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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

When Vladimor noticed Matthew's presence, he immediately lit up, a large, goofy grin on his face as he stands up, going over to him. He was oblivious to any sort of unhappiness that Matthew felt, and maybe that was the star's mercy? "Hey! You ready to go?" It didn't really matter what his answer was because Vladimor was already dragging the shorter, older boy to the garage, where the car was.

Derrick smiles back, but he felt a little uncomfortable; he could see the bitterness. Motioning for him to follow along as he heads to the garage, opening the door open for Vladimor first(Naturally,) to the back seat(He obviously didn't want front seat- Sitting next to Matt and all.) and when Matthew was practically dragged in by Vladimor, he shuts the door after them. He then opens the door for Orious, front seat along with him. This was his job, of course.

Rei tilts her head and raises a brow. "You won't wait? Alright, Mr. Stubborn-Pants!" She points a finger into the air, smilng widely. "We shall! And it's more convinient now we know the actual address! Wheehee!" She takes Rin's hand tugging a little in a playful rushed sense. She bites her tongue and does a short "Doo-doo-doo-doo!" imitation trumpet. "Super twins on the move!" Who says just because she's practically the offspring of Satan, doesn't mean she doesn't like to play around; she loves. To play. Around.
Mew shook his head quickly looking at rin nervously and worry filled him as he had gotten up. Mew started to freak out a little bit inside ears flattening and tail fluffed up. "Wait.Wait.Wait...

Not a good idea! You're in no condition to leave that bed,I'll take her there myself but please I beg you listen to me....I'm sure nobody wants your condition to worsen, I can only do so much with little medical supplies accessible....I'm sure your sister wants you alive just as much as I do." He explained quickly and honestly,definitely concerned about it.

"No! Do you have any clue where he'd go?" Tabitha asked the girl. Left, right, it didn't matter how closely or where Tabitha looked. Cicero was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, what are you doing? This isn't how you treat a- AAHH!" Whatever else Matthew was going to saw was lost in history, because just then he was pulled a little too roughly into the car by Vladimor, and promptly fell over into the boy's lap, banging his head against the car door closest to them in the process. Derrick had just then closed the other one and by the time Matthew disentangled himself from Vlad he had gotten into the car. "Um, sorry!" Matthew hastily apologized before moving as far away from Vlad as he could and putting on his seat-belt. He felt just like a child right now, and the fact Vladimor still seemed to fawn over him didn't help. Was the boy just insanely friendly? Why did this lord act so affectionate to Matt one moment, then tell him it was impossible to love him the next moment? Either Vladimor didn't know what he was doing to Matthew, or he was unspeakably cruel.

"Can both of you stop arguing? I'm going." Rin had had enough of this stupid bickering. It was getting them nowhere, and honestly he was feeling a little better thanks to the tender love and care Mew had showered him with. Despite the cyborg's protests he walked to the door, crossed his arms and took a deep, fevered breath. before finally glancing back and smiling at his sister. "Do you have a ponytail?" he asked her, running a hand through his hair again to indicate what a mess it was. There were circles under the transgender man's eyes that indicated just how tired the boy was, but he never complained. Just being here with Rei was refreshing, and it was even fun having Mew around... not that Rin would give the cat-boy the satisfaction of knowing such a thing.​
Orious got in quietly and quickly."thanks.." He murmured getting in and buckling up staring down for a moment thinking about a lot of things as he stared out the window with his violet eyes and sighed watching as they drove not saying a word.
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Mew tilted his head his dark strands falling against his cheeks and he sighed."okay, but you start hurting or feeling woozy promise to tell me? I'll even carry you if you start getting too tired,okay?" He told him softly and grabbed a jacket and a ponytail of the dresser holding it out for rin to take. "Here.."

Rei stuck out her tongue, "I'm not arguing..!" She marches out the door, bringing her brother along with her. She nods, almost digging into her pocket- That is until the robo-kit beat her to it. She grumbles, snatching the ponytail from him, braiding Rin's hair to match her own braid, tying it off at the end. Afterward, she ran out to find a taxi. "Hey! Heyyy!" She flailed about in the direction of one idle taxi was driving, and she had gotten it to stop. She didn't care about the bot's protest; her brother way fine, he was acting like he had gotten cancer. She snorts, shaking her head. "Tch, bakakashii!" She opens the back door to the taxi sliding in, patting the spot next to her for Rin.

