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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]


Moira Cadmus

Location: Her office

With: Basil

Mood: Perturbed

Moira looked at the TV for a measure as Gale Rodgers reported something that would certainly make her day worst. Once Doron saw this, Moira was certain he would contact her and try to blackmail her into assisting with this new problem. Her face was full of calculation, as if she were just hearing this information for the first time. The lady mayor looked to the private detective and pursed her lips in seeming worry, though this expression wasn't half false. "Was it now? Very well, come into my office, Mr. Homes." His smile was dangerously bright and it almost made her frown but her lips twitched into a courteous smile as she motioned for him to follow her, closing the door behind them once he entered. "By all means, Mr. Homes, make yourself comfortable. Just don't expect anything scandalous." She drawled with a sigh as she went to sit behind her desk and crossed her legs, motioning for him to sit in one of the lavish armchairs for guests.

@DarlingWaylonPark Basil



James Sawyer

Location: National Forest

With: Ranger Sylvia

Mood: Friendly

James smiled warily down at Sylvia. This woman was quite the chatterbox for someone with a seeming docile personality. Well, the gun went against this prejudice claim. He listened to her go on a tangent and was a bit shocked when she used her doe eyes pleadingly for help. "I, well, I'm just a fisherman." He chuckled nervously. "So, I'm not sure I'll be the best for the job but I'll certainly try, wee miss." He mulled over what she had said. "You say you've seen him from a distance? Can you tell me what features you made out so I know what to look for?" He asked, crossing his arms as the chill of the misty rain began to settle through his leather jacket.

@DarlingWaylonPark Sylvia



Louis Ragnar

Location: Police Station

With: Guilluame/'Will'

Mood: Relieved, friendly

Louis jumped in his chair when he heard Will tease him. The younger man grinned up at his partner and shrugged. "Well, one fish is missing you see. I've two suspects. The mistress and the husband. I'm leaning towards the husband since it seems the mistress wasn't just the mistress to the man of the marriage." He pursed his lips cheekily. Wow. He had actually come up with a basic scenario, minus the motive of the 'crime'. "Anyway-" He was cut off when someone turned on the TV to Gale Rodgers reporting about a black market in front the Eirik Lawfirm. Louis looked at Will. "You think they'll switch that case over into our hands now that it's got publicity?" He asked his partner in a hopeful tone. Louis was tired of reports of sweet rolls going missing from the cafe or about delinquents or homeless. Get him a real dirty scandal for once. He wanted action and mysteries.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Will



Gerard Dureau

Location: The street

With: Diana, Cassandra

Mood: Utterly at a lost

Gerard visually blanched. How? How on this green earth had a woman rejected his company? This had not happened to him once in his lifetime! Who were these females to push him aside as if they had more pickings to choose from?! Gerard was the best brand of man this world had ever been blessed with. So the damned question remained: how?

He worked his jaw slowly and focused his tongue between well flossed teeth as if he were trying to rid of some food that wasn't there. Slowly, he smiled courteously. Gerard wasn't a complete buffoon. He could place the niceties of society like this high-nosed Parisian woman and her companion. "Very well, I'm sorry to have disturbed you two." He forced their kind refutation from his mind as he walked off again. It was their loss, obviously. They'd come to their sense some time.

Gerard continued along his way when he paused in front of a TV store that was displaying the morning news live on all the flat screens. He began chuckling to himself. That bastard Doron was getting what was coming to him. Then Gerard frowned. Where would he get his rare furs and antlers for all his interior decorating then? Huffing, he continued once more, slower this time, at a more approachable pace as he was in deep thought.

Tags: ((Anybuddy :D ))



Abigail Vardon

Location: Cafe, street, Police Station

With: People at the cafe, Will and Louis

Mood: Contemplating being a Sith Lord

Abigail only sighed and rolled her eyes as the two women flaunted in front of the barista, her expression sour when her turn in line came up. "Two dozen chocolate donuts please." She asked blandly. The barista, having been in such warm and welcoming waters, was now dumped with the cold bucket of Abbi's attitude. "Y-you're going to eat all of these?" He asked in shock as he got her dozen of pastries together. Abbi's face turned red and she became too outraged to speak right away, causing the barista to think she was embarrassed. He flashed her his best charming smile. "I could help you later, if you want." Abigail literally scoffed in his face and snatched the box of donuts from his hand and slammed the amount due on the counter, only saying, "Mine." in a very good Gollum impression before she stomped past a boy and woman and out of the cafe.

Outside she checked her phone for a text. Apparently Lilli would be needed to babysat again. She was fine with this and agreed but she was still frustrated over the barista guy. Abbi kicked rain puddles angrily with heavy foot falls, not really noticing her surroundings until she splashed in one peculiarly large puddle in front of a lawfirm, the water landing on a lady who Abigail vaguely recognized when she looked up in a panic. Holy crap, it was Gale Rodgers. "Shoot!" She said, the word coming out like a hiss. Shocked to have splashed water on someone who had been on TV (and probably many others on her path), Abigail sprinted off down the street with the box awkwardly before her as she ran.

