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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]





Role Play NOW OPEN!
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Location: Satine's Apartment, on her way to Le Café//Scenario: Coffee and bulletproof lipstick//With: N/A//Mentions: N/A//Outfit:

The decision between her Rouge Passion lipstick or Rose Blush was agonising Satine as she flitted her gaze from one to the other repeatedly. Of course in a logical sense it did not matter so much because she would only be wearing her simple maid uniform, but standards of appearance were like the Ten Commandments to Satine. She prided herself on being able to look like a catwalk model whilst cleaning an extravagant mansion. Few could make the job look glamorous. After another few seconds of agonising indecision, the young woman decided on the more subtle pink hue, going on the fact that the handsome son of the family she worked for had complimented her on it before. She knew he would most likely be there and being the flirt she was, Satine could not help but make up as many scenarios for conversation as possible.

After painting a couple of coats onto her lips she slid into her favourite coat and placed a cute matching beret upon her head with a satisfied smile as she glimpsed her reflection one more time.
"Très belle!" she muttered to herself. Before doing anything else, she made sure to slip her antibacterial hand gel into her glossy purse. Satine could not go anywhere without it, or else she would literally feel completely lost. Friends often teased her about it; as well as her generally high maintenance and slightly diva-esque quirks, but she dismissed them all, telling them that 'cleanliness is next to godliness' or something along those lines. Stepping out into the bleak outdooors and sliding into her car, she let out a sigh, her breath turning into mist from the cold. She disliked the weather in Marcelline, missing the warmth of the South of France. Though life there had been not nearly as pleasant as it was in Oregon, the heat would certainly be a welcome change.

She knew if she headed straight to the mansion she would be early as usual, so decided she would take a detour to the coffee shop nearby for a while.



Location: The Trollinson Household, the path to school//Scenario: I'm not a fan of Mondays//With: Annie Trollinson//Mentions: N/A

As far as the old clichés go, Oskar Larssen's day couldn't have started more like one. It nearly always did. Every morning at seven o'clock, his Millennium Falcon-shaped alarm clock sounded to the tune of a random Jimmy Eat World song and the fair haired teen would let out a disgruntled groan in protest from under his pillow. Today was no different. Peering out from under the pillow, Oskar shot a glare at the Millennium Falcon as it continued to blare out the music and the voice of his adopted mother Annie Trollinson called him to get up.

Shaking his messy bangs from his eyes, the teen left the warmth of his bed and padded over to the alarm to switch it off then made his way to the bathroom to get ready for school. Though he wasn't normally one for agonising over his appearance, Oskar took a quick glance in the mirror once he was done. He looked pretty damn awful in his opinion; with dark circles under his deep brown eyes from endless hours playing minecraft in the dead of night, and his hair hang shaggy and slightly unkempt. As usual he wore a simple shirt, dark jeans and his favourite black hoodie. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he headed down stairs for breakfast, greeting Annie as he poured a bowl of cereal.

"Morning Oskar. Oh my you look exhausted. You haven't been pulling all nighters again have you? You know it's detrimental to your health,"

Oskar was pretty used to hearing all of this by now. At first it had been odd having so much attention drawn to him. None of his other foster parents had acknowldeged his existence unless they were in the company of strangers before. Soon, the constant mollycoddling grew kind of comforting to him and though he would never admit it, he greatly appreciated the effort of the Trollinsons.

"I'm cool I promise. My grades are still decent right?" he assured after finishing up his cereal and placing the bowl in the sink, slinging his back pack onto his shoulder and picking up his keys. Annie gave him an unconvinced look and bid him a great day as he headed out the door with his earphones jammed in his ears. It was a short walk to his school. It was bitterly cold and damp out, but he loved it. There was something comforting about the cold and gloomy weather of Marceline to him, even though nearly everyone else found it depressing. But hey, he was kind of a weirdo and got called out on it plenty of times.




Location: Home, but going out for a walk

With: No one

Mood: Eh.

Basil loved to sleep in, and today he was actually up earlier than usual: eleven in the morning was far too early. He rose and showered, dressed and ate breakfast in the span of under two hours. He looked outside: ah, Marceline was just as dreary and rainy as his London home, he didn't even need to feel homesick living here! He only hoped that...he...didn't come and track him down to this place. But that was absurd, that man had better things to do! He pondered for a moment, looking to his tan coat, then shrugged. Why the Hell not? He wanted to be outside today for some reason, and he was far from done snooping when it came to Miss Mayor of the town, Moira, after all he loved a good political scandal and wanted to see if she had any skeletons in her closet.

Taking his jacket, he went out his front door, locked it, and headed down the sidewalk with hands in his jean pockets, the light rain hitting his face and making the town look misty. He headed over towards town hall, smirking all the while, and stopped to stand in front of it. He pondered going in, but they knew him well enough by now and his incessant snooping, they would throw him out-again. He sighed and contented himself with going to the town library, conveniently next door to the town hall where he would sit on the second floor with a nice window view into the office of the mayor herself. He might even wave at her as soon as he saw her-yep, he would do just that!


Tagged: @Celemyvel

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f56c36_FalineProfilepicandicon3.jpg.7497e8d928562b8257765b3af164f57e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98712" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f56c36_FalineProfilepicandicon3.jpg.7497e8d928562b8257765b3af164f57e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Location: Marceline National Park and Reserve: in her cabin home

With: No one

Mood: Cautious and ready for work

Sylvia was outside her cabin home, situated in the middle of Marceline National Park and Wildlife Reserve, enjoying her coffee and taking in the sights and sounds of the forest. While not as beautiful as the forests in her home country of Vienna, they were still something top behold. She took in a deep breath, feeling the misting rain on her face, missing the sunshine more than ever now. Ever since she moved out here to Marceline from Austria, years ago, she had yet to see the sun through those dark and always imposing clouds, but no such luck. If there was one thing Marceline was famous for, it was that there was never any sunshine in this town, always rain and storms and nothing else.

As long as there were no hunters in her forest, however, she could stand the rain.

Rising from the front steps of her cabin, she went inside to dress into her park ranger uniform, including tan button up shirt with short sleeves, a dark brown jacket, forest green pants, black boots, her hair tied back and her park ranger hat on her head to top it all off. Gathering her taser and pistol, specially for the hunters, she headed out to patrol the land-HER land.




