keke and Luka as he walked towards the cabin. He removed his boots and sword, putting the former at the foot of his bed and the latter within arm's reach. He tucked his pistol under his pillow, then laid down and stared at the ceiling. After a couple minutes the steady rhythm of the ship rocking put him to sleep.
" night valir" when he left luka let her hair down. She looked at the hair clip that her mom gave her. The only thing left of her family. Everytkme she looked at it she would remember her mom and her dad's face. She smiled at it, she wonders what happened to those pirates that pillaged her village. 'They're probably at the bottom of the sea right now..." she muttered.
(time to break out panther and crocodile?) 
suddenly, a unidentified flying projectile came into sight, heading straight for the ship. (its gonna crash xD Iggy wont be happy)
Luka was still starring at the hairclip and didn't notice the flying projectile. She planning on sleeping outside tonight since the weather was really nice and all.
the object suddenly accelerated, crashing in to the hull, from the rubble emerged a figure. "that hurt" said panther
Valir felt the hit to the ship and jolted awake, immediately jumping up with his pistol. "What the hell was that?" He called out, slipping into his boots and strapping on his sword. He could feel that the ship was off balance and ran outside. Looking over the railing revealed a large hole in the hull and a woman standing in the rubble. "Who the hell are you?" He yelled at her, angry at the damage to the ship and from being woken up.
Luka jolted up and took out her shadow knives and got into a fighting stance "who the hell are you?"
Valir rushed towards Luka and Panther. "Panther? You know that Owl character?" He asked, drawing his sword. Is she another bounty hunter? he asked himself as he leveled his pistol at the strange woman.
Valir didn't wait for a reply and fired at Panther. "You know, coming to find us saved me a lot of trouble. I was going to get your boss when I could." He sneered, stepping into a defensive position as he did so.
Luka stayed where she was and glared at panther. She was stil in a fighting her fighting stance and was ready fir any attack she might throw at her

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