Vladimor waves it off. "Nah, nah, it was my fault, chief." He didn't like how he sat a seat away, and to make it easier for him, he moved to the middle section, grinning, not caring to put on a seatbelt. Rebel. The entire ride he bother Matthew about random things, bugging him with trivial thoughts "It's been awfully cold, should we sit by the fire when we get back?";"You look nice in my shirts," ;"This all feels new to me , but then it again it feels just like home again." When they got to where they were going, it found out to be a small cafe. He steps out when Derrick opens the door, looking up at the sign with his head tilted. "Small places like these always interest me. They're less complex than 5-star restaurants; there's no rules, no certain way you have to eat or place your fork." He laughs a little, heading inside when everyone was out of the car. Surprisingly enough, it was nearly empty. Right, in Vegas, everyone wants to party, not sit and drink coffee.​

Antonina "Nina" Magrim

Nina stared at the key in her hand as she made her way up the stairs. It was a plain, golden stick with no inscription or room numbers or anything. Maybe one key fits all? She thought hopefully, imagining how painful it would be if she had to try every single door. With a sigh, she came to the top and, as she expected, there were a few rooms. To Nina, she didn't really understand the need of them all, especially when she was likely the only paying customer the man had had all month. She shrugged at the thought and made her way to the nearest door, jamming the key into the keyhole and twisting it. Only, when she attempted to turn the knob, she got about halfway before it stopped, signalling that the door was indeed still locked. "Goddamn doors," Nina muttered under her breath as she scuffed her boots over to the next one.

She repeated the process for a couple more rooms until she finally came across one that the key appeared to work on. Nina wondered if it actually was the key, or if it was just unlocked, though she proceeded to turn the knob anyways. The moment she did though, she regretted it. As she entered, she almost ran into someone (Rin). Quickly, her hands rushed to her face and grasped at the sunglasses. When she felt the smooth plastic, Nina exhaled in relief and dropped her hands away from her face. It was pure instinct to her to make sure her appearance wasn't exposed to the world, and even with the sunglasses protecting her, worry still bothered her Nina dropped her eyes to the ground,
"I'm sorry," She murmured before turning away.


Matthew brushed off most of what Vladimor was saying, responding with vague things like "Uh-huh" or "Is that so?". He was actually paying attention to what Vladimor was saying, but he knew that if he gave a more detailed reply, that perverted young lord would be all over him, relentlessly teasing him like he had done a thousand times before. That was why Matthew didn't reply to anything he said until he was safely out of the car. "You like places like this? I do, but that's because there's less people to harass me here. Nobody thinks to find a drug dealer here." Matt spoke freely about his life of crime, seeing that nobody else was around. When they went inside, it was pretty much the same: The only people around was their group and the employees. Matthew reached in his pocket for his wallet, figuring he'd pay, only to realize he had five dollars left. How had his money been spent so fast?! Matthew suddenly remembered how often he'd been on the buses. Experiments were all around, so it wouldn't be unusual for one of them to take the opportunity to snatch his things. "Whatever, they probably need it more than I do." Matt decided the loss wasn't that big: He had been running low on cash anyway, and he was lucky to still have five bucks to his name. With this semi-positive attitude, Matthew approached the person at the counter and handed them the five dollars. "I'd like a small coffee please." He told them, flashing a smile that was surprisingly friendly to the lifeless zombie of a worker. With a sigh they placed the order into the electronic register before shuffling off and coming back with the product. They handed Matthew his change, which he took, then walked off and sat at a table near a window, not waiting for the others. This place wasn't exactly fancy and neither was Matthew, but in a way he looked twice as graceful here: A prince down on his like, hiding from the public eye. Was it so hard to imagine that being Matthew's story, instead of the fucked up reality it was?

