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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Before Cicero even got near Rufus, the redhead was already floating casually out of reach, although the lack of grinning or smiling told a different story.
"Pathetic," Rufus snarled, landing lightly on the ground. He didn't move to attack just then, only flung the shard of glass away and watched Cicero carefully. Now that he'd risen to his full posture, it was shown that he was taller than probably most of the member in their group, and he looked a lot more threatening as well. He jumped, boosting himself by lowering his gravity for a moment so he could land on top of the roof, grabbing the double-bladed sword he'd left there as a precaution. Looking down at Cicero, Rufus crouched on the edge of the building, sifting through possible attacks in his head before settling on one that could be pretty effective on an enemy whether they were on the ground or in the air.

Jumping off of the building after judging the distance he'd have to go, Rufus angled himself so his back was to the ground. Before he completely lost touch with the concrete, he shifted his feet just slightly to add a horizontal spin to his fall. This helped him to build up momentum, and hopefully he would land blade-first on the crazed Cicero. If he did, the boy would be wounded enough so Rufus could give him another chance. If Rufus missed, he'd simply recover and keep going. Cicero himself had two choices as well: Snap out of it or die.

Seeing that his new companion was in a fight without him, didn't surprise him. His ice cream, already coated in his chrome fluids, didn't seem to fit the setting either. He watched as Rufus flit about with the double sided blade, like a coked-out hummingbird. He stepped out of the parlor, and decided that the best course of action. He decided that he would be the best wingman a veteran would ever need. He shifted his arm into a large .50 calibur sniper rifle, knowing how after years of watching a few friends disassemble it as part of their training. He kept his sights clear of any funny looking attachments, and tried to hide it so they wouldn't notice it. He walked over to where Rufus was and analyzed the situation. He kept his gun loaded and stared at the group, growling a bit.

Vladimor and Derrick both ended up at the front, Vladimor raising a brow at the young girl that tried to take a hit at him. Vlad was sort of surprised at how he treated such a cute girl, but then again, he was...gay, right? He snorts, covering his mouth as he walks pass them, and Derrick was about to follow along until he saw Orious sitting down on the sidewalk instead of joining along. He didn't know how to feel, maybe this was just him behaving? The servant goes over to him, leaning to his height. "Hey...when you are done smoking, you will join us, right? Or..do you not enjoy the gym?" He sighs, standing straight once more. "Anyways, I think I might be in the court for sometime. Or maybe you will find me in the weight room..." He shakes his head with a smile, giving a small wave to him, heading back to the car to grab his gym back out of the back seat( Which was split with more of Vladimor's stuff than his own.After that he follows inside, signing in before heading to the locker room to change out of his suit, and into a plain grey T-shirt in gym shorts before heading to the basketball court inside the gym.

Vladimor had done the same, changing his clothes and putting his hair back into a ponytail, and even has a cute purple sweatband with his family's symbol! (How'd he get this?) and then follows Derrick out to the court. It's been a hella long time since he'd play sports, but he remembered them all. Baseball, volleyball, soccer, football, basketball, even rugby! (But wait! There's more...) The two presented themselves on the court, earning snickers and underestimating laughter. Some even had the audacity to point and say "A girl like you can't play with the big boys!" They frown and look at each other, but have knowing looks in their eyes. "Alright, challenge then. All of you, versus us." When Matthew passes them, Vladimor waves. "Hey, Matthew, you good at ball? Why don't'cha join." And maybe for once, Derrick had a welcoming smile in the boy's direction, urging him to join along. "It shall be quite fun, yeah?" The group of men accept the challenge, as long as they played by street rules. That's six on three, unfair, impossible. These guys were big, all around Vladimor's height but thicker, buffer. Not to be racist, but a few of them were black, and it was a little intimidating; if you didn't know that you were about to cream the shit out of them in their own game!