She ran until she thought it was safe but walked quickly to the police station, entering it while looking behind her to see if she had been followed. Satisfied, she bribed the front desk with two doughnuts and went into the back where the offices were. Her face perked up when she saw a certain officer and she practically skipped over to him. "Hey, Will! I brought donuts!" She grinned. The grin fell when her eyes met Louis's. "Louis." She greeted distastefully before turning back to Will, offering the pastries with a bright smile.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Will @DarlingWaylonPark Gale

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Location:Emily's Home

With: Emily Granger @shurikenphoenix

Lilliana Darling @lostviolence

Mentions: Anya Saint Claire and Alyssa Lidell @crucialstar

Mood: Hurried

Aurelia heard Lillian's Answer to her question and promptly threw a brown paper bag at her which contained a crossaint and a wrapped up slice of apple crumble she looked at Lili sternly "Now Lili please save the crumble for recess we don't want you to be buzzing round the walls of the classroom in a sugar high do we" she said jokingly before turning back to Emily who was rushing around trying to get organised in time to take Lili to her school, Aurelia decided that Emily had enough stops to make withought her school being one so she pulled out her phone and began to text her friend Anya

Hi Anya, Emily's a bit hurried and carpooling Lili to school, if it's no trouble could you maybe pick me up

She then drummed her fingers once again on the countertop in the pattern of a song she'd forgotten long ago her brain running through the mental checklist of her day she was mentally exhausted and she hadn't even gotten through the morning. She checked the contents of her bag once again to make sure she had everything she needed but as she had told Emily before she had everything she needed. She took one last swig of coffee and waited for a response
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Anya Saint-Claire


Location: Home > Emily's | Scenario: Dreaming, Texting, and Rides

With: Doron Erik @ShurikenPhoenix | Outfit

A knock came from her door, as a young girl fumbled through her duvet sheets trying to find the source of the noise. Sitting up straight, with her eye still closed, drool dripping down from the side of her mouth, and her hair scrambled together like a bird's nest, Anya smacked her lips together, still half-asleep, "W-who is it?" She called out, feeling herself falling back asleep, as she dreamt of ball gowns, romance, and sandwiches. Anya couldn't hear the voice as she started lightly snoring once more, until the knock became louder and apparent. Jumping out of her skin this time, Anya ended up falling down her bed, as a big "thump" was heard on the wood flooring. "Oww. . " she mummered, fully awake now, as her eyes opened widely, only for it to squint again from the bright sunrays shining through her windows. "Miss? I mean . . Anya? Are you alright?" Lucy, her maid (though she hates referring to her that way), called out again. Blinking, Anya called out, "O-oh . . Um . . I'm alright! Just. . you know here. . on the ground. . " She managed to say, blushing slightly from her clumsyness. Oh, Anya! Only you would dream about going out on a date and eating sandwiches with a boy you've never met. Sighing, Anya ran a hand down her face as she felt her drool. Quickly wiping all the drool off, Anya cleared her throat, "C-come in, Lucy!"

Coming in the room, Lucy was greeted by a messy bed as if a hurricane had struck by and the miss on the floor, looking quite frazzled. Resisting a chuckle, Lucy knelt down in front of Anya, "Miss, Anya, fell on the floor again? You know that's happened quite too often now. Are you sure you're not sleeping-walking?" She asked in concern, worry lacing her voice as Anya shook her head quickly, waving her arms dismissing such an idea. "No! Lucy, I'm fine and dandy!" Anya said, in hopes she could stop worring about her falling off the bed. "Plus . . I was in the middle of the most wonderful dream! True love. . " She said sighing, her eyes giving off a far-away look as her hands clasped together, looking ahead. Lucy blinked, waving a head in front of Anya's face, but to no avail, the young girl didn't blink. Sighing, Lucy did what she always had to do: tickle her. Taking her two index fingers, she began poking Anya's side until all of a sudden, Anya was taken out of her daydream and yelped, laughing suddenly. "S-stop! Lucy!" She laughed loudly, almost snorting. Stopping Lucy signed, shaking her head, "Come on, Anya, it's time for you to get ready for class." At the mention of class, a lightbulb hit her head as she got up, running and almost tripping over her sheet, "Oh no, oh no! Don't tell me that! How much time do I have?" She said frantically running into the bathroom that was in her room. "10 minutes!" Lucy called out, "your bags are already in the car! So hurry, Anya, we'll be waiting for you outside."

Quickly washing her face, brushing her teeth, and making herself look presentable for school, Anya was so glad she decided to take a shower the night before so she wouldn't be rushing in the morning. Finally finished, Anya got dressed in casual attires, but decided to wear a beanie since it would complete her outfit. Liking her red and black checkered flannel with a white tank and black shorts, Anya decided she was ready to go. Getting her phone off the nightstand, she was ready and on her way out the door. However, before doing so, she made sure to send a text to Doron, her legal guardian since well . . forever.

The Guardian
Dory! I'm leaving for school now! I'll see you when I get back!
Agh! I mean. . Doron! Stupid autocorrect. . .

As she made it to the car, Anya smiled at her driver, Liam, and then Lucy. As she got into the car and took the seat, she waved good-bye to Lucy and thanked her for helping her get prepared for school. She was happy to not be riding in a limo, considering, that was way too out there for her. Maybe riding a horse would definitely be better! But. . as much as she tried pleading with Doron, he wouldn't allow it. Speaking of Doron, he had been her guardian since she could remember, her parents . . well . . went to Heaven and she was taken in by Doron, as for her sister. . she didn't know where she went. So, to say she was grateful to Doron was an understatement, though . . his temper and moods sway very easily, but nevertheless, Anya knew underneath that exterior he had a kind heart, at least, she thinks so. However, feeling a vibration in her pocket, she realized she received a message from one of her good friends,

Pea in the Pod
Hi Anya, Emily's a bit hurried and carpooling Lili to school, if it's no trouble could you maybe pick me up?
Aurelia! Of course I can! It's not trouble at all! You're at Emily's? Be there in a jiffy!

