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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]

You got it.
I hate to bug you guys, but I want to double check interest - aside from 'ail, who has requested another character to be reserved for them? I'm sure I already said it's approved of. I'm just making sure so I can message Way.

can u grade my character sheets? :3 I did my best to put as many easter eggs into them as possible, like their age, birthdays, names and so forth :D
sgtmickey said:
can u grade my character sheets? :3 I did my best to put as many easter eggs into them as possible, like their age, birthdays, names and so forth :D
Grade? You know we accepted your sheets, right? :)
Grade? You know we accepted your sheets, right? :)

all four? :o Oh 'w'

Ooooh dang ;w; What character do you think would be an animator? Sorcerer Mickey seems like he'd do it but he's not available. Rapunzel was taken ;w; I REALLY want a character that would fit the frame so I can have an animator character...I don't wanna just make any old character an animator if it doesn't fit ;w;
sgtmickey said:
all four? :o Oh 'w'
Ooooh dang ;w; What character do you think would be an animator? Sorcerer Mickey seems like he'd do it but he's not available. Rapunzel was taken ;w; I REALLY want a character that would fit the frame so I can have an animator character...I don't wanna just make any old character an animator if it doesn't fit ;w;
Yes! (:

Honey I'm sorry, but I have NO IDEA what you mean by animator? Excuse my absent mindedness I'm coming down with a cold.
Yes! (:
Honey I'm sorry, but I have NO IDEA what you mean by animator? Excuse my absent mindedness I'm coming down with a cold.

hey uhhh ;w; can you request for the admin to add a few of my favorite disney movies to the list ;w; Namely Big Hero 6, Wreck it Ralph, Roger Rabbit, and the Pixar classics ;w;
sgtmickey said:
hey uhhh ;w; can you request for the admin to add a few of my favorite disney movies to the list ;w; Namely Big Hero 6, Wreck it Ralph, Roger Rabbit, and the Pixar classics ;w;
Well, I can ask, but if I'm offering my advise I would say we shouldn't add anymore movies. There are so many slots and, the more people we come to depend on, the more likely this thread is to die. I will indeed run it by Waylon however.
Yes! (:
Honey I'm sorry, but I have NO IDEA what you mean by animator? Excuse my absent mindedness I'm coming down with a cold.

An animator is a job for people that produce cartoons. They either draw pictures or move 3D models frame by frame to create the illusion of movement. Unlike live action where a camera can just pick up on human movement in real time, an animated motion picture must have every single frame be created by a human. Every tedious little detail must be perfect to create an appealing product. People like Mickey Mouse must be drawn over and over and over again on seperate sheets of paper to make it look like he's moving. Essentially an animator is like an artist who has to keep drawing pictures at a faster pace in order to produce an animation :o
sgtmickey said:
An animator is a job for people that produce cartoons. They either draw pictures or move 3D models frame by frame to create the illusion of movement. Unlike live action where a camera can just pick up on human movement in real time, an animated motion picture must have every single frame be created by a human. Every tedious little detail must be perfect to create an appealing product. People like Mickey Mouse must be drawn over and over and over again on seperate sheets of paper to make it look like he's moving. Essentially an animator is like an artist who has to keep drawing pictures at a faster pace in order to produce an animation :o
Thank you! But I know what an animator is, haha, I meant where does that role come into our story? Is it like OUAT or something?
[QUOTE="P U R I T Y]Well, I can ask, but if I'm offering my advise I would say we shouldn't add anymore movies. There are so many slots and, the more people we come to depend on, the more likely this thread is to die. I will indeed run it by Waylon however.

I do hope that he at least accepts Roger Rabbit ;w; That is by far my favorite movie in the whole wide world >W< Based off the list of characters, we're avoiding the fabulous five. Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto. Since the Three Caballeros is missing one of their members, namely Donald himself. So adding Roger Rabbit wouldn't mean adding too many new guys. The only ones you need is Eddie Valiant, Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit, Benny the Cab, and Judge Doom. I guess you could add the weasels and baby herman but personally I don't think anyone would rp as them in a billion years given the list of characters we're given xD . I'd only suggest adding those 'w'
[QUOTE="P U R I T Y]Thank you! But I know what an animator is, haha, I meant where does that role come into our story? Is it like OUAT or something?

