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Fandom [One Piece] Kamikoroshi - A Red Hair Pirates' Tale


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»The War is over!«

And the Marines had won. Portgas D. Ace, the son of Gol D. Roger was dead, and so was his captain, Whitebeard – the strongest pirate of this era.
Now, it had come to an end, at the expense of severe losses on both sides, paving the way for new powers longing to tip the scales over in their favor. Some of darkness, some of hope.

»One Piece ... The One Piece is real«

Whitebeard's last words to the world, known to be true by the one man who had arrived to end the war, that had claimed the life of his captain's son.
The Red Hair Pirates stood to face those still willing to fight, making Fleet Admiral Sengoku see reason and give in to Shanks' demand to prevent unnessecary bloodshed – and his demand to bury Whitebeard and Ace, not willing to have the Marines make a spectacle of their deaths more so than already.


As they bade farewell to Whitebeard and Ace at their graves, Marco thanked Shanks for everything, and they soon parted after. While he passed by hundreds of pirates that had come to honor Edward Newgate, the Red Hair's thoughts drifted towards Ace and his resemblance to his father. In silent empathy, he thought of Luffy and the anguish he was going through, wishing him the strength to overcome.


»By experiencing both victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man becomes a man.
It's okay to cry, but you have to move on.«


There was solemnity to the silence that had settled upon the Red Force when they had heaved the anchor, leaving behind the island that stood in full spring and bloom, as softest blossoms had breezed the fresh graves of what might have been their enemies then, but weren’t anymore.
She had noticed the foresail’s luffing an hour ago, and had held her reprimands under the guise of simply giving the lubbers a chance to get it right on their own. But the strange feeling in her stomach told of something more glum; the one sensation that was shared among the crew, and had left them with no need for words. However, there was no calm to it, at least not to her. The Lynx was restless, and had been for days since their skirmish with Kaidou, which had taken a toll on the ship she held so dearly. No doubt, there had been more important things to attend to afterwards than tending to the vessel, and it really had been one of the few instances where she agreed – even if there was the quietest whisper in the back of her head, telling her it had been all in vain, anyway.
At the thought of it, she felt her heart sink, chiding herself for it promptly. That wasn’t her place to judge, and it was at those times when she gladly shifted into the relief of obedience under the confident command of their captain.

However, with that very captain gone for hours now, that confidence had dwindled, too. It was more than unusual for him, and while she had spent most of the time ignoring it, others had taken note of it, too.
While keeping herself busy with the tenth unnecessary inspection of the halyards, her eyes started wandering over to Beckman, more often so as time passed on. After half an hour of covert glances, she basically willed him into meeting her gaze, as he had likely realized it was of no use to ignore her hunt for reassurance. But he just looked at her, lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. And then another. That alone was enough for her to raise her hands in a gesture of inquiry, only one gust shy of impatience before dipping into quietly mouthed cursings.
His shoulders sagged slightly under a toneless sigh, which Lux took as permission to approach. Not, that she had ever cared for those before, but today … everything seemed out of order.
After she had closed the distance to him, there was even more silence. But she waited, her face a display of chut. Beckman countered with yet another drag, that made Lux narrow her eyes.
»Really now?« she asked, her irritation barely concealed, while crossing her arms.
»What do you want to hear?« Benn gave back with a hint of exhaustion.
»We need to-«
»No, we don’t.«
Lux frowned.
Then, more softly, he said: »It can wait.«
»It has waited several days already.«
He took in her stern expression, making a slight sound of disapproval, before answering: »I’ll deal with it – tomorrow. Let’s talk then. Get some rest.«
Now she made the same sound at him, topped with a sharp exhale, and turned on her heels in frustration.

Of course, she did the opposite of rest. Much to the regret of the three greenhorns that had somehow found themselves under her command as boatswain, as the captain’s preferred method of selecting new crewmates appeared to be whether they could keep up with his impressive liver. That most of those guys held on to the childlike wonder that there seemed to be a ship’s boy named “lee” who somehow always worked on the sails, was the lesser of the Red Hair’s concerns.
As she watched them trying to trim the foresail for what must have been the fourth time, the Lynx sighed and decided to step in, even though she felt her didactic capabilities quite under strain today. So, she opted for Show, not tell, and pulled the sheet with keen precision and much more force than to be expected of her lithe frame, whistling sharply at the rookies to pick up the slack behind her. Two of them stumbled almost over their own feet and their comrade’s alike, in an attempt to execute her stern order as swiftly as possible, and she felt thirsty all of a sudden at the sight.
The sun was about to set, luckily, which meant she could have given into it without much remorse, but there was another voice in her head, not wanting her to drown out the sense of unease that kept her alerted. Almost as if–
»Aghhh, screw it« she grunted to herself, turning to the bow and making her way downstairs. He would want to know if something like that needed attention, rather sooner than later. She just knew.
Still, she hesitated as her hand lifted to knock on the door of the captain’s quarters, suddenly realizing it hadn’t been out of concern for the ship’s integrity alone that she had felt at odds with herself.

Finally, she knocked.
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Arriving two minutes late to Marineford just as Ace took his last breath then Whitebeard followed after; Shank's poised countenance shifted to an expressionless manner. He sprung into action calling for the end of the war to help Sengoku see reason for not causing any unnecessary bloodshed; that the Marines won the war. His refusal to let them use Ace and Whitebeard’s bodies as flags stating if Sengoku doesn’t concede, or meets his demands with violence he’s willing to challenge the already exhausted marines. The sudden shift in Sengoku was all Shanks needed to know that he’s a reasonable person as there’s far too much at stake to keep the war going on, and the damage is irreparable. Now, hundreds, possibly thousands, gathered to attend Ace and Whitebeard’s funeral to give their final respects arranged by Shanks to give them proper burials as promised. He stood in the breadth of the island, delivering a heartfelt speech, as everyone hung their heads in silence, to mourn the losses. Though a brief conversation, Marco expressed his gratitude for all he did today. They parted ways soon after, Shanks felt Marco’s heart weighed down by his grief over losing his beloved captain whom he looked up to as his father. And, losing his brother in a short amount of time. He cast an empathetic look at the sky, his thoughts shifting to Luffy whose grief manifested through his haki. Luffy, he thought, as a gust rained pink petals over the island, a serene sight to behold. As if the island is saying its farewells to the dearly departed. At the first star in the backdrop of oranges, yellows, and orange skies, Shanks carried himself like he didn’t make Sengoku end the war or carry the weight of the funeral on his shoulders. His face unyielding as he passed by his crew mates, a steely glance at Beckman indicated to keep the ship running like normal. It made little sense to put their lives on hold despite the weight growing on Shank’s heart, seeing no reason for any of them to worry for him.

He flashed Yasopp, Lucky Roo, Lux, and Beckman a warm smile, wordlessly giving them a thumbs up as he descended down to his quarters. His jaw set into a straight line as he locked the door behind him, his steps heavy as he made his way out to his private terrace. Whilst the sea is calm in the twilight hours, the weight of losing Ace, who mirrored his father’s physical attributes, his unfiltered will created the perfect storm in Shank’s mind. He had known just by his name alone that Ace is his late captain’s son. The same name his captain bestowed on his son after his sword. Shank’s shoulders sagged down, Roger’s words as he planned turn himself in, stirred the flood of emotions Shanks held back after he sensed Ace succumbed to his fatal injury. Soon after, his haki picked up Luffy’s hysterical weeping. His singular thought thrummed through his mind. I failed you, Ace, and your father, gripping his face he pressed his back against the wooden walls of his office, weeping over the losses, his failure to save Ace, his failure to keep his promise to his late captain weighed on him. I’m so sorry.. Ace.. captain, Luffy..