Sending the message, Anya smiled, happy to always help her friend in need, especially since Anya and Aurelia practically were so much alike considering how bubbly and positive they both were!
"Liam? Can you head to Emily Granger's house? Aurelia is there and if it's okay with you, can we give her a right?" She asked Liam, never liked ordering him around to take places. She considered all of them friends to her, the maids, butlers, drivers, chefs, etc. They were like a family and she wouldn't have it any other way. Liam chuckled nodding at Anya, "Of course." Feeling quite happy today, Anya looked out the window, humming along to the song that was on the radio. "Thank you, Liam!" Sooner than she could imagine, she had safely made it at Emily's house as Liam parked on the side to not block to drive way or the streets. Anya made sure to wave to Lils and Emily as they were heading out the door and off.

Pea in the Pod
Hi Anya, Emily's a bit hurried and carpooling Lili to school, if it's no trouble could you maybe pick me up?
Aurelia! Of course I can! It's not trouble at all! You're at Emily's? Be there in a jiffy!
I'm here, Aure!

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.272d5084b0488f1d8d7616a55e9910c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.272d5084b0488f1d8d7616a55e9910c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.6f6b07512a48f98763dd9a92dc4955e0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.6f6b07512a48f98763dd9a92dc4955e0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Emily Granger | @ShurikenPhoenix >
Anya Saint-Claire | @crucialstar >

Aurelia Isla Feè | @Intoxicated Lover || Mentions:

Andrew Michaelson | @P U R I T Y

Oh of course I can take you. We'll have to be quick though, spit spot!" Emily said in utter Britishness. "Thank you Emily!" Lili smiled and headed towards the door. Aurelia threw a fairly large paper bag containing food for the starving girl. "Now Lili please save the crumble for recess we don't want you to be buzzing round the walls of the classroom in a sugar high do we?" Aurelia joked, Lili replied with a small giggle and a smile. Lili waited a few more minutes and began to get impatient. "Come on Emily!" She whined jokingly. "Here are your keys and wallet" Lili passed Emily her things and raced through the door. She went outside and saw Anya's car. "Hi Anya!" Lili yelled and waved, contiuning towards Emily's car. Lili stopped and turned around to face Aurelia "Bye Aurelia!" Lili smiled and jumped in the car "Thanks for the food!" She yelled again as Emily drove off towards school.

Lili sat in the car she made silly singing faces with Emily. "
Cause baby now we got bad blood! You know it use to be mad love!" Lili sang loudly, shaping her hand to make it seem like she was holding a microphone. Lili looked out of the window and saw Drew's house "Stop!" Lili yelled and quickly jumped out of the car and raced to his door. She grabbed a sharpie from her pocket and began to write a note on the bag, she took out the crossaint and left the apple crumble in the bag. She knocked on the door and ran back to the car "We're going to be late for school!" Lili squeaked.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.0ff6fd210a2bcff7533ca48440b9db90.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101657" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.0ff6fd210a2bcff7533ca48440b9db90.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Location:Emily's Home-In Anya's car

With: Emily Granger|@shurikenphoenix

Lilliana Darling|@lostviolence

Anya Saint Claire| @cruicialstar

Situation: Goodbyes and Rides

Aurelia was suprised at how soon her friend texted back her bubbly voice even shining through in her words, her own attitude perked up instantly at the words and she started to him a little song to herself one from the black and white movies she enjoyed so much. She adjusted her overall straps so the both hung perfectly in line with eachother and her ironed Tshirt so everything but her navel was covered, her white backpack now lighter with the deduction of her lunch was slung over her shoulder and she followed Lili to the door waiting for Emily to finish her rushed process now interrupted by many different people stampeding through her morning.

As soon as Lili flashed out of the door Aurelia followed in a less hasty manner settling herself on the front step her foot tapping methodically as she pulled out one of her favourite books a 4th edition version of Grimms fairytale that she had found for a ridiculous price at the 2nd hand bookstore, she opened it and started reading the tale of sleeping beauty she was just getting to the best bit when both Lili said goodbye and Anya's text came through.

Hi Anya, Emily's a bit hurried and carpooling Lili to school, if it's no trouble could you maybe pick me up?
Aurelia! Of course I can! It's not trouble at all! You're at Emily's? Be there in a jiffy!
I'm here, Aure!

Her head popped up as she slapped the book together stuffing it in her bag hastily as she stood up smoothing over her outfit and picking her bag up by the handle she turned to Emily and Lili and blew a kiss yelling out "Drive safe have a golden day"

Before she ran to the car not wanting to keep Anya waiting.

She open the back door of Anyas car her face beaming as she slid into the seat and skidded her bag in behind her

"Good morning Liam thankyou so much for driving sorry for the hassle" she said warmly her early morning energy bouncing in her voice before she turned to Anya

"Good morning, Ana looking forward to another beautiful day in the land of
rain" she said sarcastically but hard humour was not her forte so it came out absolutely sincere her voice cracking near the end as she started to giggle, her joke wasn't even that funny but she expected that the combined energy of Anya and herself was positively infectious and so when they were around eachother they would be far more bubbly

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Location: School//Scenario: Intimidated? Nah//With: Catherine @ailurophile//Mentions:

Oskar looked a little puzzled when Catherine mentioned being intimidating. He wasn't quite sure he would describe her that way, though he supposed she wasn't someone he would start a conversation with. Then again, not many people were. "Intimidating? Nah...though I guess if that's the vibe you're going for, you might not want to go round asking people if they want to walk to school with you. Ruins the illusion, you know?" Oskar actually smiled slightly as he continued walking. They were nearing the school building now. "I'm Oskar by the way. You probably were unaware of my existence until today." As they entered the school building, he automatically held the door open for her to go through first. It was automatic, a thing he never really thought about it, but the one time he actually had a girlfriend she ranted on at him for thirty minutes about women's rights. "What's your first class anyways?"



