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Realistic or Modern Once Uppon Of Time In San Libero (a Mafia RP)

She smiled walking forward tho still behind her brother. She looked to Joseph,not to sure if she could tell the man about there relations. She decided to leave that option to him. If her brother wished to tell then he could. "A friend..maybe more if you play your cards right." She had a playful look on her face,her accent thicker than usual. It was a facade she liked to betray, flirty little sister looking for trouble and up to no good. Of course it wasn't that hard to put on seeing that she was a flirty little sister looking for fun in all the wrong places. It usually eased tensions,no one sees her as a threat. This meant a easiness for her brother and the element of surprise from her.

(I apologize if this seems offensive to any of you but my character is based off of a TV show character and this is seriously what he would do in a situation like this so please don't be offended by this, I'm doing it for comedy only)

"Oh you're Russian! Oh how I love Russians! You're religion is Orthodox, correct?" Exclaimed John in a rough Irish accent, sitting down at the table and ordering a glass of beer. This was some little group this strange man had but who was he to judge? He was having a good time so faer and that was good enough for him. "Sorry about my introduction, where are my manner?" He held his hand out for a shake "Names Talsman, you are?"

@Darth Gangsta
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Abram laughed loudly then had a sudden solemn on his face, "Yes. I am Orthadox. You can call me Big Man. Let's talk business." he took out a cigarette and offered one to the Irish man, "Cigarette." his teeth were marked beige from the smoking, "Talsman. The Italian family, correct." he stood up and took out his again, "Leprechaun suka (bitch in Russian)!" the pistol was directed at the Italian man, "I kill rival gangs."

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Easy there Big Man! I only wish to talk...Though, in all seriousness, mind if I have a cigarette? I've this condition only Leprechauns get and I need to calm my nerves." Asked John without the slightest sense of a smile, instead he was talking in seriousness but maybe the 'Big Man' wasn't joking around. Didn't mean he couldn't. Infact he wasn't scared at the threat at all because for some reason he knew this man wouldn't kill him. Yet, that is. He might've, thought John, but not without hearing what he wanted to talk about.

@Darth Gangsta
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Joseph Latorio

"I see." said the client. Joseph took a seat in one of the chairs, "You're welcome to sample it." The client smirked, and looked up at the office door to see it was being closed. The client then took the briefcases and stored them under his desk, "You may leave now." Joseph aggressively got up, "what the fuck is this?" His client grabbed Joseph by his tie, and looked him square in the eye; "If you don't want to die, you'd best scram mother fucker." Joseph balled his fist up, and punched the man square in the face; falling on impact. "Dia, cover the door!" He yelled, and walked around the desk with haste. Joseph shot the client in the chest twice and directly in the forehead with his .44 Magnum Revolver. @aja maji
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"By 'buisness' what exactly do you propose?" Asked John, grabbing the cigarette and pulling out his own lighter to light it. Now he was listening attentively to be able to hear what the Big Man had to say about this. Usually when someone said buisness he randomly began thinking about Lou's but now wasn't the time for that. He took a puff of the cigarette before taking a sip of some beer "Now what? Want me to tell you where my secret stash of gold is because I'm afraid I have bad news, it's back in Ireland mate."

@Darth Gangsta
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Jared Jones

Today was not going Jared's way. He was still a little sour about being dragged off his day off (even though he did get to kill somebody and get paid). Now, as he kicked pebbles along the concrete, he heard gunshots coming from a warehouse not so far away. The gas mask turned to face the direction of the sounds as the hitman stood still, contemplating on what to do next. He could walk away and pretend he hadn't heard anything but then he might miss the chance to kill somebody. He pursed his lips and tapped foot nervously. Eventually, bloodlust won out and Jard, twirling his baseball bat, quickly made his way to the shootout.