uhh, it's just my preference is all ;w; I'm an animator myself that's why :D And since all of the characters are from animated motion pictures it would make a lot of sense to have at least one character who still doesn't quite remember their past in their magical universe but retain some sort of obsession with cartoons. That's what I think Roger Rabbit would be doing since he acknowledges that he is a cartoon and he's made his living off of being an entertainer. Now that he's lost his toon body and can no longer bend the laws of physics for the sake anymore, he's gotta make cartoons the old fashioned way. He isn't really a comedian, but he does still want to make people laugh with the artistry of cartoons. His mission throughout the movie was trying to convince a sourpuss ( Eddie Valiant ) that cartoons can still be enjoyed by anyone regardless of age. So I think it would make sense for him to continue this way of thinking into the real world, he might not be able to remember Toon Town, but I think it would be cool if he could make caricatures of the villagers in the town too :D
If I may just casually pop in. I think since this is a reimagining of characters, your characters can have any job you'd like so any of your characters can be an animator. I made Jane a budding animator and in another RP I turned Maid Marian into an anarchistic punk girl
Well, I appreciate the amount of thought the both of you have contributed, and will run these ideas by Way at their convenience. I'm sorry I can't say anything now, I'm just not sure how the GM views these proposals!
[QUOTE="P U R I T Y]Well, I appreciate the amount of thought the both of you have contributed, and will run these ideas by Way at their convenience. I'm sorry I can't say anything now, I'm just not sure how the GM views these proposals!

I sure hope he approves ;w;
ShurikenPhoenix said:
If I may just casually pop in. I think since this is a reimagining of characters, your characters can have any job you'd like so any of your characters can be an animator. I made Jane a budding animator and in another RP I turned Maid Marian into an anarchistic punk girl
That's cool that you're making your characters the way you are, but I'm a big big BIIIIIIG Disney animation fan. I have analyzed their personalities, facial expressions, the way their drawn, all the qualities that are put into each and every one of them. What made certain ones fun or funny was it the way they move or was it what they were saying, or was it just based off their basic personalities. Like Kronk for instance is funny because of the clever writing that went into making him, the dwarves are fun not for what they're saying, what they say is very basic but the reason they're beloved is their personalities which are complimented by the animation. The animation can up the quality of a character that would otherwise be bland. Others must be written well to get by, Mickey Mouse himself is an example of running off of animation alone, and someone like Wreck it Ralph doesn't really rely solely on special effects to get by, he's a fairly complex character. I have met the man who made Mrs. Potts, Flit (hummingbird from pocahontas), Flounder, as well as many other beloved Disney characters, and not so beloved like the gargoyles from Hunchback of Notre Dame. I got to know him, ( Dave Pruiksma 'w' ) He was very nice, but something I was shocked about was that he disliked how he made a lot of all of his earlier characters, ironically the characters that people disliked the most which were the gargoyles, he doesn't like them much either on a basic character level but they were the ones that he took the most pride in as they were animated the best. I have a love for how they were made despite some of their major personality flaws, others actually are pretty much flawless the way they were made. I have an appreciation for all the work that was put into them, so when I make my characters I try to put as much disney into them as I can. If you look at all of the character sheets I made, most of them are the men who provided the voice for them, I try to give them jobs that they would have based off their personality from the movies regardless whether or not their memories being lost as well as their powers and body types. I want to keep them how they are to pay respect to how the animator's portray them. Truth be told I don't really get Once Upon a Time as they're a bit inconsistent on how they make the characters, like some of them are total redesigns while the newer ones look almost exactly how they do in the films like Elsa and Merida for instance. I honestly don't get why they don't look different, if everyone else looks nothing like their original design it's a bit inconsistent to have some characters look the same and have others look different. I don't quite understand some of the choices they go with since I was under the impression they were all based off fairy tales, which all of them were for a while but then they introduced Cruella De Vil, at first I thought that she was pretty much exclusively a Disney character, although 101 Dalmatians was based off of a book they still went with the Disney design, and then Merida isn't even a fairy tale, that's just a pixar film! I just don't quite get it since they're kind of inconsistent in terms of theme o3o For this, I kind of want my characters to retain the same personality and keep it a bit light hearted and not go COMPLETELY dark. So that's why I want Roger Rabbit, it would make sense for him to be an animator and I feel that's what the animators would want for him ^w^ It's just my way of doing things. It makes sense to change Maid Marian, she isn't a particularly interesting character, and in her defense that's because of the princess stereotype, so now that she's in a completely different world where she doesn't have the responsibility of having to act womanly all the time since she's not in that particular point in time where she's expected to act a certain way so it would make sense that she'd try to relax and try to speak against those conventions that kept her locked up for so long. Jane could very well be an animator as well as she's seen drawing quite a lot throughout the film. She has a very sketchy style of drawing as well kind of like a story board artist :D
ooh, we have artists in our midst. :o