Location: School entrance, steps//Scenario: Notice me!//With: N/A//Mentions:

Violet had been telling herself to get a grip for what seemed like her whole life. It was pretty much her personal motto that she would stick by for life. As she sat on the steps to the doors to school, she had her head in the palm of her hands and her hood up, watching the cutest guy in the school talking to one of the prettiest girls in the school. Wasn't that always the way? Why didn't boys notice girls like her? Why were the awkward art loving freaks never allowed to those awesome cool kid parties? She would never know. Even her brother was cooler than her. He was on the track team and everything. He was popular with girls and was pretty much already a frat boy. She just assumed she was cursed. You had to be when even your mom is cooler than you...



Location: Police Station//Scenario: A new case, a pretty face and doughnuts//With: Louis and Abigail @Celemyvel//Mentions: Doron

Will chuckled at Louis' joke as he took a sip of his water and leaned against his desk. Before he could comment with a witty quip in response, the TV had been turned on and a news story about the Eilrik Law Firm and supposed corruption was being broadcast. He huffed slightly at the news. In his opinion none of this was a surprise. The guy had always been a slimy bastard in his opinion and it was only a matter of time until he would be exposed. Hopefully by himself and Louis. As if their thoughts were synced, Louis asked whether he thought the case would be handed over to them. "It makes sense right? That is our job after all. There's only so much mundanity I can take..."

Just as he said the words 'I can take' another person bounded into the room and the smell of chocolate doughnuts filled the air. Honestly Will did not even need to turn around to know who had gate crashed the office. Abigail. For some reason she was practically always here even though she wasn't meant to be, and always had the doughnuts he liked best. He was beginning to think she bribed the receptionists with doughnuts to let her in.

"Abbi, what a surprise," he smiled, a warm smile that was really only reserved for her, considering her audacity for constantly invading the office. She was quite the firecracker. "How do you keep getting in here?" he chuckled as he took a chocolate doughnut. That would be his weekly allowance of junk food.



Location: Her Car//Scenario: I'm beginning to doubt my sanity and age!//With: Lilliana @lostviolence//Mentions:

Emily seemed to be simply observing her actions from the sidelines as one event after another occurred, until she finally found herself in her car singing Taylor Swift songs with a thirteen year old girl. Her life was often this bizarre and she was honestly used to it. She wasn't even really concerned anymore about getting to work on time. Hell she wasn't going to be on time, but it was always worth it in order to lend a helping hand (or car) to the young ones. She laughed to herself as she stopped off in order for Lilliana to call on her friend and she hummed to herself as she waited, miming a ticking time bomb to the girl in jest. They now had eight minutes to spare.



Amelia White

Location: The Cafe

With: Satine and the impatient girl behind us

Mood: Relieved

Amelia sat at one of the tables, glancing at the girl who demanded donuts and went out with a box of them in a hurry. "Something tells me they're not for HER so much as a suitor she wants..." She giggled and looked to Satine, "Well, I was thinking of visiting one of the chic night clubs tonight, I haven't been in a while, and I was wondering if there's any you would recommend, love?" She beamed at her friend, "By the way, how has work been going? Do you still work for...that man?" She meant Doron, but saying his name gave her the creeps. She had seen him around town and she felt he was a slimy typical lawyer.


Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix (Satine)

Mentioned: @Celemyvel (Abigail)

@Celemyvel (Doron)



Location: In town

With: Diana

Mood: Relieved once more

Cassandra nodded to Gerard and followed Diana to her car, getting inside with a sigh once both doors were closed, "Ah, Cherie, that man does not stop! Must he hound every woman in town like that?! I have three children to think of, I cannot deal with such riffraff!" She ranted then took deep breaths to compose herself, "I am sorry, but a man like that is not compatible with me or my darlings. Which will bring me to the subject of what my dear great aunt wants me to do, but time enough for that when we get to the cafe. Shall we?" she smiled to her friend.


Tagged: @ailurophile (Diana)​



Location: Inside the cafe

With: The Nice Lady

Mood: Hungry, and hopeful

Anything sounded good to Joey, but the sandwiches and cake-y things looked to be at the top of his list. "Maybe the sandwich and the cake-y thing for dessert?" He smiled up at Nancy and watched a female angrily order some donuts, hiding behind Nancy when all that went down. It seemed like Nancy was the nicest lady Joey ever met, and the only one he felt he could trust. Everyone else around here was too weird. He looked up at Nancy once things were settled down, "That was weird...uh, you pick the sandwich, ok?" He grinned up at her.


Tagged: @ailurophile (Nancy)

Mentions: @Celemyvel (Abbi)


Doron Eirik

Location: His home, back roads

With: On the phone with a 'friend'

Mood: About to lose it, getting down to business

Doron huffed when he saw the text message from Anya. It was becoming the usual spiel for her to leave without seeing him, his moods having gotten worse over the past few months but this didn't hinder his work so he didn't mourn the loss. But, 'Dory'? What were they, a honeymooning couple? He shook his head as two more messages came in, trying to correct the auto-corrects. A wry smile formed on his face. To be honest, he never regretted having to take care of Anya ever since her parents died and had him in their will. It wasn't just her inheritance that spiced the deal up, she was quite the personality. Distracted from his bad mood, he was about to shoot a text back to ease any of her anxiety (if she had any, the girl was brighter than an LED light some days) when a call popped up. The number was blocked but the lawyer knew exactly who was calling. He answered the phone, saying, "What?"

"Oh, hello! Nice to hear from you too, Doron. Bright and alert as always! But enough of the niceties. Turn your TV on to the news. It'll make your day." Then there was some snickering and some more talking as if the caller was speaking to someone else. All Doron could catch was: "Oh, he's in for a surprise." and more snickering.

