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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Shard was tall with dark hair and deep purple eyes she wore dark clothing. She eyed him with a growl turning away from him before tackling him with a glare pinning him down raising her hand. "Who the hell are you?!"
mewbot5408 said:
Shard was tall with dark hair and deep purple eyes she wore dark clothing. She eyed him with a growl turning away from him before tackling him with a glare pinning him down raising her hand. "Who the hell are you?!"
Not giving two shits, he looked up at his captor. He felt the intense cold of her body, but as aforementioned not a single fuck was given that day. He stared straight up, into a unforgiving face. " Wanna bang?" He winked with nothing, as his current nightmare form consisted of a head full of teeth. He decided that he would want to try a few of his infamous pickup lines that he's heard over the years. "Hey babe," He wiggled his eyebrows. "I like how you're straddling me, but I'd like it if you would loosen your grip a bit."
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[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Not giving two shits, he looked up at his captor. He felt the intense cold of her body, but as aforementioned not a single fuck was given that day. He stared straight up, into a unforgiving face. " Wanna bang?" He winked with nothing, as his current nightmare form consisted of a head full of teeth. He decided that he would want to try a few of his infamous pickup lines that he's heard over the years. "Hey babe," He wiggled his eyebrows. "I lime how you're straddling me, but I'd like it if you would loosenb your grip a bit."

Shard glared at him annoyed and shook her head before sitting up." I don't think so, I don't like strangers.."She told him coldly and moved to the side crossing her arms over her chest annoyed. Shard then looked away and shook her head,dark hair brushing against her cheeks."you'd have to try a lot harder than that..." She said and stood looking back narrowing her eyes at him coldly before going and walking away to the railing and jumped down . She looked back with a smirk.
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Margo is extremely confused that a man just "ruffed" at a Tiger, then decides to go off and kill people. Deciding that waiting for someone to actually speak in a sensible way would be a logical plan of action, she sits and Yowls at whoever is left. " the process of making a sandwich is simple. Get out a bagel, add a decent layer of mayonnaise, add 2 slices of provalone cheese, 3 slices each of Turkey, honey ham, and chicken. Thinly slice cucumbers and add them on top, add cream cheese, then close off the sandwich. Tahdah! Best sandwich in the entire universe!" Of course all of this sounded like yowling.
Ooc: Erm, recap? Everyone just tell me what you want to reply to. X_X I think I have to reply to... Silver, Leo and Mew, and... who else?

Ooc:Cicero please and for recap uhhh Silver tried to teleport but couldn't now she is murmuring random words Leo is trying to get a girlfriend and random lion on the loose
OOC (Its violet not silver... @Cicero @iiimee Silver just shoved the ball at Vlad waiting for the game to start.)
LilyannaGaming said:
Vi said nothing, but looked at how Tabby and Cicero interacted before turning away and going out in the hallway. She focused her teleportation powers hoping to get an image without entering, Failed. She sat on the floor and closed her eyes. She began murmuring to her self in a different language. @Cicero @iiimee

Silver just sighed. "Sure i will play." She said to Matt before walking over to the team, shoving the ball in Vlad's direction. ""Don't piss me off." She mumbled to her self. SHe let her eyes go normal. She glared at each of her team mates trying to sense their intentions. She gave up and waited for the game to start. @King Anthony @iiimee


@mewbot5408 , Mew was impaled right? That's what @Trombone Geek said, so... Also, @LilyannaGaming , I am waiting on @King Anthony 's post too so...

Bic: Rin's eyes went from indignant (when he was pushed behind Mew) to completely traumatized in a matter of seconds. Before he could do anything Leo had ripped through Mew. Rin would've went after the metal giant, if Mew wasn't on the verge of collapsing. "Fuck... What do I do?!" Already blood was pouring forth from the wound, and at first Rin just pressed down on the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding, but this was quite unsuccessful and Rin realized he had to look for a different tactic. "Rei, think of something!" Rin yelled aloud, before storming into the nearest bedroom and grabbing anything he could find. Sheets, blankets, pillows; Rin looked around for a first aid kit, but instead just found a pair of scissors and string. Well, if he needed to stitch up the wound this would come in handy, but it'd be painful as hell.