Rei, closes her eyes, opening them once more, scooting a little closer to her side. "I don't like him." She was quick to come to such a decision, but that way her answer for everyone, the exception was her brother. But there was something about this character that made her skin crawl and her head hurt; something wasn't right. She frowns, her brows furrowing. His presence made her feel more threatened than safe. So much to where she removed her hand from her brother to hold herself. Eventually, she began pulling at her eyelashes, taking pulling off bits of mascara, sometimes rubbing her eye to take off the eyeliner. Once her eyelashes felt smooth, she just made sure that she didn't smudge around the eyeliner, checking herself with a pocket mirror before sighing. She hangs her head down, dark beautiful hair falling over her face and shoulders as he sat deep in thought.​

Ooc: Not sure if I should wait for

@LilyannaGaming to post for Tabitha... I'll wait 'til tomorrow?

Bic: "I guess I will." Matthew half-growled in response, but he clearly wasn't a fan of these odds. Even on the street, six men at once would be hard to beat up; In a game with actual rules, Matt knew he would have to play without breaking any bones, but that didn't mean he had to play fair. He went to stand somewhere near the side between Derrick and Vladimor. He hadn't played a formal sport in ages, but a part of him was fairly confident in his ability. "The ball gets passed to the challenger's side first." Matthew ordered, smirking when his surprisingly strong tone got no reaction from these men. They were probably used to yelling, so for once a simple commanding voice wouldn't faze them, not that Matt had planned to use that to his advantage. This was a game of skill, and for once smooth-talking and running wouldn't solve all his problems. Perhaps it was an metaphor for his life right now: He could try to run away, but if he didn't dash forward his chance of winning would be snatched away.

"Maybe you're not giving him a-" Rin's reassurances to his sister were interrupted by his outrage. "What are you thinking about?!" he exclaimed, acting very much unlike himself for a few moments, before finally regaining his cool. He still gave Mew a death glare though, before closing his eyes and placing his head upon his sister's shoulder. "What am I going to do?" he asked her within his mind feebly. His fever had returned and his face looks quite stressed. The taxi driver finally arrived at the destination and Rin waited for his sister to step out before stepping out himself- only to fall due to how weak his legs felt. "Owwie..." Rin unintentionally looked cute, at least that's what most people would've called it as he got up and brushed himself off, before stalking over to the house with the dignity of an uncivilized child. Mew's thoughts still bothered him, but he didn't say another thing about it as he looked around for a way to open the door.​
Mew blushed a bright red ears flattening at his sudden out burst nearly jumping out of his seat scared."...I was just thinking about how beautiful you are...I didn't mean anything terrible,honest! It was totally innocent,but I guess I won't look at you since I can't help it when look at you.." He said softly as they got out and looked down at the pavement only to look at rin for a moment before walking to the door and simply opening it leading them inside.
Vi looks at the girl. After studying her for a moment she sighed. "Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere? I can get you away from...What ever is going on here." Vi said soothingly, trying to coax the girl into calming down. "May I have your name?" Vi asked. She then glared at the boy who had been fighting. @Cicero @iiimee

Mean While.....

Silver crossed the gym spying on a group she remembered seeing in the abandon hotel. She made her way over to a shadowed corner and where a punching bag was. "Great way to get calmed down." Her eyes dulled in there red Radiance. She quickly set her bag down. She began working on the punching bag using full strength. She was stronger than most humans, so it defiantly stood out among what few people were there. @ANYONE in gym


@LilyannaGaming , Matthew, Derrick, and Vlad are about to play basketball against six really tall and buff men- just have Silver ask to join the game. They haven't started yet. @King Anthony , she can join right? ;)