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Tyler Sinciato

Location: Tyler's apartment, walking along sidewalk to Le Café // Mood: Bored, Half awake // With: Nobody // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix (Satine)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f5f8ff_TylerSinciato.jpg.472bc52f5c3119742c041be74769ca2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f5f8ff_TylerSinciato.jpg.472bc52f5c3119742c041be74769ca2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tyler awoke to the sound of light rain pitter pattering against the window by his bed. Letting out a low half groan half yawn about having to get up, Tyler rolled back over and covered his head with his pillow in a vain attempt to avoid the alarm that he knew was bound to go off any minute now. He had a horrible habit of waking up five or so minutes before his alarm goes off. Sure enough, a minute or two passed and then the loud and annoying beeping sound of his alarm quickly filled his bedroom. A hand shot out from under the blankets and quickly slammed down on the top of the alarm clock to silence it. Knowing he had several other alarms in five minute increments to wake him up, Tyler forced himself out form under his covers and unplugged the alarm clock before it deafened him. With his bed hair sticking out every which way like some confused mohawk, Tyler stood up from his bed and stretched for a moment before shuffling to his bathroom. Walking through the doorway, Tyler let out an irritated groan when he bumped his left side against the doorway. Being half-blind kind of sucked most of the time like this.

About half an hour later, Tyler exited his apartment, fully clothed in his usual dark attire. Black, loose jeans, some black band t-shirt, a black, casual button-up over the t-shirt, and then black Converse. His hair was fixed up as well, no long doing crazy mohawk stuff. Despite the slight rain, Tyler wasn't overly concerned about his hair. Unless it started down-pouring on him, his hair would probably be fine anyways. Letting out a quiet sigh, Tyler then shoved his right hand into the front pocket of his jeans while his left hand held onto the one strap of his backpack that had been slung over his left shoulder. With an hour to spare before he had to start work at the local animal shelter, Tyler decided to drop by the café in town to grab some coffee. While he probably could make his own coffee at home, Tyler quickly realized that he hated dealing with black coffee and creamer so he quickly found out that ordering espressos was easier to do and probably more cost-effective considering the mess Tyler would've surely made at home.

Looking down at his feet while walking to the café, Tyler was oblivious to anyone walking his way, especially if they were coming from his left. Humming a tune to some song that he knew from a long time ago, and oddly enough couldn't remember the words to, Tyler was beyond surprised when he suddenly felt someone bump into his left side. Looking up sharply and dropping his backpack to the wet sidewalk, Tyler quickly reached out to grab the nearest arm of whoever had bumped into him, trying to keep them from falling onto the wet sidewalk like his backpack just had done. Muttering a cuss word under his breath, Tyler then shifted his gaze from his now soaking backpack to whoever he had stopped from falling down only to see it was Satine. Of all people to bump into in town and almost cause to fall on the wet sidewalk, it had to be her. Quickly letting go of her arm once Satine was sure to not fall down, Tyler quickly picked up his backpack and grimaced slightly at its ruined look. He could only imagine what condition all of his items were inside of the backpack, especially anything with paper. Returning his gaze to Satine, Tyler inwardly braced himself for what he was sure was going to be a lecture from the woman.


Anna Fox

Location: The Fox home, walking to school // Mood: Rebellious // With: Nobody // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix (Oskar)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70faca25_AnnaFox.jpg.b36d3569927d5b775e84e32f968c7fc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70faca25_AnnaFox.jpg.b36d3569927d5b775e84e32f968c7fc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Waking up, the first thing Anna heard was the rain tapping on her window to her room, which was right in front of her desk. Blinking, Anna slowly pushed herself up in her bed and checked her phone, relieved that she hadn't overslept. While she loved to mess around and could easily be seen as a rebellious child, Anna never would miss school or a single one of her classes. She tried to hide her smarts under her fiery attitude and somewhat girly appearance, but most people knew that she was one of the smartest in her grade regardless. She just didn't like anyone wanting her just for her smarts so she tried to show off her traits that she liked more.

Walking over to her closet, Anna opened it and paused a moment to contemplate her options for the day. Hearing the rain still tapping at her window, Anna let out a disappointed sigh, as she realized she would have to wear some kind of jacket over her tank top as per usual.
Why couldn't they have just one sunny day here? What was wrong with this town? Rolling her eyes at these thoughts, Anna then grabbed a gray tank top and slipped it on before putting on her black leather jacket as well as her favorite necklace. It had a fox charm on it and she didn't know why, but just like her fox tattoo, she loved it. After cleaning herself up in the bathroom and doing some light make-up, no point in putting on a lot and having it smear in the rain, Anna then left her room with her hair down as usual and her backpack over both shoulders. With her iPhone in hand, Anna grinned as she turned on her mix of indie rock and rock 'n roll music on speaker, knowing fully well that it'd piss off her father. Sure enough, midway down the stairs, Anna heard her father shout from her parents' room, "Anna, shut that horrible music off!" Grinning and rolling her eyes, Anna turned it down so he couldn't hear it anymore while she put her phone in her back pocket and soon joined her mother in the kitchen.

One glance from her mother said it all and Anna let out a loud sigh of irritation before she turned off her music from her phone entirely. Raising an eyebrow as if to challenge her mother, Anna glanced her way, only to find herself staring at her mother's back. Typical. Grabbing a piece of toast and a bottled water so as to get out of the house quicker, Anna left without another word to either of her parents, neither of whom probably cared about that. Walking down the street by herself, Anna quickly finished off her toast and drank from her bottled water, before putting it away in her backpack and pulling her iPhone back out. Grinning again, Anna then said out loud to herself,
"Time to enjoy my own music without the insensitive parents around!" Deciding to not terribly annoy any neighbors or people she may approach on the street, Anna choose her indie rock playlist, which mostly consisted of laid-back music. The kind that you'd hear in a movie or perhaps a video game.

Putting her phone back into her back pocket of her torn jeans, Anna soon spotted another student walking along the sidewalk in the same direction as she was headed, but on the other side of the road. Dancing a bit to her own music while walking, Anna decided to join her fellow student and began to cross the street without checking both ways. Hearing the sound of screeching tires headed towards her, Anna turned with wide eyes to see a car quickly approaching her and struggling to stop on the wet pavement. Letting out a surprised scream, Anna put her arms out in front of her defensively, as if she was going to be able to somehow stop the car on her own.