Frowning suspiciously, Doron turned his flat screen on and changed it to the news. The remote fell from his hands as he realized where the reporter was standing in front of. For a moment, shock was evident on his face as Gale Rodgers reported about the 'rumored' black market of Marceline. Then his eyes narrowed and Doron scowled. A chuckle came from the phone. "You see it?" In the kitchen of his side of the mansion, the resident maid jumped with her heart in her throat when she heard a loud crash and scream.

Tsking came from the phone. "You're temper is almost as bad as mine. I'm sure you'll have this little problem clean up by the time I come for...business reasons. Tah." Doron glared at his phone. "

Doron was huffing and setting the phone on his when she tentatively peeked around the door at him. "Master Eirik?" Doron didn't look over at her as he stared at the shattered TV on the expensive rug. "Call Satine. You shouldn't have to clean this alone." The maid hesitated as he passed her. '"But, sir. It's her day off." Doron didn't look back as he kept walking. "If you value anything at all, Lucy, you'll call Satine and ask her to come help you with the mess." Lucy hesitated once more before calling after him, "It's only a the TV, Master Eirik. I shouldn't bother Satine." At this, Doron did turn. His expression was blank and tone bland. "You're calling her for the mess that I'm going to make." He slammed his fist on the wall, knocking a few pictures from the wall, shattering glass in the large hallway. Doron left his disgruntled maid frantically texting Satine, bypassing the glass in his slippered feet with all the files relating to his side business. He tossed them into the fire and watched them all burn and made sure all the ashes blended in before heading upstairs. Doron got dressed in unusual attire for himself (shirt, jeans, and Vans) and left on a motorcycle, face hidden under his helmet as he traveled the back roads of the town to meet with a specific person. But he had texted Anya before hand before he could forget.

Dory! I'm leaving for school now! I'll see you when I get back!
Agh! I mean. . Doron! Stupid autocorrect. . .
Don't hurt yourself. Let me know when you get back home.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Satine

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Location: Town Hall; Moira's Office

With: Madame Mayor

Mood: Confident, intrigued

Basil bowed his head to Moira, "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Madame Mayor, you're too kind." He grinned and went into her office, sitting down comfortably in the chair. Funny thing, he felt no fear from this woman, despite her demeanor. No, the person he feared was that man back in London, hopefully dead in the gutter where he belonged. It both delighted and saddened Basil to think this of his arch nemesis.

He crossed his legs and smiled to Moira, "So, Madame Mayor, bad business afoot it seems in this humble town. Do you know anything of these witnesses coming forward and making such accusations? It seems this happened over the past twenty-four hours, and funny that they went to the media and have yet to come to me OR the police. What do you make of this?" He kept his tone light hearted, almost as if he were teasing her, but also kept calm and composed, and down to business.


Tagged: @Celemyvel (Moira)



Location: Marceline National Park and Wildlife Reserve

With: James Sawyer

Mood: Cautious, Friendly

Sylvia noticed James crossing his arms and she motioned for him to follow, "Walk with me to the Ranger's Station, it's cold and rainy as usual out here, and it's unpleasant for us both." The Austrian smiled and led her friend to the nearby Ranger's station, "I was able to catch one photo of him from a distance, but it's so dark you can barely see it, and he wears goggles apparently to help him at night." She opened the door for him, allowing James to enter her small Station before going in herself.

"Have a seat." She motioned to one of the chairs and the sofa lining one of the walls, and she went to her desk to find the photo of the culprit. It was dark, heavily raining in the shot and the face could be barely made out save for the outline of the body and the goggles. She handed it to James, "It's not the best, but if I can find a man who owns that specific pair of night goggles, I can narrow it down at least. I must have him captured and brought to justice at once, it's against the law to hunt in National Parks and Wildlife Reserves!" She grew heated, then calmed down and sat at her desk, taking off her hat to reveal her dirty blonde hair in a slight messy bun, "I am sorry, but...I have always had strong connections to forests since I was a child, back in my country, and...what he's doing is really getting to me..." She looked down sadly.


Tagged: @Celemyvel (James)​


Ying Wen

Location: His studio, in town, Doron's mansion

With: Guards and the maid Lucy

Mood: Scared ...shirtless?

"NOT THE FACE!" Ying shouted as he fell out of his bed still half asleep. "Oof!" He groaned under the awkward pressure in his shoulder and back, practically folding in on himself thanks to gravity and being tangled up in sheets. Opening his eyes slowly, Ying found that he was not in danger of getting his beautiful face punched in. He sighed in relief, cursing nostalgic nightmares about high school.

Ying dragged himself to his refrigerator and brought out milk as he microwaved instant oatmeal. Scratching his belly under his shirt and stretching, he turned on the small TV across the futon he used for sleeping and playing video games/watching TV. It was already on the news and if his eyes weren't open before, they practically bugged out now as he stared at Gale Rodgers. "Ah- wha- oh no." He stuttered and groaned pathetically as he jumped frantically around his room, holding his head in his hands. He'd done it now. He immediately searched his studio for his wallet and keys and got dressed quickly in a casual purple t-shirt with a blue light jacket and black skinny jeans with his signature converse.

He almost left his apartment, forgetting about the oatmeal, but the microwave went off right when he opened the door. Ying scrambled back inside and poured milk into the to-go cup before returning the dairy item back in his fridge. He snatched a plastic spoon and rushed back outside, locking the door behind him. He ate the scalding/chilled oatmeal hurriedly, tossing the cup and spoon in a public trash can has he ran down the street.

