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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ah, the wonderful land of Las Vegas. Already enough commotion for Rufus to cause more chaos, and he knew just where to start. He'd been following a group of experiments for a while now, and had almost been discovered a few times, not that he really cared. If they found him, cool. If not, better.

And, while Rufus wasn't one for flashiness in the terms of ability and such, when it came to first impressions it was a completely different matter. That's how he came to be levitating high above Vegas, watching a taxi far below, judging and aiming and all sorts of that fanciness, and how he came to letting himself plummet straight through said taxi's roof, headfirst, before stopping his descent, all the while grinning at those within--who he knew were part of the large group he'd been trailing--and not even paying attention as the taxi driver screamed, swerved, and ran into a street light. The damage was minimal, of course, but it would still prove problematic for just about everyone.

Oh well.

Punching an arm through the roof, he gave a wave and lifted some of his red hair to peer properly at the four experiments with his strange blue-green-surrounded-by-black (yay for overly long words) eyes, still grinning stupidly.

"So, how is everyone this pleasant evenin' in Las Vegas?" came his low and quiet voice, completely unaffected by the mess he'd made.

@King Anthony @iiimee @mewbot5408 ENJOY THE WONDER THAT IS RUFUS))
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iiimee said:
"No! Do you have any clue where he'd go?" Tabitha asked the girl. Left, right, it didn't matter how closely or where Tabitha looked. Cicero was nowhere to be seen.
Ooc:Sorry sorry i didn't get notified

Bic: Cicero was walking...no somewhat skipping and smirking and snickering walking into random shops not stealing just looking around "lalalalalalalalala What to do what to do lalalalalalalalalala?" The boy somewhat song to himself he looked around he some how made his way to the front of the mall again "hmm....how did this happen?" He asked himself looking around confused before he started laughing at nothing he just was he fell to the floor in a flood of giggles

"Great so were pretty much looking for a lost pet that is Cicero.....great." She stated sarcastically while she began looking in the shops "Well were could he have gone we didn't go for that long did we?" SuSu asked looking back at Tab
"I'm fucking done. Let's kill shit." Leo finally left the restaurant after a few hours of letting the food digest by swirling around him and letting it soak in his ferrofluids. He stepped outside and saw the most infuriating scene. Some redhead took his job from him. Asswipe. Leo charged into the taxi, leaving a Leo sized imprint on the left passenger side door, and causing a particular taxi driver to pass out at the sudden explosion of butthurtedness. Leo's nose was pressed against the smashed window, letting a rare view of the swirling mass that was his "brain." He punched his fist through the window and pointed at the other figure that was sticking through the roof of the car. "I'm the one who does the chaos here fucker!" He said, still stuck to the door of the taxi.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"I'm fucking done. Let's kill shit." Leo finally left the restaurant after a few hours of letting the food digest by swirling around him and letting it soak in his ferrofluids. He stepped outside and saw the most infuriating scene. Some redhead took his job from him. Asswipe. Leo charged into the taxi, leaving a Leo sized imprint on the left passenger side door, and causing a particular taxi driver to pass out at the sudden explosion of butthurtedness. Leo's nose was pressed against the smashed window, letting a rare view of the swirling mass that was his "brain." He punched his fist through the window and pointed at the other figure that was sticking through the roof of the car. "I'm the one who does the chaos here fucker!" He said, still stuck to the door of the taxi.

Rufus blinked slowly, turning his head as far as he could to stare at Leo, though he was stuck gazing from an angle.

"Hello, there," he said with fake cluelessness, although it seemed real enough. "Why can't we share in the making of chaos?"

This one, too, was one of the experiments, one with chaotic tendencies far beyond Rufus's typical behavior--besides first impressions--and this was not helped by the fact that the metal he was made of had a tendency to rip through pretty much anything, mostly on purpose and rarely accident.

"You're rather interestin' lookin'." Everything was going amazing! As long as they got away quickly enough, they'd be perfectly fine. Everything, except for the moods of the four fine gentlemen he had rudely interrupted. Oh well, on their part. They'd be fine. What would they do if things didn't get interesting once in a while?
Vladimor tilts his head back against the back of the seat, fingers twitching when Matthew grabs hold of his hand, but he soon calmed himself. He closes his eyes, a heavy sigh coming out of his mouth before he sits back up. "Yeah, it's just...I'm tired of..." Vladimor look out the window, towards the vampire who'd recently cause such a scene. "Him." The word shook off his tongue, shuddering in disgust at even referencing to such a man. To calm himself, he smooths his thumb over the back of Matthew's hand, groaning in annoyance, his grip tightening in the slightest around the smaller boy's hand. "Whatever, working out will take my mind off of it." He rolls his eyes, glancing toward their hands. "Sometimes you seem impossible to reach, other times you're right here..." He mutters, looking away and sighing.