Dylan Scott

Location: The Scott household, walking to school // Mood: Amused // With: His three sisters // Tagged: Nobody

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70fda788_DylanScott.jpg.83b6ea46c103f95a67db31f04356d571.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70fda788_DylanScott.jpg.83b6ea46c103f95a67db31f04356d571.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dylan woke up to the sound of one of his sisters screaming and he immediately began laughing out loud, as he realized that one of his pranks must've worked like a charm. Sure enough, a few seconds later, his sister showed up to his room, slamming open the door and throwing a toy spider at him, which harmlessly landed in the middle of his room instead. Sitting up in his bed, legs criss-crossed over one another, Dylan cockily rested his head on one of his hands and grinned at his sister before saying, "What? I thought you loved spiders." Scowling, his sister yelled at him, "You know I hate spiders, Dylan! Stop putting these things everywhere, especially in my own room!" Chuckling, Dylan stood up from his bed and wandered over to his closet before calmly saying over his shoulder, "I have no idea what you're talking about, sis." Scoffing at this, Dylan's sister then turned away and angrily stomped off, back to her room no doubt.

With his sister out of his room, Dylan quickly got dressed, putting on his usual attire of a suit and tie per his parents' request, and grabbed his school backpack, which had a few toys and trinkets inside of it already along with an extra set of clothes. Joining his family downstairs for breakfast, Dylan sat down at the table and quickly began filling his plate, the last one down in the morning as usual. Just as he began stuffing his face with freshly cooked bacon, Dylan's father spoke up,
"Dylan, is it true that you stuck a spider toy in your sister's room this morning?" Blinking at his father with an innocent look, Dylan slyly replied, "I didn't do anything this morning, father." He even added a polite tone to his voice to make it that much more sincere. After all, he technically did it last night so he wasn't really lying when he said that. Sure enough, and to his sister's dismay, his father took the bait and returned to his food while saying, "Well, as long as you aren't lying to me, son." Not wanting to wait too long and definitely not wanting to stick around for his sister to try and rat him out again, Dylan pretended to check his fancy watch before saying his goodbyes and practically sprinting out of the house. If he got to school early enough like he always did, then Dylan could change out of his ridiculous suit and get into a normal teenager's kind of clothes.



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Moira Cadmus

Location: Her mansion, driving to Town Hall, her office

With: No one

Mood: Rather pleased

Moira had woken early before the sun was even supposed to rise and was pleased when it did not shine through the dreary rain clouds. She enjoyed how the weather made the town depressing and sleepy, it gave her comfort that the townsfolk would yet again be more occupied with complaining about the weather she controlled on purpose. Marceline had always been a cloudy place but the area had seen much more sun before Moira came along with her townspeople.

The mayor was dressed finely and brewing coffee while watching the morning news in her kitchen by seven in the morning. She gazed out to the window as commercials came on the T.V. screen and spotted one of her favorite people taking shelter in the branches of the oak tree some yards from the house. Well, he wasn't necessarily a human but a crow. Moira was fond of the loyal bird, her eyes in the sky. Smiling quietly to herself, Moira grabbed a to go cup for her coffee and turned off the electronics in her house before stepping into the rain outside in her dark trench coat to her car.

The drive to her Town Hall was fairly quick, even with the rain. But it gave her enough time to prepare her mind for the day. People would come in with suggestions and complaints today like any other day but this didn't bother the mayor. What did bother her was the snooping British rat that was trying to subtly poke for scandals. This thought made her frown openly. Why couldn't the little detective go after Doron and his black market? Surely he had to be somewhat aware of such obvious suspicious activity the lawyer tried to hide from the general public. Well, to Doron's defense, Moira did have her various feathery sources. Still, the pesky rodent was a force to be dealt with eventually.

Moira pulled into her personal parking spot and stepped back into the drizzle she loved, the sound of drops hitting the ground very soothing. She entered the Town Hall, nodding to her staff graciously as she passed until she was behind the great doors of her office, where it was snug and decorated to her preferences. By habit, she stroke the glass globe of the world in the corner of the room, safe from prying eyes of the large window behind her desk. It shimmered lightly at her touch and she almost sighed in relief knowing her magic was still with her. Sometimes, life became so mediocre here, she forgot who she was and why she brought everyone here in the first place.

The lady mayor then paced to her desk, sipping her dark coffee before setting it on her desk and turning to the window, looking out to see the lovely view of the library's side garden and tall windows, all seemingly brighter in the dim rain. Crossing her arms, she immersed herself in deep thought for some time as she stared blankly out of the window.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f89ef0_humanoliverpostpic.jpg.0c1f9183f16eaa599311936c5ad49705.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f89ef0_humanoliverpostpic.jpg.0c1f9183f16eaa599311936c5ad49705.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Location: Sitting in an alleyway behind the Cafe

With: Nobody

Mood: Hungry, like always

Curled up in his cardboard house made from two large UPS boxes and sleeping on a towel, Joey opened his sleep-filled brown eyes, wiping them to see more clearly. He gave a big yawn and stretched out like a kitten, sitting up and scratching at his messy orange locks. He sat there for a minute, looking about his "two box" apartment and frowning. Would this rain ever let up? His box was starting to get soggy again, and he needed a more permanent solution to stop this form happening. He didn't mind living on his own like this, he adapted well to living a homeless life on the streets of Marceline.

Getting up for the day and wearing torn jeans and a ripped up and stained black and blue long-sleeved shirt, he crawled from his box-flat and looked to the back door of the cafe. Gosh, it was breakfast time now, huh? He sighed and rose to his bare feet, then walked up to the cafe's back door, hoping to find one of the nice people who worked here who could give him at least a doughnut. Or a sandwich. Both sounded good right about now.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c710b79a3_oliverbiggif.gif.d949464b19b44ce8eab217ff8cce30e3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c710b79a3_oliverbiggif.gif.d949464b19b44ce8eab217ff8cce30e3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Location: Outside the cafe//Scenario: I wonder how many germs were on that pavement...//With: Tyler @Lioness075 //Mentions: N/A//Outfit:

The drive to the cafe was a short one. A drive Satine could do on autopilot. The endless rain still managed to dampen her mood, so needing a pick-me-up she had turned on the radio humming along to a song that had an eerily familiar melody to a song she vaguely remembered about hospitality and fine dining. That horrible sense of deja vu happened often to Satine, and she found it disconcerting, as though a past life was haunting her: nonsense of course! She did not even believe in such things; a statement she often had to remind herself.