At a corner, he paused. He heard footsteps. It could be anyone. It could be his assassin. Taking a deep breath, he jumped out in karate, howling "YaaAAAA-" and was cut off when water was splashed over him and a blonde in green rain boots ran past him. Ying's arms fell to his side in disgrace and embarrassment. But he was relieved nonetheless. No thugs to take him. He turned around and realized he had spoken too soon as two huge men picked him up at each of the base of his arms at the arm pit and started walking to a dark car that screeched to a halt near the U-turn part of the street. Ying bunched his legs in the air and kicked, trying to throw the bulky men off balance but it didn't work.

The really shocking part was when a shirtless red headed man passed by in his boxers and reading the newspaper, barely glancing up at Ying's situation. "H-hey! Hey! Ya!" Ying tried to call for his attention but he was stuffed into the back seat of the car and sandwiched between the men as the car drove off. Ying remained silent, knowing already why this was happening and knowing full well it was futile to resist. The car drove to a very large and elegant house, a mansion, where Ying was dragged out again and into the lion's den. He was set in the middle hall, seated on a chair as six men guarded him. "Doron will be back later to deal with you, Mr. Wen. You're not to talk to the young lady of the house or any of the maids." Ying grinned and chuckled nervously as he looked at the intimidating guard, catching a flash of a maid walking between the hallways on the darker side of the mansion. Ying turned his head back and forth to examine the wings of the house. One side was bright and open seeming while the other was dark and cave-like. The odd job worker had a very hard time believing his employer inhabited the brighter side of the mansion. Sighing, he kept his seat and waited, looking up hopefully at any different faces of the house to see if they'd get him out of the situation.

Mentions: @ShurikenPhoenix Satine
@crucialstar Anya

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Ezra Aba

Location: Inconspicuous meeting spot in town

With: O'Hara(?)

Mood: Sneaky-sneaky

Ezra flattened herself against the wall, her shades and hat displacing awkwardly on her face as Abigail Vardon ran, or rather splashed, past with a box of brown stuff. Ezra remained dramatically placed on the wall in shock, realizing her trench coat had gotten wet. "Seriously!" She hissed as she looked down but immediately leaned against the wall once more when another figure approached, this one being almost nude. The well built, red headed man was reading a newspaper with interest as he approached. Ezra immediately posed seductively against the wall, lowering her shades to smile at the handsome beast. He just passed without giving her any looks and turned down the corner. Ezra's mouth went slack in disbelief. "That-" She started ranted but halted herself before continuing. Focus on the goal. Get to the meeting point.

She speed walked up to a post where she then started doing casual things such as: checking her watch, patting the file under her trench coat, looking sketchy, screaming at some puddle splashing children, getting bird poop on her shoulder. Ezra remained this way until her 'agent/contact/information gatherer' arrived.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix O'Hara



Louis Ragnar

Location: Police Station

With: Will and Abbi

Mood: Whut?

Louis nodded as Will spoke who was the cut off by Abbi's on time appearance. She wasn't a second late, Louis thought in amazement as he looked down at his watch. His face was full of confusion when he was greeted coldly by the engineer specialist. "Wha-" He stuttered, his eyes flicking between the other two blondes who seemed to click just fine. Then he remembered why Abbi was like this. He'd eaten her last donut the last time she came. Knowing this, he wondered how he was still alive as he twirled in his chair as the two 'flirted'. That was not his area of expertise, unlike third wheeling. He was more comfortable in that position. Louis listened curiously to her story of how she kept getting in but kept his mouth shut for the sake of remaining in her neutral graces.

After some time, he tried to regain his partner's attention. "Hey, Will. You think that Edward detective guy will be a consultant in this case? I heard Brits are especially good at this kind of thing, their whole folk tale of Sherlock Holmes and the like." He mused naively as he placed a pencil under his nose and did a duck face to keep it there like a mustache as he looked to will, trying to ignore the creeping look from Abbi. He would have tried to remind himself never to get on her bad side but it was already too late. Louis refrained from sighing as he tried to focus on keeping the pencil balanced.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Will

@DarlingWaylonPark Basil



Abigail Vardon

Location: Police Station

With: Will and Louis

Mood: Hot and cold

Abbi beamed triumphantly as Will took a donut. She winked when he asked how she got in. "Well, just some secret planning with lots of blue prints and such. Then two years of training physically and then some more years to raise money to buy spy equipment. I use a different entrance every time for the sake of making my time utilized for breaking in worth it." She said cheekily with some sarcasm. After a few moments, she sighed, knowing Will would catch her fib. Half-fib, right? Since she did some of- Abbi stopped from continuing that thought, suspicious of the rumor that a police officer could read one's mind through facial expressions and Abbi's emotions were quite out there. She continued to admit what she had been planning to say before. "I bribe the front desk with donuts." She said with profound guilt.

She then remained silent, listening with some interest to what Louis said. "What case?" She piped up before she could stuff the question away.

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Will


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.292f3ca39e8d6a84ee95fdc39b9d5bd5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.292f3ca39e8d6a84ee95fdc39b9d5bd5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Location: Ella's Apartment > Cafe > Library || With: Timothy Hawkins @Peachypants || Outfit:Isabella Adam<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.0b625f46b73886d56de9037d5f46d797.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.0b625f46b73886d56de9037d5f46d797.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tap, tap, tap. That was the only thing that Isabella heard when she woke up. With a big yawn and a look outside from her cloudy window, she began to get ready for her day. Last night was a night filled with studying and how to earn some money to pay her debt. She hopped out of bed and picked a cute yet cosy outfit that would of kept her warm. Although coming from London she still wanted to stay warm. She grabbed her car keys and left her simple apartment. A big woman stood in front of Isabella with a grumpy look on her face. Isabella felt like shrivelling up into nothing yet that was impossible. "
My money Hon?" The fat lady asked, the first thing Isabella noticed about the woman was her white hair.