After a few hours into the night as the sea of stars cast an ethereal glow on the blackened sea, his tears have all dried up. He perks up as he hears the distinct, high-pitched caws of an albatross delivering a paper, unusual that it would deliver newspapers dead in the night, his first thought that it must’ve been big news. As it hastily dropped the newspaper roll into his hand, Shanks went to read the paper under a lantern’s light. His face grew serious as he skimmed through it, Black Beard, his nondescript speech had a domino effect. It had not been long, a few hours ago, he instigated the sackings of Whitebeard’s territories as a way of shrugging off the remnants of his former captain’s memory; it's undoubtedly a way for Teach to stick it to his former captain. A cruel method to desecrate the name of Whitebeard. Shanks touched his face, 12 years ago where Teach marred his face, leaving behind a permanent facial scar. Black Beard's intentions for their clash are unclear, or his motives behind handing Ace to the marines. It’s clear to Shanks that Teach is a dangerously cunning and intelligent man, that knowledge left him uneasy. Narrowing his eyes, without Beckman’s 1st aid knowledge, or his crew being the powerful forces that they are, the tides of the clash would not have tipped into their favor. With how unfavorable the battle suddenly was, Teach thought of it as an unwinnable fight, he left with little resistance as the red haired pirates remained strong despite their accumulating injuries. His memories were hazy, yet he remembers Yasopp helped to get his wound treated while the rest cleaned up to begin sailing off. Beckman expertly cleaned up the wound and added the salve.

Now in the present, Shanks wore his expression plain, anger that Teach jumped on the opportunity amidst the chaos to deconstruct everything Whitebeard worked hard for. He gained a substantial reputation for helping people in need, putting their islands under his protection. Whitebeard is reminiscent of a loving father, willing to wage war for his division commanders, evidently going to battle against the marines, other powers, for Ace. He’s everyone’s father, and Shanks respected him. As Blackbeard’s words unceremoniously caused many to tear through Whitebeard’s territories, pillaging left and right. Just as he finished the last sentence, it’s become clear there’s a motive. And as his eyes glanced at the words, his rage was now unfiltered, in the form of dispersed, and ominous haki. As quickly as his haki troubled the seas, storm clouds arching over his maiden ship. He reigned in his anger just as quickly as emitting his deadly haki, steeling himself as his haki had a strong effect on the oceanic environment. It’s no good if his haki is out of control, the sudden shift in power rocked the ship as waves slammed down in droves. He stole Whitebeard’s Tremor-Tremor fruit, Shanks mused, the singular thought echoes in the back of his mind. The newspapers had little details of how Teach achieved such a thing though, throughout his life experience out as a seafaring pirate. His life truly began as a small child on his captain’s ship alongside Buggy. Starting as a simple deckhand though his captain treated Buggy and him with great importance, they’re part of the crew, his own words. In his younger years, he had seen the darkest aspect of humanity. There’s only three ways Teach could have stolen Whitebeard’s devil fruit, drinking his blood, eating his heart, or the use of another devil fruit. Both sounded dark once he thought of it. It’s unsurprising he resorted to that method. The finer details in the paper spoke of Teach using the low morale hanging in the air to spread chaos and discord on the ruins of Marineford through utilizing his newly acquired devil fruit, and another devil fruit, a darker element.

When his breathing calmed he sensed Lux beckoning his attention at his doors, her haki distinguishable from the others. There’s a certain spice to hers, stern and carefully measured, stark to his chill attitude he carried himself with. More often than not he found himself coaxing her to relax, enjoy herself a little. However, when Shanks is serious, he’s a different man altogether whose strength and loyalty to others is unparalleled. And, dipping his toes into diplomatic conjunctions earned admirers though it can’t be helped. Not soon after, Beckman joined Lux by the door. His haki no longer troubling the seas, subsequently his ship from the waves crashing, or the rumbling super thunderstorm ominously arching above. It seemed to calm down though his mind was still storming. With a careful measured sweep of his coat, meeting them at the doors. “ You’re both here..” He says, tonelessly. His serious expression is all they needed to know the ramifications of what he just read. He wore his anger plain wordlessly handing them the paper to read under the dim lighting. His hands are tied he clashed with Teach before they overwhelmed him by their abilities though it was a look into the psychological aspect of how Black Beard’s mind worked; how unpredictable the man is. It’s unsettling the way the cogs work in Teach’s brain. With two new devil fruits at his disposal, it’s not surprising if Black Beard somehow goes to form his own pirate crew as he wasted little time in his ambitions. His haste in acting out his plan, who knows how long he waited in the shadows, set the precedent of his unpredictability. It will be suicide to even think of fighting Black Beard with the knowledge of him having two devil fruits, and knowing little how the other devil fruit works, his face barely readable. That’s problematic, he mused.

Indeed, his hands are tied, going to war with Teach though their powers are unparalleled, there’s little rhyme or reason to lead his crew to an unknown death trap. As much as it weighed him down, hunting Teach is the least of his priorities though he can’t help the nagging feeling weighing him down. With two devil fruits, there’s the belief that Teach is aiming for power. It’s ambiguous as to what awful pressure he feels on his heart, none of it seems good. He wore no expression on his countenance whereas the storm clouded his mind. As he waits for Lux’s and Beckman’s opinions he knows clear as day it’s putting his stock on Luffy to shine through the darkness. To get stronger for the New World, to be the next pirate king, he always believed in his ward. He refused to meet with him for reasons that are his own though Shanks kept a close eye through papers and gossip here and there. He reminisced like a proud father as Luffy made a name for himself after saving Alabasta from Crocodile. From here on out, he kept his eyes and ears on Luffy’s adventures. He would’ve smiled just thinking of him if the situation wasn't so serious as it is. He knows Luffy will be fine, and from what little he gathers the straw hats have a familial bond that speaks volumes. Luffy will undoubtedly be taken care of by his crew. Putting those worries away and out of mind, Shanks has a plan formulating now. He aims to climb up the totem pole of influence and power, having set his sights on becoming the next Yonko.

