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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]



Location: In town

With: Diana

Mood: Content but also concerned

Cassandra gave Diana a concerned look when drinks were mentioned, and she approached, "Darling, is everything all right? Why were you out drinking again?" She looked to Diana's car, then looked to her, "Do you want to talk about it? What are you doing right now?" She looked down the street, and thought of any place she and Diana could talk alone, "I was heading to get myself some brunch, would you like to join me if you are not busy? We have much to discuss. As you can see, my children are not with me today, which is very rare. My Great Aunt pushed me out here to find..."

She sighed and shook her head, "Well, it is a long story, and I would love to discuss these things and about what's going on with you over brunch. Can we, please?" There was a bit of urgency in her voice, and she knew she could rely on Diana to keep this in confidence, having a lot of trust in her dear friend.


Tagged: @ailurophile (Diana)​
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Tyler Sinciato

Location: Le Café // Mood: Irritated, Satisfied // With: Satine and Amelia // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix @DarlingWaylonPark

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c727dce1e_TylerSinciato.jpg.6212e96a97818f6d86bf8cf24f91d2b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c727dce1e_TylerSinciato.jpg.6212e96a97818f6d86bf8cf24f91d2b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tyler scoffed at Satine's response of yet again evading being at fault for the whole incident, even though he admittedly was probably mostly at fault, even if he was half blind and that was his reason for never seeing her to begin with. This whole blind thing was truly becoming a nuisance. Beginning to lose interest in the whole ordeal now that his thoughts were of self-pity and about his partial blindness, Tyler was mildly surprised when Satine actually agreed to pay for at least half of the damages for the books. Considering they were college books though, Tyler had a feeling Satine wasn't going to be able to afford covering even half of their costs. After all, the total had cost him nearly $300. It hurt him just to remember how much money he'd had to spend on them, scholarship or not. On the bright side, his classes were online so he usually spent most of his days in the library and working at the animal shelter.

Speaking of the animal shelter, Tyler was going to be late if he kept up this whole act and didn't go ahead and get his coffee order in. Just as he was about to tell Satine how much it cost him for his books, Satine's lady friend jumped into the conversation and stopped Tyler from speaking to begin with. Raising an eyebrow at her, Tyler was rather amused to hear her get so ruffled up by his act. It wasn't too often that he got such reactions from his actions. As per usual, it was certainly entertaining. Hearing the lady mention it being unfair, Tyler quickly interjected himself, saying with a scoff,
"Unfair? Lady, don't even get started with me about anything being unfair. I'm half blind!" Biting his tongue before he started throwing out cuss words, Tyler scowled at the lady, even though she had just offered to pay for his books. Closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, Tyler then said between clenched teeth, "They're college books so they cost me nearly $300 in total." Now that he was in such a poor mood, Tyler didn't even notice Satine digging around in her purse for something.



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Location:In the Woods but then heading home

With: Emily Granger @shurikenphoenix

Mood: Calm...Mildly Amused

The early morning walk was the only thing that kept Aurelia's Sanity, in all other senses of her life it was about others but the fifteen minute walk was the time that she gave for herself , in order to do so she did have to get up as soon as the glittering stars decided to sleep. But it was worth it... Aurelia walked through the forests floor her bright yellow boots trudging through the muddy forest floor stepping over ferns and snapping twigs alerting the forest animals that there was someone in their midst, the alert did no good anymore as the animals probably thought that Aurelia's methodical footsteps were as usual as the constant rain that trailed onto her matching yellow raincoat. After trailing past many a flower and deer her watch beeped four times signalling that it was time to turn back out of the forest and to the little corner shop before finishing getting ready for school which usually involved some kind of annoyingly humorous debacle with Emily.

Aurelia soon returned home a paper bag full of fresh bread in her left hand and a tea from the cafe in the other, she slid her silver key into the slot and stepped through the door taking her boots and raincoat off and placing them both on their labelled hanger and shelf, labelling was an art that Aurelia had adopted to the household early on as she felt that it may help Emily keep all of her stuff in the right places.

Aurelia made her way up to her room counting the steps as she jumped up them one by one quietly, trying not to wake Emily up, she slipped into her room instantly swarmed into a haze of pastel blues and pinks that was her room, she flung open her wardrobe flicking through her colour coordinated array of fabrics finally picking out a white shirt and a dark navy overall skirt matching it with a pair of white doc martens and her white backpack which had been pre packed the night before.