Shuzo woke up and rubbed his eyes. He was still in his pajamas, a t-shirt and some sweatpants. He walked downstairs, only to see Rufus. "Um... who are you?" He asked shyly. @Trombone Geek
Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo woke up and rubbed his eyes. He was still in his pajamas, a t-shirt and some sweatpants. He walked downstairs, only to see Rufus. "Um... who are you?" He asked shyly. @Trombone Geek
((Rufus isn't even near the house. Just pretend you ran into Milee, she's new and wandering the house.))

Milee turned suddenly, looking a little surprised, but quickly smiled at Shuzo and gave a small wave. "I'm Milee!" she answered, tilting her head. "Who're you?" she hadn't seen the boy much during her small time with the group, and while most of the time was spent helping Naomi, the boy didn't seem like the outgoing type either. She did her best to tone herself down, acting less like a child as she had the occasional tendency and more like the adult she was supposed to be. The boy looked like he had just woke up, too, so he was probably hungry.

"It's not my house, but everyone's gone. If you're hungry, we can raid the kitchen and see what we find," she proposed, grinning mischievously.

((Sorry for the short post, I'm gonna start doing more like Chase and posting everyone together unless it takes too long.))
Leo never really considered that preposition. Oh wait, he had Allen. "Fucking fine." Leo proceeded to ubglkue himself from the side of the small car, and shift his hands into a few axes. Chopping down the hard carapace of the car, he shifted his hands back and reached for the juicy morsels inside. He threw them out, onto the street one by one, letting himself scar them, ripping their clothing, leaving them stunned on the sidewalk. He yanked Rufus, who he assumed was strong enough for him, through the roof, tearing it in the process. "Hey asshole. I'm Leo, and I already don't like you." He looked at Rufus again, noticing that where he gripped him left torn clothes, and his mark. A swirling pattern of spikes and gashes. He left it most he touched, as a inadvertant calling card made from him just making contact.

@Trombone Geek
Ldybug123 said:
(its ok) "Ok..." Shuzo whispered shyly. "My name is Shuzo..." He said quietly. @Trombone Geek
"Nice to meet you, Shuzo!" Milee replied cheerfully, grabbing the boy's hand and dragging him to the kitchen. "Let's see," she murmured, opening the cabinets and looking inside.

"What kind of food do you like?" she asked, turning to look at the boy.

@Trombone Geek[/URL]
"Hello, Leo. Nice to meet you, I'm Asshole, but it looks like you already knew that," he replied, brushing some dust off of his now tattered over-sized purple shirt. "Oh, look what you've done," he complained in an apathetic tone, tugging at his shirt slightly and hearing it rip, completely ignoring the wound he'd been marked with until he discovered some blood on his hand. Huffing, he wiped it off on his long black pants and looked accusingly at Leo, as much as one could when their eyes were hidden by hair.

"That wasn't very nice," he said, sighing. "I don't suppose you carry bandages or somethin' with you, eh, Mr. Ripper?" Finished talking until he got a response, Rufus tore away the tattered part of his shirt with a second huff of annoyance.

"Not fair, that was my best shirt.."

"I don't know! Where could he have gone?!" Tabitha answered Susan's question by repeating it. To be fair, it was just as useless a question as the statement "I don't know" was. It was several minutes of the two searching before finally, Tabitha was sure she heard something: Cicero's laugh. "This way!" she yelled, grabbing the girl's hand before darting off, dragging the poor girl off with her. (Sorry for a short post, I only have an hour left until I gtg!)

Vladimor's last words hurt Matthew. A lot. His face couldn't hide it, so instead of trying Matthew looked away. "You're not perfect either." he bitterly muttered under his breath. Vladimor probably didn't even hear him, but the words hurt Matt's chest once he realized he'd said them. Maybe the lord was right; Working out would help take their mind off things, and that was exactly what Matthew needed. At this point, he was open to any distraction from his true feelings. If he had to face those later he'd deal with them then, but right now his mission was to relax a little: Whatever happened tonight or tomorrow was irrelevant. If he could just breathe without being backed into another corner he'd be happy. Of course, maybe he was asking for it. It's not like he didn't lay his head down on Vlad's lap as soon as the car started moving. As much as he would claim it was just him being tired, it was hard to pass it off as that when Matthew looked so comfortable, closing his eyes with that serious, mean look on his otherwise boyish face.

