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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Vi laughed, then grab SuSu's hand and whisked them both into her teleportation. a second later they where at the park. "where here!" Vi laughed. Then looked at susu witing for a response or even a reaction. Vi smiled up at the girl. @Cicero
Stell nodded and looked up at Nick with her big eyes before moving to his side as quick as she could."sure, " Stell wanted to get out of the house anyways, too much was going on. She didn't care for trouble and maybe it's best when she could spend time with Nick. She was comfortable with him after all he was her boyfriend.
Fireworks went off in Leo's head as he got the vaguest idea that maybe, just maybe, it would be booty time. He slid out under her and locked the door. He snapped and shot a series of bolts from his skin, taking out the lights in the facility. He then reappeared in candle light, sitting next to a fire fueled off some of the unfortunate bastards that were in here. He un-ruffled his robe and readjusted his pipe, just like he saw in the movies. He fixed his seat cushion once more and melted down to his more familiar, human form. With a bit of a size adjustment of course. He floated off his chair onto his feet, and strides up to Shard. In a low voice, he said "Girl i'm, gonna take you on a date tonight." He spun her around, putting a dress on her in the process. "So put on your sexy dress and meet me, in my chambers by the firelight," he gestured towards the candles and burning bodies. Luckily, he picked up scented candles for this occasion. "Tonight is gonna be the best of your life!" Caught up in his own head, he pulled her onto the chair, and simply asked, "So dear, what's your name?"

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Cicero said:
Cicero was asleep leaning against the edge of Tab's bed slightly waking up from his growling stomach "Hmm shut up you stupid stomach you'll wake up Tab." The boy said looking at his stomach while grabbing a cookie out of his pocket and slowly ate it he looked up at the bed again only to see Tab on the edge awake he just snicked as he finished his snack "You just can't stay asleep can you?" He asked laughing while sitting next to her kissing her forehead smiling "Are you planning to go somewhere cause I could carry you on my back." Cicero suggested to the girl leaning on the bed letting his feet lay flat against the floor as he looked at the ceiling

"I'll be able to walk by myself, but thanks." Tabitha replied softly. It wasn't entirely true of false: She could probably walk by herself now, just not for very long. The worst part of a fever was the way it effected her breathing. When Cicero laid back down on the bed Tabitha did too, stretching out so her body was curled against his side. She laid her head on his arm, enjoying the warmth that emanated from the boy and scooting closer to him on reflex, until she was pretty much spooning him. For a while, she stayed like this, listening to and yet not paying attention to every little breath that escaped the lips of the two of them. Before her breathing had been shallow and slow, but after a while it returned to normal. "Do you want to get up?" she finally asked. It wasn't like she didn't plan on doing other things today, but this was so comfortable... Couldn't once she be a little lazy? Covers or not, it felt good to relax with Cicero like this.

"What are you doing?!" When Rin entered the hallway once more and saw a naked woman pushing the already injured Mew to the floor, he couldn't help but confront the stranger mind-to-mind. He was a less stressed when he went through her thoughts and saw she only wanted to help, but only slightly. He walked over to the cyborg and knelt beside him, taking special care not to glance in the woman's direction; Already he had seen too much. "Hey, this might hurt a bit." Rin warned the cyborg. His voice was just as loud but much more gentler than usual. He swiftly took the string and scissors from the bundle of thinks he'd been carrying and set to work at very carefully stitching the wound. It was much more difficult without actual stitches, but at least the thread wasn't very big, so the procedure went by pretty quickly- it just required more force than normal stitches would have. Once Rin was done, he used once sheet he'd taken to dry his bloodstained hands, and the other to wrap the blanket around his torso, where he'd been impaled. "I'm sorry for worrying you ma'am. Mew has had a hard day, and if he gains one more injury I fear it won't be long until he breaks down." Rin stood up and bowed to the strange redheaded woman, closing his eyes all the while in order to avoid... looking. He averted his gaze toward the cyborg. "Shall we transport you to a room, or close this section of the hallway off? It will hurt if you move an inch from where you are now." Rin's face remained unfeeling, but there was something about the way he telepathically spoke to Mew that said he was attentive, if not worried for the cat-boy.​
"What on earth is going on with this place? What was that metal monster? Who are you people?" Taking a deep calming breath, looking down at herself. "Oh, sorry." Moving to try to hide most of her body. "Do you have... Something I could borrow?"
LilyannaGaming said:
Vi laughed, then grab SuSu's hand and whisked them both into her teleportation. a second later they where at the park. "where here!" Vi laughed. Then looked at susu witing for a response or even a reaction. Vi smiled up at the girl. @Cicero
mewbot5408 said:
Stell nodded and looked up at Nick with her big eyes before moving to his side as quick as she could."sure, " Stell wanted to get out of the house anyways, too much was going on. She didn't care for trouble and maybe it's best when she could spend time with Nick. She was comfortable with him after all he was her boyfriend.
iiimee said:
"I'll be able to walk by myself, but thanks." Tabitha replied softly. It wasn't entirely true of false: She could probably walk by herself now, just not for very long. The worst part of a fever was the way it effected her breathing. When Cicero laid back down on the bed Tabitha did too, stretching out so her body was curled against his side. She laid her head on his arm, enjoying the warmth that emanated from the boy and scooting closer to him on reflex, until she was pretty much spooning him. For a while, she stayed like this, listening to and yet not paying attention to every little breath that escaped the lips of the two of them. Before her breathing had been shallow and slow, but after a while it returned to normal. "Do you want to get up?" she finally asked. It wasn't like she didn't plan on doing other things today, but this was so comfortable... Couldn't once she be a little lazy? Covers or not, it felt good to relax with Cicero like this.
Ooc:First off all SORRY