She headed to the bathroom and sprayed a few drops of rose scented air freshener clearing the space before she grabbed a pastel pink towel from the rack and hung it up on the side of the shower. She stepped into the shower and turned the water up the heat nearing scalding before she tested it with a finger and pulled it back in shock before turning the water down slightly stepping into the water.She scrubbed herself down with a lemon scented body wash before washing her hair gently making sure to get every strand. She then hesitantly turned of the water and wrapped the towel around her red body that was quickly fading into its usual pale colour. She quickly changed into her pre determined outfit before making her way downstairs her back pack slung over her shoulder as she started to hear the ruffle of sound that meant that Emily had woken up.

In Aurelia's routine Fruit was promptly chopped and placed into a bowl and the tea was warmed up as Emily continued to shuffle around occasionally the slam of a door being required until eventually Emily's voice was heard

Aurelia, terribly sorry to bother you, but I can't find my shoes for the life of me. You haven't seen them have you?"

Aurelia chuckled lightly and went to the bottom of the stairs tea in hand "Yes Emily they're just down here hanging off the um.. banister, oh and Emily I also got you a tea on my way back" she added knowing that She probably needed something to get her going



Location: Emily's House//Scenario: Found them!//With: Aurelia @Intoxicated Lover//Mentions: N/A

Immediate relief swept over Emily as she heard Aurelia's voice from down stairs and she took to the stairs in an instant, spotting her shoes dangling from the banister. She couldn't remember for the life of her why the she had thought that putting them there was a good idea but right now she was just glad to have found them. Though they were quite opposite in ways, she and her adopted daughter made quite the pair. "Oh thanks lovely, I was beginning to wonder where I put them," she said as she took the tea from her gratefully. She noticed that Aurelia smelled of nature and wildlife, a lovely scent in her opinion. "Have you been out already? Goodness you are an early bird! I can't imagine how you do it. Hmm you smell like pine air freshener, it's lovely..." she mused before putting on a serious expression and a maternal tone of voice. As she was still young herself, sometimes it seemed rather odd to say the least. "Now have you got everything you need for school?" she asked.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.f318eb3c464d6db1d8e9f4144e740677.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.f318eb3c464d6db1d8e9f4144e740677.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.fb79d1cf7a5bae022f5e73c53365eb9a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.fb79d1cf7a5bae022f5e73c53365eb9a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Look, I'm flying!" Lili squeaked with excitement, her arms stretched out to keep herself balanced. The boy dresses in green smiled as he watched Lili flies through the soft blue air. The boy flew up and stopped in front of Lili, he slowly took her hand and moved in closer, the two locked eyes when suddenly a loud beeping came out of nowhere. Beep, beep, beep....

Lili, get up you're going to miss the bus!" Her father's voiced yelled. "I'm awake!" Lili yelled back, her eyes still closed. Stifling a yawn, Lili trudged out of bed and slammed the beeping alarm clock. "One more week till school ends" Lili mumbled, still half asleep. She heard her father tell again, only this time he was serious. Lili quickly opened her eyes and picked out a simple outfit, she raced downstairs and grabbed an apple in her right hand and her school bag in the left. "Bye father!" Lili waved and headed out of the door. The bus switched into drive and drove off without Lili "Wait!" She yelled but stopped, it was no use. She was late for school again.

Great!" Lili grumbled, she took a large bite from her apple and sighed. "Maybe Emily will give me a lift?" She though got to herself. It was her only shot. Lili began to walk slowly to Emily's house. The Darling family were acquaintances with Emily and Aurelia and Emily was Lili's excuse to get a lift to school instead of that horrid bus. As Lili walked by she saw Satine and Amelia talking to some guy "Poor guy, suffering from Amelia's yelling" Lili shook her head and continued on her way. Finally she got to Emily's house. She hopped onto the front porch and knocked three times. Lili heard some rustling inside and tried to peek through the the peeping hole in the door "Emily must of lost her shoes again" Lili concluded and rolled her eyes. She knocked again until someone opened the door "Mind giving me a lift?" She asked with a innocent look.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix | Emily
| @Intoxicated Lover | Aurelia


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c1a71636909235dfd44b0ccb6588ba25.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c1a71636909235dfd44b0ccb6588ba25.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Location:Emily's Home