Ooc: In one thing my char is being dragged to a taxi, and in the other he's in a room... What? @Poko @King Anthony @mewbot5408

Vladimor nods, following him in Derrick following after behind Orious. Vladimor handed the woman a debit card, ordering a chocolate chip muffin and black coffee(What a Satanist!), going to sit across Matthew when he recives it. Now, he has nothing much to say as he takes small bites out of the muffin. His eyebrows raise at the taste. "It was...made in a factory." He could taste it. These things were so easy for him to tell apart; it usually is when everything is made premiumly for you out of scratch. However, a small smile cracks it's way across Vlad's face. "It feels good." He takes a larger bite, moaning at the artificial taste. Afterwards was the coffee. "This is cheap. Very cheap; coffee beans a 10 year old can grow and sell. I like it here." He closes his eyes taking in everything. The cafe scene, the smell of coffee beans, the taste of these inexpensive items...Matthew. "This is the best part of it all." He mutters under his breath, looking straight at Matthew, studying his features.

Derrick follows in, ordering nothing more than a simple cup of tea. He gags at the taste, pouring it out. He disliked this place. He wanted to go home. He stands near their table, perfect posture, spacing out into nothingness. At some point a girl, a part of the staff, had asked him if he was a butler, and he smiles, shaking his head. "A lower class servant, really." She still squealed at the though of a charming servant such as himself, and asks if she can get him anything. He politely declines, and she leaves, still enjoying his prescene. She even looked over at each member of the small group, seeing which one was the 'master' They all looked like your average kids.​
OOC: @iiimee Ok what????? I thought Rin, Rei and Mew were in the room because Rin was sick. Did I mess up? If so just scrap it. Anyways, I'm just letting you know that I'm off to work, though I'll reply later tonight. Tomorrow I'll be out as well, so try not to engage in much conversation with my character if you don't want to be waiting forever...she can just float behind.
Orious only merely Sat next to derrick staring out the window at the Bushes consisting of red flowers. Red. The color he loved not because it was the color of blood but because the color itself always had a importance to him. Ori didn't order a thing, he had no need to eat or drink if he did it was only for the taste and the vampire didn't even do that. Orious sighed resting his head on his wrist in annoyance watching them,watching now looking at them before his violet eyes darted down at his hands from the sleeves of his white long sleeve. It was noticeable some women were gawking at him talking about how pretty he was and one started saying that he looked dangerous. Orious stayed quiet ignoring it until a man came over assuming he was a woman and Ori who floored him in a instant. "Don't touch me...."
Poko said:
OOC: @iiimee Ok what????? I thought Rin, Rei and Mew were in the room because Rin was sick. Did I mess up? If so just scrap it. Anyways, I'm just letting you know that I'm off to work, though I'll reply later tonight. Tomorrow I'll be out as well, so try not to engage in much conversation with my character if you don't want to be waiting forever...she can just float behind.
((Rin said he was fine, so Rei pulls him along outside to leave. Mew, however is not currently being thrown in a taxi- Maybe he's slower and instead he's the one that got ran into? x_x))
Derrick is caught off guard when Orious slams someone into the ground. Vladimor already give it up, that fucking idiot. He gets up and leaves, not wanted to hear the 'kicked out' dialogue. The staff came over and told that if he didn't leave they'd call the cops, and Derrick said they'd go immediately, even paid them extra for their troubles, bowing deeply before pushing Orious out of the store with nervous laughter. When they got outside, he gave him a disapproving looking, crossing his arms. "I had almost felt bad for what I said to you early. Do not make me regret taking you out with us, Orious." He frowns, running his fingers through pushed back hair. His lips press into a thin line and he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Try not getting us kicked out of anywhere else." He huffs, shaking his head.

Orious sighed shaking his head and crossed his arms."I don't care,I don't need your pity. It's pretty Damn obvious that I'm unwanted to begin with! I know that...monsters are to be hated. Not loved. Not wanted. I know...It's all I've known...just do what you want...i hate it. I hate everything.. I hate myself.....go ahead. I'm not ment for kindness...vlad's right i should just disappear..."Orious yelled and turned headed back to the house feeling sick to his stomach,he felt suffocated and wanted to just vanish in thin air. Maybe he could ask the lab for drugs to numb everything.
Derrick growls, grabbing Orious' wrist, holding him from going any further. "Maybe if you stopped fucking SPEAKING LIKE THIS, then you wouldn't have to fucking apologize! I fucking TRY to care for you, but you go and act like I don't give a shit and then sexually harass me?! And accompany such an atrocious act with the weak excuse that you love me?!" Derrick looked enraged, especially at the last point. This makes Vladimor's brow furrow as he shoots a look of disbelief Orious' way. He was going to step forward until Derrick started speaking once more. "I...am loved by no one. You do not love 'me' and you never will. You will only love what I present to you." He covers his solemn face, a shaky sigh coming from his mouth. "Someone as real as you, could not ever love something as fake as me. Who I am only exists in Vladimor's world. That...is not here." That was true, Derrick only shows himself honestly when in the privacy of Vladimor's company. Vladimor is the only person who knows who he's like.

