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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]


Moira Cadmus

Location: Her office

With: Basil

Mood: Irked

Moira's eyebrow rose and her lips twitched upward as Basil went about his passive psychological method. She hadn't exactly come this far into power to be poked at by some depressed mouse. Behind her, outside, a crow landed on a tree near the window and cawed. "Mr. Homes," She began with an eloquent tone, '"If you're interrogating me right now, I wish you'd be more straight forward. I lack the time for beating around the bush since, as you know, I'm a very busy woman. However, since you've come this far, I only think it right to show respect to your career by answering your questions." She sat up and clasped her hands on her desk, a snake smile sliding over her face. "I did not know of this matter above just plain rumors. If you think I keep track of my citizen's to the point of stalking their every word, you are sadly mistaken. I would not know who would come forward with this information."

She shrugged and leaned back in her chair, gesturing her hand in the air idly. "I can say that no matter what I make of this, the person who came forward with this information and vaguely placed Doron Eirik under suspiscion will highly regret their decision." Her expression was no longer toying but rather stone cold, her green eyes flickering with hidden flames of warning. "I would also suggest you stay out of this as a private detective, Mr. Homes. Just let the declared law enforcement of Marceline handle this."

@DarlingWaylonPark Basil



James Sawyer

Location: National Forest

With: Ranger Sylvia

Mood: Concerned, friendly

James murmured his thanks as he ducked under the door way and squeezed into the small station. He then sat on a sofa, since the chairs were simply too small for his body mass. James took the photo she had caught of the hunter and squinted at it, examining it the best he could and imprinting it to his memory. His eyes regarded the Ranger lady calmly as she went on a short rant about the man.

He nodded. "Well, Sylvia, it's quite alright to get passionate about something you care for, so don't worry. As for the man, I'll go around town and snoop while keeping my eyes open. The guy tickles my memory but nothing comes up." He shrugged helplessly as he held the picture back over to her. "I can understand your passion for the forest; I feel like a refugee of it myself. But I will say," He gestured to her guns before continuing. "You might want the police in on in this even if you do represent the government. I'd also not shoot the man. You could get heavily fined or perhaps lose your position even if he's hunting illegally." Then his expression darkened, though not in a dangerous way targeted at the Ranger. "But if you want this off the books, that can also be arranged without you having to get into any hassles."

@DarlingWaylonPark Sylvia


Anya Saint-Claire


Location: Emily's > School | Scenario: Friendships and School. .

With: Aurelia Fee' @ShurikenPhoenix

Mentions: Liliana @lostviolence , Doron Erik @Celemyvel

Outfit: Plaids

As Anya sat in the car, she hummed,
"Don't know if I'm elated or gassy. But I'm somewhere in that zone. 'Cause for the first time in forever. I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone! What if I meet... the one?" Swaying side to side, she tapped on the window shield as Liam just shook his head chuckling at the girl's antics. Seeing Liliana walking out and calling out to her, Anya pulled down the window, waving cheerfully, "Hi, Liliana! Have a great day today!" She exclaimed to the young girl as she continued bobbing her head to the song that continuously played in her head for as long as she could remember. Looking outside, she watched as small droplets of water dropped down on the car and the ground. She was always fascinated by the rain, even more so since it was really soothing and peaceful. But, there were times when she wished the sun was out so she'd be able to explore Marcelline a bit more since it seemed to always be dreary. However, she never let the weather deter her from her cheerfulness as she wondered what it would be like to be on the brighter side of town. It sorted of reminded her of home and her lifestyle with Doron and the rest of the workers who were hired. She knew of Doron's temper but nevertheless ignored it and continued on her chipper and merrily ways, though she wished he wasn't so hard on the people he hired, especially since she considered them friends. Perhaps he didn't want to be friends since it was employer and employee? Surprisingly, Doron was able to put up with her since he had sort of a bad temper, though there were times when she felt like an annoyance to him just by bad timing. Even if she had, he never voiced it to her directly, though she did see or hear from time to time his angered yells and tantrums. But, nevertheless, it never scared her from talking to him since well . . she always ended up making a fool out of herself, but somehow he managed to be patient with her. . to an extent. Before she knew it, Anya felt a vibration in her pocket as she fumbled, looking for her phone, seeing who the text came from: The Guardian. Her expression lit up as a soft blush appeared on her face as she read the message.
The Guardian
Dory! I'm leaving for school now! I'll see you when I get back!
Agh! I mean. . Doron! Stupid autocorrect. . .
Don't hurt yourself. Let me know when you get back home.
I'll be careful as ever! Will do! Don't forget to smile, it'll keep the wrinkles away!
Wait. . not that you don't have a nice smile. . or have any wrinkles on your face. . I mean . . ugh, nevermind. Have a good day!