With: Emily Granger @shurikenphoenix


Mood: Excited

Aurelia listened to Emily's hasty descent from the upper floor with a smile plastered onto her face while they may of had their differences she did enjoy Emily's kind nature and conversation she didn't need to put on an act for her Emily would accept her all the same . She handed Emily her tea and moved back to the kitchen counter putting her bowl into the dishwasher as Emily mused quietly to herself about Aurelia's jam packed morning Aurelia tapped her fingers on the counter waiting for her to finish her spiel before she answered "

"Yes I walked like I do every morning, you should come sometime I occasionaly see some funny looking animals that you may be interested in" she said stopping her incessant tapping as she noticed Emily's face snap into the parental mood that occasionally overtook her when she felt that Aurelia may need more of a maternal figure that an older sister

"Yes Emily?I've got everything I need and all my extra credit is done...but I checked the cupboards and were running low on tea" she said grinning slightly as she slung her backpack onto one shoulder, and heard
a knock coming form the from door three loud bangs, Aurelia rushed down the hall opening the door as Lili asked her question, Aurelia smiled and ushered her inside "We'll find a way to get you there munchkin" she said playfully leading her down the hallway back to whew Emily was and looking at her with a small little smile "Did you know if that car has fuel and if it does could could you maybe drive us" she said sheepishly biting her lip as she knew that Emily often had to contend with her not being confident to drive even though she has her liscence. She turned to face Lili "Now have you actually had breakfast today Lil?" She said with concern

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Location: Behind the Cafe in an alley

With: The Nice Lady

Mood: Hungry, and hopeful

"Nancy, huh? That's a pretty name for a nice lady." He smiled, putting on the charm, though with her offering to buy him food he didn't need to like he did with other women. Still, it couldn't hurt. He walked into the cafe and looked around, having never gone inside before. People he charmed just bought him something and brought it out to him, or one of the nice employees would give him something from the back door, but to actually be inside a fancy place like this was blowing Joey's mind right about now. He looked to the line, then up at a bunch of words. He frowned, then went to Nancy, tugging on her sleeve and motioned with his index finger for her to lean down so he could whisper, "Um, I can't read, can you help me? I wanna know what they have here but..." He looked down, ashamed for being an eleven year old boy who never went to school, not got the opportunity and couldn't read anything to save his life.


Tagged: @ailurophile (Nancy)



Location; The street.

Mood; Mildly concerned, friendly.

Tagged; Cassandra.


Diana was often one to tease, but something about the little hint of urgency in her friend's voice resulted in the ebony haired young woman sobering up a little and giving a friendly smile rather than a smirk.

"Of course!" She nodded, shifting her handbag from one arm to the other, bouncing on the balls of her feet a bit to warm herself up- she felt the cold a lot more than others seemed to. "Where would you like to go, hm? Anywhere you'd enjoy."

It wasn't as if there were all that many establishments to choose from, but Diana felt that it would be polite to let Cassandra take her pick- they'd been to all of them over a period of time, probably, so it wasn't as if they were risking horrible food or service. Most people seemed to know one another somehow.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.0957ddef89eb457c383a369a525e5558.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.0957ddef89eb457c383a369a525e5558.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Location; On the way to school.

Mood; Bored, playful.

Tagged; Oskar. @ShurikenPhoenix

Character; Shock.


Catherine was slowly losing her mind. Well, perhaps that's a tad dramatic, she was mildly irritated because not only had she failed to convince her adoptive father that she couldn't go to school that day, her phone had also died so she couldn't have any music playing while she walked- well, stalked- down the street. Thankfully, a distraction finally presented itself in the form of a fair haired kid from school, who appeared to be speaking to somebody already; being the confident sort of person she was (you had to have good people skills to be a waitress, anyway), she trotted over and looped an arm over Oskar's shoulders.

"Embarrassment bomb, hm? Sounds like an amusing story," She teased, tossing her head to move some hair from her eyes, her usual little smirk playing about her lips. Fortunately (for those around her), it was not the devious version, just her default, albeit a little cheeky, one. The more malicious smirk was a definite warning sign when it appeared.



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Moira Cadmus

Location: Her office

With: Edward/'Basil'

Mood: Annoyed

Moira was feeling quite content for achieving so 'much' in one morning but this was all dashed when movement caught her eye from a parallel window from the library across the way. She met Edward's eyes with a raised brow quickly, an unconscious frown making its way on her face as he motioned his antics and mouthed something she wished she couldn't have made out it for it was much too obvious and much too annoying. Her sharp eyes watched him disappear from the window and her frown deepened. The Lady Mayor would need blinds over this window at this rate. It wasn't the first time the rat had caught her attention like this, though this time was much less subtle.