Bic: Tabitha shook her head when the girl asked her once more if she wanted to leave. She couldn't leave Cicero, not when he was like this. She probably only cried for a minute or two, using the warmth of this person and the thoughts in her head to drown out the noise of Cicero's yelling. From time to time she could've sworn she heard Cicero's normal voice talking too, but she was too scared to check. If she looked up and saw that it still wasn't him, what would she do? She was so, so scared, and when this stranger asked her second question Tabitha didn't even answer. She just clung to the girl's shirt, and shook from fear. Finally, these dreaded minutes ended. Tabby's crying stopped just as the sound of the fighting did. She looked up at the girl who's shirt was now soaked in her tears. "S- Sorry!" she hiccuped, wiping the tears from her eyes. She hadn't even noticed that she stuttered- a thing she rarely ever did. She backed away from the girl and swallowing her fear, she cast her eyes toward where Cicero and the male stranger fought. They were both there now, a few feet apart and looking rather calm, considering the situation. Cicero was... Cicero? Tabitha could barely believe it at first, but when the cat-boy smiled and made what had to be the lamest joke in the world, all doubts left her mind. She was still shaking, but that was to be expected, after all the shock and trauma she'd been exposed to tonight. She was so surprised to see that Cicero was okay that when she accidentally bumped into the female stranger she jumped back, before realizing who it was. "Oh... I'm Tabby by the way." Tabitha stuck out her hand in greeting. Usually she called herself by her full name, but right now she was ready to faint, and ended up doing so without warning, resting her head on Violet and closing her eyes. If the stranger (Violet), moved back a step, she could make Tabitha fall face-first to the ground, but she wouldn't be that cruel, would she?​
Watching Rufus sail into a nearby house, he decided that entering windows was for losers, so he decided to enter the front instead. A few bells and whistles went off to sound off the intruder has decided to destroy the front door, but Leo knew that he had to somewhat follow his friend if he wanted to not lose them again. He stepped in, crunching glass under his heavy feet(?). He held his rifle up to eye level, hoping that he would get a chance to see if the rifle he created was functional, as his memory didn't serve him well at times. He called out in the house, amidst the burglar alarm and fire alarms.
"hello tabby, I'm Violet or..Vi for short." Vi said Looking at the girls reaction when Tabby bumped into her. Vi looked startled when Tabby leaned on her. She laughed at thought if Tabby did this silver, Poor tabby would be Face First in the ground.. Vi stared at the girl with her caring nature seeping in. "im amusing That tabby is a Nick name....Hmmm...Tabitha maybe? My real name is....Marie Lofield." Vi would have curtsied if the girl wasn't on her shoulder. "May you explain why these men where fighting? If you wish not to its fine." Vi said politely. @iiimee
Cicero looked at the person staring at him he put on an awkward smile and you can't blame him he just gone insane and stabbed himself in the stomach "Uhh....heh sorry but my name's Cicero." He said while taking off his shirt and wrapping it around where he stabbed himself but not before looking at it "Do you guys think.....Tab?" He asked ignoring his wound while checking on her only to see she passed out again he sighed in relief before looking up at the girl "I can explain why we were fighting....I gone insane for a little bit and he was trying to help....I think he was anyways." Cicero said smiling while stroking Tab's hair happy she was ok through this even if she did pass out
"hmm..." Vi grumbled. She lifted Tabby up and walked her over to a bench nearby. "Let me See your wound." Vi snapped at Cicero. She teleported to her hideout, Then back right in front of cicero. She held up a medi kit. "I could fix it for you." She said. Waiting to see is reaction. @Cicero @iiimee

(Ooc= @iiimee Wow, see how I get cought up then lost....Ugh...Go with this.)

Silver grab her stuff and fled out the door. She stop when see saw the group she knew facing off with another Human Group. BasketBall? She knew about the game they were about to play. She looked up at the boy named Matt. She studied each person from her spot. she walked over and glared at both teams. She stood just on the outskirts.
"Fix what?" He asked confused before looking down at his body "Ohh...um yes please." He stated suddenly feeling the pain as he grabbed it standing up "So do you want me to sit down or what?" The boy asked confused but smiling none the less he feels like he can trust this girl he looked over at Tab and his smiled faded "Um actually you should help her first." Cicero suggested to the girl not caring over his wounds not while Tab was hurt
"Already tried, There isn't much I can do. Today's event seem to take a worse toll on her. I couldn't tell you much more than that. And yes you need to sit and Reveal the wound if you want me to fix it." Vi said. Staring at tabby with concern. "I wish I could do more for her." Vi mumbled to her self. @Cicero
"Right." He said reluctantly taking his eye's off Tab and sitting down he would rather wait for Tab to be ok then for him to get treated but he just sighed since she was out cold there was nothing he could do but wait and he would die if he waited on her to get up and treated but he wouldn't care as long as he knew Tab was safe and alive "Ok so what do I have to do know?" The cat-boy asked the girl
"First remove the Cloth from the wound." Vi Snapped. She pulled out stiches, bandages and tape. "I need to see how bad it is before I can treat it." Vi said calmly @Cicero
Matthew's attention was momentarily turned toward the person who entered this specific room in the gym. It was a girl, not too far from their age. At first she looked directly at Matthew, but then her attention went toward the others, taking them all in. Matt didn't care who she was: she had as much right to be there are them after all, but why was she just watching? Her face also seemed familiar, but Matt couldn't place where he'd seen her before. The game hadn't started, so Matt made his way across the room to her, ignoring the glares of the impatient men on the opposing team. If they wanted him to hurry up so badly, then they could just start without him. "Hey, do you want to join? Our teams are uneven, and you seem athletic." Matt gave the girl's body a quick once-over to prove his point, not realizing how perverted that would've looked if he had been straight. One of the men on the opposing side threw a ball at him, and he caught it effortlessly before handing it to her. "The name's Matthew. What's yours?" he asked. His tone was cold as always, but there was a friendly smile on his face that said he didn't bite unless prodded.