He measured the discrepancies in Beckman’s and Lux’s haki; they wanted to talk him of something of great importance. It’s his responsibility as a captain to foresee matters pertaining the livelihood of his crew. He would press them if there’s something they wish to inform him of. But for now he wanted their opinions as it mattered to him. Though unspoken, Shanks knows it’s more than likely to have to do with their recent skirmish with Kaidou. He has been able to stop the Yonko from laying siege to Marineford knowing his strength will change the course of the war, toppling the tides, with unimaginable casualties if the oni captain of the feared beast pirates was allowed his way. Was it all in vain? The question weighed him down.
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It shook her.
Like a pulse of a heart clasped in ire, jolting through her marrow with such magnitude, it forced her breath into respite. Her dark eyes noticed the soft tremble of her hand before she even felt it; a ripple of the black force that had pierced through her as it had pierced through everybody on the ship – muffled thuds over her head announcing the sudden slump of the men that had yet to find the very will needed to withstand the Conqueror’s Spirit.
Lux steered herself into a measured breath, bracing herself for what was to follow. Her mind painting a clear picture of the billows that had retreated under the haki’s force, as if struck by a vigorous punch from above. But the sea never forgave, and always paid back. The first wave rammed the hull in hungry vengeance, making the Lynx swiftly adjust her weight – not without umbrage, however, at the almost sorrowful moan of the Red Force amidst the relentless chop. There was a curse on her lips at the implication; the very last thing needed now: More strain on the compromised vessel.
»That idiot« she groaned, her words but lacking any bite. More than that, an undertone of gentleness audible, now that the sheer shock at Shanks’ sudden outburst trickled away, leaving nothing but his palpable ache to linger.
She found herself torn between hesitation at her own helplessness in that very moment of which rarely ever some had occurred before, and the urge to reach out and still whatever had driven her captain so mad, if only for a second. However, the sound of steps approaching behind her, interrupted Lux’ own indecisiveness. Her forehead furrowed in a display of confusion and a search for answers alike; all of which Beckman didn’t react to, making his way to the door of the captain’s chamber as well. Eventually, he gave her a sidelong glance, under the slightest lift of his brows and a motion of his head, almost a shrug. Told ya.
Of course, she wanted to shoot him a dirty look, but out only came a hint of a resigned smile. He made her feel at ease again.

As they entered, the tension still hung thick in the air of Shanks’ quarters – but it didn’t compare to the turmoil that his stern mien betrayed just by contrast to his usual liveliness. Her eyes fixated him a moment longer, a soft wrinkle between her brows, before turning her attention to the newspaper that he handed over to them. One look was enough to turn her face into a scowl. Blackbeard’s visage took almost half of the first page’s space, and the headline didn’t sugarcoat the bitter reality of what had put the captain on edge.
His first mate and boatswain exchanged silent glances from the corners of their eyes, unspoken words between them. It could wait.
Lux began pacing, the familiar creak of the wood barely a comfort under the weight of her thoughts. After some moments, Beck had finished, leaving the newspaper to her to take in the details. Quickly, her obsidian eyes darted over the lines, as if starving of what little reassurance there might be hidden between; yet, with every second, her face told the story of the same realization that her captain and superior had arrived at before: It truly was as bad as the headline led on.
»…first his powers, now his territories« her voice almost a whisper to herself, pensive and bleak.
After a pause, her feet turned around, as if with a mind of their own; headed for the wall behind the captain's desk where a map of the New World told of all known islands within their grasp. She took a pencil, starting to cross out the very islands that Blackbeard had usurped from Whitebeard’s, not even cold yet, hands. Lastly, she drew in the most likely targets of Teach’s voracity to come, pausing every now and then when it came dangerously close to their own territories, musing.
Then, she stepped back, leaning against the desk as her arms folded across her chest, leaving the silent question in the air. Should they intervene?
Benn closed the distance to Lux, his eyes locking onto something else in the newspaper. She noticed, following his gaze, unfolding the pages once more.
»…increase of pirate activity all over the world… targeting smaller islands … people nervous… marine barely able to keep up…« she read aloud, albeit reserved and toneless.
Smaller islands, she thought. Those of which Shanks kept a lot of in his territories; that ol' softie. If people were already scared shitless at the increased activity of your run-of-the-mill troublemaker, what about those in the New World that were in direct proximity to those Blackbeard was about to lay siege to?

She looked over to Shanks, her face of an almost soft quality, proof of her hidden wealth of empathy.
»What do you want to do?« Lux asked. What do you need to do?
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Not soon after, Lucky Roo and Yasopp joined in on the conversation. Shanks thought of Lux’s question strategically, the cogs turned as he weighed his answer with a careful measure. Black Beard seized the opportunity amidst the chaos to lay siege to Whitebeard’s territories, knitting his eyebrows. “ Whitebeard’s passing hasn’t been that long,“ His jaw set in a straight line, his voice lacking the normal liveliness. He glanced at his map of the New World where Lux crossed out Whitebeard’s territories that Blackbeard usurped from. Though Shank’s countenance is unreadable the edge seeped into his voice. “ I won’t let him desecrate Whitebeard’s death.” He follows Lux tracing the islands that Teach may target next. The thin pencil circled around the islands that were pillaged, straight lines and arches, coming too close to his territories left him unsettled. “ The only choice is to intervene as innocent lives will be destroyed with Teach’s rampage, the same villagers depend on me for their livelihood.” His eyes shifted to his world map as his territories are in the line of Teach’s beaten path. As Shanks weighed on the rights versus wrongs; he wordlessly handed the paper to Yasopp and Lucky Roo. Their emotionless visages mirrored similar thoughts that the situation is bad. He strode over to his map tracing his fingers the circles and Xs that Lux had drawn, indicating the islands that Teach had usurped from Whitebeard’s, not, yet cold hands to the territories on his radar, and Shank’s swarthy visage normally warm bore a cold deposition. He fingered his facial scar that Teach gave him 12 years ago, a harsh gift, the other man’s parting words, of the depths of Blackbeard’s sociopathic mindset. “ He’s a dangerous, unpredictable man, don’t underestimate him.” Shanks remembers the day clearly, his face dripping blood ignoring the hot searing pain it paled to seeing the cold wrath in Teach’s obsidian eyes; how his eyes bore resemblance to that of a predator. No, Blackbeard is neither an animalistic predator, or a sociopathic human being, Teach is a demon in human skin. His strategy wasn’t to kill the other, but to drive him away to prevent collateral damage. As their forces overwhelmed Teach, they made him flee with little resistance though the damage was done. Bec worked wordlessly, yet efficiently in stitching up his wound, their silence was loud; how they worked in synchronized ways. Still to this day it’s unclear what Teach’s motivation for attacking him was. Which is what makes him a dangerous man.

As he approaches the stairwell to the upper deck, Shank’s back to his crew. “ Lux, Bec, Yasopp, Lucky Roo. I’m sure you noticed the newspaper talked of Teach’s second devil fruit, the Yami-Yami No Mi.” He’s a pirate firstly ; however, Shanks is in the centerfold of intelligence as his eyes and ears go far into the World Government’s breadth than anyone does. No one knows of his background, and Shanks suspects Bec knows the truth. It’s one of those truths that he can’t afford to reach the wrong people. There’s too many lives at stake if the truth went out of his real life. My damned father is sitting there at the top of the world in that wretched city, He mused. Saint Figarland Garling, though voiceless the venom dropped like a poisonous snake. He’s a Celestial Dragon, yet Bec knows he acts like it’s not a big deal; how his first mate acts nonchalantly knowing what he knows. With such knowledge it’s the level of trust between them that tied them together; how he feels indebted to Bec. “ It gives him the ability to manipulate darkness. It’s how he got such a powerful devil fruit is what’s troubling me, I heard rumors he killed his crew mate for it.” It doesn’t sound like a rumor, but a fact. He didn’t need to say any more that it’s obvious that they’re looking at a dangerous monster. And, with that he made way his way to the ship’s upper deck signaling for the rest of the crew to gather delivering a rather long speech, sliding in bits of what he knows of Blackbeard and his laying siege over Whitebeard’s territories and stating the islands under his protection may be attacked next, to prepare for battle, imploring caution with Teach, emphasizing do not underestimate this man over and over. He dispersed as he approached the bow of his maiden ship lost in his thoughts. Am I doing the right thing? He was lost in his grief as he thought of Ace and Ace’s father. Though his tears have all dried up, the weight of his failures is there. He knew all along Ace was Roger’s son for the first time meeting him. They broke bread together that cold wintry night over the cheery campfire exchanging tales of their adventures. As Ace regaled them vigorously, Shanks saw Ace’s father who mirrored such a boisterous personality; how he wore that smile as he could hear Roger’s voice. And, for those reasons he raced to save Ace as a promise to his late captain, yet he arrived two minutes late just as he felt Ace die, his skin twisted, charred from Akainu’s massive lava fist through his chest. Teach must be stopped as Shanks detests him for what he has done to Ace and Whitebeard. He shifted his glance at the moon quietly cupping his face, as if trying to hide his shame from his crew. His shoulders slagged, he had no more tears left, yet his heart weighed down by his shameful actions and regrets.