Finding a spot to park her car, the young woman stepped out onto the wet pavement and began to walk to the cafe with a quirky trademark strut, her heels clicking on the wet ground. Just before she reached the cafe, a hard something bumped into her right side and she lost balance, throwing her arms out in front of her wildly, hardly the face of gracefulness. Before she hit the ground however a hand grabbed her arm causing her to shriek in alarm. "Mon Dieu!" she exclaimed after steadying herself and reaching over to wing her bag at the supposed attacker. before she could, however, he let her go and she found that it was a young man she had only seen maybe twice before. He had a rather unsightly scar along his last eye that always made her shudder, and right now he seemed just as alarmed as she was.

"I would appreciate if you watched where you were going next time monsieur," she began after regaining her composure and brushing down her coat with a a glance to the boy, "and I will do the same." Though it was clear she was unamused by this encounter and her tone seemed rather pissed off, she still gave off a passively friendly aura showing that he hadn't just made a new enemy. Tossing her hair slightly, she then picked up the boy's now soaking wet backpack of the pavement with two fingers and a wrinkled nose and delicately handed it back to him (she would certainly need two large blobs of antibacterial gel now!). "Here. You dropped it," she said with a charming, slightly playful smile before turning to continue on her way as gracefully as a swan might. She hadn't noticed her hand gel had slipped out of her bag onto the floor though as she began walking away to the cafe.



Location: On the way to school//Scenario: Fast and Furious //With: Anna @Lioness075 //Mentions: N/A

Oskar was quite contented as he slowly made his way to school with his earphones in but not playing anything and his hands stuffed in his pockets to keep them warm. He pondered how many times he would get called 'Lady Lips' today, or how many times he'd fail at talking to a girl he liked. His hypothesis led to maybe ten for the first part and zero for the second. He wasn't about to make life harder for himself by actually attempting to talk to a hot girl. How stupid would he have to be to do that? Just as he came to this conclusion, something rather dramatic caught his attention, his body becoming instantly more awake and alert. from the road next to him, a car tried desperately to break as a red haired girl walked out recklessly into the road. She was close enough for him to reach so with only a split second to react he lunged forward and grabbed the arm of the girl, pulling her out of harms way so hard that they both landed on the cold hard ground. Looking toward the frazzled girl, he began admonishing her without much thought, the words just tumbling out of his mouth. "Are you crazy? You could have been killed! That was the stupidest thing to-" right there was where he stopped himself and backtracked awkwardly. "Uh...I mean...are you okay?" he began fumbling to his full height of 6"1 and then held out a hand for her to take so she could stand.

Now that he could actually look at the girl, he realised she was familiar. Maybe a junior or something from his school. He hadn't talked to her obviously, but he did recognise her.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/sarah_casual.jpg.e7348f0b66dd0625c43f7b61a47b3467.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/sarah_casual.jpg.e7348f0b66dd0625c43f7b61a47b3467.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Amelia White

Location: Home; to the Cafe!

With: No one

Mood: Content

Waking up bright and early, Amelia was ready for the start of the new college semester in her fourth year of studying Children's medicine. For many years, she wanted to do something important with her life, and seeing as this involved helping children, she was eager and ready to graduate already just so she could help. Her career was a very important goal to her, but to get there, she had to overcome many academic obstacles-but she was too stubborn to quit, and though she was often exhausted after pulling an all-nighter for studying, she felt that determination within her to continue.

Dressing in a black cami worn under a sheer tan blouse with exotic designs on it, jeans and black high heeled boots, she put her curly hair up that usually framed her face and slipped on her light blue raincoat and white scarf. She hated the weather here, especially the storms, which frightened her to no end. The lightning crashing, the thunder roaring outside her window...she was lucky it was just misting outside, no storms as of now, and hopefully not sooner.

She grabbed her light blue purse, attached to it was a golden diamond-shaped dog tag that she had for goodness knew how long, and she headed out into the misty, cloudy day. She spotted the cafe on her way to class, and looked to her watch. Enough time to grab a coffee, thank goodness! This was why she left the house an hour early. She saw some familiar faces just outside the cafe, one she knew better than the other. "Satine!" She called out, and ran up to her, "How are you? Is everything all right?" She looked back to the boy who had been with her, the two walking away from him now to go inside the cafe, "I've seen him around, you know him?" She whispered to Satine.


Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix @Lioness075



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Location; Home, then the street.

Mood; Bored, playful.

Tagged; Nobody, open.


"Pound the alarm!"

Diana woke with a start as her phone burst into the chorus of a Nicki Minaj song, and tumbled from her bed in a less than graceful manner. Cursing loudly under her breath, she snatched up her phone and swiped her fingertip across the screen to return her apartment to it's tranquil silence, making a mental note to never leave her mobile unlocked while she had friends round ever again, she always ended up with something stupid happening ad doubted the alarm was the only surprise that she would have to endure.
After a few moments of calming down, the young woman was hit by a wave of fatigue and a faint throbbing in her head, one of the reminders of the countless glasses of wine that she had consumed during the previous night. Stretching her arms above her head, Diana trotted towards her bathroom, grabbing a couple of towels thrown haphazardly over the back of a chair as she passed, and disappeared into the shower. The cold water was a shock to the woman's system and by the time she emerged from her apartment, hair dry and all made up, she was wide awake.

As she stalked down the many stairs in her apartment block (the elevator had been broken for months), she rummaged around in her handbag for her set of keys, about four or five of various sizes adorned with a large, fluffy ball with little felt cat ears, a Christmas gift from years ago. She was yet to eat breakfast but the gum she was chewing suppressed her appetite a little; perhaps she'd pop into the local café for a bite to eat due course. For now, she was left to walk the streets, trying to remember exactly where she'd left her car.

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Location; Alley behind the café.

Mood; Amused, maternal, friendly.

Tagged; Joey.


Ah, the mornings, how Nancy loathed them. She'd never been one who loved leaving her bed, especially as she'd only gotten a couple of hours of sleep that night, but she was in a reasonably decent mood for once regardless; she had had an enjoyable evening. Coming up to a familiar obstacle, a metal fence, the brunette scrambled up to the top with ease and draped a leg over the top, straddling it for security.

