One piece: The new era [Inactive]

(sigh, not the boats gonna get wrecked even more...) "YOUR DEAD" she screamed slashing around at everything, cutting through the boats walls like paper. (you should have just done name calling...)
((That's not her style))

Luka sweat dropped and moved out of the way. 'Cap is not gonna like this...' she used a shadow vine and tried to trip panther.
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(You can't put " tripped" you can pou to trip, because I don't want her to trip. Your power is one that should be used over majority posts, but your shoving it into 1)
((Tenchi...I could have tied her up and thrown her overboard....but I didn't I just tied up her legs...))
Luka trys not to laugh. She creates a shadow vine and throws to the vine. The vine catches the ball and throws it at panther. 'I should mess with her a bit....'
(Hello!) "only one way to find you. DESTROY EVERYTHING. Dress up." She wrapped a large portion of the wall around herself and began slashing even faster around the the boat. Luka should be running out of space
Luka notice that she was running out of space "you know I am right in front of you right?" Luka was actually behind her. The shadow that was covering her eyes started covering her entire face, soon she her nose would be cover and she would suffocate.

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