In the idyllic backdrop of Marie Jois its cobblestone, perfectly maintained streets, yards, and elegantly painted buildings bespoke perfectionism. Like a utopian land that transcends everything. It’s a front to hide the real darkness that creeps within its starched walls. As the Celestial Dragons practice their hedonistic beliefs. It’s a quiet, undisturbed night at the Figarland home. Nestled in his private quarters, Garling sat by the window with an old paper in his gloved hands. Hidden behind dark frames, his eyes ice as steel, “ Shanks you stopped the paramount war to end unnecessary bloodshed…” He sounds neither angry, nor impressed with Shanks, his tone lacking emotion. Smart man.. Photos hung on the white walls spoke of the Figarlands over the years. One had Garling, in his youth, when he had his hair was deep red hues, clutching little Shanks. He was a god knight, clad in armor of steel, blues fabric, standing at six feet. Garling’s hair, now white, still curved and long like a crescent moon. Shank’s plans to stop the war of the best is a smart, calculating move worth being a diplomatic man firstly, and a captain secondly. However, Shank’s ideals don’t align with what a Celestial believes. “ Why do you stand on the side of the pirates, the enemies of the Celestial Dragons and the god knights. I do not understand your rebellious ways in the face of the World Government..” He said, his voice soft as silk, his words had poisonous connotations to them. It’s best to sit and do nothing, only to intervene if the war comes to Marie Jois.


An answer so clear, there had not been a need for her question in the first place. Sure enough, Shanks was as much of a typical pirate as the Lynx was a mouse, and that bare reminder tugged at the corner of her mouth. In her ten years on board, she felt they had done more for the lives of the innocent and weak than her old marine base altogether, which livened up a spark of pride and satisfaction within her – even if that meant to put their determination to the proof in the face of darkness itself.
They all listened intently as their captain spoke of the very powers Blackbeard had stolen as much as the ones he had taken from Whitebeard; a thief through and through, and a murderous one at that. A spiteful chuckle left her chest over it, realizing how little there was to come after in this crew with barely a Devil Fruit among their greatest names. Might Blackbeard be hungry for Haki then?

While the captain ascended to inform the rest of the crew of their mission ahead, Lux felt an exhale sweep out the tension that she hadn’t even realized to have held. Beck still stood in front of the map, taking on his very duty as first mate which mostly consisted of building a strategy to whatever thing the boss had set his mind to. Although not in need of the sound of his own thoughts, he extended the courtesy, however, to have Lux listen in on it; knowing full well of her will to learn from him, to one day match the brilliance of his tactical mind. Even though she knew how forlorn of an attempt that was!
»It’s four days to Shise Island, six to Tan-tan, and at least eight to Talusa 2,« Benn stated in a low, matter-of-fact voice, naming all of the island in proximity to Blackbeard’s anticipated path. »And the information from the newspaper is at least a day old.« referring to Blackbeard’s whereabouts.
»…meaning we’ll have to check with… reliable sources first.« Lux spun along his thought like a thread.
»Let’s go with two days for now.« Benn decided, turning around to his bosun, »What’s the worst case she can hold up?«
Lux blinked, several times, as she took a silent breath; trying to ginger up her grey matter after this quite eventful day, »Worst-worst case, heavy weather and all…« she began, rubbing her eyes, »…five until we have a problem, and… ten until we’re fucked.«
»They need to ground her if we make it before?«
»Dunno.« she said, tilting her head left to right, and right to left, »They didn’t think so, but … the more we fare and the higher the seas–«
Beckman nodded, looking at the map. They definitely wouldn’t be able to ground her in Shise, their port simply was too small, too ill-equipped.
As if reading his mind, she said: »But it’s the closest of all to Whitebeard’s territories.«
»Mhm. But then we still don’t have new tar.«
There was a pause in which the Lynx eyed him warily; so he did already know what had caused this whole mess on the hull.
»Tan-tan, it is then.« Lux said quietly, bordering on a question. It was the only place to match their current needs with the ship’s condition, yet they fell silent, listening to Shanks’ voice on deck, that was riling up their crew. »…but we can’t turn our backs on the people on Shise Island.«
»Set sail for Shise, I’ll check with my sources how far he has advanced by now. It might cost us a day for Tan-Tan if we have to adjust but I trust your judgment.«
The Lynx felt her stomach twist at the responsibility he had just bestowed upon her. That she didn’t like. »Mmmmmh, then I’ll check with our Master Carpenter again.« she said, wafting away in the slightest bit of nervous haste, meeting Beck’s scoff with a coy grin, before rising up the stairs as well.

The men on deck were already in their best, defiant spirits, as their captain’s speech neared its end.
Right on time, she thought to herself, focusing on his way with words for some moments, and couldn’t quite help to feel animated in the teeth of her upcoming challenges, as well. First things first, however.
A sharp whistle of almost excruciating clangor resounded over deck, the weapon of choice of tall women that were small amidst the mass of sizable men.
»We’re headed for Shise Island« Lux announced when all eyes had turned to her, setting into motion the well-oiled machinery that were her skillful deckhands, »Get those halyards manned, we need the main and topsails up – now she ordered, grabbing a line herself to pick up the slack and belay it as quickly as possible.
Her eyes darted over, once the sails were raised, catching the breeze that was favorable enough to ease her anxieties about what time they had left. But that’s not all there was to it: »Braces on the yards, now! Portside, haul away on the foreyard one, starboard, ease off the main!« her brows furrowing, as she observed the adjustments on the yards in almost masterful precision by her senior mates; finding herself slightly pleased at the simple fact that Shanks’ Haki had knocked out the greenhorns, for once.