Ooc: @Ldybug123 , can you PLEASE write more than one line? Not just one sentence, or even one line, but THREE lines AT LEAST! I prefer six, but most people here write roughly ten or more, so it's nearly impossible for you to get into the story if you don't actually type enough. I don't know if you don't know what "no one-lining" means or you just don't care, but I've received several complaints about it and I have to agree their points are valid. X_X​
mew gave izabell a looked of disgust and shook his head quickly in response. he didn't take to that sort of thing even when he harmlessly flirted or teased, he never forced anything nor did he do things he shouldn't and merely would play like a cat would with a toy. on the other hand when it came to people he actually liked or people he respected he defiantly would try not to go past their boundaries if he could but sometimes the situation would change. Mew nodded quickly with a blush getting in with them ears pinned back."y-yes..sorry if I made you wait, "he murmured and looked down as he sat tail curling at his lap and he looked to the twins nodding a little and looking back down to his hands placed in his lap.
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[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]
"Nice to meet you, Shuzo!" Milee replied cheerfully, grabbing the boy's hand and dragging him to the kitchen. "Let's see," she murmured, opening the cabinets and looking inside.
"What kind of food do you like?" she asked, turning to look at the boy.

"Hello, Leo. Nice to meet you, I'm Asshole, but it looks like you already knew that," he replied, brushing some dust off of his now tattered over-sized purple shirt. "Oh, look what you've done," he complained in an apathetic tone, tugging at his shirt slightly and hearing it rip, completely ignoring the wound he'd been marked with until he discovered some blood on his hand. Huffing, he wiped it off on his long black pants and looked accusingly at Leo, as much as one could when their eyes were hidden by hair.

"That wasn't very nice," he said, sighing. "I don't suppose you carry bandages or somethin' with you, eh, Mr. Ripper?" Finished talking until he got a response, Rufus tore away the tattered part of his shirt with a second huff of annoyance.

"Not fair, that was my best shirt.."

" That's use job that you carry bandages, its in the job description." With that he took a piece of discarded shirt, and wrapped it around his newfound friend's stomach. "I'm gonna get my other guy." Within seconds, he brought he scratch free friend with him. "Allen, Fuckface, Ginger, Allen. Great greetings! We need to move. Police are coming soon." He shifted from his metal monster form to his cold-war gear and forced his massive teeth to contort themselves into normal jaws. Working jaws. He blinked a few times, then put on his stylized helmet. "Annnd we're off."
"I still don't see why your still asking me that question."SuSu stated annoyed at the girl while see continued to look around only to suddenly be dragged by the girl for a few seconds before running still behind her but not falling on her face "What's this way you still haven't explained that part?" She questioned the girl giving her a confused look

Cicero was laying on the ground clutching his stomach his laughter growing louder earning him a few people staring at him like he was a mad man...but he wasn't was he no at least not that Cicero knew he was still himself his happy smiling self so why was he laughing at nothing 'Why...WHY?' He mentally screamed making a laugh answer much like his laugh only more sinister 'You ask why like it is a question when you know fully why....your getting closer to snapping which means it is getting harder for you to keep up this charade.' The voice answered him with an evil twisted voice 'NO THAT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN NOT AGAIN!' Cicero mentally screamed at the random voice while still laughing and somewhat crying in his physical form (ok)
Ldybug123 said:
"Whatever's in here is fine..." Shuzo said shyly, not wanting to be too much of a bother. @Trombone Geek
Milee shook her head, crossing her arms to accent her refusal. "I haven't gotten to cook for anyone in a long time. C'mon, think of something!" she insisted.

((Sorry for the short response again, not much to work with for Milee))

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]" That's use job that you carry bandages, its in the job description." With that he took a piece of discarded shirt, and wrapped it around his newfound friend's stomach. "I'm gonna get my other guy." Within seconds, he brought he scratch free friend with him. "Allen, Fuckface, Ginger, Allen. Great greetings! We need to move. Police are coming soon." He shifted from his metal monster form to his cold-war gear and forced his massive teeth to contort themselves into normal jaws. Working jaws. He blinked a few times, then put on his stylized helmet. "Annnd we're off."