Nearing the warehouse, Jared unholstered his gun and snuck up to the front entrance. Peeking in, he saw several men spread throughout the warehouse training their fire on a man and a woman while the couple fired back, or at least the man was, Jared wasn't too sure what the lady was doing. Silently walking behind one of the men, Jared leaned his baseball bat against the wall and proceeded to slit the man's throat with his switchblade. He gently laid the body down and wiped the blood off his knife before returning it to his pocket. The bat was picked up again and Jared moved to the next gentleman, shooting another man twice in the chest on the way. The man Jared was walking towards spun around upon hearing the two gunshots behind him but he was quickly dispatched with a bat to the temple. Unfortunately, there were those who were simply too far away to hit with a baseball bat. On the brightside, the men's gunfire were now split between two groups of people.

@foosh124 @aja maji
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Joseph Latorio

Joseph reloaded his ammunition and took cover behind the desk, his client dead next to him and the cocaine under the desk. He looked up from cover, his eyes revealed a man in a gas mask. The man was definitely a sucker for the color black, seemed to also be a professional. Joseph smirked, this man and himself would be good friends for sure. Joseph checked his client's body while the man and his sister fired on the remaining remnants of the greasers. Joseph checked his client's pants pockets, nothing was found. He carefully examined the body, then checked his jacket pockets. He pulled out a key, then thought to himself, perhaps this is to a safe - the money. Joseph nodded slightly and put the key in his jacket pocket; then took cover. "Need some help pal?" He yelled, in hopes the man heard him. @Yesman @aja maji
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"Funny, I was about to ask the same thing," yelled back Jared as he unloaded two more shots in the general direction of his new target who was taking cover behind a pole. This was a weakness of Jared, he often found himself completely focused on one target at a time. While this helped him prioritize his victims when on a hit contract, this often left him having to deal with more enemies at once than another person who would change their target.

J.J. peeked out from from behind his cover only to see that his shots had missed, and that his target was still healthy and shooting. Jared ducked again as the man's (as well as other's) bullets began hitting closer to him. His gun popped out and fired several more shots.

Jared began shouting at the greasers, "Stop- no! Stand still, will you? Stop hiding!" Click, click. Jared threw his empty gun out of frustration and gave a furious roar as he charged from behind his cover. The roar and sudden change in tactic surprised the gang long enough for the angry hitman to reach and bludgeon his first victim to death. Jared's reminder that he wasn't bulletproof came in the form of a bullet piercing his left shoulder from behind. He instinctively ducked behind the pole as several more shots whizzed by. He laid his bat down and picked up the dead man's gun with his good arm and resumed the firefight.

Joseph Latorio

Joseph rushed through the door way and baseball slid smoothly, stopping directly behind a wooden table. He pushed the wooden table to its side as bullets flung around him. He blind fired a couple shots and heard the thump of a body falling. He peeked up to see the man dead on impact. Joseph looked behind him and noticed the door he entered into, then thought the heavy power will end this. Joseph crawled his way towards the door with haste, however, he was shot in the leg during the process. As he got up with aid by the wall, Joseph limped over to the trunk, but suddenly saw a greaser rushing out the door at him with a machete. The greaser lunged at him with a strong swing. Joseph grabbed the greaser's wrist before hitting him, then knee'd him in the stomach with his good leg. The greaser fell to the ground on his knees and was shot directly in the head by Joseph's .44 Magnum. He jogged limply to the trunk, opened it with haste, and grabbed a 1928 Thompson Rifle. "Lead those motha' fuckas to me!" Yelled Joseph.​
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Jared heard Joseph and gave a laugh. "You know how to cuss! Great!" he cheered before tucking the baseball bat under his left arm, wincing from the wound, and proceeded to run as fast as he could towards Joseph. He ducked and weaved, dodging bullets while firing some of his own. Running out of bullets, he discarded the gun and focused on getting out without getting shot. Finally reaching the door, he abruptly halted and spun around, raising his hand. "Stop!" he shouted at his pursuers who, once again surprised and somewhat confused at the masked man's antics, obeyed. "Is anybody here named Will?"

Glances were traded before one greaser raised his hand, "Um, my name is Wilford...does that count?"

Jared gave a thumbs up and turned around and ran pass the waiting Joseph. "Fire at Will!"
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Big Man chuckled, "Business. Money, rivalries, robbing people and banks. That kind of stuff . . ." Big Man had a solemn look on his face, "I have yet to rob your stash." he laughed as he was drunk. "What takes you to the streets of San Libero, Irish man?"