"Psst, kid!" Nancy jumped down from the metal fence she had hooker one long leg over and landed gracefully enough on the ground, brushing a lock of hair that was slightly damp from the rain from her face and grinning. She was dressed simply in black skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a jacket made of tanned leather, with her hair in a half up, half down style, a few strands escaping. She'd been at the casino for a while during the previous night and had gotten lucky, so she had a bit of cash in her pockets, much to her great pleasure; she never seemed to have all that much money, and was a bit of a drifter. She walked this route behind the café often, and had passed Joey from time to time, exchanging greetings and such but little else.

"Y'know, I'm kinda hungry, you want to join me?'' She cocked her head to the side, resting a hand on her hip, "I get the whole stranger danger thing, but I don't bite much, promise."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71107ba1_duchesscartergarden.jpg.de7ef6ed1b7d1b93f6f22b1444bf0251.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71107ba1_duchesscartergarden.jpg.de7ef6ed1b7d1b93f6f22b1444bf0251.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Location: Richelieu Manor on the outskirts of town; going into town proper

With: No one

Mood: Somber

Cassandra sat on the large porch of her and her great aunt's manor, one of many across the globe but the only one situated in the United States. How she missed her Paris home! At least the sun got to shine often there, here it was just so miserable and dreary! She sipped her tea, rocking back and forth gently on the white rocking chair and looking out at the large yard, where a path from their home went into the woods one Sylvia Rosenfeld looked after (their manor was built outside of the National Park and Wildlife Reserve), and on this path Cassandra often went into town, either with her three children or alone.

Today, she would go alone.

Her Great Aunt encouraged her to get out there for herself, and try to move on from her ex husband, wherever he was now. Living for herself never crossed her mind, for she always cared about her children. Still, they did need a father figure, still being at a young age, but Cassandra was picky when it came to men, especially after what happened. She finished her tea, rose and went inside to grab her sun hat, wearing a white summer dress and white heels, and putting on a snowy white rain coat for the misty weather. She planned to be back soon, before the children finished their daily lessons.

Walking into town was so nice and peaceful, and she often got to say hi to Sylvia on the way there, and today was no different. She made it to town proper in less than twenty minutes, and was strolling down the wet sidewalk when she spotted a female looking for something. She knew who it was, and a smile formed on her lips. "Diana, good morning, how are you?" She asked, her voice light and tinged with a French accent.


Tagged: @ailurophile (Diana)​



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Location; Home, then the street.

Mood; Bored, playful.

Tagged; Cassandra.


there was her car, she could see part of it's reflection in a nearby window- it was likely to be just around the corner. Diana had just been about to hurry over before the rain came properly, not wanting to get soaked when she had just blow-dried her hair, but a light, pleasant voice interrupted her thoughts. The dark haired woman paused, spun around, a genuine (and rare) smile gracing her lips- she'd already recognised the voice as Cassandra's, and the blonde was one of the few people that Diana was actually rather fond of.

"Morning!" She called, drawing her coat around her petite frame as a gust of wind blew and chilled her somewhat. With a little laugh, she continued, "I'm all right, thank you, just paying the price for the drinks I had last night. How about yourself?''

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Tyler Sinciato

Location: Sidewalk to Le Café // Mood: Irritated // With: Satine // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c711dc1e5_TylerSinciato.jpg.5320816a647e6c599fd9b9c5f0ad5625.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c711dc1e5_TylerSinciato.jpg.5320816a647e6c599fd9b9c5f0ad5625.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Upon hearing Satine's response to his preventing her from falling down on the wet pavement, Tyler scowled and pointed at his left eye before saying with an irritated tone, "I'm half blind, lady." With the tone and clear expression on Satine's face, Tyler just wanted to get out of the situation before he mistakenly made it worse or had to try and actually converse with the lady. Seeing Satine pick up his backpack and offer it to him, Tyler's scowl remained, as he snatched it from her hands and held it to his side. Were any of the paperwork or books inside ruined for good now? Should he ask the lady to compensate him for this? Considering the way she was reacting, he doubted she'd be willing whether he asked or not. Letting out an irritated sigh, but still not saying a word of thanks to Satine, Tyler glanced up to see if she was still around only to see her walking away. Good riddance, he thought before looking back down to note that some kind of hand sanitizer bottle was now on the ground. No doubt it was from Satine's purse. Now the question was if he should give it to her or not. Picking up the small bottle and slipping it into one of his pockets, Tyler noted that Satine was headed for the café just like him so he could decide after at least getting some coffee in his system.

Deciding to keep his distance for now, Tyler followed quietly after Satine towards the café. Upon entering the café and hearing the chitter chatter among the locals, Tyler instantly veered away from the people and headed straight for the restrooms in the back. Upon entering the restroom, he quickly set down his backpack on the edge of a sink and began tediously removing the papers and books from his backpack. Scowling once more, Tyler tilted his head slightly to the right to get a better view of everything and saw that his paperwork was mostly ruined and would have to be reprinted. While he'd be able to salvage the books for the most part, they were sure to have water stains on them after this.
Great, he thought before putting everything away and slipping his backpack over his left shoulder once more. At least he had his wallet in his back pocket so it was safe and dry. Wet dollar bills would've been far worse.

Exiting the restroom area, Tyler scanned the room for a brief moment before deciding as per usual to avoid everyone. Heading straight for the line in front of the cashier, Tyler hoped that he wouldn't be standing behind Satine. Alas, he had no other choice and was soon standing behind Satine, hoping that she wouldn't notice him or say anything else about the incident. Ignoring her for the time being, Tyler glanced over the menu before deciding to get the usual for himself, a caffé latte with extra flavoring to hide the taste of the coffee. While he enjoyed coffee and its side effects of waking him up for most of the day, he couldn't stand the actual taste of it.