Bic:Susan was astonished by what just happened she looked at the girl giggling a little "That was amazing." The girl exclaimed in pure excitement "Can you always do that?" She asked amazed at the girl's powers

"So where do you want to go?" He asked grabbing her hand and going out the door not looking at the commotion behind him

"That's good to here." Cicero said a smile growing on his face knowing his girlfriend was ok before wrapping his hand around her "No I'm fine I like it here." The boy exclaimed kissing the girls forehead smiling at her "How do you know i'm still not insane?" He asked curiously
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"yes i can. Its my power." VI said. "Now where to SuSu?"Vi asked since she didnt know there area. "i can teleport us there or we can waste some time and walk. If you want." Vi said. She looked at SuSu. @Cicero

"Wrap this around yourself please." Rin told her, holding out the blanket which had a bit of blood on it. Once he was sure she had done that, he glanced over at her and continued to speak. "I can't tell you what's going on. Me and my sister just arrived here with this man." Rin pointed a slender finger first at Rei, and then at the man on the floor that had just been stitched. "I don't know the identity of the metal monster, but he's been causing chaos wherever we go. If you want to know more about me or my sister, you'd have to tell me who you are first." Rin went through her questions one by one, making sure each answer was thorough and spoken with eloquence. His eyes were cold, but the slight twitching of the corner of his mouth and the slight redness to his face suggested that he was uncomfortable, if not completely insecure in the presence of somebody who seemed so powerful. This woman was already somebody Rin decided he'd have to beware of. With Rei around, he couldn't take mindless risks and let him or his twin sister get in harm's way.

Tabitha's eyes widened when Cicero asked her such a question, and a blush appeared on her face when she realized how cowardly she must have looked right about now. "If you were insane, you wouldn't be holding me like this right?" Tabitha asked so sweetly that it was impossible to tell if she was flirting or asking a serious question. She stared at Cicero's face for a while, before suddenly thinking of something. She leaned the cat-boy's face to hers, kissing him long and deeply before moving back to the position she had been in originally, which was laying in his arms. "Will we be together forever?" she asked. There was no indication she was stressed or annoyed with Cicero, but the question was still a strange one to ask. Tabitha wanted to know what he thought though. She honestly didn't have a clue if they could in this reality, but she was absolutely sure that if they met in a world that wasn't as fucked up as this one, they'd have been destined soulmates. Tabby was just a little worried, and hoping that maybe if Cicero was certain of them, she could become more certain too.

Note: Not sure many of you jerks remembered, but happy birthday to me! ^_^
"Wooow cool the only thing I can do is turn into a giant light." She said a bit disappointed before turning into her happy self "Lets go to the mall!" The girl yelled in delight as she began walking the way of the mall

Cicero's face light up with a smile "Yea I guess your right..." The boy said making a goofy face while looking at Tab. Even to this day he still can't see what she saw in him but still smiled and his face went a little red as she suddenly kissed him but he didn't fight it he put on a little sad face when she stopped. After hearing Tab's question he let out a small laugh "Of course we will." Cicero answered with a small smile planted on his lips while he kissed her again not very long but enough to show he loved her.
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OOC: @Cicero teleporting or walking? you never said.
Vi smiled and followed the girl. "THats actuallly not a bad power, It could be very useful when you least expect it." Vi said trying to be wise. She slipped out her phone. She winced and placed her phone back. Shouldn't Silver texted me by now? She continued to follow the girl and smiled. @Cicero
She looked at him with her purple eyes and gave a frown at his sudden excitement as well as pinning her again a chair suddenly." My name is shard..and like I said I don't fool around with strangers." She answered coldly and pushed him off her lightly with a frown before turning away and walking out the door. "I have things I got to do...I Don't mind if you follow just don't get in my way because I won't hesitate to kill you if you do." She answered simply with a giggle before running down the sidewalk as fast as she could when she smelled blood. She headed to the house to investigate climbing in through a window.
"Yea...I guess oh and I can also shoot mini lights that can burn though almost anything." She stated proudly while looking back at the girl stopping until they were walking right next to each other "Is something wrong?" SuSu asked with concerned eyes. Sure Susan might not be the smartest but she knew when someone was in hurting with emotions and if not that just sad
"My name is Margo, I'm running from the people who made me. I meant no harm to your... Friend? I apologize for my lack of clothes, a size 8 doesn't exactly fit a 3 hundred pound Tiger."
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Mew winced with a little hiss as rin tried to give him stitching and when he was done looked up at him with his red eyes. Mew winced with a sharp breath and started to sit up slowly with a low hiss. His ears flattening as he attempted to stand. He didn't want to be in the way nor did he want to burden anyone. Mew stood up a sharp shock surged through his body and fell over on his hands and knee, tears forming in his eyes and shaking with his tail between his legs. "Crap..ow."
Vi Snapped out of her thoughts. "My friend hasn't tried contacting me and i didnt see her at the house. I'm hoping she found the part of the group i left her a little way from at the gym. She was pissed so left her there to calm down." VI said looking up at the girl. "I was hoping to get my mind off of it." Vi said