Speaking of which – her eyes wandered over to the bow, noticing his unusually resigned frame, filing it as a trick of the light. There it was, that very unease she had felt before entering his quarters with Beckman. But she knew, the best way to lift his sorrow was to follow through with her work.
She looked out for the Master Carpenter on deck, which meant looking out for her best friend, Liv, of all people, hoping their assessment of the hull's durability had not changed.
As the ship is bustling with activity, Shank’s smile grows ever so brightly. “ Shise, huh? It brings me back.” To those days where Buggy and him were simple deck hands on their captain’s ship. He shifted his attention to his crew who are hard at work. He quietly observes their hard work, his foot falls, are heavy and purposeful, attending to the ship’s needs will come soon after they anchor to Shise, and stocking up supplies next is on his mind. However, It's time to put these tears behind where they belong, now to enjoy themselves. And, Shanks knows the perfect remedy for this, a party is sure fire way to boost up their morale after the tragedy bestowed on them from the atrocities of the paramount war. He wants to extend his apology for using his conqueror’s haki with little warning starting with Bec of all his trusted crew mates. Two days at sea, after his suggestion, once arriving at the port town, Sishe, the party is in full swing now, food, booze, singing and dancing. He dropped near Bec sharing some sake while mouthing his apology then to the rest of the crew before laughter washed out his words though Shanks simply gave Beckmann a wordless thumbs up drowned by the sounds of laughter and music. He slid his arm around Bec’s shoulder moving in time rhythm with the beats. Unlike before, Shanks returned to his lively old self wearing his childlike disposition. His reasoning is there’s time for fun now is that time, so going to his business mindset comes later. He danced along with some of them looking at peace stark to the grief weighing down his heart.

Not soon after, his eyes were on the booze nearest him enjoying the boisterous music as he chugged. This is exactly what he’s aiming for, to get everyone to enjoy themselves for a change. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to his men animatedly chatting up some of the women bar patrons rather his face falters to Lux who wore her stern expression. He sighs with a head shake, “ You should learn to enjoy yourself for a change.” He blinks, tutting a bit, moving to stand near her. As the party is lively, Shanks can’t help in coaxing her to drop her shoulders and enjoy the ambience of the party, always looking the way she does can not be good for her or her mental health. As he walked to a bar to grab some booze for himself and Lux, wordlessly handing the dark green bottle to her hands. He surveyed the party with a child-like grin curved into his lips. None seem to be able to hold much against his impressive alcohol tolerance as Shanks can drink through a myriad of booze in a short amount of time; how his liver is still healthy is anyone’s guess. “ C’mon Lux, drink, enjoy yourself tonight!” He gently nudged the bottle in her hand, wearing that childish smile on his countenance.


»Haha, yeah, it’s much worse, than we thought« Liv said with an unfazed expression of cheerfulness; that little crazy twinkle alive in her eyes,
»What are you saying?!« Lux grabbed her best friend by the collar and started wiggling her around, making the girl’s head wobble back and forth, as if to shake some sense back into her. Before Liv was due for a visit to the chiropractor, the rest of their squad chimed in, pulling the barking, bellicose boatswain off of her.
The carpenter shook her head free of the vertigo, stabilizing it with her hand, without as much as losing her empty, albeit joyous stare.
»Yeah, we definitely need to ground her«
With one swift motion, the Lynx was upon her again, continuing her attempt at providing Liv the buy one, get one free deal of her life: Concussions.
»You can't be serious I asked you how bad it was you said it would last at least a week in bad conditions do you know how this could have ended I put my head on the line for this did you even listen to who we are up against in the worste case scenario?!?!«
»Heh, yeah, funny thing, I was wrong. Happens« Liv shrug as soon as the crew got both of them separated again, »Yanno, it was really cheap tar, super hard to make out what was hull and what was this dirt shit«
»Are you saying, this is my fault now?!«

The sounds of the party drowned out the bickering between boatswain and head carpenter quite well; even if not so much Lux’ foul mood as she arrived at the bar some minutes later, her mind wrestling still with the implications of what had just been revealed to her. The frustration rolled off of her in waves, making most of the other crew mates retreat under pretense, as if her ire was about to set them alight just by power of proximity.
But, of course, there was one person, who didn’t care. Because he never cared.
Lux eyed him more like a tiger than a lynx as he tried to put her in a better spirits, which likely made things worse, because it was him; the captain. Torn between telling him the news and silencing her own guilty conscience, she snatched the bottle out of his hand, as soon as he offered it, downing it in impressive and rather impatient draws.
»Another« she said hoarsely from the lack of breath and rough edge of the alcohol, that possibly worked as intended on the relaxation part, even if not so much on the mood one.
With grim eyes Lux peered through the window, down the harbor where the Red Force lay in maintenance – for what it was worth.
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Taking a swig, his acutely observed haki picks up the argument between Lux and Liv over the party’s droll prior to Lux walking inside the bar. His keen eye could sense Lux is trying to hide her guilty conscience over the ship’s livelihood. There has to be more, his voice a simple void in the whirlwind cast upon them. He raised his crimson eyebrows at Lux; how his steel eyes watched her like a hawk. After taking in a decent amount of alcohol in his body, he wordlessly gives Lux a bottle, or rather she snatched it out of his hand. He supplied her with more booze, carefully studying her visage. “ Can the ship be saved?” His gaze fell to the Red Force grounded to the harbor, the ship he named. All sorts of questions seem to cross his mind, one particular weighing on him the most. He bore his eyes on her, similar to a hawk. He took a long drink from his booze whilst awaiting Lux to explain herself; how he knows there’s something else deeper than the ship’s maintenance. “ Is there something you and Bec know that I need to know of?” He still had that observant expression like he knows.

