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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]

DarlingWaylonPark said:
OH JESUS. xD I can't even imagine!
It has akso helped envision his character more, the good morning... Well the voice anyway xD

But I'll get my stuff posted once I get the house cleaned up and situated
Celemyvel said:
It has akso helped envision his character more, the good morning... Well the voice anyway xD
But I'll get my stuff posted once I get the house cleaned up and situated
Even as a human, Basil is still an asshole. xD Yea I hear the voice too!

Awesome, I'm excited! :3
Im interested in the White Rabbit for Alice, if thats cool :)

Also, are you happy for a female rabbit or would you rather a male?

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