Anna Fox

Location: Sidewalk to school // Mood: Surprised // With: Oskar // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c711e09b7_AnnaFox.jpg.493b297211893e66949195db32bbc91a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c711e09b7_AnnaFox.jpg.493b297211893e66949195db32bbc91a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anna's terrified scream was cut short when someone suddenly grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the car's way before she came crashing down beside someone on the wet sidewalk. A bit dazed after such an incident, Anna didn't respond right away when the boy began quickly asking her questions and acting like she was crazy. It wasn't her fault that the driver of that car hadn't been paying more attention to the road and people crossing it! Before Anna could think of some snappy remark, the boy stood up and offered her a hand while asking if she was okay. Raising an eyebrow at the sudden change in concern, Anna took the boy's hand and stood up with his help before quickly pulling her hand away and crossing her arms over her chest. Warily eyeing the boy, Anna then finally spoke up, "I'm fine, really." Glancing back at the car that was now pulling away instead of stopping so the driver could check up on her, Anna frowned. "Some driver that was. Didn't even bother to check if I was okay."

With her heart still racing, Anna then realized that if she was hurt, her adrenaline rush was probably preventing her from even realizing it. Doing a quick once-over to make sure she was okay, Anna was disheartened to see that her knees and elbows had gotten a bit scraped up, but luckily they weren't bleeding too much. Either way, she'd live. Glancing back at the boy now, Anna realized he was one of those weird kids from school. Or she thought he was weird, at least. She couldn't remember ever really talking to him before and she had to wonder what he was like. Quickly deciding that he wasn't the cutest guy in town, Anna began walking towards school once more before saying over her shoulder,
"Thanks for getting me out of the way of that car, but I don't want to be late for school because of something like this."



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Location: Le Cafe//Scenario: Possibly building bridges//With: Amelia @DarlingWaylonPark and Tyler @Lioness075 //Mentions: N/A//Outfit:

Almost as soon as she had begun walking away from the boy Satine realised how snappy and irritated she had sounded. The look he had given her mixed with his declaration of being half blind made her feel like the most awful person in the world. Sometimes she could be a little too self-absorbed, a trait that had been called out a few times too many by those best acquainted with her. She had just been about to turn on her heel and make her way back to the boy to apologise for her reaction when a familiar voice called to her and she turned to see her friend Amelia making her way to her, looking fabulous as usual. Satine offered her a warm smile and once she was close enough, placed a kiss on both cheeks as was customary back in France. "Amelia!" she greeted before Amelia began mentioning the unknown boy. "Oh, no I do not know him, but I am certain he despises me now," she said with a slight frown. She hated being disliked. "You look gorgeous by the way cherie, are you planning on getting a coffee?" Now distracted by analysing Amelia's outfit choice, the recent incident completely left her train of thought. A beautiful outfit would distract her from most things.

The girls made their way into the coffee shop and stood in the queue. Whilst she was contemplating what type of coffee she would like, she spotted the boy just behind her from the corner of her eye and decided to take the opportunity to apologise to him now that she was in a good mood. Turning to him, she spoke.
"Excuse moi," she began, hoping he wouldn't ignore her, "but I wanted to apologise for my...how you say, disagreeableness?" She said it like a question simply because she was not sure of her choice of words. "Thank you for not letting me fall over. I was being insensitive." Her words were laced with genuine remorse and a small smile graced her lips. Not wanting to hover on the subject for too long though, she diverted her attention to the now nearing barista, who (it had not escape her attention) happened to be rather attractive.



Location: On the path to school//Scenario: Hermit//With: Anna @Lioness075 //Mentions: N/A

Oskar was rather relieved that the girl wasn't hurt too badly, glancing at the inconsiderate driver as they continued driving down the road. "What a douche..." he muttered to himself, before turning back to the girl who seemed to be already on her way. Somehow it didn't seem like a good idea for her to walk alone so he continued walking too, hovering slightly behind her. "Hey, don't we go to the same school or something?" he mused before he could stop himself. He wasn't usually the type to start a conversation and already he was regretting it. What if she thought he was some kind of freak? That was usually the case, especially with the popular crowd. Heck, he didn't even know why he suddenly cared what anyone thought anyway! "Wait, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to...I mean you probably think I'm some kind of weird alien anomaly or something," he paused and frowned slightly, "And I just made it worse by saying that...way to go Oskar." He sighed and quickly stuffed his earphones back on so as to avoid anymore aawkardness. Jeez why was he such a freakin' hermit?!

He began to quicken his step as he walked so as to out pace her and be done with the awkwardness, but he was still a little concerned for her well being. She did just narrowly escape uninjured after all.




James Sawyer

Location: Boat, docks, town, woods

With: No one

Mood: Distracted, foggy

James woke up to the usual sounds of the docks. His eyes opened slowly as he felt the lull of sleep and the rocking boat try to claw him back into sweet unconsciousness but he was long past his teenage years and with an old man kind of groan, James sat up from his bunk and stood on his sea legs. He dressed himself in his jeans and flannel shirt that no doubt stank of fish. If James didn't reek of sea creatures, he would've easily been mistaken for a giant lumber jack. He peered into his small refrigerator and grabbed a beer along with his sandwich he had made the night before. His uneventful meal was finished within five minutes and James decided to go above deck to gain some less moist air. Of course, he wasn't surprised when the rain was misting and the deck was slippery.

Scratching his beard, James peered overboard to look down at the small ripples in the water. He wouldn't fish today. He didn't need to either and to be quite honest, he needed a personal day. Deciding this was fair, he left his boat in a raincoat without locking it up because who would want to steal from someone that literally had nothing? The tall man began walking up to the town, pondering what activities he would busy himself for the day. He passed some high school students on his walk, towering over the pubescent sprouts as he made his way aimlessly down the street. It was interesting when he found himself at the National Park. The forest had always called to him like home and he had camped with his son whenever he got the chance to relish in the feeling. Paying the fee at the front gate, James walked in and started following one of the hiking trails, spotting the occasional deer and plenty of squirrels on his quiet walk.

Eventually he stopped, feeling a sense of dread filling his stomach. James peered at the nearest tree and approached it, placing his hand on the pine's trunk. These trees weren't as homely feeling as he had thought originally. The tall man hunched his back against the heavy drops of water from the leaves and needles and pulled his hand back into his coat pocket, going back on the path he had been following, trying to rid the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. He paused in the middle of the path when he caught sight of a young woman, armed to the teeth so to speak, as she stalked the woods.
"You're not planning to use those illegally are you?" The large man called out, feeling rather idiotic afterwards for perhaps giving her a reason to use her gun.