There was an interesting sound, for the lack of a better word; something between a sob and a hiss against a sudden inflow of liquid that didn’t quite belong where it had ventured forth. It had come from Lux who then broke into a violent cough, one eye squeezed shut, while the other remained affixed to her captain albeit a veil of tears formed in them.
As she regained composure again under persistent coughing, she put her drink onto the table next to her, as if to avoid further attempts on her life by choking; still eyeing Shanks over his rather blunt question.
»Of course« she answered, her voice barely a pressed breath; further rattling of her lungs in tow, »…it’s just… cracks on the hull.« That was by no means good news, yet nothing that would justify giving up on the Red Force altogether.
Eventually, as the flow of oxygen was properly reestablished within her, she became unpleasantly aware of his piercing gaze, and her own expression shifted accordingly. Gone was his cheerful and gleeful demeanor, and the Lynx was left to face the very man whose bounty barely fit on his WANTED poster anymore. In that moment, however, she realized she wasn’t afraid of seeing him angry at her; none of his loyal crew members ever had to fear such a display of emotion from him. But they all agreed on the very thing they dreaded: His disappointment.
Under a sigh, Lux rose, taking some steps over to the window, one hand placed at her hip as if to stabilize herself. While she contemplated how much to tell him, if even the details mattered to him at all, her eyes drifted away from the ship, along the path through the little town; watching the people that strolled through their daily lives, relieved by the Red Hair crew’s presence if nothing more. Blackbeard would move on to sack Newgate’s territories that lay close by, but Shise Island was safe with their Jolly Roger floating above their heads. So, hasn’t everything turned out fine in the end?
»We’ll have to heave her down properly on Tan-tan.« Lux finally said, her obsidian eyes still on the very ship that had carried her away from all her anguish seven years ago. »And we’re lucky nothing worse happened.«
She sauntered over to him and the table again, grabbing her bottle and placing it at her lips as her gaze met his: »And that’s basically my fault.«
Then she drank.
When the realization of the damage to the hull reached Shank’s ears there’s a flicker of disappointment behind his gray, steel, eyes. Knitting his eyebrows, the delay sets them back considerably. His rationale side; however, is that there’s too many unknowns with Blackbeard. Going headlong into battle with little means of preparation outweighs risks more than benefits. He wore his cloudy expression plain as his hand reached for another sake, bringing the bottle to his lips. Tilting his head back, he took a long drink. He went to his calculating disposition in the form of a silenced measure deeply thinking. His eyes studied his crew deep into their merriment as they should be. Then his fine tuned haki picks up a shift in Lux’s emotions like she’s close to tears also blaming herself. “ We're delayed by a few days, my guess.” Those same gray-steel eyes went to the Red Force. And, it feels like there’s more than Lux is willing to tell him. That disappointment changed into his warm, gentle smile, waving dismissively of her blame. If there’s blame to place it rests on his shoulders. He should have been more conscious of his ship’s health. “ The ship’s as well as my crew’s livelihood means more to me than going to battle with Teach.” He didn’t like to see his crew hurt or upset if he could help it, not her. He understands the risks on the flip side; he's not stupid to charge headlong into the lion’s den, there’s little known of the Yami-Yami No Mi. He stared into Lux’s eyes, those gray eyes now holding kindness than blame. He made a slight scoffing noise. “ It was gonna happen anyway, I’ve spent half of my life on the Red Force, there’s bound to be damage. If it’s just cracks there’s no justification in giving up on her. I’ll gladly deal with the delay, more time to think of my next move, besides..” He narrows his eyes as the sight of Blackbeard’s wanted poster is within his line of vision like a phantom arching over them. Just then he hears his plaintive chuckle, and that predatory gaze, a look into a hallowed husk. “ I don’t know how the Yami-Yami No Mi works, no sense in risking everyone’s, or your life just to put an end to his siege though what’s the extent of the ship’s damage? Explain that to me.” As much as it pained him to state such things their lives DO matter to him. His serious expression defaulted to his cheerful self, that smile curved into his lips. He gave her a nod to indicate that he doesn’t blame her, rather wishing to enjoy herself. He did not want to see those tears again. He follows her face his concerns lie with his crew’s safety by extension his ship’s livelihood.
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The tension in her shoulders eased with an exhale, while Shanks laid out his thoughts to her. Still, there was hardness to her gaze, telling of the standards that she held herself to and didn’t meet, but his words blunted the edge to her self-reproach; those teary eyes only a remnant of her coughing fit, not more.
She couldn’t quite bring herself to a nod, as if accepting his lenience felt too easy, but instead there was the softest trace of a smile. The wrinkle between her brows remained over it, however, she appeared to take comfort in the very thing she so often reprimanded him for: The choices of what to care for, and what not for. Because today, he didn’t care for her mistakes, only for the wellbeing of the crew, of the ship. The one matter, both of them always agreed on.
Lux chuckled dryly when he even put forth an upside to the delay, and she forced herself into a quip: »Good point, thinking always takes you quite some time.«

Her expression turned more glum again, as he asked for the details on the ship’s conditions, but of all the words she had to muster in the past minutes, those were the easy ones. As she shifted her weight onto her left leg, Lux’ gaze wandered over the corner of the bar, losing themselves in the distance of thoughts for a bit:
»During our last maintenance we only did a quick coat with that cheap tar we had left in stock because we were planning on taking a proper break in what was supposed to be three days anyway; to restock with the real deal and give her proper care.« so far, so good, but her eyes darkened, »That was before we got wind of Kaidou’s plan to intercept Whitebeard, though.«, she said, swirling around the booze in her bottle absentmindedly.
Then she looked at him, a grim twinkle in her eyes, »…we had cracks forming during our encounter with the Beast Pirates almost instantly, even if they seemed stable enough, but–« she took another sip, »That damn winter wonderland at Marineford wasn’t exactly helpful either.« Aokiji had frozen half of the coast in an attempt to capture Luffy during his escape, which had subjected all the ships that had landed there to immense pressure, including the Red Force.
»… and then,« her voice became lower, her mien more solemn as she held his gaze, »there simply was no good timing to address it.«
Pink petals onto cold stone, a memory as fresh as it was painful, for him at least, as much as she figured. Before he could however drift back into his grief over the loss of his late captain’s son, Lux slipped into a more casual tone, as if to pull him out before he could even sink:
»Aaand that is how we got six-inch-long cracks below the waterline.«, she said, putting down the bottle to emphasize the finality of it. »There are minor leaks, meaning we need to avoid bad weather conditions when setting sail for Tan-Tan.«

Luckily, the Grandline wasn't know for its unpredictable seas or anything.
When she ran him through the hot coals, Shanks threw his head back laughing. Oh you, he mused. “ Hey, now, planning takes a lot! His thoughts all together shift towards the livelihood of the Red Force as his steel, gray eyes affix on his maiden ship. Where he unceremoniously stepped to face the draconian beast himself, Kaido, to deter him from his beaten path from intercepting Whitebeard. Their skirmish left scars on the Red Force, now hearing the finer details of the extent of his maiden ship’s damage set his mind on providing her the best maintenance, now he had his mind set on prioritizing the Red Force. Shanks has not forgotten Marineford; how Aoikiji’s wintry wonderland had a latent effect on Marineford’s waters to capture Luffy, immersing them in immense pressure, freezing pirate and marine ship alike. Aokiji’s devil fruit added onto the damage apparently. Knitting his eyebrow, his thoughts went on his rational side ignoring the implications of Lux’s words; how he shed too many tears it’s enough. It’s time to move on, to prioritize his crew and ship firstly. “ The grand line’s weather shouldn’t be a problem for the Red Force, it’s weather isn’t nearly as unpredictable as the New World’s.” That’s a small blessing, one less thing on his mind to think of the leaks. “ I think the leaks should be watched closely in the worst case scenario.” He kept on going with the sake, impressive with his iron liver. “ Tan Tan is renowned for its quality shipwrights and supplies. I've been there before while I was a deckhand on my late captain’s ship. Lux..” He sighs, that serious, yet thinly veiled smile curved into his lips. As he chose to prioritize everyone's lives including the Red Force’s livelihood. “ The Red Force is more important to me than chasing after Blackbeard, no matter how long it takes I want the Red Force to be in perfect condition.” He pushes another bottle towards her.

Under a pensive expression her head swayed from left to right and right to left again, as he considered the different weather conditions between Grandline and New World; not quite as confident in their luck as her captain in that regard. Yet, little there was to do about it – they had to reach Tan-Tan for reasons stated, and there came an absentminded nod in what might have been a slight shove of encouragement through Lux' own plagued thoughts. Once there, it was only a matter of wood, work and wood workings; she knew as much from her own line of work that had eventually put her in the position of boatswain, after all.
»Oh, story time?« she smirked with a lift of her right eye-brow, as he managed to steer her away from their journey to the very one that had always been of special interest to her: His on said late captain's ship. He wasn't the type to reminisce openly about his past like that, so she made sure to not have this opportunity slip away without a gentle nudge. She even went as far as sitting next to him, eyeing him in curiosity and a lack of hesitation in accepting the next bottle. »I'm assuming you were a force of workaholism as deckhand back then.« she said almost too drily for even her own humor, but that teasing twinkle in her gaze gave her away regardless.
When Lux inquired of his life on his former captain’s star ship, Shanks brought the circular sake rim to his lips. Strategically thinking of his words, carefully measuring which tale worth bringing up whereas leaving pointless fluff in the crevices of his mind. “ My captain wasn’t a vicious taskmaster, yes I was a workaholic even then.” That brought a smile to his lips, envisioning Roger’s visage. How his strength as well as intelligence commands respect worthy of being the realm’s pirate king. Though Buggy and him were deckhands there’s a rivalry at least to his old crew mate, and friend, his innocuous personality mirrored his measured archetype. Deep down Shanks could see behind Buggy’s orbs' profound jealousy; he knows why.