Realizing her mistake of what she said to him, Anya slapped her forehead, realizing how much of an idiot she must've sound. Usually she would see Doron before she left rather than text, but. . it hasn't happened in a while since well . . she was always a bumbling mess around him . . and usually he seemed to engrossed in his work to notice her if she left. So, either way, she was sure he didn't care or mind that she didn't come to see him, as long as she texted him. However, Anya found her lips forming a slight pout, feeling it has been a long time since she had a conversation face-to-face with him, and they live in the same house! A brighter blush appeared on her face as she covered her cheeks with her palms.
Anya, it's not like you two are a couple and need to tell each other where you are going. However, she was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a soft and gentle voice talking to Liam. Looking over towards the voice, Anya's facial expression lifted as her smile widened once Aurelia, one of her bestest friends, came into the car. "Aure! You didn't wait too long did you. . ? Wouldn't want you catching a cold!" Anya asked in concern as her friend came in, as always, giving her sincere yet dry humour that she found enticing and endearing. Giggling Anya nodded, "We shouldn't keep the land of rain waiting for us right? Especially since I've brought some . . . sandwiches for us!" She smiled brightly as Liam shook his head, "Not a trouble at all, Aurelia, whenever you need a ride, just ask. I'll be glad to." Nodding, Anya agreed with his words and soon they were off the campus.

As they arrived on campus, she took a deep breathe as she looked towards Aurelia,
"Ready for the day? What class do we have now. . ? I don't remember." She said, tilting her head as she got her umbrella ready just in case. As Liam went to go and open their door, letting Aurelia pout first, following Anya from behind. Waving good-bye to Liam, Anya smiled, "See you later, Liam!" Giving her a thumbs up, Liam drove away as Anya took Aurelia's hands in hers as she felt jittery, feeling quite energetic."Let the rain not rain on our parade, right, Aure?" She found herself motivating both her and Aurelia as she squeezed her hand for support. "This is it! Let's tackle it head on!" As Anya made he way towards the front steps of the school with Aurelia, she ended up tripping over her rain boots from the mud that had formed, falling knee front of the steps of school, scraping her knee. Anya made sure to not bring Aurelia down with her, as she had let go of her hand pior to her fall. Looking in front of her, she saw that she had literally fell for someone in front of her. Blush crept on her face as Anya managed to get up, quite not gracefully, as she hobbled on one foot, "Ow, ow, cold cold cold." She said to herself and sent Aurelia a reassuring smile, and then looked towards the girl with the hood in front of her. Tilting her head, Anya scratched her hand nervously, "I um . . I didn't mean to startle you like that. . a-are you okay? Did I hurt you?" She asked in concern at the girl in front of her. Anya didn't remember ever seeing her before, then again, when does she ever remember, considering what an airhead she was.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ncjgp4vNpA1rbyptf.gif.3ca3849e96b52bf58a9c1515f5f08311.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ncjgp4vNpA1rbyptf.gif.3ca3849e96b52bf58a9c1515f5f08311.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Timothy Hawkins

Location: Library | With: Isabella Adam @lostviolence

Pearls of rain dropped down from the crying clouds and rolled down his forhead as he glanced down on the mess. He could see the ink flowing downwards from where he stood, and honestly it tore a hole in his soul. Those sheets of papers carried small parts of his heart, and having them ruined hurt him so badly that the pain was almost physical. But he couldn't tell her that, the girl he had just met. The blame wasn't on her, it was his own fault for running into her. Still, it hurt.

As to not reveal his thoughts, he smiled kindly when she apologized and bent down to pick up the remaining papers.
"No worries, I was the one who crashed into you." He said and gazed up at the girl. Timothy sighed slightly when he picked up one of the messier ones; he wasn't able to read it anymore. All that remained were blurred lines and stains spread across the sheet. He stared at it for a long while before Isabella spoke again. "Are you a writer?" she had said, handing him back the papers after trying to read them herself. But he couldn't answer for quite some time, he was lost in his thoughts, wether he was considered one or not. Surely, he had been writing for longer than he could remember; at one point his mother even banned him from using the typewriter, whereas he picked up a pen and wrote by hand instead. But he was far from an author. He knew little to nothing about literature. He was a child in that way, an amateur most would say.

"Well, I try." Timothy said after a long pause, followed by a gentle smile and a short shrug. When Isabella spoke yet again, this time asking him about his name, he reached out his right her for her to shake as a greeting. The smile shone brighter than the sun as he spoke.