thank you, i'll get to work on shock's form as soon as i have a name for her! also, since shock's going to be underage, she'll need someone to live with so if anyone's interested, pm me? c:
ShurikenPhoenix said:
Kudos for following your passion for animation! I think more people need to appreciate the love and attention to detail not to mention the physics that goes into hand drawn animation :) And story board artist was exactly the route I was going down with Jane haha Also I totally get what you mean with Once upon A Time. It kind of irritates me cause most of the characters now are not fairy tales at all...pretty much all of them really.
xD I was gonna let most of them slip but Cruella DeVil and Merida was kind of odd. It shouldn't be called Once Upon a Time it may as well be called the Dark Disney fanfic. I mean, I can kind of understand Merida since she comes from a film that deals with the mystic and scottish mythology. But Cruella had absolutely no magic in her book OR movie so that one don't make any sense! xD They may as well go all out and get everyone in there! Add a dark and brooding Kermit the Frog at this point!!!!! Disney owns the muppets so they could be creepy joker type characters in the show!!!! Or how about Baymax being a doctor in the town and how about Wreck it Ralph?! o3o I just kind of like the show since it's kind of like a disney crossover. I love seeing characters from different films interacting and being buddy buddy, that's why the House of Mouse was such a cool series


I enjoyed seeing all the characters interacting as their original animated forms, I kind of want a reboot of the show but we can add a few newer characters too like Stitch, Kim Possible, Tiana, if they have the budget they could add the cgi characters too like Rapunzel, Baymax, Wreck-it-Ralph, and Olaf. I can't really think of any true crossover series out there, Robot Chicken is the closest thing we got but I kind of want a show like House of Mouse again where the characters still act like themselves :3
sgtmickey said:
xD I was gonna let most of them slip but Cruella DeVil and Merida was kind of odd. It shouldn't be called Once Upon a Time it may as well be called the Dark Disney fanfic. I mean, I can kind of understand Merida since she comes from a film that deals with the mystic and scottish mythology. But Cruella had absolutely no magic in her book OR movie so that one don't make any sense! xD They may as well go all out and get everyone in there! Add a dark and brooding Kermit the Frog at this point!!!!! Disney owns the muppets so they could be creepy joker type characters in the show!!!! Or how about Baymax being a doctor in the town and how about Wreck it Ralph?! o3o I just kind of like the show since it's kind of like a disney crossover. I love seeing characters from different films interacting and being buddy buddy, that's why the House of Mouse was such a cool series

I enjoyed seeing all the characters interacting as their original animated forms, I kind of want a reboot of the show but we can add a few newer characters too like Stitch, Kim Possible, Tiana, if they have the budget they could add the cgi characters too like Rapunzel, Baymax, Wreck-it-Ralph, and Olaf. I can't really think of any true crossover series out there, Robot Chicken is the closest thing we got but I kind of want a show like House of Mouse again where the characters still act like themselves :3
YAS House of Mouse was great back in the day haha
ShurikenPhoenix said:
YAS House of Mouse was great back in the day haha
Who's that knockin' at the House of Mouse? ¯\_(౦W౦ )¯\_

We're all knockin' at the House of Mouse ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬(music)(music)(music)

So come on in, we're gonna shake the house ┏( -_- )┓┏( -_- )┛┗( -_- )┓

We're all rockin' at the House of Mouse ᕕ( ⁰ ▽ ⁰ )ᕗ

We're havin' a ball, and we're rockin' the hall (ㄏ■ Д ■)ㄏ

So come one and all to the House of Mouse! ┗(^0^)┓

The party's just started, so come on in ♪~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

The good times of all of us are just about to begin ᕕ(・ ▾ ・)ᕗ

Step inside we're gonna have some fun ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘

There's plenty of room here for everyone └(՞▃՞ └)

The gang's all here and we're hangin' out ᕕ( •́ ω •̀ )ᕗ

All this fun makes you jump and shout! └(・ ᗜ ・)┐

Hey little girl, I wanna dance with you ┐(・。・┐) ♪

We'll find so many things to do ᕕ( ◔3◔)ᕗ

So come on in, we're gonna shake the house ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪

We're havin' a ball at the House of Mouse! ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬
ailurophile said:
since your characters all have beautiful names, could someone give me some ideas? nothing's really inspired me name wise for shock. cx
For shock? :D How about Catherine Lectra :D

(The first name is the name of her voice actress and the last name is a play on words with electricity since her name is Shock :D )

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