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Realistic or Modern Once Uppon Of Time In San Libero (a Mafia RP)


The Sop

This RP will take place in 1930 San Libero, a fictional city that based on NY, America. The RP will be around about the underworld of this city, a wasteland for criminal, where the street ran by wiseguys. The Mafia hold the power and the families are fighting for a piece of it. But not just the Mafia who's in the line, there are the Triad, Jewish mobsters, some of those rising Irish gang and African American Gang all over the street. It was chaotic, but nevertheless the time to live. Join San Libero underworld war for power...
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Thiago Giannetti

Don Thiago was in his meeting room, in a mansion in Brooklyn, just finished the family meeting. It was about drug, he didn't want his family to do anything with drug. The Giannetti controlled the street of Brooklyn, they had their hand in gambling, they had the union, and they're still expanding their operation. But he must reminded his captains and his underboss that they must do it the right way, not by trading drug. Drug is a poisonous business. Lead it into the family and it can rot out the whole family within 10 years or even less. Trafficking drug draw the FBI attention. Any street soldier got caught pushing Heroin would have to go for like 20 years, and that they'll start to rat out their family, break their oath. Those young guys, their's vision were poor, they can't think anything further than money. As everyone, his captains, his underboss went outside, Don Thiago rubbed his head, gave out a long sight.

- Valentina... Stay... Pour your old man another glass of wine, would you please ?

He talked to his daughter, who was standing behind him during the meeting. She was a good daughter, smart, talented, beautiful. She's the pride of his life. But more of that, she were also into the family business, stood as his advisor... his consigliere, which make him very proud, and also worry about her.


(The RP has begun)
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Valentina Giannetti

Valentina let out a small smile and she nodded to his fathers request, she would do anything for him and even take a bullet for him. Valentina casually walked herself over to the middle of the conference table and she pulled the vase of water towards her and grabbed a glass and she brought it over to him. She set the glass in front of her father and poured the water for him,"Anything else father?" Valentina asked him.

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Thiago Giannetti

He took the wine from his daughter "Thank you" he said. Don Thiago drank it, slowly, tenderly, like he wanted to take all his time necessarily just to enjoy that glass. His position was indeed stressful, and there weren't much time where he can be of his own.

- No... sit down Valentina...I want to talk to you.

Moment like this was when Don Thiago can speak his mind. In every decisions, he always once, asked his trusted one. Before Valentina, his consigliere was a closed friend, died in an accident. Valentina wasn't in the family business for long, but she's his family, she's his oldest child, and nevertheless the smartest.

- You're the consigliere... Do you have anything on your mind right now ?


Joseph Latorio

Joseph slowly opened his eyes as a ray of sunlight invaded his bedroom. He checked his clock and it showed to be around 2 in the afternoon. He sat up with haste and got up from his bed. He performed a light stretch before beginning to put on one of his many suits to prepare for his day. He had a lot to do today, as clients would soon call him ahead of time for deliveries of whatever drugs they required. He was one of the biggest drug kingpins in the city, and was respected and feared from the people on the streets and practically unknown to the feds. He handled sticky situations with money, and why wouldn't he? He was filthy rich, thanks to cocaine. Once he sat in the living room on his recliner, Joseph pulled a cigarette out from his pack and lit it up as he patiently waited for a phone call from one of his many clients.​
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"Those things gonna kill ya dead one day" She never really needed an introduction,her accent made it distincfully clear that lil dis was around. She passed by him a plate full of fried plantains. She scrunched her nose up at him.Americans loved thier cigars and ciggerates,so did Jamaicans but in moderation. She took a bite out of one of the chips and groand ,as she did everytime she had the oprotunty to have genuine Jamaican style food.

"It suh gud it makes mi ...." She stopped herself before she could say anymore,remember where she was. She popped another on in her mouth "want one?" She asked holding the late twords him.
Valentina Giannetti

Valentina sat down on the chair near her father and she turned to face him, she put her hand on top of his and looked at him with a somewhat concerned look on her face. Hopefully nobody died since he wanted to tell her something," Well everything that you said at the conference, I couldn't agree more with you. I think you did the right job in turning down the offer." She told her father since she wasn't a fan of drugs either since her previous boyfriend had gone to jail because of it and she hated him for that.