"Timothy Hawkins, it's a pleasure to meet you"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_o1288ymKY01tbs7ym_500.gif.acb5a0d72e61fb50f68ed239608a55d4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_o1288ymKY01tbs7ym_500.gif.acb5a0d72e61fb50f68ed239608a55d4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Location: Steps to the School//Scenario: Kill me now...//With: Anya @crucialstar and Aurelia @Intoxicated Lover//Mentions:

I wonder what he sees in her...maybe it's her hair? It's like spun gold...Violet thought to herself as she continued to watch her unrequited crush talking to the pretty blonde who was now casually placing her hand on his. Her music was drowning out everything else and she was so lost in her thoughts and the music that when a flash of bright red hair caught her eye and something solid fell into her, she actually let out a small shriek of alarm. "Woah what the..." she began to exclaim as she leaned away from the person who had apparently just fallen. "I-I'm fine, but are you okay? I'm sorry I shouldn't even have been sitting here." she said all this without looking at the girl. She was waiting to be scolded by the girl for being an idiot or something. In fact, she was surprised she had even been noticed. That was a first. A few people were staring at the pair and snickering. Violet felt like she could just curl up and die from the unwanted attention.



Location: The Office//Scenario: A possible case and a pretty face//With: Louis and Abigail @Celemyvel//Mentions: Basil @DarlingWaylonPark

Will chuckled at Abbi's seemingly genuine display of guilt at her confession. It was as though she thought she would be locked up or something. Tapping his nose with a wink he said to her, "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me...as long as I get paid not to talk with a doughnut or two."

"Hey, Will. You think that Edward detective guy will be a consultant in this case? I heard Brits are especially good at this kind of thing, their whole folk tale of Sherlock Holmes and the like." Louis asked, which took Guillaume

slightly by surprise. He had to admit, he had almost forgotten the guy was there. Straightening up he replied, looking a little bit amused by his stereotype of British detectives. After all, he was half English himself and knew for a fact that not all British detectives were half as efficient as the fictional Sherlock Holmes. "I should think he'd be a consultant. This town is small, there's really not a lot to choose from." He turned back to Abbi when she asked what the case was and responded in a serious tone, "I'm afraid we can't disclose that information until we officially take on the case and investigate Abbi, but I'm sure your skills in infiltrating buildings will eliminate that obstacle...or you know, maybe it'll be on the news again."





Location: Town Hall; Moira's Office

With: Madame Mayor

Mood: Confident, intrigued

Basil looked indignant but still grinned, "Stay out of this? Me?" He chuckled, "My dear Madame Mayor Moira, I wouldn't dream of staying out of something as big as this! After our little talk here, I fully intended to go to the police station and offer my services to law enforcement, after all you forget I am often their consulting detective and they will surely need my help." He returned her cold stare with his own mischievous glint, while he was cautious of this powerful woman, she didn't completely frighten him, not like...HE did.

He rose to his feet, "I'm not exactly beating around the bush so much as being courteous, however..." He put both hands on her desk and leaned in with a big grin on his face, fire in his own eyes, "If you'd LIKE me to be frank, Moira, then I shall. I have a strong feeling that you know about this, you knew all along there was a Black Market and I'm going to get down to the bottom of it and present the proof to the people, by any means necessary. I'll go to this witness myself, perhaps they'd like a chance to be on television and tell the entire town about what Doron's little side project is, if he really is involved, and in my opinion there's no better cover he could have taken than a sleazy little lawyer. So I'm going to do MY job, and I'M going to bring justice to this little town. Who knows, maybe the sun will finally come out and smile on us."

He removed his hands from her desk and straightened his jacket, "Now, if you'll excuse me, Gale Rodgers has inadvertently called me into work today. Good Morning, Madame Mayor." He bowed his head to her and swiftly walked out of her office, a huge shit eating grin on his face. Oh yea, he was gonna get her-he was gonna get the case of a lifetime when it came to this sleepy little miserable town!


Tagged: @Celemyvel (Moira)

Mentions: (Doron)


Moira Cadmus

Location: Her office

With: Basil

Mood: The mouse is edging towards the trap... (Quite intrigued though annoyed on the side)

Moira kept her calm expression on her face as the private detective chuckled and grinned. Her gaze obviously wasn't enough to deter the foolish rodent. He was bent on pulling her down but the poor fellow just couldn't fathom that she wasn't fully alone. Yes, she was the main power of this town, especially because she had all of her memories. But Moira had been clever enough to set up some of the other villains in powerful spots. One of them being a figure that would shake this detective's world. So she just watched the man's dramatic display, proclaiming he would be the one to serve justice in this town. Moira almost had the audacity to snort. Since when had there ever been any justice in any world, much less this town? Wait, she thought, her spell had been justice. For everyone. So there was some sort of twisted form out there, she mused.