@Veyd Sahvoz

Joseph Latorio

Joseph sprayed 'Wilford' and shot countless bullet holes through the easily penetrable wall. Many loud and deathly screams echo'd throughout the area. After several moments of shooting, Joseph reloaded and waited. "The only good greaser is a dead one, eh?" Joseph grabbed a cigarette from his pack out of his jacket pocket, then lit it with his zippo. He took a large puff and began limping towards the warehouse, but suddenly stopped. "You want a cigarette, pal?" Said Joseph as he looked over his shoulder with a smirk on his face.​
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Jared Jones

Jared left his bat with the car and was checking his wound before looking up. "No thanks, I don't like smoke. That's why I wear a gas mask." He grinned at his own joke before he remembered that Joseph could not see through his mask. "Anyway," he continued quickly. "What'd you do to get yourself into such a mess. Wait, don't answer that. These guys are gangsters, you're dressed like a gangster. I'm going with a deal of some sort that went south. Drugs? Weapons?" He moved over one of the greaser's dead body and took out his knife. Taking hold of the dead man's shirt, Jared proceeded to shred it in order to make a makeshift bandage and tied it around his wounded shoulder while grumbling about messing up his favorite suite. "I'll get it looked at later," Jared said, referring to the wound. "Anyway, it's kinda weird. Greasers became a thing in the 1950s but we're in 1930...huh." He shrugged. "What would I know, I'm just a hitman." Jared held out his free hand to Joseph. "Jared Jones, by the way. Hitman and Enforcer for hire. Nice to meet you."
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
"Ah well, ya know..." He leaned in towards Big Man and spoke in a whisper "I hear there are lots a good women here and thought to check it out myself." He said before leaning back against the wall with a grin he was trying to hide desperately. Well banks now? Seemed interesting enough but there was the other rival gangs they could take care off, though in the end John thought it best to make allies first. Not enemies. "So! Where do we begin on this business? I would like first that we both put aside all the grudges, not that I'd hold anything against you, I've only just met you," he let out a quick sigh, recomposing himself briefly "What I meant to say was let's just not worry about all the past and just worry about right now. Does that seem good enough?" John asked, trying to keep on his serious act for the rest of this.

@Darth Gangsta

Joseph Latorio

Joseph shook Jared's hand. "Joseph. Joseph Latorio." Joseph looked at his wound and covered it with his hand. He then took another puff off of his cigarette. "I'm sure you know the cause of the shootout now." He said, referring to his last name. "Me and my sister gotta get our 'belongings'. We're on a tight schedule." Joseph then pulled out the key he found off of his client's dead body. "Plus I found this." While it was wonderful he could potentially get hundreds of thousands of dollars with this key, he still had to get rid of 4 kilos of cocaine by the end of today to stay on schedule. Time was running short, and so was sunlight. Joseph was hoping Jared could help them come to the perfect solution, but he already liked Jared. He was exactly what Dia was talking about. A hired gun, an expert who worked for the family. But there was no time to talk to Jared about that just yet, they had business to take care of.​
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Adia was still trying to catch her breath. She had the glare to shake a man's soul and her gaze laid on her brother. As her brother and the masked man talk she was ten feet away having a fit and saying every insult in the book " It will be fine,you said. I can handle things on my own,you say. You (censor ship for two lines because of racial slurs and excessive cursing,and words i can't use)" She kicked his car then holding her foot because she had hurt herself out of anger. "I swear if your ego don't kill ya imma drop you dead myself" She took her shoes off throwing it at him but missing,it barely grazing his shoulder,a s he introduced himself to the man. Adia hated when deals with south,one of her ultimate set offs. It's this reason she doesn't like to go into business with test runs. She then walked past them not looking at her brother brushing the man's arm as she walked by In a different situation she would be all over the stranger She was still very mad but realized they still had work to do. "Get my shoes."she said softly. Her temper tantrums was as common as rain during the spring. It was nothing a little spoiling couldn't fix and she could never stay mad too long. She started walking over to the car.
"Ah, Latorio," Jared said, scratching his head. "The drug dealing family. Yeah, I know abou-" He was cut short by a shoe flying in between him and Joseph. He looked over to see a young, dark-skinned woman missing a shoe. It dawned on him that that angry ranting he had been so diligently had actually been coming from her. He decided that it would not be best for his health to tell her that.