Not amused, Moira drank the last of her coffee which had been cleverly laced with some Bailey's Irish Cream, not that anyone knew or could tell. It smelled just like any other regular creme for coffee but it added the extra kick and fuzziness that allowed her the patience to deal with the buffoons of the town, such as the one she could already hear outside of her office door.

Flexing her fingers, she straightened her suit and opened one of the double oak doors to her office and walked out to the reception area. "You can request an appointment subtly at least without bothering my receptionist so blatantly with your intentions, Mr. Homes." She spoke evenly, a passive look on her face that was neither kind nor degrading towards the 'detective'.

@DarlingWaylonPark 'Basil'



James Sawyer

Location: National Park

With: Ranger Rosenfield, Sylvia

Mood: Wary but courteous

His Scottish timbre was hinted in his calm voice. "That so." He nodded hesitantly, noting that this woman was a very large and in charge kind of personality despite her shortness and doe-eyed look. Well, technically he couldn't judge on the small part, being a giant as he was. "Well, I suppose you don't shoot the wild life given you're obvious contempt against hunters, but so long as I'm not mistaken as a bear, I suppose I am at ease." He offered a small smile to ease any tension that could have developed.

As she approached him, he felt even taller as he had to crane his head to look down. His eyebrows rose when she blatantly spoke of watching him in the forest but he could not find any qualms with this, having already stated his worries about being mistaken for a large grizzly. He was a bit shocked by her blunt and seemingly cold way she spoke and then her juxtaposing smile, verbally distancing them despite her standing before him as such. "Ah, is that what I'm known as?" He chuckled lightly in his baritone voice. "Nice to meet the guardian of this forest. I suppose you know me but I'm James, James Sawyer." He introduced himself in the Bond fashion and held out his large hand to shake hers.

@DarlingWaylonPark Sylvia



Louis Ragnar

Location: Streets, Police station

With: Oskar, Catherine

Mood: Bored

A grin fitted on Louis's face as Oskar continued in his self depreciating way. The grin turned to a smile as a different girl looped her arm around Oskar. "I'll see you guys later. Stay out of trouble." He warned, passively inferring to his law enforcement position.

Louis then started back into a steady jog that went back to a full sprint as he made his way to the police station, not having time to visit the gym that morning. He needed to keep up his good attendance rate at the station, he had been on a roll for the past two months at not sleeping in. Louis basically sprinted all the way to the police station, entering the building and continuing with a jog as he nodded to those at the front desk who gave dirty and jealous stares until he disappeared into the locker room to change into his uniform. After changing, he went to his desk and turned on his computer, greeted by the digital fish tank background. Louis watched them idly, letting his mind go blank. It was actually a koi fish pond with the fish following after the cursor as if it were food whenever it moved. Now, they were disinterested in it and swimming about nonchalantly. "Ach." He sighed and rubbed his eyes, looking away from the screen. The office was always boring.

Louis began spinning circles in his chair as he waited for his partner to arrive at the station or make his appearance if he had been there earlier.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Guillame



Doron Eirik

Location: Home

With: No one

Mood: Foul, moody, broody, and all that nasty man feeling stuff

Doron looked at the file with some contempt as he poured himself a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. If his eyes had any heat to their gaze, the papers would be ashes on his marble counter top. They were current reports to his 'side-business' on how his 'substances' were doing in being sold. Apparently the new guy he had recently hired was the cause of this month's fall in earnings. Doron had lost a potential of three million dollars and he knew exactly why this prick was the source, the evidence also being in the file before him in the report. The guy was a snitch. And everyone who knew Doron knew what snitches got. Snitches got ditches; screw tedious stitches. Doron had no patience for betrayal.

When he took a naive draft of his coffee, his mouth was scorched, immediately prompting him to spray it all over his counter and floor, somehow barely missing the papers. Growling in pain, he threw the coffee filled mug at an opposing beige painted wall. This day couldn't get any better, he thought with heavy sarcasm as his resident maid immediately started cleaning up his volatile mess. Clearing his throat, he poured himself a second cup of coffee and grabbed his file, making his way to his study where he would be allowed to fume without an audience.