A brow quirked when dangerously when he emphasized her name as he leaned over the table. She would let him feel in power, for now. Let him have his 'pride' while he still could claim any. Moira had an ace up her sleeve. And it was about time she used it. She was not at all bothered by the information he relaid to her, Doron would be the one taking the full fall of this if he didn't clean up his act soon. What bothered Moira was when Mr. Homes said "Good morning." It was noon. No wait. Her clock had been unplugged and reset again. Her mistake.

She leaned back in her chair as he left her office, her secretary closing the door after he left to make sure Moira's privacy was kept. Slowly, she turned the chair until she was facing the window and she stood up as the crow cawed in the tree. She looked across the way to where a man had been reading before Mr. Homes had arrived, his face covered by a large book. Moira looked at this figure until he returned her gaze through the rain and windows. They both smiled at each other; in that knowing way accomplices had. Moira watched him close his book and leave the window after he tipped his head at her. Well, she had warned the private detective not to get involved with this peculiar case. SNAP! went the mouse trap, Moira thought. And here came the rat to claim the cheese from the cold dead paws of the poor, bold mouse.

@DarlingWaylonPark Basil

Mentions: Tristan

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Ying Wen

Location: Mr. Eirik's mansion

With: Satine

Mood: My savior is a hot maid? No complaints here. Nope. None.

Ying hadn't been bound to the chair or anything but he could feel the bindings of all the guards' glares and that kept him weighted to the chair and not moving. If he had sneezed, he was sure instead of "Bless you" he would be dog piled. Now that he thought about it, he had the need to sneeze. And it was growing every minute until his face crinkled with effort for him not to sneeze. But his urge to sneeze was immediately forgotten when a woman walked into the large room. At first he was confused by her presence until one of the guards behind him whispered to another about this hottie being a maid and other things Ying wished he had not overheard. Some vile looking dudes were just that: vile.

He thought she was an airhead initially when she proclaimed him as a guest to his employer, or would it be former employer in these circumstances? He hadn't technically been fired yet. But back to the point at hand, this chick could obviously not read the atmosphere. If Ying could face-palm without the guards face-palming him with their fists also, he would have. Then, a plot twist. She gave him a very assuring look and Ying's jaw almost dropped. Well. He must have done
something okay in his past life to be rescued by this attractive chick. He was sure he screwed everything else up in his past lives but he was sure there had to have been something he'd done right because look what fate had blessed him with!

So Ying decided to play along with her facade, already knowing at least two of his six guards were entranced by this French woman. "Ah! Seriously! I'm sooo
thirsty!" He dramatized his agony and parched throat. A guard nearby gave him a dirty look. Ying laughed nervously. "W-well, I see I'm not alone.' he cleared his throat and remained silent, hoping the woman knew how to use her charms on men as his assistance didn't seem to be really helping the situation.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Satine

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Ezra Aba

Location: Inconspicuous meeting spot in town

With: O'Hara

Mood: Sneaky-sneaky, devious

Ezra immediately jumped when she finally noticed a woman standing next to her, having been preoccupied with getting something out from between her teeth. It was obvious this was the O'Hara she had called for, though the younger woman made it blatantly obvious who she was. Seriously, was she trying to get her new client discovered? Ezra cleared her throat and edged slightly over to the woman as she undid the buttons on her trench coat, struggling on one or two until they were all unbuttoned. She then whipped out the folder with the assignment and pictures of the target, Moira Cadmus.

Ezra discreetly handed the folder over to the woman and said, "I want you to gather some dirt on our Mayor. She's been running this show far too long and I need to know why so I can uproot her. Also, there's a squirrel in the public park that needs to be gotten rid of. It's chucked nuts at me five times consecutively. Any questions?" She adjusted her sunglasses and hat as she spoke and re-buttoned her coat up.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix O'Hara



Tristan Moriarty Ratigan

Location: Town Library

With: No one currently

Mood: *sinister laugh*

Tristan had arrived in Marceline two weeks prior to the current day and had been staying in a motel at the edge of town, though he hated being too discreet. He wished to drop some bread crumbs just for the sake of watching his rival flip his biscuit when he jumped the gun at the subtle signs. He had arrived at the library at the break of dawn, just as the librarian opened it for the day and had strategically placed himself by a window, his back to the majority of it and had chosen some rather large books and novels to keep him occupied until a certain someone was due to arrive. He had tailed the 'private detective' as he so called himself these days and had mapped out his habits, having some knowledge on the man's thought process. He was here for the mayor. Tristan was disappointed that he was replaced by such a bland, straight forward woman but America wasn't what it used to be he supposed.