Orious sighed and murmured the French word for red before staring at derrick for a moment."No...derrick, it was your eyes...the way you smile, your anger,the look of wonder, the face you make when your disgusted...I love your laugh...I love it when you cry or get scared.....I fell in love with you and your emotions, every face you make and every time you look at me with your eyes. Derrick, I don't know what to do or what to say most the time and I guess I resort to things I guess I shouldn't or do things to push others away....I'm not used to it either....I try derrick, I try to behave...I don't have anyone to hold my leash so I'm lost..I'm not used to being this long without andreous...."Orious responded mentioning his master's name and sighed a little looking away blushing.
Vladimor's excited chatter finally grabbed the boy's attention. What was Vlad going on about now? But when he turned to look at Vladimor, he instantly wished he hadn't. Vlad was staring right at him, examining him like he was a lab-rat. Technically he was: Experiments didn't exactly have rights, which was why they were on the run, but there was something very unnerving when Vlad stared at him like that. It was a different sort of uncomfortable. Matthew wasn't exactly sure he liked it, but came to the conclusion he'd put up with it for now- as long as Vladimor didn't try anything. He took another sip of his coffee before he began talking. Like Vladimor, Matt preferred dark coffee, but once in a while the temptation arose to put a smidgen of cream in with the delicious drink... Matthew gave in to that temptation today. "So, where are we going next? You know ri- Dammit!" Matt stood up when he realized that Orious had just slammed a man down. Vlad was already making his way to the door, but Matt hesitated. He was secretly interested in seeing what would happen between Derrick and Orious, who were know arguing like only the winner of the stupid squabble could win: If that was the case, it looked like Derrick would be walking out of here. "You have to leave sir." a man who Matt figured was the manager reminded him, walking up to the boy with his arms crossed as if the sassy stance would make Matthew be more inclined to obey. "Okay, okay! I'm leaving- You're coffee sucks anyway." Matt said, shoving his hands in his pockets and pushing past the poor cafe owner who just wanted the peace to be restored. When Matt stepped outside and the cold wind hit him, he started smiling again. It wasn't a real fight by any means, but it was insanely fun to get on somebody's nerves again.

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Poko said:

Antonina "Nina" Magrim

Nina stared at the key in her hand as she made her way up the stairs. It was a plain, golden stick with no inscription or room numbers or anything. Maybe one key fits all? She thought hopefully, imagining how painful it would be if she had to try every single door. With a sigh, she came to the top and, as she expected, there were a few rooms. To Nina, she didn't really understand the need of them all, especially when she was likely the only paying customer the man had had all month. She shrugged at the thought and made her way to the nearest door, jamming the key into the keyhole and twisting it. Only, when she attempted to turn the knob, she got about halfway before it stopped, signalling that the door was indeed still locked. "Goddamn doors," Nina muttered under her breath as she scuffed her boots over to the next one.

She repeated the process for a couple more rooms until she finally came across one that the key appeared to work on. Nina wondered if it actually was the key, or if it was just unlocked, though she proceeded to turn the knob anyways. The moment she did though, she regretted it. As she entered, she almost ran into someone (Rin). Quickly, her hands rushed to her face and grasped at the sunglasses. When she felt the smooth plastic, Nina exhaled in relief and dropped her hands away from her face. It was pure instinct to her to make sure her appearance wasn't exposed to the world, and even with the sunglasses protecting her, worry still bothered her Nina dropped her eyes to the ground,
"I'm sorry," She murmured before turning away.

Izabell ran down the sidewalk and noticed the twins licking his lips with a giggle."oooh, I like cat boys myself darlings but twins are fun too...I bet you have a lot of fun! Oh chow.." izabell sang giggling as he pulled along a boy behind him going to the motel getting a room and hurrying up and that was when izabell bumped into the female falling over her dress making a sound when s/he fell. "Ah it's okay I got too excited.. " the crossdresser mumbled in his girly sounding voice.