He greeted the woman with a "Miss" and a nod before turning back to Joseph. "I think I'll be excusing myself now. I'll leave you and your 'sister' to do whatever you Latorio's do best. If you ever need somebody dead, just ask around for Gas Mask. Somebody somewhere will know what you mean." He walked back to car and retrieved his bat. He tipped his hat to both Latorio's and prepared to leave.

Joseph Latorio

"Perhaps you can help me now. This key has the potential to find a whole lotta' loot pal. If ya wanna help me I'll give ya a cut. These hot rods could be sold to a friend of ours too, some good money in these babies." Said Joseph, as his right hand smoothly ran over a hot rod's paint job. "Call a couple of my associates, and we can take em all to his shop after we find the safe. Just gotta make a few phone calls." Joseph smiled, but then looked back at Dia. "Quit your whining, I had it under my control. We just got lucky enough to meet a new friend." He picked up Dia's shoes and threw them directly at her. "That's for kicking my fuckin' cah." Said Joseph, laughing to signal it as a joke. He didn't care about any of his cars, or suits. He had all the money in the world, why worry about it?​
Damn him and his great aim. She went to pick her shoe up and looked back at her brother Alright Dia, this is the time you say the perfect insult,really let him have it. She huffed stamping her foot and groaned turning away like a 16 year old whose parents just don't understand her. She continued to walk over to the other cars admiring them. She looked back to the masked man when her brother mentioned him. A new friend? oh now he chooses to follow her advice. She walked back over to him,her shoes now back on. "whats with the mask?" she asked standing behind her brother
Jared had stopped and looked back at the two gangsters. "I don't like smoke," Jared jokingly replied the girl who had been throwing a tantrum. He turned back to Joseph, "You need my help? For what, selling cars? All you need to do is make a couple of phone calls, you said so yourself. As for your little treasure hunt, I expertize more in tracking people, not treasure chests. Unless you need somebody dead along the way, then I still might not be much help with a busted arm." He gestured to his bandaged shoulder. "It hurts just to move it."

Joseph Latorio

He shrugged. "Hey pal, if that's what you want." replied Joseph. If the man didn't want to make some money, that was his problem in Joseph's eyes. Jared was right, all he needed to do was make a couple of phone calls. After a couple moves, bada bing bada boom - 100-150 grand in his pocket. He took a puff off of his cigarette some more, then glanced back at Dia - "Can you get the stuff, the keys to the cars, and crack the safe while I make some phone calls and get a crew here?" @Yesman @aja maji
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Adias eyes widen like a little girl seeing a puppy. She gasped turning to her brother."look at him he's all hurt and bruised!." she went to expect Jareds shoulder. "awww look at you. if only my brother wasn't such a kwenga..." it was moments like these where one could question if Dia was even in a mafia or not. "Ya poor tang" she muttered rubbing his arm. She was to busy feeling over the man that she didn't even notice her brother speaking to her.

Joseph Latorio

Joseph chuckled to himself, took a puff off of his cigarette, then ripped a piece of cloth off his jacket. He wrapped it around his wound, then flicked his cigarette away. Joseph began limping his way towards the warehouse door, completely ignoring the scenario he witnessed. He walked towards the office where his client still lied dead, and dialed Tommy's number into the telephone. "Hello?"

"It's Joe, listen pal. I need you to get to the warehouse."

"Wha? What the hell is goin on Joey?"

"The guy and his crew weren't too kind, so we had to whack em. Get into detail when you're here, and eh - bring a crew."

"Alright, alright. I'll be right over."

Joseph hung up the phone, grabbed the briefcases, and limped his way back to the car. After placing a briefcase down, he opened the trunk with haste, put both the briefcases inside, then closed the trunk firmly; locking it afterwards. He sat back down on the trunk and lit up another cigarette. "Oughta hurry up, feds'll be here soon."​
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