"I'm sure just has her phone off....or of course she is just working out to get guns like these." The girl exclaimed trying to flex but nothing actually happened she just giggled "Well let me rephrase that....so she can get guns." She said with a smile "If you don't get your mind off of it it proves you are a good friend." SuSu told the girl
Cicero said:
Ooc:First off all SORRY
Bic:Susan was astonished by what just happened she looked at the girl giggling a little "That was amazing." The girl exclaimed in pure excitement "Can you always do that?" She asked amazed at the girl's powers

"So where do you want to go?" He asked grabbing her hand and going out the door not looking at the commotion behind him

"That's good to here." Cicero said a smile growing on his face knowing his girlfriend was ok before wrapping his hand around her "No I'm fine I like it here." The boy exclaimed kissing the girls forehead smiling at her "How do you know i'm still not insane?" He asked curiously
"Hmm.. let's just walk around. Maybe I could do a little bit of shopping?" She suggested following behind him.
Vi smiled. "She just worries me sometimes, when she's pissed she isnt very, well law abiding. She has a habit of getting in a lot of fights where someone ends up severely injured, but lets focus on here and now. Not on her." VI smiled. and followed the girl to the mall. Once they were close she asked "And what do you plan on doing once we reach our destination?" Vi said with a smirk. @Cicero
mewbot5408 said:
She looked at him with her purple eyes and gave a frown at his sudden excitement as well as pinning her again a chair suddenly." My name is shard..and like I said I don't fool around with strangers." She answered coldly and pushed him off her lightly with a frown before turning away and walking out the door. "I have things I got to do...I Don't mind if you follow just don't get in my way because I won't hesitate to kill you if you do." She answered simply with a giggle before running down the sidewalk as fast as she could when she smelled blood. She headed to the house to investigate climbing in through a window.
Rufus turned as someone clambered their way though the kitchen window.

"It would seem beauty felt it necessary to turn up everywhere, even where there's blood. Hm." Rufus smiled at the random woman, noting the murderous air about her. The smile became a grin. "Although, looks tend to hide the most dangerous things," he added. The woman was quite beautiful, although Rufus usually didn't strike out after looks. She seemed 'nice' enough, though.

Milee and Naomi turned to look at the newcomer as well; Milee shrugged and returned to gathering materials to bake a cake, whereas Naomi gave a friendly wave before watching Milee with interest.

"What possessed you to come to this wonderful funny farm?" Rufus asked, walking towards the woman so he didn't have to speak across the room to be heard.
mewbot5408 said:
"Hmm.. let's just walk around. Maybe I could do a little bit of shopping?" She suggested following behind him.
"Yea okay....and by a little bit of shopping you want to find new dresses right?" The boy asked smiling grabbing her hand bringing her at his side

LilyannaGaming said:
Vi smiled. "She just worries me sometimes, when she's pissed she isnt very, well law abiding. She has a habit of getting in a lot of fights where someone ends up severely injured, but lets focus on here and now. Not on her." VI smiled. and followed the girl to the mall. Once they were close she asked "And what do you plan on doing once we reach our destination?" Vi said with a smirk. @Cicero
"Yea okay I understand." SuSu said while she started skipping a little humming "I plan on looking around maybe buying a few random things I think look cute maybe some new clothes and make up....what about you?" She asked while looking at the girl with a big smile
"all of my stuff is at my hideout. Which is food, First aid, and a few weapons. Other that all i have is my phone a little over 2,000 dollars. Thks to Silver....I dont even want to know how she got it. And the clothes on my back. So i plan on buying some clothing." Vi said. she really didnt need to buy unimportant things. Even though her hide out could house over 10 people she left most of it empty. @Cicero
"WOOOW 2,000 dollars." SuSu exclaimed in surprise "Is your friend rich or something and you don't know it?" She asked before giggling "That means we can look for clothes together....which is good because I can never decide I always want to buy everything." The girl said laughing at her own statement while looking to see the mall finally in sight
"No, she's not rich we are escapes from...the lab she took care of us and kept the hideout supplied. She never told me how she got the money or things, but i knew it probably wasn't the right way. Anyway which store first" Vi asked happily. @Cicero

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