Doron glared at the misting rain passively out of the main window of his study. He was still in his pajamas: a plain shirt and plaid pajama bottoms. The lawyer had allowed himself a day off before he even knew he had separate business to attend to. It had only been early in the morning when this chore had been delivered to him and Doron needed to rid of this trash before it became a bigger problem than it deserved to be.

He began the process of calming himself down until all of his feelings were internal once more. His lawyer mask fixed itself on his face and all evidence of what he was feeling left his outward demeanor. Doron would never become openly emotional outside of home, literally associating such a thing with death thanks to his older brothers. Mind now cool, he began to calmly think of the most effective way to rid of the snitch within twelve hours. His phone buzzing on his desk interrupted his thoughts and he turned to look at who was contacting him.

Tags: ((Anyone, really. It could be a text or phone call to Doron))



Gerard Dureau

Location: The street

With: Cassandra Richelieu, Diana Wentworth

Mood: Content

Gerard woke with a pleasant attitude at a motel, a warm body next to him. He quickly dressed and left, not needing the woman to request a more permanent relationship between them. Gerard was too much for one woman alone and should be shared amongst the masses for the good of all woman kind. His prideful smirk appeared on his face as he walked out of the motel, paying for the room. Gerard walked aimlessly down the street, not having work that day which was a blessing in some aspects. He had been able to sneak some hunting time in last time in the National Park. The foolish lady Ranger thought hunters could only hunt during the day. Ha! Gerard had invested into a hunting bow and night vision goggles to bypass this belief. He had been able to shoot a stag that night and sneak it away, hiding it in the depths of his barn behind his large country home as it was drained of blood. Gerard had even found time to go to a club and meet a willing, beautiful woman to distract him for the rest of the night.

A stupid smirk on his face, he paused mid stride as he caught sight of two woman conversing, one having a Parisian accent to her speech. Gerard knew both woman, one better than the other since she had his interest more than the younger woman. Slowly, Gerard made his way over to the women, smiling pleasantly and with friendly warmth as he approached them. "A good morning is it not?" He asked, looking up at the overcast which continued to mist down rain. The Frenchman then looked back to both woman. "You're both looking radiantly beautiful this morning, I almost had you mistaken for the sun , Madame Richelieu. And you , Mademoiselle Wentworth, the moon." He complimented, giving his usual spiel about beauty. "Are you ladies heading somewhere? Perhaps you are in need of an escort?" His eyes rested mainly on the older of the two.

Tags: @DarlingWaylonPark Cass @ailurophile Diana



Abigail Vardon

Location: Home, the street, cafe

With: The voice in her head...jk, no one

Mood: 'Academically' frustrated

Abigail woke up to the smell of coffee her invention, the Immediate Coffee Husband, had made. And five seconds later, her alarm went off with a series of crashing sounds until a party popper popped over her bed, almost scaring her to death. She really needed to make a better alarm for herself. Or just buy an alarm clock. Sighing, she turned the alarm off and rolled out of bed onto the floor and crawled on her hands in knees in her large t-shirt to the kitchen of her apartment. She climbed the counter to stand up and searched for the cup of coffee with her eyes still half closed. Finding it, she drank the delicious brew complete with a creme design. Then she drank the next five cups she had always prepared, heavily addicted caffeine to wake up.

She then stumbled still sleepily to her Closet Husband which always had her outfit for the day ready for her. Today it was a University shirt with a matching sweat shirt (since Weatherman Husband had noted the rain to Closet Husband's data) and a pair of bleached skinny jean complete with green rubber booties. Abbi dressed quickly and put her hair up in her signature bun before grabbing her laptop and stuffing it in her backpack. She then pulled her hoodie's hood over her head and left the house with Guard Husband on. One thing was certain about Abbi. She wanted a man. Probably needed one with how she kept naming her inventions after a character in her life that had yet to exist.

Abbi stomped nonchalantly in puddles as she made her way to the cafe, craving their bagels and doughnuts. She snorted to herself when she passed Gerard flaunting his manly assistance to Cassandra and Diana before continuing on until she had entered into the dry and warm cafe. A situation was present before the barista and Abigail stood in line patiently for a few seconds. Another thing certain about Abbi: if she had any patience, it was literally timed to five seconds. Openly scowling, she interjected, "Can we get this show moving? I've got a date with chocolate doughnuts."