Joseph Latorio

Joseph gently pushed the plate away from him. "You know I don't like those." The man was a full blooded italian, he almost refused to eat anything that wasn't italian. With the exception of the occasional hamburger or hotdog. He took a long puff off of his cigarette and blew the smoke out. "But would you mind fetching me a beer? I could use something to soothe my thirst." Suddenly he heard the phone ring, he answered and began conversation. Joseph picked up his zippo and put it in his jacket pocket preparing to leave. @aja maji
Adia rolled her eyes eating another one as she walked off to get a beer a stream of jamaican slang following after her fiery temper. Tho it was in jamaica a few phrases could be heard out of it like "Wouldn't know good food if it hit him on the face" and "What do i look like the help?" She wasn't really mad,Joseph knew this. Her temper,tho short,was most the time something to laugh at. It was as dangerous as a three year old crying over spilled milk. She walked back handing him a beer. "big man ting?"** she asked curiously. Wanting to know if she was going to be able to go this time around. She was fully involved in the Mafia business,but somethings she,or her temper,wasn't ready for.

Grown up business**

Joseph Latorio

Joseph nodded casually, as he continued to talk to his first client of the day. After a few moments passed, Joseph hung up the phone and finished off his cigarette; ashing it in his ashtray. He grabbed his beer and took a small sip of it, then placing it on the coffee table. "We got some errands to do, take this." Joseph handed her a Beretta Model 1934, acquired from under the living room couch. A weapon only he could get through his enormous network of people on the streets. It pays to have friends in high places, that's the perspective Joseph always had. He started walking towards the front door, then opened it for his sister - "I'll explain in the car." @aja maji
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She smiled being handed the gun. For her dresses to always be to short,and to always show just a tad to much skin she always had a hiding place. She rolled her eyes when he placed the beer on the coffee table,but decided not to nag him. She walked out the door wiggling her nose just as she did when she smelled the cigarette. She could never get use to the smell of city life,and enjoyed the rare trips to the countryside she occasionally got. She nodded listening to her brother wondering what was in store for today.

Joseph Latorio

He followed behind her, and closed the door before continuing their short journey to the car. He opened his sister's door, and closed it behind her; then entered the car himself. "Couple a' greasers lookin' to buy some kilos. Need you to stay behind me, watch my back while I negotiate. Anything happens, I got some heavy power in the back; along with the merchandise." Joseph grabbed his .44 Magnum Revolver from under his seat, put it under his belt, then began driving to their destination, he then took another cigarette from his pack and lit it up. "Lucky cigarette, heh." @aja maji
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"do ya ting"** She gazed out the window curious about the trouble they may or may not be getting into. She has had a few walk in with trouble here and there. Yet nothing her brother couldn't get her out of. Of course lately she's been finding out that she can get out of certain things with a little charm. she looked back at her brother. "why can't we ever have business on a hot summer day at the beach surrounded by male models?"

Go ahead**

Joseph Latorio

He glanced at Dia with a dirty look quickly, then turned his head back to focus on the road. "You sure you can handle it, or should we pick up a few associates?" A couple of associates could never hurt, or so you'd think. Joseph was a man who got things done preferably on his own for the family, as it was less for him to worry about. His Consigliere, or sister, typically was all the help he needed; sometimes he didn't need any help at all. But this was Brooklyn, the city mostly influenced by the Giannetti's and also hosted many other small time crews and gangs. Joseph figured the Giannetti's wouldn't care if the Latorio's sold drugs in Brooklyn, just as long as their family was not intertwined with. But he knew that wouldn't happen, he had always excelled at remaining under the radar. He puffed on his cigarette some more, wondering how this deal would go down. Presumatively, he figured it should go well; considering his reputation. @aja maji
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"It depends on what kind of image you're trying to give." she advised. "Go in like this it shows you are eager for business,and that you don't mind getting down and dirty yourself" she looked towards you. "Go in with associates it brings the 'impress me or die' you need me more then I need you." She stretched showing her anxiousness. "iI don't know who we are going business with so I can't tell you what the best option would be,i'm all down for associates,especially that tommy one he's a plenty rugged pip**" she giggled to herself.