Tabitha woke up to the sensation of Cicero kissing her... and the blankets being thrown off her. "Huh? W- What?" The stutter in Tabitha's voice was caused by the sudden cold. Tabitha wrapped her arms around herself and tried not to shiver. She looked at the person who had just walked in, stolen her blankets, and was now scavenging the room. Wasn't that one of the twin casino dealers from earlier? Tabby wanted to ask why this girl (Rin doesn't pass so Tabitha will call him "she" at first, sorry!) was here, but before she could the girl left the room. Clearly there was something the stranger had to do, but in Tabitha's fevered state she barely cared to know what. She sat on the edge of the bed and silently waited for the fever to die down so she could actually walk without falling, or falling unconscious again.​
Cicero was asleep leaning against the edge of Tab's bed slightly waking up from his growling stomach "Hmm shut up you stupid stomach you'll wake up Tab." The boy said looking at his stomach while grabbing a cookie out of his pocket and slowly ate it he looked up at the bed again only to see Tab on the edge awake he just snicked as he finished his snack "You just can't stay asleep can you?" He asked laughing while sitting next to her kissing her forehead smiling "Are you planning to go somewhere cause I could carry you on my back." Cicero suggested to the girl leaning on the bed letting his feet lay flat against the floor as he looked at the ceiling
ooc Its up to you i could wait intil you and tabby leave or Susu Could come, Vi put herself in her own trance so she kinda lost in her thoughts. @Cicero
Ooc:Okay beautiful I send the annoying pest know as Susan your way....please don't kill her yet anyways xD
Ooc:You know it xD i'm sorry though my brain wasn't paying attention to that part plus Cicero was asleep and he is stupid so it wouldn't matter
ooc I have nothing to kill her with if i try to teleport her any where i have to go with her, so your safe with Vi.
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Ooc: xD Okay thanks

Bic:Susan was exploring the house since Cicero passed out in Tab's room making sure she was okay eventually SuSu got bored so she wanted to check if either of the two are awake to talk too but instead she seen someone else "Hello i'm Susan nice to meet you." The girl said extending her hand to the girl with a big smile planted on her face. She was only happy cause Cicero finally came back to normal even if someone did have to beat him up and he stabbed his stomach but he seemed fine now. "Oh yea I didn't get to thank you for treating Cicero's wound." She stated embarrassed that she forgot something like that "I'll make sure Cicero says thank you for saving him." SuSu stated while putting her hands on her hips like pretending to be a hero
Margo stops yelling out the ingredients to the perfect sandwich and watches as someone runs about, frantically looking for something. Then she realizes the smell. Blood. "Damn it. You're bleeding." She yowled at the one on the floor. Getting up and rushing over to see the extent of the damage. "can you hear me? Shit, I'm still a tiger!" Moving back a bit, she shifts back to human, her long red hair spilling over her pale, naked body, revealing all of the scars. Rushing back over to the one on the floor (I don't know who this is) "can you hear me now? You have to stay awake." Pressing her hands into the wounds until the frantic one came back. "Just stay awake."
Cicero said:
Ooc: xD Okay thanks
Bic:Susan was exploring the house since Cicero passed out in Tab's room making sure she was okay eventually SuSu got bored so she wanted to check if either of the two are awake to talk too but instead she seen someone else "Hello i'm Susan nice to meet you." The girl said extending her hand to the girl with a big smile planted on her face. She was only happy cause Cicero finally came back to normal even if someone did have to beat him up and he stabbed his stomach but he seemed fine now. "Oh yea I didn't get to thank you for treating Cicero's wound." She stated embarrassed that she forgot something like that "I'll make sure Cicero says thank you for saving him." SuSu stated while putting her hands on her hips like pretending to be a hero
Vi looked up startled, "My name is Vi, and im sure he already did." Vi stated. She looked around ignoring all the other sounds. Vi pulled out her phone, checking for messages then placed it back. Ugh... "Is there anything you needed." Vi asked. @Cicero
"Vi...that's a nice name."Susan said looking at Vi "Hmmm.....no not really i'm just bored and what someone to talk too." SuSu explained sitting down in front of the girl with an innocent smile "So what do you wanna do?" She asked like they were friends crawling close to the girl waiting for an answer
VI looked at the girl as she sat down. "Well, considering that. Kind of wish i didnt piss my friend silver off." vi said. "and i dont know much of the area, only when i appered at the fight and here." VI said. "is there anything in particular you have in mind?" Vi asked @Cicero
SuSu jumped up in joy as she started bouncing around "We could go to the park....or the mall....or we could just walk around and go to anyplace that looks like fun." She answered with a large smile growing on her face as she bounces around some more clapping her hands together in joy "I made a new friend I made a new friend." She song laughing
Mew had fell over bleeding, leo had impaled his flesh leaving a wound in his side. Red quickly stained his clothes and he only could stare feeling like he was going to black out.

His head hurt and steam came off his injury. He had already lost plenty of blood from the incident of falling off the building eariler and now he had gotten hurt from leo. Mew said nothing tears forming in his eyes,his body hurt terribly and he couldn't make out what just happened. He then blacked out a sharp ringing hit his cat ears.
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"How about the park? Then from there if you want we could walk to the mall?" Vi smiled. She jumped up and laughed at SuSu. "Say the word and where there" Vi Smirked. As Susu continued dancing around. @Cicero
"Yea I like that idea lets do that." SuSu said stopping to look at the girl with a large smile "Wait there is a word we can say to magically appear?" She asked competently fascinating by anything relating to magic she started to jumped up again excited "Okay come one lets go." The girl exclaimed

Nick was looking around seeing everything happening sighing in annoyance "Hey babe do you wanna go somewhere?" He asked looking at the Stell

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