One Piece [Inactive]

"Please cut me down, bloods rushing to my head and i'm starting to see things" Zero says calmly trying to move his head "Like that sea-king over there..." Zero stopped struggling and began to giggle to himself about the invisible, non-existing things happening around him as he releases the rope in his hand.
Yui sat down tired from everything that happened today

Noctis shouted kicking him when he was down "so what we gonna do with this runt"
Kazuma spat out blood his body felt heavy "I used to much power" he forced out as blood poured from his mouth and nose 'this doesn't feel good at all' he thought. He tried to get up but callapsed again spitting out more blood.
"o he is still alive" Noctis said laughing before he stamped down on his back in a very hard fashion knowing they wasn't much of a chance for him to move in his state.
Zero snaps out of his confusion and grab's shades hand "Thanks, at least someone cares enough" Zero smiled at Shade and began the climb back up to the crows nest where his swords were tied.
she blushed and moved her hands away quickly. "i got it you stay." she climbed up grabbed them all and sat them carefully down near him and went to her up to the wheel alone trying to handle everything.
'If only I was stronger' Kazuma thought, "if she wasn't here to protect you I would crush you, literally" he said wiping the blood away from his mouth. "Air bubble" he whispered however nothing happened...
"ha you want to hear the truth she cant beat me in a fight the main reason she follows me is too hope to surpass me" Noctis said his eyes were red rather than blue and he said it in a rather sadistic voice "now shut up" he said as he now stamped on his right arm of course he was using busoshoku haki just to be sure it hurt.
"Thanks again" Zero said as he checked each one of his swords and carefully and propped them up at the base of the mast "Good none were damaged" Zero then turns to Noctis "Whats with the kid, why isn't he over-board yet ?"
Kazuma looked up at Yui clenching his teeth, " your very beautiful" he said winking, the last bit of blood poured onto the floor. 'I need to waste time to try and rest up to gain my powers back, If I can just become stronger my powers will last forever and I will be immortal' he thought.
shade nodded and closed her eyes smelling the salty sea air, hearing the kid speak. "hes buying his time. ive seen it before pirates and the crew dont believe anything and dont trust anyone." she put a kerchef across his mouth and tied it there. then went back to her post and looked at the compass
"Its more FUN this way" Noctis said with a sadistic smile on his face "lend me your swords swordsman i have a idea"

Yui opened one eye " you disgust me" she said in a voice that made her sound superior to him
Kazuma grinned ' it's time' he thought, " Air string" he mumbled no one knowing what he said because his mouth was covered, suddenly strings of air trapped everyone stopping everyone in there tracks a giant air cage covered the ship Kazuma grinned evilly 'the tide is turned'
Zero looked at Noctis as if he just said he killed his family "Your not touching my swords" As he sat down and gathered them to his right "I don't trust people to use my swords so use your own" Zero rested his arm on his swords and leaned against the mast closing his eyes as he dose so.
"catch!" she tossed her sword to him and growled at Kazuma pulling the rope so tight it goes in his mouth making it impossible to speak. "hmph. Dont try a human they can still get you to shut up." she spits at his feet angered showing disrespect and that she was furious
Kazuma struggled until he made an action with his right hand which flipped shade upside down 'don't test me' he thought. He close his left hand which slowly made the ship slowly crush together...
"Bastard!" Zero said as he walked over "Why don't you lay down and stop causing trouble till we get to the next island you do what ever you want there we won't care " as he approached Yui, Noctis and Kazuma he brought his leg back to kick Kazuma in the head his but foot stopped and wouldn't move, he then noticed his arms couldn't move either.
shade pulled tighter making it hard to move, and continued pulling "Stop or i wont let go." she definitely meant it. a pirates code of honor. She held firmly to it not caring how bad she got injured. "pirates honor of course try anything until then and you will mr. air will be vaccuumed and put in a jar that will be sealed eternally." she growled not caring how much pain she was in she pulled more and more until he replied
Kazuma sighed, he opened both of his hands releasing Shade and the ship stopped being crushed. He gave up and just relaxed his body for a kick he didn't really care it was inevitable until Kazuma got stronger...
The air strings that had been pushing on Zero's chest and legs prevented him from moving him any closer, he didn't notice them until now as he had only just noticed strain they had on him and he was forced back to his original position after he stood up.

"Huh?" he said puzzled
Shade released the rope and had fell from the air and wasnt able to catch herself because she had blacked. she wasnt expecting to black out but considering she fought him and she hadnt ate in weeks she didnt have the strength to continue. As she was falling her daggers fell out of her boots and landed below her.
Kazuma moved his hands to move the rope around his mouth, he laughed " you can't escape my air strings" he said "air bubble" a bubble surrounded Yui and the others " now where was we earlier, oh yeah I've caught you now" he said wiping away the dried blood from his face.
"I've had just about enough of you now you fight me and i won't be holding back you get to see the true power of my devil fruit" Noctis said very annoyed and POed "Floating trap" he said soon after his sword when straight towards the man who is attacking them and out of nowhere about 50 appeared around him ((much like this picture but without the arm movements ))

"my devil fruits true ability is that if i leave something floating i can use it later for example my little arsenal around you give up its over" Noctis said smiling "and they are all sea prism stone swords" he added.

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