(Btw feel free to think izabell is a female..)

Ooc: I guess we're going with the idea that Nina ran into somebody else- Izabell huh? Poor, poor Nina...

Bic: Rin followed after his sister like the perfect dog he was. He never protested or complained about anything she did, even if her tying his hair into a braid made him moderately uncomfortable. He didn't like showing off the angular look of his face, and whenever his hair wasn't long and against his back he felt exposed, as if suddenly everyone could see a hidden side of him- a side he didn't want to admit even existed. To put it simply, having his hair braided made him look... feminine. "You're coming with us right?" Rin asked Mew before sitting next to his sister in the taxi. He got the money out of his pocket in order to pay the driver, but he waited for the cyborg to come and join them. Was Rin suddenly changing his mind about the cat-boy? It was highly unlikely, but Rin would feel bad if they just left him here. He glanced over to the girl who mentioned him and his sister, but not for very long. It wasn't the first time somebody accused the twins of being prostitutes, and by not they were both used to it, if not sick of it.​

Derrick frowns, shaking his head, "I do not think you understand it, I have been faki-" The blonde's words were cut short by a deep, booming "Enough!" Who was voiced by an irritated noble. His eyes narrowed, casting shade on those beautiful blue eyes of his, making them much for intimidating. This, though, changes in a blink of an eye, a sickly sweet smile on his face, his next words holding a forced kindness. "Shall we proceed on before we get further behind on schedule?" He said nothing else, smile being dropped quickly as soon as he turned to the car, unlocking it and getting in without Derrick's assistance this time. Even though he was already inside and out of the hearing zone, Derrick quickly mutters a quick "Yessir," and bows, holding the front and back door open for Matthew and Orious, a hard, more professional look on his face.

Rei noticed that Rin waited for the bot, and she frowns, looking out the unmoving window. She moves her hand to place it over Rin's but without looking over. That is until she heard a vaguely annoying voice. Is she referring to robo-kit and...us?" She noticed the girl was short, and looking into her mind, she revealed something like that being a man. She snickers, looking at the man she drug along, but when she licks her lips as she- Mistake, his lips, Rei shuddered in discomfort, turning back to the window. Honestly, she had wanted to protest to the feminine boy's idea of them having anything to do with Mew in that sort of way.​
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Matthew's smug expression was replaced with alarm when the fight between Derrick and Orious took an alarming turn. Vlad had stepped in, shouting "Enough!" quite clearly in English. Matthew knew it wasn't his native language but damn- when Vladmor wanted to be heard, there was no mistaking what he meant to say. Vladimor mentioned that they should be going, and Matt admittedly felt bad for Derrick as the servant bowed and mumbled a quick "Yes sir", or with his accent it came out more as a "Yessir". Matthew wasn't sure what he expected, but just out of courtesy he didn't go running after Vlad, instead waiting for Derrick to walk to the car and open it up for him. Derrick probably wasn't the jealous type; He didn't even take Matthew seriously, but it just felt wrong to cling to Vladimor, at least until they were back in the car. He did cling to Vladimor when they were in the car however... In an emotional way anyway. He felt a little reluctant to do so, seeing how pissed Vlad was, but him being so angry was exactly why Matthew did it. He grabbed one of Vladimor's hands, holding it in both of his. "Hey, are you okay? You looked, um, sort of pissed dude." Matt's nervousness brought out his slang, but that undoubtedly made him twice as cute, and that was hard. After all, Matt wasn't cute to many people, not with the way he scowled and avoided others like they were some rare disease. Still, maybe this and everything about Matt today that proved there was that side to him. It also proved that Matthew was human and cared for Vladimor, though it was doubtful either boy had figured out that last fact which was so crucial to the advancement of their romance.

Ldybug123 said:
(Where is everybody? And sorry I haven't replied in a while, I've been busy.) @iiimee

Ooc: Well, it's still sort of a relaxing day? We'll have the huge facility attack in a day or so I imagine, but until then it's fun and games.

xD I think Leo's going to post soon, so maybe you can jump in wherever he does. Vlad, Matt, Orious, and Derrick are all going to the gym or something...? Rin, Rei and Mew are going to the house, and Izabell and a girl named Nina are at a hotel...​

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