D-did you dye you're hair? It looks wonderful" Ella stuttered. The lady smiled a promo her hair "Why yes, gorgeous isn't it?" She sighed then frowned once again. "You have another week" She muttered then trodded out. Isabella sighed and went to the cafe, she needed something to eat. Ella patiently waited for her turn to order. "One hot chocolate and a crossaint please" She asked and handed the money. Ella grabbed her breakfast and headed towards the library. Isabella took a large bite from crossaint and a sip from her warm drink, she smiled when she felt her stomach getting warm, she absolutely loved that feeling.


As she continued to walk with her head in the clouds she accidentally felt a body clash against hers and all of a sudden she found herself on the floor.

Oh no!" Isabella squeaked as she picked up her drink "There goes my crossaint" She said sadly and threw it in the trash. She saw that she accidentally spilt some hot chocolate on his tie "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too!" She apologised as sherries to wipe away the stain with a napkin. "I'm Isabella, I'm so sorry about this!" She blushed. "I'm such a klutz" She shunned herself "What's your name?" She asked, seeing if he would forgive her.



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Location:Le Café-Eirik Mansion//Scenario: Where do I start?//With: Fornerly Amelia @DarlingWaylonPark Currently Ying @Celemyvel and a few dodgy looking men//Mentions: Doron//Outfit:

Satine listened with a small knowing smile as Amelia spouted her theory about the doughnut girl. Satine had already guessed for whom the doughnuts were purchased and in her opinion the woman had impeccable taste in men. "Well she obviously brought them for one of those gorgeous police officers, you know. I would have done the same in her position." she said, sipping her espresso as Amelia began to suggest going to a night club. Being the sophisticated woman she was, Satine knew Amelia would pick only the best spot for them to attend. "That sounds like a great idea, I think I shall let you decide though, you have great taste in clubs." It was then that she heard the ping of her phone. Rummaging through her purse she found it, seeing a text from Lucy. Lucy? But it was Satine's day off from working at Doron Eirik's house. "Oh...I am so sorry but I've been called into work at 'his' house. It's urgent apparently. Text me later about the night club, oui?" she had already begun to rise from her seat, looking rather disappointed that she had to work, but she would not complain as long as she was being paid extra. God knows she needed the money. She blew a kiss to her friend before she left and made her way to the mansion as quickly as possible.

She was not very fond of her employer, as was the case with most people who worked for him. On paper he was actually a very respectable and charismatic man, but his temperamental mood swings showed a different side to him. He could pretend all he wanted, but she had seen for herself how cold he could be. Perhaps his only redeeming quality would be his good-looks...at a push.

As she used her key to enter the mansion, the first thing she noticed was a commotion in one of the halls. She was not supposed to concern herself with such things, but curiosity got the better of her as she entered to find six burly, intimidating looking men seemingly harassing a young man. She entered rather casually as though she was simply in there to clean up, shooting a disarming smile at the men as she passed.
"Oh, Monsieur Eirik has a guest? Have you offered him a beverage of any sort or some food? Surely he is not going to sit here without being offered!" she tutted, her voice laced with extremely subtle seduction. She then glanced at the young man in a way that said 'don't worry, I'll try and help you' before pretending to busy herself. Hopefully she could sweet talk them into at least letting the boy out of their sight as long as he was in hers. None of them would see her as a threat, because none of them knew that she suspected their boss of being unsavoury. She was just a pretty, ditzy maid to them.


Location: The Rendezvous //Scenario: Discretion is not her strong suit...clearly//With: Ezra @Celemyvel//Mentions:

Though Marcelline was a small and relatively insignificant town, the people inhabiting it had called upon the assistance of O'Hara surprisingly frequently. Not many people would assume that she would be a 'secret agent' for hire because she was smart enough to make herself practically invisible in the town. Like now for instance, she made sure not to stand out, dressed in a simple beige coat, her hair pinned up in its usual forties style and her general nondescript demeanour. The woman who had called upon her was far from discrete, however. It would have been laughable if O'Hara were the type to find humour in such sloppiness. As she neared their rendezvous point, she found the woman trying to seduce a half naked man, leaning 'casually' against walls, screaming at children and whatever else. It was clear this woman needed the help of someone more competent than an amoeba. That would be her.

She did not approach the woman directly, she simply stood a little away from her, glancing at the woman for a brief second to show that she was the person she was awaiting. Words were not needed just yet.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ntxa4hGO6n1r3796x_500.gif.7cf2f2e370af19ff9e8eeab83d7f9d55.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ntxa4hGO6n1r3796x_500.gif.7cf2f2e370af19ff9e8eeab83d7f9d55.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ncjgowjy5h1rbyptf.gif.e5f38445a9aefd9ffda6eadedce5c2c2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ncjgowjy5h1rbyptf.gif.e5f38445a9aefd9ffda6eadedce5c2c2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ncjgp4vNpA1rbyptf.gif.a7a37b2514e0b697f7c4a4a7b484bb27.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_ncjgp4vNpA1rbyptf.gif.a7a37b2514e0b697f7c4a4a7b484bb27.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Timothy Hawkins

Location: Library | With: Isabelle Adam @lostviolence | Mood: Startled

Click, click, the ring of a bell; and a swosh when he pushed the carriage lever to his right. Then it began again. He mumbled as he wrote, whispering to himself what the next line would be. His wrists ached from writing, and his eyes were heavier than concrete, but his will kept him going just a little longer. How long had he been sitting there by the typewriter? Maybe five, six, or perhaps even seven hours straight. He had lost track of time when the midnight rain began to tap on his window. Now, the sun had already risen, though the light had been stuck somwhere else. The dark clouds covered the skies like a cover of cotton, stopping the light from shining through. The only thing that really told him that it was not the middle of the night was the clock on his nightstand. He glanced over towards it and stared at it for a good two minutes until he realised the time. The novel he had been writing was supposed to be lying on mr Abraham's desk before 11. Upon realising this, the young man flew up from the wooden chair and hurried over to his closet. He pulled out a white shirt and a greyish brown tie. He tied it quicker than the speed of light as he snatched those papers from the typewriter. Checking it one last time, he spotted his name at the top of the page;
Timothy Hawkins, it read. Then he snapped back to reality and hurried out of the room.