As his mind painted vivid images of his distant past, Shanks swirled the bottle between his thumb and forefinger, heaving a sigh. “ As much as I wish to take a trip down memory lane, my captain would not want me to still live in the past. I have important things on my hand that need my attention, sorry.” He polished off his sake impressively, imperceptibly gesturing for more. His alcohol tolerance is incomprehensible. When the barmaid brought his sake he took it as a sign to embark in a blissful state of mind, transcending beyond time than bowing to his business endeavors for a change. His countenance wore a dreamy look, their sake is delectable, no signs of acetone aftertaste. He took his sweet time sitting there, shoulders relaxed as means of enjoying his quiet time.

The buzz of activity of his crew and regular tavern patrons kept the ambience lively, warm and welcoming although his mind is running a mile a minute, too many thoughts working, high strung as they seem. He kept them active as his concern for his maiden ship’s livelihood took up most of his mind firstly; how seeing Black Beard’s WANTED poster in his line of vision could bring out that latent anger deep from Shank’s soul. However, the Red force and his crew are more important to him than taking a risky gamble by cutting off Teach’s rampage at the seams. For all his insistence, he instinctively KNOWS when he’s not prepared. Shanks is not disappointed as his crew may feel, they are not wrong, their safety is everything to him. They’re family to him as much as they’re his loyal crew.

And, as such taken in account of his ship lasting to Tan-Tan weighed on him. His eyes affixed on Bec hoping he’ll tell him the truth as he trusted him to be honest. Losing that anger; how he could be gleeful from anger to wearing a serious visage. Shanks met Lux’s orbs, “ My past is for another time, I’m not too keen on shifting attention onto myself, that also means to put much emphasis on the past. I’m not the type of man, so..” He let going, ignoring his drinking habits aside. His gray, steel eyes bore into Lux’s orbs, heaving a sigh. “ How long does the red force need maintenance for? Days, several weeks, whatever it takes I want it to be taken care of thoroughly. Money should not be an issue, there’s plenty of that in the treasury.” He wants the Red Force to be well taken care of. He shot a thinly veiled smile, at least tried to. His mother ship, the crew, are too important.


Lux measured him under a grunt of stilled amusement, as he lay claims to a diligent persona that she contested without any word but through teasing glances alone. After all, the Lynx made no bones about her opinion regarding his perpetual state of carefreeness, that most notably cared for being free of work. But maybe he did account for his fierce ambitions when it came to simplifying any form of stocktaking, as long as it concerned the number of rum barrels and sake bottles in the hold? So far, only Benn had taken notice of Lux strategically swaying the crew into celebrations towards the end of the month when inventory was due; as it was easiest to count zero barrels remaining. Not that Beck minded. He of all people knew you had to be quite resourceful when it came to herding the very cats that were the Red Hair Pirates.
»Why, boooo« she frowned, thumbs down at his refusal to share some bits and pieces of his time aboard the only ship that had ever reached Laughtale. His expression had been painted in dear reminiscence, making her eager to listen in on even the most trivial of tales; but instead of nurturing the ample amount of curiosity that simply came with a feline epithet, he opted for the route of killjoy.
»Something, something ›You should learn to enjoy yourself for a change‹« she parroted his very own words from just a couple of minutes ago, taking a sip while her brows rose in a smug expression. No two ways about it, she definitely would have enjoyed him to loosen up about his past a bit more, specifically, because he always had been notoriously tight-lipped with regards to his time on Roger’s ship.
Even though she held a relentless spark in her obsidian eyes, both knew her not to be that brutish in actuality – likely, it was more along the lines of payback for all those times he chose to be a pain in her neck over some silliness, rather than pressing him seriously for answers.
After all, if somebody understood the need to keep certain memories locked, it was her.

When he asked for an estimate of how long they were supposed to lay grounded in Tan-Tan, Lux leaned back in her chair, trying to slice through that cozy fog that had begun to twirl around her mind. Liv did tell her those details, but it had been hard to understand her best friend over the hassle of choking her while severely agitated; so the Lynx took more than usual to recall the information her captain was interested in.
»It was something like 5 or 6 days, depending on how we can keep her out of trouble for the rest of the journey.« she said, her thumb tracing the edge of the bottle’s label, before she decided for another swig. While doing so, a sidelong glance caught Shanks in an attempt to gauge his reaction.
Before he could answer, however, her eyes caught the longing glance the barmaid shot the captain, and she couldn’t but chuckle about it. »Looks like we’re in for a discount tonight.« she mused with a knowing look.
It’s unfortunate to hear it will take a long time to repair the Red Force. On the other side of the coin everyone could use a little respite, perhaps looking on the bright side will ease his concerns despite his carefree attitude. He sighs thinking of business means more work for him; it all sounds monotonous to him. One of the reasons he tries to throw off his duties as much as he could with his devil may care attitude, much to Lux’s approach to call him out on his lackadaisical life. He traced his cup with his thumb speaking of his past may bring grave misfortune to his crew, not speaking of his life on Rogers crew alone, learning of his true background there’s little to gain and more to lose. My father is one of the highest ranking god knights, it is a dangerous game to play if word gets out. It's pointless to broadcast to the whole world who he is, bringing the rim up to his lips. He didn’t give anything away or leave a bone for any assumptions at all, keeping it a mystery is better for them. Fortunately, for him, Lux did not press him further; the pouting was adorable though. He can’t help but study her smug visage, a playful smile curved into his lips, chuckling. “ You’re using my own words against me, I still stand by what I said, Lux, you need to enjoy your life. You may find me annoying and irritating, none of that bothers me. It’s not horrible to enjoy oneself once in a while.” She may find his words to be bull shit he still stands by them.

His shoulders laxed, noticing the barmaid giving him longing looks, it seems without fail he charms his way to a woman’s heart. He doesn’t try, Shanks smiles warmly. He excused himself for a bit. He doesn’t come back until a long while speaking to the lovely lady. Shanks is a pirate, he's not a cruel man or the kind to abuse his influence for his gain. He gave the woman his time, simply chatting her up and sharing a bottle, and a few laughs. He shifted around to spend time with Beck, Yasopp, and Lucky Roo, his most trusted men. Before being bombarded with the owner’s children, he played with them for a little while. He found himself back at Lux. The little boy spoke of wanting to head out to sea, and spoke of his ambitions. Who is he to squash a child’s vigorous mettle? When he looked at the kid he saw 7-year old Luffy. He can’t help that smile as he thought of his ward adamant on keeping his distance from Luffy, better that way, he’s kept track of his growth here and there. He can’t help in inspiring them his own way, through playful means. By then he was ambushed by the children wanting to know of his adventures.