@DarlingWaylonPark Sylvia

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Louis Ragnar

Location: Home/suburbs

With: No one, Oskar and Anna

Mood: Feeling good, motivated

Louis had woken up early in the morning, planning to go on a run but that was ruined when it was still thundering out before the sun rose, when the rain turned to mist. So he decided to utilize his time waiting by making up for lost time and doing a series of bench presses, weight lifting, and other such things in his garage turned gym all the while rocking out to some serious Beethoven. His taste in music was strange compared to other fighters as he preferred more elegant and calming mixes rather than rap and screeching guitars. Modern music was tainted in his opinion; people sang too much about butts.

When the rain finally let up to a sprinkle later in the morning, the sculpted boxer left his house and made his usual jog to Goldmill's gym. His usual route took him around the are a lot of high schoolers walked to go to the high school in Marceline. Turning around a bend, Louis caught sight of one of the guys he knew and made his way steadily over as he watched a scene play out. A girl was almost hit by a car but was pulled back by Oskar just in time while the car continued away. Louis let out a low whistle, still hardly out of breath this far into his jog. He paused next to the girl as Oskar left and nodded to her, concern in his eyes,
"You okay?" He jogged backwards a bit before turning and catching up with Mr. Savior-that-didn't-stay-to-get-the-girl and fell in step with him, tugging one of Oskar's earbuds out so he could hear him. "What was that? You're daily awesome thing that I almost never get to see?" He teased the guy lightly, praising him at the same. Louis turned his head to look back at the girl and then lowered his voice when he returned his attention back to Oskar. "Why didn't you get her number, man?"

Tags: @ShurikenPhoenix Oskar
@Lioness075 Anna


The girls made their way into the coffee shop and stood in the queue. Whilst she was contemplating what type of coffee she would like, she spotted the boy just behind her from the corner of her eye and decided to take the opportunity to apologise to him now that she was in a good mood. Turning to him, she spoke.

"Excuse moi,"

she began, hoping he wouldn't ignore her,

"but I wanted to apologise for my...how you say, disagreeableness?"

She said it like a question simply because she was not sure of her choice of words.

"Thank you for not letting me fall over. I was being insensitive."

Her words were laced with genuine remorse and a small smile graced her lips. Not wanting to hover on the subject for too long though, she diverted her attention to the now nearing barista, who (it had not escape her attention) happened to be rather attractive.

Tyler Sinciato

Location: Le Café // Mood: Disheartened, Irritated // With: Satine // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7146831c_TylerSinciato.jpg.eef5f8535fb68760da9bb5b2a4cd0b73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7146831c_TylerSinciato.jpg.eef5f8535fb68760da9bb5b2a4cd0b73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hearing the lady speaking to him, her French words beginning to irritate him that much more, Tyler turned to face her and couldn't resist scowling almost immediately. Scoffing at the mention of her 'disagreeableness', Tyler opened his mouth to speak before she continued with her pointless apology. Rolling his eyes, Tyler then quickly said, despite the lady getting distracted by a rather nice looking barista, "You ruined my crap and think that a stupid, little apology like that is actually going to solve anything? Apologies don't fix things, lady." After all, he wasn't exactly pulling in cash as easily as some other people were in this town. Crossing his arms over his chest and then pointedly stepping in front of Satine's view of the barista, Tyler then raised one eyebrow before asking her once more, "So, will you help me with my ruined books or not?"


Anna Fox

Location: Sidewalk to High School // Mood: Relieved, Embarrassed // With: Oskar and Louis // Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix @Celemyvel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7146ff83_AnnaFox.jpg.3d87bb30f88dcca25b2c54da8533c435.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7146ff83_AnnaFox.jpg.3d87bb30f88dcca25b2c54da8533c435.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anna smirked to herself upon hearing the boy's question about them going to school together. Rolling her eyes at the boy rambling about her not having to reply, Anna glanced over her shoulder briefly to reply, "I'm sixteen years old, dude. If you go to high school in town here, then yes, we go to the same school. Duh." Yet, by the time she'd finished saying this, the boy appeared to have already moved on and had his headphones in. Surprised, Anna blinked at the boy for acting so odd and then was about to continue on her way to school when Louis, of all people, decided to show up and join their little party. Just what Anna needed. More people seeing what had just happened to her. It was embarrassing enough as it was. When Louis approached Anna personally and asked if she was okay, Anna felt her face flush slightly, curse Louis for looking so good but being too old for her. Before she could even think of a logical response, Louis had seemingly decided she was fine on his own and now jogged up to join the weird kid before confronting him about god knows what. What in the world was going on here?



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The cafe//Scenario: A compromise//With: Tyler @Lioness075 and Amelia @DarlingWaylonPark //Mentions: N/A//Outfit:

By the irritable look on his face, it was clear Satine's apology had done nothing. He seemed to question whether she would fund new books for him, which seemed ridiculous in her opinion considering it was not her fault they had been ruined, at least not entirely. Her patience for the boy was wearing thin, and on top of that he seemed to be deliberately blocking her view of the barista.

Though she felt her patience fading, Satine continued to look agreeable as she responded.
"If you are suggesting I pay for the damage caused, I am afraid I cannot. Would that I had the money. Besides I do not see how you can ask this of me, when both of us were part of the accident. It is not my fault that it decided to rain today." With every word she spoke she began showing her indignance more. Why the boy couldn't accept a sincere apology was beyond her. "Can we compromise and I can pay half of the damage caused? After that, you never have to tolerate me again," she sighed and rolled her eyes, showing her defeat. She turned to Amelia, in the hopes of a sign that her offer to the boy was fair, then waited for his response. She was antsy now, and starting to realise she hadn't sanitised her hands yet. She found herself subconsciously reaching into her purse for the missing hand gel..



Location: The path to school//Scenario: A turtle shell would be great to hide in...//With: Louis @Celemyvel //Mentions: Anna @Lioness075

Oskar let out a small sigh of relief once he had escaped the awkward situation, only to be replaced with another one. Someone had decided to pull out one of his earphones and talk to him. Of course, Oskar knew who. It was Louis, teasing him about the girl he had just left. Oskar rolled his eyes at the big guy.

"Oh yeah, get her number! Like that was my concern at the time," he said then frowned a little, "I just had to escape before the embarrassment bomb detonated. I don't get how you can talk to people so easily. Hell I don't even know why you're talking to me!" He was rather amused by Louis, wondering how he found it so easy to be friendly. He also slightly envied his popularity with women. The guy was like Casinova or something.