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Satine




Location: In town

With: Diana and Gerard

Mood: Relieved, but then slightly annoyed

Cassandra smiled, feeling very relieved, "Thank you so much, Diana! Say, why don't we head over to the Cafe this morning, we can catch a nice brunch and discuss--" She was suddenly interrupted by the town 'man-whore' as she liked to call him, the filthy Gerard. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked to the man with scrutinizing eyes. Still, she smiled to him and gave a soft chuckle, deciding to humor him, "Good morning to you as well, Monsieur. While I appreciate the kind gesture, I think an escort is not needed right now. Diana and I are simply going somewhere for brunch and a lovely chat as two good friends do." She looked to Diana, "If you're ready, Diana, we can take your car and go." She nodded respectfully to Gerard, "It is good seeing you, Monsieur, and I thank you again for your offer, but we are doing just fine." She smiled graciously, her upbringing making her the one in authority here, her tone gentle but still firm. While she thought of remarrying, she could not see this man be a good father to her three children. Not in the least!


Tagged: @ailurophile (Diana) @Celemyvel (Gerard)​




Location: In town, outside law offices

With: Camera man but no one else

Mood: Anxious

Wearing a tan raincoat, black skirt and white blouse with black heels and looking like she came straight out of the early 1960s, blonde hair tied back with a black bow, Gale cleared her throat as she gripped the microphone, standing in the misting rain in front of the Law Offices, the van just parked outside of it. Her cameraman counted down on his fingers when they'd be live on the air, and the British woman stood straight with her shoulders back and head held high, doing what she loved most.

Funny, she could be like this before a camera, but was quite socially awkward herself. Then again, she pretended to talk to the actual camera itself and not its audience.

Three, two, one...

"Good morning! I'm currently outside the law offices of Doron Eirik, where sources have rumored to come forward in the past twenty-four hours to make allegations against him. Apparently, there is much speculation from these witnesses saying that around this site could be a potential Black Market here in Marceline, and that Doron Eirik himself could be aware of it. While not proven, there are talks of a possible investigation into this and the buildings surrounding it to see if these rumors are true, and if so, to weed it out. We plan to interview Mr. Eirik himself to see his insights on these rumors and hopefully he can shed some light on the situation. We'll bring you the breaking news as we go, back to you!"

She was profressional and kept her tone neutral the entire time, until the cameraman cut the camera off and she sighed, then looked to the doors of Doron's offices.

"Though I'd rather not like to go inside...I hear the man's not the friendliest in town. Then again he is a lawyer, I suppose, and one never hears of 'nice' lawyers." She muttered to herself.


@Celemyvel (Doron)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1a92b535ea64cd00dc3421bcdadc128c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1a92b535ea64cd00dc3421bcdadc128c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.42d63e9370b86eb30fff4001623247f0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.42d63e9370b86eb30fff4001623247f0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lili smiled when Aurelia opened the door and greeted her "Thank you so much!" Lili gracefully thanked Aurelia as she was ushered inside. "Hello Emily!" Lili squeaked and plopped down on the couch. "I missed the bus again" Lili explained and blushed. She took off her school bag and placed it next to her. She took her phone out and saw the text message from her father "Abi is babysitting you tonight, she'll meet you after school. Dad" Liliana sighed and shoved her phone back into her bag. "Dad's going to see mom again" Lili sighed but perked up when Aurelia asked her about breakfast. She forgot about it.

I've had a bite from an apple but otherwise no" Lili turned around and hopped off the couch. "Do you have any tea?" Lili asked and sat onto the stool nearby the island countertop. "I've always liked you teapot Emily, where did you get from? It's way better than our teapot, I mean, our kettle is a plain red one but yours is-" Lili blabbed, it was a nervous habit of hers and it was quite common too. Especially what was happening with Mary Darling. She didn't deserve it, she never did. Lili sighed and bit her lip. "So, how are you?" She asked, trying to get rid of the thought of her mother dying slowly.

Tags: Emily Granger - @ShurikenPhoenix | Aurelia Isla Feè -
@Intoxicated Lover

Mentions: Abigail

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Amelia White

Location: The Cafe

With: Satine and the impatient girl behind us

Mood: Relieved

Amelia nodded and wrote the check out for the kid, and gave it to him, watching him leave the cafe in a hurry. She huffed and looked to Satine, "It's fine." She said, not wanting to be paid for anything, after all, she was happy to come to Satine's rescue! She looked behind her at the girl that seemed to be in a hurry as well, and she nodded, "Sorry, we're ordering now." She approached the counter and ordered a latte, then looked to Satine, "What do you want, dear? I'll get this, you've had a rough morning as it is." She smiled gently, "Wanna go sit and talk for a bit after this? I have forty-five minutes still before my first class, and my last class ends this afternoon around four, we can go out tonight? Have a girl's night out?" She grinned.


Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix (Satine)

@Celemyvel (Abigail)



Location: Town Hall; Moira's Office

With: Madame Mayor

Mood: Cheeky, of course!

Basil turned his head from the disturbed receptionist to Madame Mayor herself, and a grin spread on his lips, "Ah, Miss Mayor, finally a pleasure to see you! There's an urgent matter I wish to discuss with you, and--"

He was cut off by someone turning up the flat screen tv hanging on the wall, where one Gale Rodgers was reporting live on the scene, outside of the Law Offices, talking about a possible Black Market in town. Slowly he turned his head to Moira to give her a cheeky grin, "What a coincidence, that's exactly why I'm here. Might we speak about this in your office, Miss Mayor? I feel that this is indeed a mystery that needs solving, we can have a Black Market sullying this town's fine name now, can we?" He gave her a cheeky grin, already his day was brightening up, forget the damn sun!


Tagged: @Celemyvel (Moira)



Location: Marceline National Park and Wildlife Reserve

With: James Sawyer

Mood: Cautious, Friendly

Sylvia's small hand found its place in James' much larger one, and she shook it with a smile, "A pleasure, James. And funny thing, I could see you as a bear." She laughed, "It is meant to be a compliment, the animals of this forest are my companions, and you are right to say I am their guardian." She let go of his hand and looked down, sighing sadly, "Though many of my poor stags have been declining in numbers, and it is hunters that sneak in that take them from me. There is one in particular I am hunting myself, but he comes in the dead of night and I've yet to catch him. Perhaps..."

She looked out to the forest for a moment, then looked back up at James, "Maybe you can help me. You know these woods almost as well as I do, and you are strong as I am fast. Together, we can catch this man yet! I rarely go into town, if ever, only because I'm afraid to leave my forest unattended. I have only seen glimpses of this man from afar, I don't know his name nor do I care to know it, all I know is that he must be caught, and soon, and pay for his crimes against my friends." She looked up at him pleadingly, "Will you help me with this, James? Please?"


Tagged: @Celemyvel (James)​


Location: Le Cafe//Scenario: Bonding//With: Amelia @DarlingWaylonPark//Mentions: Abigail @Celemyvel//Outfit:

Satine was relieved to have Amelia with her to say the least. Without her there, she was almost certain she would have lost her temper and gone full on diva-mode. If there was one thing she truly disliked, it was conflict for conflict's sake. So when Amelia managed to settle the issue, Satine began to unwind herself the best way she knew how: flirting with the barista. It was indirect of course. "Oh Amelia you are too kind cherie!" She said to her friend with utmost sincerity, before turning to the barista with the mist charming smile she could muster. "She is a darling, no? And of course so are you. We have inconvenienced you and yet here you are serving us graciously, monsieur." She fluttered her eyelashes a little before adding, "may I have an espresso?"

The now flustered young barista then insisted that both drinks be on the house due to the prior incident. He was obviously taken with both girls, and besides there was now a rather impatient blonde woman with a pixie haircut behind them talking about a date with doughnuts. Satine made sure to be out of her way quickly so that there would be no more conflict for one day, winking at the barista before she and Amelia found a table to sit at.

When her friend suggested a girls' night out, she could not resist the idea.
"I would love to go somewhere tonight! My workload will be intense today so I know I will need it," she chuckled as she inspected her cup for even the smallest smudge of dirt, running her finger along the edge meticulously. "What would you like to do?"



Location: The Path to School//Scenario: I'm a people magnet today...//With: Catherine @ailurophile//Mentions: Louis @Celemyvel

Louis was obviously amused by Oskar's pessimism because he grinned at him as he mused. It was weird that the only person Oskar usually talked to was a deputy. That just kind of made him an easy target to make fun of. Ah well, not like he wasn't used to it. Just as he was about to say goodbye to Louis, someone's arm wrapped itself around his shoulder. Oskar flinched as he looked for the source of the limb and saw a girl smirking at him. What the hell? She clearly didn't get the concept of personal boundaries but he wasn't sure he should shake her off. Louis looked amused as he instructed the pair to take care as protocol required and headed off. Great, he probably thought these two were a thing or something...