"Oh yea right sorry." He said goofy while removing his shirt and tossing it to the side "TaDa my trying to take care of myself." The boy joked pointing to the wound jokily he was actually pretty responsible when it came to things he wanted to be responsible about so pretty much nothing other then his girlfriend his younger brother SuSu and cookies he snickered to himself before looking up at the girl "Ok ready when you are." He exclaimed not so joyful
Silver glared at him as she caught with only four fingers. She let out a sigh. "Might as well, The name is Silver." She let her eyes go normal(Silver), then back to red. She set her bag down. She would have said no, but she was bored at the moment. "Cheating allowed?"She whispered into Matt's ear. She glared at him knowing he would suspect she was like him an his team. @Cicero
"Hmm oh thank you." He said smiling at the girl getting up and putting his shirt on ignoring the blood marks on it and the hole the was ripped through it "Yea i'm staying at a friends...if you can call him that anyways i'm staying at his house but don't worry i'll walk and I can carry Tab there your more the welcome to come with me." The boy said picking up Tab in a bridal carry turning to the girl "So do you wanna come or not?" Cicero asked
Vi rolled her eyes. She grabbed his shoulder and Tabby's Ankle. She whisked them into her teleportation. They appered on the lawn at the house Cicero had said they where staying. "Why walk when we are already here?" Vi giggled. @Cicero
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Cicero tighten his grab on Tab without realizing it while they were throw into a teleporter when Cicero appeared at the house he chuckled "Your right that was so much easier and a lot safer then walking the street's...anyways do you care to come in?" He asked while putting Tab on his back while he unlocked the door moving aside for the girl to walk in
"Sure, I should check in with SIlver, but I need her to calm down. I may have pissed her off." Vi laughed at the thought. Of course Silver was pissed at her. She walked into the house. She surveyed her surroundings. She never imagined being in a place like this. She always was in an abandon shack, Alleys, or The Lab.... She gglanced at Cicero. @Cicero
Cicero walked in closing the door behind him before turning around to see the girl looking at him "What....did I do something wrong again?" The boy asked with a goofy smile planted across his face "Hey can you follow me to Tab' room that way you can say what I did wrong while I make sure she's comfortable." He said not waiting for an answer he walked to the girl's roof tucking her in on the bed and kissing her forehead
Vi Sighed, Following Cicero. "You did nothing wrong just not use to being in houses." Vi said gloomily. She glanced at tabby. "I should probably check in with Silver." Vi sighed. She didn't try teleporting or calling. "Shes too pissed to want to see me." Vi mumbled turned and pulled her cell from her pocket. Then replaced it back into its spot. @Cicero
"I don't blame you I practically lived on the streets." He said laughing while ushering her and himself out of the roof closing the door behind him "I'm sure your friend isn't pissed at you....actually I don't know but hopefully she isn't." Cicero said trying to comfort the girl but eventually his stomach growled his took a cookie out of his pocket and started eating it "Are you hungry?" The boy asked making his way to the kitchen

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