Location: Emily's House//Scenario: Scatterbrain central//With: N/A//Mentions: Aurellia @Intoxicated Lover

Rushing around like a headless chicken was nothing out of the ordinary for Emily. Work at the animal shelter would start in exactly twenty minutes and at the moment she was desperately searching for the pair of shoes she had picked out to wear the night prior. That was her attempt at being more organised, a trait that did not come naturally to her, but seemed to be as second nature as breathing to her adopted daughter Aurelia...Aurelia! Surely she would know where they were. Now extremely frazzled, Emily called down stairs to the girl she knew was probably already set for her day at school. "Aurelia, terribly sorry to bother you, but I can't find my shoes for the life of me. You haven't seen them have you?" she asked as she continued pacing around her room in search of the shoes. Not a thing had been left unturned and to an outsider her room would look like a bomb had hit it.

It had been much easier to keep track of her possessions back when she and her father lived in a mobile home travelling across the world. There were less things to keep track of then, and now that she had a permanent home, the possessions meter had tripled. Emily loved collecting interesting trinkets and furniture pieces. The only thing she never seemed to misplace was her beloved elephant kettle; her prized possession.




Location: Library; Town Hall

With: Well, Madame Mayor IS across the street...

Mood: Amused

Basil's face lit up like a Christmas tree when he spotted none other than Madame Mayor herself walk into her office. He smirked, this was going to be a most fun game. He rose from his seat and went to the window, standing before it, and his eyes met hers in the span of a moment. His lips widened into a grin and he held up a hand to give her a patronizing wave, giving her a wink while at it. Then a thumbs up. Then a gesture to point at her office, and mouthing the words, "I'm on my waaaay!" He gave another wave, mouthed the word "Toodles!" and gave a soft snicker as he left the window, not even giving her a chance to respond to any of that nonsense quickly enough.

Now he left the library, and walked over to town hall. Perhaps he could have a chance to chat with her at long last, perhaps he could get into her good graces, become best buddies, and learn all sorts of exciting things about her private life. He loved political figures for that reason, he couldn't resist the thrill of finding out their scandal, the thrill of getting caught.

A thrill no one could give him anymore, except that man...

By God, he almost missed his arch rival.

He walked into the town hall and right up to the reception desk in the center, "Excuse me, but before you lot throw me out on my ass again, perhaps I could have a word with Miss Mayor? Or at the very least make an appointment to see her, I know she's an...awfully busy woman." He grinned, speaking in a most patronizing tone.


Tagged: @Celemyvel (Moira)
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Location: Marceline National Park and Reserve: in her cabin home

With: James Sawyer

Mood: Cautious but calm

Sylvia was patrolling her woods, going down the path when she stopped to see a large towering man before her, asking her about the weapons she carried. Looking like a doe caught in headlights for a moment, she relaxed when she realized who it was-the fishing man, James was his name. She had often seen him wander her forest, and for the most part she left him to it, but kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't do anything to the trees or wildlife here. Over the past few months, however, she learned to accept the man into her territory. As long as he knew that she was allowing him to do so.

She smiled a bit and laughed, and spoke in her heavy Austrian accent though her tone was light, "There is nothing illegal about these, my friend, and besides, hunters come into this place with far worse. These are reserved especially for them." She approached him now, lifting her head so she could look into his face, "I've been watching you come here from time to time, and I will continue to watch you, as this is my domain. My home. But so far, you've done well here, and you're welcome to stay as long as you want." She tilted her head and smelled the fish on him, "So you are the fisherman. Glad to meet you, I'm Ranger Rosenfeld, but please call me Sylvia." She offered him a warm smile.


Tagged: @Celemyvel (James)​
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Location: Behind the Cafe in an alley

With: The Nice Lady

Mood: Hungry, and hopeful

Joey's attention was caught by a grown up lady who had jumped over the metal fence. He tilted his head, then smiled when he saw the nice lady who had said hello to him from time to time. He looked up at her, his eyes widening when she mentioned food. He perked up, looked to the cafe and then grinned up at her, "Yea! That'd be awesome, I'm starving too! Thank you, Nice Lady!" He said with excitement, taking her by the hand, "Only mean dogs bite, but you're a nice lady, and we kinda know each other anyway, so it's ok!" He beamed, "My name's Joey, by the way, you don't have to call me kid anymore. Kinda gave myself that name cause I like it. What's your name, Nice Lady?" He actually pulled her along to the cafe entrance, "Come on!" He grinned, ready to get some food in him.


Tagged: @ailurophile (Nancy)



Location; Alley behind the café.

Mood; Amused, maternal, friendly.

Tagged; Joey.


How sweet, the kid thought she was nice! It was touching, flattering, really, but Nancy knew herself that she could be a real she-devil hen necessary. Laughing as Joey pulled and pushed her along to the entrance of the cafe, she grinned and ran a hand through her thick brown hair.

"Joey's a good name, pleased to meet you properly. I'm Nancy," She nudged the door of the cafe open with her hip, holding it open so that Joey could head on inside. By this point, she too was eager to get some food into her, as her hunger was beginning to set in properly, more prominent than it had been previously. Perhaps it was because she could smell food and coffee.



Amelia White

Location: The Cafe

With: Satine and some boy

Mood: Awkward, nervous

Amelia grinned at Satine, "You look absolutely stunning, as always, dear!" She complimented, then looked to the boy, "Hates you? Whatever for?" She looked confused, then looked to Satine when asked if she was getting coffee too. She smiled, "Ah, yes I am! Getting a bite to eat as well before classes start in an hour, I have an exam today, and I've been up all night studying! After today, I'm going to need some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Oh! There's this really nice spa in town I've yet to go to, wanna join me?" She asked as they walked into the coffee shop to get in line.

The Med student witnessed the apology Satine gave to the lad, and he was anything but forgiving. Her eyes widened a bit at the display he was making, and soon interjected herself, "Excuse me, young man! But there was no fault here, be it from her or you, and accidents happen! You shouldn't berate her for that, it's unfair of you to do so. I'm sorry your books were damaged, but at least accept her apology, she means well and meant no offense!" She huffed and took out her wallet, "I will play for your books, how much were they?" She glared daggers into the boy's eyes, not one to back down from someone who would hurt her dear friends. "Causing a scene like this, in public, how rude!"


Tagged: @ShurikenPhoenix @Lioness075

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