"Uh...hi?" Oskar said to the girl, who's name he thought was Catherine. "Look I'm gonna be late for class so I really can't offer you a monologue right now. Sorry to disappoint." He found he didn't sound quite as awkward as usual because the girl strangely put him at ease somewhat.



Location: The Office//Scenario: Just a regular day//With: Louis @Celemyvel//Mentions:

As usual Will had arrived at the police station early. He always did, never once straying from this tradition. Despite his playful nature, he took his job incredibly seriously. Granted his job was not often eventful. Nothing ever really happened in Marcelline, but that wasn't the point. If he rested on his laurels now, he would become complacent and that was just not something he could afford to do.

He greeted other officers with a warm authority as he stood at the water cooler, filling a cup for himself. He liked to put others at ease yet still remain firm and it worked for the most part amongst colleagues and the public. As he headed back to his office, he noticed his partner Louis was already there, watching the virtual fish tank desktop.
"Those fish, what are they persons of interest in a crime?" He joked as he set down his cup at his desk and patted Louis on the back in greeting. He understood how boring their job could get at times.



Location: Emily's House//Scenario: Being helpful//With: Aurelia @Intoxicated Lover and Liliana @lostviolence//Mentions:

Emily was very used to Liliana carpooling to school with her. Had it not been for the fact she was running late, her answer would have far more enthused. Of course she still agreed because Lillian's was a sweet girl and she wouldn't want her to be late. She just hoped the animal shelter would believe her story of the lost shoes, as silly as it sounded to an outsider. "Oh of course I can take you. We'll have to be quick though, spit spot!" She said, sounding extremely English.




Location; The street.

Mood; Mildly concerned, friendly.

Tagged; Cassandra.



The friendly conversation was interrupted by a familiar, smooth voice, and Diana glanced over to let her gaze longer on Gerard. Now, it wasn't that the little woman could really scorn Gerard for the reputation that he hand gained inside her head, seeing as she had... Well, had her fair share of lovers, so to speak, but she was still a little amused by his clear attempt to win her friend over with sweet words and a handsome smile. The man was pleasing to the eye, yet something threw Diana off.

"Ah, darling, you are sweet, but as my dear friend says, we'll be alright, you needn't worry," She smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes before rolling the eyes her lashes framed and attention to Cassandra, her smile much more genuine this time.

"Of course, doll, let's get going, I'm positively starving," With those few words of agreement, a little wave to Gerard before turning on her heel and beginning to head for her car, hips swaying in time to the beat of a song stuck in her head.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.f5212e947858c5d78eae6f5554e7805a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.f5212e947858c5d78eae6f5554e7805a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Location; On the way to school.

Mood; Bored, playful.

Tagged; Oskar. @ShurikenPhoenix

Character; Shock.


"Hey, I get it, lots of people are intimidated by me," Catherine teased, finally releasing the boy and resting her hand on her hip, smiling. "You go to my school, right? Don't suppose I can walk to class with you? My usual friends left earlier today and I'm on my own."

It was true, really, she'd usually walk to school with a couple of other people, but the part about them leaving early was a lie- she just hadn't felt like hanging out with them that morning. She was in a strange mood, actually, not quite as devious as usual, but far from crazily friendly too. Tucking a lock of dark hair (admittedly not her natural colour) behind her left ear, Catherine broke from her thoughts to return her attention to the boy- Oskar, perhaps.



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Location; Alley behind the café.

Mood; Content, maternal.

Tagged; Joey.


Oh, he was definitely a cute kid, that was for sure- Nancy had no clue how anyone would be able to resist giving him anything he wanted.

"You're quite the little gentleman aren't you, kid?" She smiled, giving his hair a ruffle while at the same time being careful to keep things gentle- she didn't want to frighten him too bad, as some people found her a little too forward.

As they entered the cafe, the young woman shrugged off her jacket, finding it rather warm inside the building, and draped the garment over her arm. She had been hungry while they were outside but her headache had just gotten a little worse, perhaps it was the lighting?

"Sure thing, kid," She nodded quickly, deciding that she'd act casually despite being surprised, not wanting to embarrass him. "Okay, so, they've got sandwiches, soup, paninis, and you can see a lot of the cake-y things in that case over there."

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