It was when he heard footsteps behind him, pausing in front of the window when the sun was barely getting through the overcast that a sinister smirk grew on his face. HA! They were so close and the bloody fool didn't even realize it! This was going to be a very enjoyable entrance. Tristan decided he wouldn't leave bread crumbs. He would leave a loaf of bread and then let it grow stale as Basil Homes exhausted the meaning of it. Then, he would appear from the shadows like a rabbit from a magic hat and he would ask, "Did you miss me?" The smirk grew into a grin as he became giddy all over with the thought.

The giddy feeling turned cold and then boiled in his belly as he felt the sweet sensation of the greed for revenge. The bloody fool had left him to die literally in the sewers because his pride had been hurt from losing. It had taken Tristan many years to regain his full health and many years for him to think of way to repay his debt to his rival, tenfold, because interest added up quickly. He had started small by assisting Mr. Eirik's tuition and supporting his law firm anonymously. The brat was a damn good lawyer sent from hell but he was also blessed with ambition. He became the face of Tristan's infection on Marceline, the Black Market. It boosted profits and corrupted many an innocent to assist Tristan's power.

Tristan listened to Basil leaving the library and snorted softly. Busy, busy, busy. That's when his eye caught the television with some breaking news. He watched the close captions as Gale Rodgers reported before Doron's law firm. He snarled. They had a snitch. Knowing Doron, he was either on it already if he heard the news or he was messing around with that girl placed under his care. Short-sighted buffoon. Tristan decided to dial up Doron with his soon-to-be-burned phone. His displeasure turned into dry humor as he listened and jeered at the man's reaction. Doron would have this covered without a doubt. When he got his mind set, the lawyer pulled through.

The professor returned his attention to the book idly, reading some interesting lines here and there about the psychology of prey, Later, he felt the burning gaze of one of his 'allies'. He turned to the window and acknowledged her. Obviously she was perturbed by Basil's visit. He could cure that for her soon, but some patience would be needed for his sake of taste for drama. He closed his book and left on the table before tipping his head to the lady mayor and making his way out into the drizzle and pulling a hoodie over his head. Edward Homes would never suspect prideful Tristan Moriarty to wear common American attire. He walked the opposite direction of the town hall and decided to wander the town discreetly, marking significant areas of interest in his mind as he went.

@DarlingWaylonPark Basil @crucialstar Anya

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.661f337d751fc86c4006bac996507c27.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.661f337d751fc86c4006bac996507c27.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.49c11cc99f64ff0e6ce56e15abacbd04.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.49c11cc99f64ff0e6ce56e15abacbd04.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Location: Library || With: Timothy Hawkins @ShurikenPhoenix || Mentions: Andrew Michaelson | @P U R I T Y[/font][/font]

Emily slowed the car in front of the school. Lili nervously sat in the seat as she watched the girls in her class laugh together in happiness. She looked down in her notebook that was filled with drawings. "Thank you Emily, I owe you one." Lili opened the door and hopped out. An uneasy smile on her face as she closed the door and waved goodbye. Lili turned on her heels and sighed. A girl sitting nearby the staircase noticed Lili and sashayed over to her. The blonde smiled evilly and pushed Lili, making her drop her books onto the ground. "Hey!" Lili squeaked but the girl's two minions held her back. The blonde picked the book up and opened it. It was her diary. The blonde flicked to a random page and began to read it aloud. "Dear diary! Today Andrew and I went to the rivers in the Forrest it. It was amazing!" The blonde read in a teasing tone.

Lili's cheeks began to burn up. Hot years began to sit under her eyes. "Stop Tiffany!" Lili yelled. Laughter of all the students watching Lili rang in her ears. "We went to our special place. We call it Neverland! Aw... How quaint!" Tiffany evilly cooed. Soon Ms. Bowen came outside. "That's enough!" She bellowed. "Tiffany!" She shrieked. The girl dropped the book and her minions released Lili. Lili wiped her tears away and watched the girls run. Ms. Bowen sighed and handed her the diary. "Are you okay?" She asked. Lili just nodded then left. The memory kept replaying in her head. The way Tiffany teased her pulled her emotions like strings. Lili dumped her bag at her locker and went behind the school. Lili placed a sticky note for Andrew and wrote 'Come find me'. Lili jumped over the fence and went into the Forrest.

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