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Realistic or Modern Once Uppon Of Time In San Libero (a Mafia RP)

Jared's first reaction was to flinch away from the girl's touch. His second reaction was to flinch due to the pain in his shoulder caused by the first flinch. He had friends, sure, but they were "friends" on a professional level, which meant no 'awwww's, no inspecting each other's wounds unless necessary, and absolutely no arm rubs.

"Um, th-thanks, but I'm fine," stuttered the bewildered hitman to the girl, not sure how to respond. Now that he thought about it, he still didn't know her name. "Anyway, I really don't see any reason to stay any longer since your brother has everything covered." He started to pull away again. "Again, if you need anybody dead, missing, gone, or just disappear in general, just look for me."
She turned to her brother her focused brought about by the word copper. " Me ya forward"** She turned back to the man letting him go when he pulled away. "Hopefully we meet again...for a little bit more than business" She giggled twirling around and walking over to her brother. She was flirting this was obvious,she did this when meeting any possible "friend" of her brothers, to make sure there were no ill ties;also she had a thing for guys who killed. As soon as she got to her brother she was fussing again. this time getting on to him for being hurt and how careless he was.

I'm coming**
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Joseph Latorio

Joseph tipped his hat to Jared, and nodded in reply to if he needed someone dead. It was good to have a friend who could take care of someone he needed dead, especially with all the money he and his family had. He heard mumbling but aggressive fussing in the background and noticed his sister. "Babababa, stop fussin' for a minute and let me talk, will ya?" Exclaimed Joseph, trying to explain his plan to his sister now. "Tommy's bringin' a crew on the way, I want you to wait for em and tell Tommy and his boys what needs to be done with the cars, and don't be distractin' em eh?" @aja maji @Yesman
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She couldn't help the smile the spread across her face when he mention Tommy. But she coughed trying to hide it. "Of course" she said matter of factly struggling to keep the giddy out of her voice. "Tis lot would bey spotless before ya know it" she smiled up at him. Then looked down to inspect a small stain at the end of her dress "awww" she said walking off trying to rub it out.
@Darth Gangsta[/URL]
Abram chuckled, "Yes. The women are quite nice here. But I am not interested in them right now. I want money. I need it." he poured in some more Vodka for himself, he passed a glass forward to Talsman and poured in the hard liquor, "Please. We cannot talk without some Vodka. I shall avoid getting drunk. Well more drunk." he laughed hysterically at his own comment.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Joseph Latorio

"Good money, trust me. And eh, get to know that Jared guy will ya. I wanna see if he's trustable, and useful for our family." Said Joseph, as he was pushing the bullet out of his leg and cleaning his wound casually. He knew why his sister made friends with everyone, information. Information was the key to ruling San Libero, without it you'd be a lost puppy in a cruel and fucks that don't exist world. "I'm heading inside the place to search for this safe, remember - keep an eye out for Tommy's boys and the feds. Both will be here soon." Joseph hopped up and shook his leg out, signaling it feeling better as it was wrapped with the cloth still. He led himself into his client's office once again. He began a thought process of figuring out where it could be. Well this guy was no idiot, he knew this was a risk to try and hustle our family. Joseph looked under the man's desk, it revealed nothing. He looked to the right and it showed a bookcase. Perhaps one of the books will cause something. He began taking every single book off the book shelves, and after several moments of throwing books all over the floor; he heard something. He looked behind him and a picture on the wall, a picture that seemed sealed on the wall, opened itself and revealed an iron safe with a key to it, or a pass code. Joseph, by luck, was able to easily acquire the key off his client's body during the shootout. He put the key in the proper hole, and opened the safe. It revealed lots of petty documentation from quick glances, however, one in particular document caught Joseph eye. It was a letter explaining once the Latorio's were robbed, they were to sell the goods to a client of the greasers. Time to put a hit out on them and get all they got, a good job for Jared. Thought Joseph. He also saw a 100,000$ check for the hit on the Latorio's. He grinned, and walked out of the warehouse with a smile on his face; the check in his pocket.​
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@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
"Well between you and me I need to get a bit drunk." Said John with another smug chuckle, taking the cup and putting it to his lips. For extra precaution he pretended to take a chug from the glass and slowly set it back down. "Perhaps we can arrange a heist of some sort? Just you an me, no one else not even our serperiors. What do you say mate?" Asked John, taking another puff of his cigarette and blowing a smoke ring. Surely this couldn't go wrong, the money would be split up amongst the two of them and everything would be equal. Already John was planning this in his head.

@Darth Gangsta
Adia sat tapping her foot when she heard the screech of wheels and the slam of car doors and muttering. She turned around to see a group of men amongst themselves and on in particular that had his eyes locked on Adia as he lit his cigarette.

"Ciao il mio piccolo problema produttore" Tommy said using motioning with his finger for her to come here. Adia smiled doing almost a half run over to him. Another man came behind her. "Where is the boss at?" he asked gruffly getting a death glare from Adia as she turned around. "Your looking at her you street grown good for nothing...." Tommy wrapped his arms around her waist laughing pulling her back towards him. "When are you going to grow out of these little temper tantrums of yours?" Tommy remarked shaking his head to the one guy to walk off. He let go of Adia asking her what they were here to do and she instructed them to take care of the cars. All except Tommy who once again was getting distracted by Adia as she marveled his new tattoos on his arm. Tommy was an good at what he did,and at his best proved over and over again to be reliable. Yet when it came down to Adia he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, his boss's wrath or his boss's feisty jamaican sister.

Joseph Latorio

Joseph walked out the Warehouse and saw Tommy, and Adia - "Aye! I said don't be distractin' em" He exclaimed, motioning his sister to move away from the group of men. He turned his head to Tommy. "Don't know what she told you, but all you and your boys gotta do is take these to the shop. Mike'll make good use out of them, and there's about 4 grand in each one." Tommy had a grin on his face, but before he could speak Joseph continued. "Once you sell em regroup at my apartment. Let's go." Tommy nodded without hesitation and motioned his boys to the cars. They began hot wiring each one they were driving, some cars two in a seat, and they eventually drove off in a matter of moments. He turned his head to Dia, " You got two options; A. Take this letter to Jared, and offer him 50 grand to kill the mother fuckers who tried to rob us, or B. Sell the merchandise to a family client of ours. Unless you improvise for both to work in a way..." said Joseph, with a stressful sigh being released.​
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