30's slang mean big strong attractive person**

Joseph Latorio

"Nothing to worry about, just a greaser crew based in Brooklyn." He puffed on his cigarette some more. "Pretty big crew too, seems they could potentially be a good distributor for us. Problem is that they're a new client, so I have no idea how this is gonna go down." He flicked some of the ash off of his cigarette, then once more took a puff. "Worst case scenario or not, I'd prefer to do this in a more small and organized way. Especially that Tommy guy, he's nicely skilled but he distracts you - bad for business." Joseph knew Tommy meant well, and is with all honesty highly skilled; one of his best. He was just being an Italian, which is a loud cussing madman who has the manners of a 2 year old. But it never bothered him, he loved his family, and his family, from his knowledge, loved him. However, in this situation he needed his sister's focus; he needed her to have his back. @aja maji
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Jared Jones

Jared Jones, or J.J. as his friends called him, strolled to a bench near the park, humming a happy tune for himself. He was free today, he hadn't received any calls for him to whack somebody or to send a message, so he decided to take a stroll. Taking a seat, Jared became aware of somebody calling him. Turning around, he caught sight of a man, perhaps a year or two older than Jared, waving at him. He waved back and the man approached.

"Mr. Jones?"

"Depends who's asking."

"Somebody with money, lots of money, and willing to pay you."

Jared sat up and crossed his legs. "In which case, you aren't looking for 'Mr. Jones.'"

"No, I'm looking for somebody who I know you know," the man grinned. "You see, I work for a company who sells...service. However, recently, some of our employees seem to have gone and gotten themselves lost. We would like to hire you to find them and to bring them safely back."

Jared raised an eyebrow. "So you...have a couple of runaway hookers and want somebody bring them back in one piece."

"Oh, no, no," replied the man, waving Jared's misconception away with a hand. "I never said anything about prostitutes or running away, only tha-"

"I heard what you said, I just wanted to make sure. I'll pass the message along to my friend. Where should he meet you later?"

The man's grin returned as he pulled a card out of his breast pocket and handed it to Jared. "You, I mean, he won't be meeting me. Tell him to come here and ask for Mr. Ryan."

Jared took and read the card. It said gentlemen's club but he knew it was little more than a brothel.

"Alright, my friend will be there. Thank you very much Mr. --" he looked up only to realize the man had already left.

And here I was, hoping for a day off, he sighed.

--several hours later--

A man donning a gas mask stepped out of a building, twirling a baseball bat in a carefree manner. Jared had been surprised that "Mr. Ryan" was actually a "Ms. Ryan". Whether he had misheard the man who had contacted him or the man had decided to play a joke on him, Jared didn't know. Either way, he had accepted the job: two women, both Caucasians and in the mid to late 20s, had failed to show up to work for about a week now. His employers had reason to believe that both of them were now hiding with one of the woman's brother. However, due to the brother's connection with one of the mafia families, Jared's employers were unable to touch the man, thus why Jared was hired to work for them instead.

Jared eventually found himself in front of the apartment building where his intended target supposedly lived. He did a quick check of his equipment. Mask: check, baseball bat: check, his Colt pistol: holstered underneath his jacket, check, switchblade: check. The hitman frowned and patted his body, he had left his garrote wire at home.