Rufus's grin returned after Leo bandaged him up. "Thank you," he said, watching him go to grab another person. "Hello, Allen!" Rufus was content to let his new buddies give him 'offensive' nicknames, not really caring if they knew his real name or not. He watched with great interest as Leo shifted into a normal looking human, observing the clothing and shrugging. "Think you could morph me up a new shirt there, buddy?" He was about to follow after Leo, but the noise of laughing in the distance hit his ears and he paused, turning.

"Looks like I'm not the only one losing it in this crazy world," he announced in a sing-song voice, sounding surprisingly skilled with his voice. H could make a great singer if he chose to.

"Sounds like one of the darlings in the group you were with for some time," he called back towards his metal companion, shoving aside the fact that they had no idea--or maybe they did--that he had been trailing them. "I don't think it'd be a good idea to let one of them too lose, if we want to stay away from them." The last word in Rufus's sentence was particularly venemous, but Rufus returned to his normal grin afterwards, not expanding on what 'them' mean but trusting Leo's intelligence to figure it out.
Vladimor didn't hear, so in turn, didn't respond. Instead he thought more on Orious and his situation with Derrick. This meant the lord would have to keep closer tabs on the two. Not like that'd be a problem with how Derrick seems to fall back into the servant status perfectly once more. When they drove Vladimor didn't do or say much, not even when Matthew lay on his lap. He noticed the last few time Matthew hadn't been particularly pleased with the touchiness he's been presenting. He settles for keeping an arm over him, trying to make sure there was mutuality in between contact, but nothing to cause too much discomfort. How did he think Vladimor felt? Being briefly given such affection then it being taken away the next hour. He noticed Matthew did that so constantly. The noble leans his head against the window, closing his eyes and napping on the way to the gym.

OOC: I think...I'll just pull out of the roleplay if that's okay. I think it's a bit of a nuisance with me being offline so much and it's a bit hard to keep up :3 You seem like you're having fun, regardless :) @iiimee
Orious became quiet,a annoyed expression on his face and he looked down at the ground with a sharp cold breath before following suit getting in the car. Faking. He said he had been faking it. Impossible. Orious wondered deep in thought and simply murmured the word red. Red...the one color that ment everything to him now. Odd. It was the color of blood and the color of derrick's eyes. Red. How strange...Red has always been his favorite color and yet now there were things of that color that made him a bit saddened. Blood. He has seen so much of the stuff to hate it, he remembered all the times he had seen bloodshed let alone it had been a thing assumed he'd be used to but he hated it so and yet he was turned into a blood craving beast. Disgusting he must've been to everyone. He though would stay it was his role. Though he wished there was a way he could gain trust more.

The second the car stopped again was the second Matthew sat up and got out. He stretched once he was out, not even flinching even though ten different pops of him popped at once. Despite the bad weather they had gotten these last days, the sun was out, acting bright and shiny without providing any actually warmth. It reminded Matthew of a song, but he couldn't quite remember the words. It had something to do with a girl and the earth, but it had been so long ago since Matthew had heard it, and since it wasn't really important he didn't try to remember. Matt marched ahead, pretty content to keep himself focused on such meaningless memories until he noticed how far ahead of the others he was. Were they still getting out of the car?! "Hey, come on! I'm not very patient!" Matthew called out to them. His bangs were long enough by now that he ended up flipping them when he moved his head, causing the nearby girls to giggle and even a few guys to stare. In the dark, dreary areas of town where Matt hung around he looked like a complete thug, dealing out drugs and beating the daylights out of people. He was different here however. Instead of the roguish demeanor of a boy who hated the world, Matt became a brooding, intellectual boy who's dark, searching eyes were already such a contrast to his pale skin and light hair, not to mention the sun that seemed to cover everything but those troubled brown eyes. It was the face of somebody who knew what they wanted, but wasn't willing to run the miles it'd take to get it. His fierce appearance was soon too much for the girls to handle, and after much arguing they nudged one of their friends his way. The girl looked like a senior in high school, not too far from Matthew's age. She was pretty hot; short blonde hair that obviously wasn't natural, full lips, and eyes as black as the Mariana Trench. Of course, knowing Matt, he didn't pay attention to her until she was practically on top of him. "Hey, what's your name?" The young lady asked, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear before wrapping her arms around her stomach, showing off, um, her chest. (*cough*) Matt looked at her carefully like she was a mental patient, but the girl just recognized that he was looking at her and blushed. Matthew raised an eyebrow: What was wrong with her? "I'm Matthew. I don't go by-" His normal rant was interrupted by the excessive chatter of a girl in love. (Not that he knew that!) "I'm Marie, and my friends behind me are Shannon and Angela. We were just wondering what school you went to, and if we could have your-" He cut her off before she could finish. "I don't go to school around here. Listen, I am busy, so if you don't have anything important to say, can you wait? Me and my... friends are here to work out." The girl was heartbroken, but her cheerful expression never faltered and she strutted over to her friends in the sexiest way she could... of course, Matthew never noticed. To the girl's credit, she told the story as honestly as a high-school student could, but definitely exaggerated the part where he stared at her. Matt just rolled his eyes when he saw this. He didn't understand girls and never would. "Let's go inside." he told the rest of his group, pointing a thumb behind him towards the gym.

