One piece: The new era [Inactive]

"Well what are you waiting for, an invitation?" Valir replied, coming off as more sarcastic than he meant to. He took a deep breath. Remember, feel where he is he told himself, but the acid dripping off of the man kept putting him ill at ease. He brandished his sword in front of him and held the gem in the other hand, awkwardly holding it as a weapon. "Let's dance." He said, hoping the acid wasn't strong enough to go through the metal of the sword.
Valir saw his opportunity. He took a step and thrust forward with his sword quickly, aiming for Crocodile's stomach as he switched stances. Here's to hoping he isn't some Logia. He thought to himself as he made the step.
(In the original source, he Walks through a fork lift) the blade melts on touching him, he instantaneously goes grabs at the hand with the gem
(Will it melt through flesh just as quickly? and how do we decide what it does to sea-prism stone?)

Valir leapt back as Crocodile reached for him, resisting the instinct to kick out at his attacker. He looked down at the melted sword, now barely more than a handle with dripping metal on the end. "No, not the sword." He said out loud in disbelief as he looked at the ruins of the last tie to his old life. His eyes seemed to smolder. "I'll do you for that one." He said, rushing forward and striking at him with the exposed stone.
( it has slow effect on flesh, for fairness and because the crystal is a very complex structure lets say it has no effect) in an attempt to avoid the stone, he reveals his secret and breaks down into a pool of acid, pulling himself together a short distance way. (Is losing to much to ask? I haven't fought yet)
(Not at all, Valir's still recovering and he doesn't have his main weapon any longer. I figured you'd wake Pb up soon)

"So you are a Logia then." Valir said, a slight sense of satisfaction at the knowledge. "Well then this stone really is my only weapon." He lunged again swinging his arm out a little wider than intended. Crap He thought to himself, realizing his mistake.

(your move mr. Acidman)
Valir screamed and fell to the ground as the acid burned his skin. He clutched the stone and rolled away as quickly as he could. "I could use some help!" He yelled to anyone who could hear him.
"Huh? I told you not to wake me up until we set Sail and arrived at the next island" said a very annoyed pbtenchi. "Oh an attack?" He clicked his fingers. ( I'll continue this later, but it's late and I have exams)
Keke stood over Valir,"I warned you before.You think his acid hurts?Wait till I'm done with you!You are gonna wish he killed you here and now!Why in the hell are you fighting!You are hurt!You must not appreciate your life!"Keke scolded as she snatched the stone from his hands.She was tempted to kick him back over towards Crocodile.
Valir glared at Keke. "Well," He huffed in between labored breaths, "If you would help fight as much as you get angry I wouldn't have to keep getting hurt." He forced a grin and rolled onto his stomach, letting the acid drip off of his chest. "Now help me or not, but don't just take my things." He pushed himself up and looked back at Crocodile and Pbtenchi. "At least someone decided to help." He remarked weakly. He could feel the blood seeping slowly out the chemical burns on his chest. "Why am I always the one who gets hurt?" He asked and laughed dryly.
Keke as tempted to break his neck,but reframed from it,"I have no affiliation with you people,other than you are my patient."Keke grumbled as she tossed the stone through the hole and the ceiling and followed it.Grabbing it she looked down at everybody,"Reason #15 you are an idiot: You just asked a dumb question.The reason you always get hurt is because you rush headfirst into battle without thinking or being prepared!!Reason #16 you are an idiot: You think I wouldn't help,but you never asked for it!"Keke yelled as she turned away from the hole and walked outside on to the deck.
"If you have to ask for help every time you need it, this world is a sad one." Valir muttered. He pushed himself up onto his knees and eyed Crocodile. "I hope Pb has more luck against this guy..." His entire chest hurt, but he stood shakily and tried to get to the stairs and the deck above him.
crocodile tried to turn his arm to acid and expand it, stabbing valir, but Pbtenchi got in the way, his mist seeming to weaken the acid.
Valir ducked under the stream of acid thanks to Pbtenchi intercepting it. He climbed the stairs, his breath coming in gasps. "She's right though. I do need to plan things out more and be more aware." He muttered. When he got to the deck he slumped down in the doorway and managed a small smile. "I'm my defense over this fiasco, I did call out for help." He said weakly.
"sorry, but your gonna have to go through me" said Pbtenchi. "ok" said crocodile, instantly punching through Pbtenchi.
Keke looked at Valir,"I can't attend to your wounds right now,but when whoever does what finishes those guys off I'll help you,but for now I have this pill.It should ease the pain."She explained as she held out the pill for Valir to take.Clinching the stone in her other hand she wondered what it was for,"What is this for and can I break it?"
Valir grabbed the pill. "I'll trust you on this one. And don't break it, I kind of want to use it. I've got a plan." He said the last sentence with the trace of a smile on his face. He winced at the pain. "How fast should this work?" He asked Keke, his face still slightly contorted from the pain.
Keke stared at the stone for a while. She wondered what it was and if it was sea stone,"Well...What's your plan?"The young woman questioned whiled she tossed the stone up like a ball. Stopping in her tracks she looked at the pill and started to calculate,"Well,that pill was originally made for a full fish man so the effects she work immediately and it might heal you a little. "
"We can only hope. I'm not exactly comfortable here." Valir said. "The woman who had that stone escaped with the help of that Owl guy. I want to get her again and make sure she can't start taking more slaves. Plus," He breathed in deeply, already feeling the edge of the pain fade, "There's another big player out here, and he's the one who sent those bounty hunters downstairs."
"I want to use the stone to lure them to us and take them down. It cancels out devil fruit powers because it's condensed sea prism stone." Valir said, remembering what Miss All Soul's Day had mentioned. "And I don't want to leave without helping these people. If we don't, reuniting Gene and Kain will have been pointless. They'll just get captured again with that woman and her accomplices still out there." He felt a sense of duty for the first time in years and intended to see this through. "So please don't try to break that."
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