Ah well, I can do without it.
"very well. One of these days you will have to get over yourself and hire an extra gun. mercenaries aren't that bad. And they can be very useful for these kind off things. Even if it can be traced back to you the crime can't. It's okay to expand...even if it's just a little. But for now lets just focus on the job at hand." Adia's mind was filled with more than shopping trips and daydreaming about boys. When it came down to it she really could come through, with a few exceptions

Joseph Latorio

Joseph flicked his cigarette out the window. "You worry too much, I got this." Joseph always had a big ego, no matter what the circumstances were. But it wasn't to impress anyone, it was to simply let people know that Joseph was no ordinary mafioso. He took care of his own hits, and his own deals; personally. He did it for the family, just like every other mafioso typically did; or so he hoped. Joseph pulled up to their destination and put the vehicle in park. "I'll grab the goods, just follow behind me." He got out the car, and opened up the trunk to grab 2 briefcases; each holding 2 kilos of cocaine. "Close that, and let's go."

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She rolled her eyes pouting at him,but did as she was told. She looked around memorizing thier surroundings. Noticing the simple details. She played with her hair,something she always did before going to new places or meeting new people.

"They better be cute" she huffed following close to you.

Joseph Latorio

Joseph didn't acknowledge what his sister said. Instead, he looked in front of him which revealed a large warehouse that hosted a large quantity of varied hot rods in its parking lot. He walked towards the large garage door, then placed a briefcase on the ground to bang on the door numerous times to notify the crew they had arrived. A man looked through the garage door's small window and gave a slight nod to Joseph. The large garage door opened up, and the client Joseph spoke on the phone too walked out with a couple of other greasers. "Good to see you, Mr. Latorio." He said, as he extended his hand out to shake his own. Joseph shook the man's hand, "Call me Joseph, that's what everyone calls me." He replied. The greaser boss nodded and motioned the Latorio's to come in. Joseph looked at Dia carefully waiting for her reaction.​
Adia gawked over the cars as she followed behind him. She turned to him her smile fading into smirk. She sure that this deal was going to go well,but already had plans for if it didn't. She sighed rolling her eyes,he didn't behave like a boss of the mafia but like the leader of a street gang. He was more stubborn than a mule and changing his image was going to be difficult since he wanted to do everything himself,plus his trust issues. She nodded at him in reassurance when he looked back at her. tho she didn;t say anything her eyes said enough 'well go on '

Joseph Latorio

Joseph looked back at the warehouse and began walking behind his client with the briefcases in his hands. After a short journey, one of his client's men slightly bowed as they entered the client's office. Joseph gave the greeter a slight smile and nod, put a briefcase down, then placed a 100$ bill in his jacket pocket - and smiled. "Buy yourself something pretty, eh?" The greeter replied, "Thank you, sir." Joseph suddenly stopped, and gently slapped him on the face once or twice. "I'm your friend, pal. Call me Joseph." The greeter smiled at him, and nodded slightly. "Come, come! Let us negotiate." said the client. He walked into his client's office, and placed both the briefcases on the desk. "2 kilos of pure in each." The client smiled at Dia, then Joseph, then back at Dia. "And who might you be?"​
John Smith (Talsman)

Just another boring day it was in the same town, nothing new, no fun, actually it seemed rather dull. Of course John was going to change that by coming up with another
great idea to start something new. He walked down the streets as if he'd just been wed and it were the happiest day of his life but really he was just plotting where to go. What to do? Then it hit him, to go to a club and make the biggest scene he could, speed walking down the roads and back alleys with excitement. As he barged into the building nobody seemed to care, all he did was smile brightly and laugh along with other random people. "Well isn't this GREAT! How are you all today?!" Exclaimed John even though no one could here him.
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Abram Gishnov

Russian music was playing in a loop. Well it was a Russian club, Abram heard a man yelling and he looked back. He set dropped a cigarette that was in his mouth and he set the glass filled with Vodka down, he then approached the man, he seemed familiar, "Who are you little man?" Abram looked back at two large Russian men, "Держите глаза на него". (Keep your eye on him.) the two Russian men nodded as the and then set in the back as they watched him closely, "Come sit with me. This is no way to introduce myself." he had a wolfish grin on his face.

@Veyd Sahvoz

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