He segued his stories with exaggerated hand movements as their eyes lit up like the sea of stars, carefully being tight-lipped of his life on Roger’s ship. Shanks may have a soft spot for the kiddos he refuses to leave bread crumbs thinking of the misfortune that may fall on those near him if he has been outed to be Garling’s son. “ I don’t like talking much about my past, so let’s leave it there. ” He smiles as he’s met with their disappointment. Chuckling to himself, as he made his way back to Lux, plopping down across from her. “ They’re like beacons of light, aren’t they? Kenni over there reminds me of Luffy when he was his age,” He stared at the boy in particular. Then his attention went to his drink, enjoying himself. He couldn’t help notice how stern Lux looked. “ You shouldn’t always be so stiff, and stern, or you will be stuck like that.” He shakes his head at her, Shanks wears that teasing glint in his gray eyes.

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»Naah« she drawled under humored dismissiveness when he spoke of her finding him annoying and irritating, however that little teasing twinkle alive in her eyes as she added »… just sometimes.«
Next to her back leaning at the table, she put her elbows and watched him strike a conversation with the young woman that stood smitten by his easy charme and effortless humor. The soft sway of alcohol in Lux’ mind had her linger on his words, unveiling the contrast of both perceptions the two women seemingly held of the Red Hair. As to clear her thoughts with the gentle bitterness of the beer, she took another, measured sip of it, letting it rest on the back of her tongue for a second.
It had not felt right to hear him say it, albeit he did irritate her with impressive tenacity, and as her gaze wandered over the members of the crew rejoicing away their night, she began to realize why.
Almost involuntarily, her eyes were drawn to the window, where the last petals of spring faded from the magnolia tree there, bathed in the violet tint of settling dusk. An image so fair, it should not have felt haunting.
With force, the Lynx pulled herself loose from that unwelcome rise of sentimentality over those past events, and as she rose to step over to her squad, she made a rather simplistic mental note to cut her captain some slack going forward.

They hid in the rearmost corner, discussing the findings of today's minor maintenances in order to keep the Red Force afloat until full repairs could be made on Tan-Tan. Lux opted for water to seize what understanding was left of her days among the carpenters, her head already dizzy enough from keeping up with their quarrels about what type of oakum to use and what splicing technique may yield the best results for replacing those planks unsalvageable. When Liv, Siegfried, Danko and Esper lost track of the nitty-gritty once more, Lux' felt her attention shift towards the kids that were clinging to Shanks' every word by now. She chuckled at their zest, and her expression gained a rare mildness as she observed her captain in his element – for a tad longer than intended.
Liv noticed and gave her a look. Lux in turn rolled her eyes and, in all her grace and eloquence, told her to f*ck off.

After a while, the table with her friends cleared, leaving her alone to brood over the hasty scribbles that Siegfried had made of the damages onto a napkin, notes and scrawly diagrams in tow which seemed more akin to ancient hieroglyphs than anything else. She rubbed her temples with three fingers as she leaned onto her angled arm, sighing tonelessly.
Her mien even unaffected by Shanks' sudden reappearance, only her eyes shifting towards the boy that had surfaced those gleeful memories of Luffy within her captain. She allowed herself a slow blink, trying to sort away her thoughts; managing a lazy smile, regardless.
»That's quite the accolade.« Lux said, her voice low, almost quiet. She had never met Luffy in person but the way Shanks, and the rest of the crew for that matter, spoke about the boy that had risen to fame wearing the old straw hat of the Red Hair, drew a picture of a force to be reckoned with.
His jab at her demeanour didn't go unnoticed and it made Lux narrow her eyes sharply, a feline trace to it, befitting of her nickname. »You really wanna do this now?« her tone a deep challenge, her gaze unyielding. She gave him but one second to back up, before she rose. Her steps led to the cork board next to the counter, where she ripped off Blackbeard's Wanted poster, of all, in unceremonious fashion to stuff into her pocket, before grabbing a large bottle of sake and two small glasses with but one hand, gesturing to one of her mates who threw over a waist bag of jangling metal. At the back door Lux halted, looking over to her captain with a hint of mischief at the corner of her mouth. A tilt of her head signaling him to follow.

Outside she pinned Blackbeard's ugly visage onto the magnolia tree before removing herself quite a distance from it. There she spilled the contents of the bag on a wooden box; throwing knives of lithe smithery. In between she placed bottle and glasses, waiting for her opponent in a smug display of confidence. »Face, a point. Everything else, a swig. Miss, chug.« she explained the rules. The goal was to get as much knives into Teach's face; everything else on the poster being cause for a sip. If the knife missed the paper altogether, he would have to down the drink completely. »The winner gets to ask the other one question they have to answer truthfully.« Lux paused to see if he woudld agree to the terms.
»Age before beauty« - she then invited him to start in a bit of a sneer.

Was it unfair to challenge him in one of her own disciplines? Yes. Was it fun, though? Also yes.
The children were talking so animatedly of Shank’s tales it’s reminiscent of 7 year old Luffy except him trying to prove his worth. The red head’s mind twists and turns; how he stole the Gomu-Gomu No Mi to push someone’s dreams, to set the future of the universe in which the World Government subsequently the Celestial Dragons bear power no longer. However, the red head captain did not take his young ward into account of his plans. His motives, thought process are unclear, it will remain a mystery to anyone. It was like playing chess with the exception of Luffy being an unwitting piece. It’s the unexpected that took him aback that day, when Luffy ate the Gomu-Gomu No Mi, not thinking of the consequences of what he did. Now, Shanks thinks the devil fruit was made for Luffy, and only time will tell if the raven haired 17 year-old could prove he has what it takes to earn the title of pirate king like Roger.

He blinked as Lux challenged him to a drinking game. He understood the gist of the rules, maybe it’s a bad idea to needle her. Though it was justified for her roasting him over his intelligence, or lack of thereof. Knitting his eyebrows, his drinking is legendary as his liver could tolerate alcohol. Shanks laughed off the insinuation he’s not human, maybe he’s not a mortal he doesn’t know. He humored the insinuations they’re just as amusing as others trying to figure him out, little information tethered to him. He fell behind Lux shaking his head wondering if she had what it takes to outlast his liver. “ Face a point, everything else, a swig, and miss is a chug.” He repeats under his breath, his eyes scanning Black Beard’s WANTED poster. The rules seem simple enough. “ Age before beauty, huh?” He chuckled, she’s roasting him again. She’s killing him here, “ You sure we should be doing this? No one I know has ever come close to beating me.” He looks her up and down, his eyes scanning her. “ I hope you’re not a lightweight, even if you aren’t, It’s doubtful you can win against me.” He smiles, there’s that mischievous tone that Shanks is well known for.

Shanks turns back to Teach’s WANTED poster, his lips fall in a straight line. He wordlessly twirls the knife between his fingers seamlessly, and he throws it at the poster, the silver lighting under the ceiling light. It made its mark right on Black Beard’s windpipe, if it were that simple. He would’ve handled Teach without the politics involved. As his mind went to how Black Beard’s ambition drove him to betray his former captain and crew. It made Teach a dangerous man, not someone to be taken lightly. However, Shanks focused on the game as much as he hates work. He used excuses to get out of work more often than not throwing it on someone else’s shoulders. He sighs, reaching to take a swig. Nothing like the taste of sake down his throat, his eyes scanned for Lux’s reactions. Taking a step back, “ Your turn..” He smiles mischievously.

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