After stepping inside his leather shoes and slipping into his dark brown coat, Timothy was off. His hands were filled with the pieces of papers that held the story he had been composing. Running faster than he had ever done before, almost as if it was a matter of life and death. Tim hurried past all sorts of people, through the rain and the cold breeze. Panting heavily, he gripped his papers tighter and took a turn, right around the corner to the library. But a sudden collision caused him to stop abruptly, his papers falling freely onto the wet asphalt. He gasped for air when he felt the burning hot chocolate on his shirt and his eyes flew wide open.

But he didn't scream out, nor did he hurry to pick up his papers before he would run away. Instead, his wide eyes darted between three points; first one being his novel, second one being the chocolate on his shirt, and the third one was the girl he had crashed into.
"Gosh, I am so terribly sorry!" He exclaimed loudly, his voice filled with worry and a slight panting due to running just a few seconds ago. "Are you allright?!" But she didn't answer him. She spoke about her being a klutz, all the while trying to wipe away the stain that had been left on his shirt and tie. Timothy caught his breath and reached up to grab her wrist. Upon doing so, he pulled her hand away from him and looked up at her with concern written across his face. Snapping up her name in the midst of her rant, he spoke again. "Isabella, are you allright?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_o1288ymKY01tbs7ym_500.gif.ebad297765a1d2ffabb16060a799f38e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_o1288ymKY01tbs7ym_500.gif.ebad297765a1d2ffabb16060a799f38e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ranulf Murray

Location: Home, in town

With: Two lasses

Mood: Tired (practically sleep walking)

Ranulf had woken up earlier that morning with quite the aching headache, thanks to a night full of drinking with his mates at the tav- er- the bar. Life had been recently made mostly up of work, work, work. It was all about money and taxes and blah, blah, blah. Why couldn't these times be simpler? Why had humanity evolved into money throwing potatoes? Back in history, the world was far simpler. One only had to worry about claiming land, killing those who upset him, and claiming all the women he could get his hands on. Or sheep if there were no women to be found. Life in the Highlands while a Scotsman was allowed to wear a tartan was the ideal living conditions for Ranulf. He'd much rather be off stealing cattle than working at a lumber mill.

He sighed and rubbed his face, leaving the confines of sheets to the chilly air he was accustomed to. The Scottish beast of a man pulled on boxers with a teddy bear pattern on them subconsciously as he left his room, eyes still heavy lidded. He padded down the stairs of his house and walked to the front door, exiting his house as he went to grab the daily newspaper. The rain was barely misting and hardly bothered the brute as took out the newspaper from the plastic bag protecting it. Ranulf's eyes pierced the wanted work section and he began to move without thinking about it down the street.

Ranulf's feet made small splashes in puddles as he walked in town, completely unaware that he was half-naked as he looked over the work part of the newspaper. He'd quit the lumber mill job after some prick kept thinking he was better than anyone else and kept disregarding Ranulf's orders for safety measures. One accident was pinned on the Scottish male by said worker and he had quit before he could be fired. So now, he was jobless with a two story house and two dogs tearing up his backyard because he hadn't been able to walk them when he was working.

Ranulf passed some commotion on his walk. A girl ran past him, some lad was screaming, and a lady groped the wall (to which Ranulf had sped up and stuffed his face in the paper to avoid eye contact). And in stuffing his face in the paper, he had consequently ran into a car, which thankfully was not moving yet. Cursing he lowered the newspaper and first saw his reflection in the driver's side window. Sweet Ma- Was he naked? Ranulf looked down to check and sighed with relief. He was in boxers. Then he saw two women in the car, both he vaguely recognized having only seen them around town at some point.

Now, Ranulf was a proud Scottish male, quite comfortable with his body despite his fear. So he hardly blushed or took on any awkward airs as he smiled apologetically at the two women in the car, folding the newspaper at his side and walking around the front of the car to get out of their way.

@ailurophile Diana @DarlingWaylonPark Cassandra


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.7813926c5008dc1175e19c0bd26aca30.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.7813926c5008dc1175e19c0bd26aca30.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Location: Ella's Apartment > Cafe > Library || With: Timothy Hawkins @Peachypants || Outfit: Isabella Adam

Are you alright Isabella?" The man said. Isabella snapped back to where she was and looked up "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few chocolate splashes but nothing much" Her voice was drenched in her British accent. She looked down and gasped. A heap of papers say there on the wet concrete. She crouched down and started to pick them up one by one, making sure they weren't ruined. "I'm so sorry about this." Ella apologised with sincere sadness. The man must of worked hard on this. She caught a small glimpse of it, it was a novel. She couldn't help but read it. The words created an amazing picture in her head. The words flowed perfectly. Ella blinked and few times and handed it back to him. "Are you a writer?" Ella asked, a small and embarrassed smile was etched onto her lips. "I never caught your name?" Isabella asked, she had to admit, he was kinda cute.

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