Tabitha didn't answer her, too worried to take notice of anything other than her mission to find Cicero. "Damn feet, run faster!" She wanted to find him as fast as she could, and that didn't seem too hard, considering how hard he was laughing. She was certain Susan could hear Cicero clearly now, which pretty much explained why Tabitha wanted to go in this direction. Still, was Cicero's laugh louder because they were closer, or because it just kept growing in volume? Eventually Tabby's legs started to grow weak, and she wanted to scream. They couldn't fail her now, not when Cicero was nearby in who-knows-what condition? Was that the laugh of the man she loved, or the sinister side of him that she had yet to meet? There were so many questions, but the only way to get the answers would be to see him again. Finally, Tabitha saw him. He was laying on the floor, looking... happy? Even in his normal state Cicero didn't laugh that much, and there was nothing around Tabitha found particularly funny. In fact, right now was no laughing matter, because somebody had called security, not that Tabby could've known that. Susan looked at the girl she had brought with her, unsure of what to do.

Ooc: I'm just REALLY making sure everyone knows Matt looks good today. ;) Usually he's sort of awkward-looking with something covering his hair or hiding his face, or maybe it's just dark, but since he's out in the sunlight I figure I might show the more neat side of him. ^_^
mewbot5408 said:
mew gave izabell a looked of disgust and shook his head quickly in response. he didn't take to that sort of thing even when he harmlessly flirted or teased, he never forced anything nor did he do things he shouldn't and merely would play like a cat would with a toy. on the other hand when it came to people he actually liked or people he respected he defiantly would try not to go past their boundaries if he could but sometimes the situation would change. Mew nodded quickly with a blush getting in with them ears pinned back."y-yes..sorry if I made you wait, "he murmured and looked down as he sat tail curling at his lap and he looked to the twins nodding a little and looking back down to his hands placed in his lap.

"It doesn't matter. We're not in a rush." Rin explained to him casually, once again making it impossible to tell if he was simply explaining something to Mew or trying to be friendly. As soon as he paid the taxi driver, the man took off to their destination at the lightning-fast speed of the average Las Vegas driver. During the trip Rin didn't say much, but he did glance at Mew several times during it. "He's peculiar, but I don't hate him. What do you think Rei?" Rin asked his sister within their minds. She seemed disturbed about something, but it wasn't until he searched her mind that he pinpointed exactly what it was. He was a little surprised to, but less judgmental than his sister. It was Las Vegas after all, and it wasn't like he could judge anyone for dressing up as the opposite sex, considering how he wanted to be the opposite sex! "So Mew, do you have any friends in Las Vegas? Knowing somebody else might be valuable to us with the tight spot that we're in." Rin's voice was monotone and his expression just as blank, save for the slight blush he had across his face from having his hair braided. The cyborg had been looking down at his hands, but it would have been impossible for him to not observe the way Rin looked with it now. No matter what he did, Rin would just how to deal with feeling shy; It was an emotion everyone felt from time to time, including the stoic boy.

Ooc: I just thought of one of their next few locations! xD I have a place they might go to... Hehe...​
Susan could hear Cicero laughing so that means they were close to him when he came into view SuSu let out a small huff "Great....hes fighting his other side or something I never understood that part when he explained it." She stated crouched next to the boy confused at what to do she turned back to Tab "Try kissing him." She suggested with a shrug on sure what else to do at this point but wait for him to stop laughing she looked around to see if anything was funny to the boy to come up with nothing

Cicero noticed the two of them while laughing he looked at them with teary eyes "Hhhheeeeelllllloooo" He song with a creepy voice stopping his laughter completely and getting up leaning forwards so his arm's dangled and his head faced the ground he cocked his head to one side with a crooked grin "What brings you guys here?" The boy asked with the same voice as before with a small chuckle as he starts walking pass them letting out small giggles along with random words that were possible a different language completely
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