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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc:Okay its fine~

Bic:"Sure that's totally the reason we left Cicero behind." She stated sarcastically "You and I both know why you left..." Susan trailed off while sitting down next to Tab "Yea I know kinda scary right...if they looked over and saw us do you think we would have a change to run...and knowing Cicero he would throw himself at the guys so we could escape." She said while leaning back in the bench "Do you want to know why Cicero was laughing at the guy getting tazed he does it a lot when people get hurt you just got to know Cicero's happy side...or his fake side." SuSu stated seriously looking over a Tab with a few tears running down her cheek she wiped them away
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Matthew didn't feel the tears form, and when they did he silently wiped them away. He didn't care when Vladimor helped Derrick up, but the sharp glass that was jealousy dug deeper in his heart when he heart Derrick talk to Vladimor ever so casually, as if the fight had nothing to do with the lord. The boy was a hot mess right now, but it wasn't like he cared. He was just happy to see Vlad again after what had been a brutal fight. It didn't matter who was in the wrong, not when Vladimor was here to make things better. This was what Matt thought, but when Vlad set him down reality sunk back in and Matthew realized what an embarrassment he was now. Vladimor didn't make any remarks about it, but he had to have seen the tears that Matt was struggling to keep under control. When he told Matthew he was going to get dressed, the boy just nodded and blindly went in the other direction, pushing the door open and letting the air outside smack against his face. Of course he had noticed the hickey on Vlad's neck, but he didn't want to think about that now. He was a mess, and if Derrick or anyone approached him right now he couldn't promise he wouldn't fight them. He didn't know where he was going, but he started to run. He ran until he came to an empty alleyway. Once he was there, he sat down and regained his composure. He didn't want to cry anymore, not when there were more important things to worry about. Where was Tabitha right now? It felt like ages since he had a good conversation with the girl: The last time they really talked was when Matt was drunk and had to get stitches. Matt cautiously reached his hand toward his back, feeling where the stitches had been just yesterday. Some was still there, but for the most part it seemed it had fallen out, probably outside, since he hadn't seen black thread anywhere. There was little reasoning behind it, but knowing he was almost healed brought some relief to Matthew. He closed his eyes and smiled, despite all the hell he'd been going through. Life would continue: It was just Matt's choice if he wanted to remain a part of it or not.

Tabitha listened to what the girl said carefully, her expression rather calm even if she was quite alarmed by what the girl said. Was the part of Cicero she'd seen fake all along? If so, how did she know if the other part of him, or his true side, as this girl seemed to think it was, really loved her back? She was so caught up in this thought that for a moment she didn't even notice Susan beginning to cry, but when she did she tried her best to comfort the girl, or more accurately, keep her sane. "Hey, hey... It's okay." At first all she did was rub the girl's back and let her cry. Tabby was aware they were causing a scene but she didn't care. "Look," she cupped one side of Susan's face so that the girl was looking directly into her eyes. "Cicero may have an unpleasant part of him, but that doesn't mean his good side is fake. You don't believe he's always evil, do you?" Tabby gave the best smile she could manage to Susan. While she was younger, Tabitha felt very much like a big sister to this girl, now that she had met her. Tabby stayed like this, just smiling and soothing the girl, before finally pulling her into a hug. They weren't exactly friends, but was it safe to say they weren't enemies? Right now, Tabby wanted to be Susan's friend. If she did that, maybe that meant there'd be less pain down the road for both of them.​
"Yea that much is true he always was nice to me even after he was heartbroken he always looked after Ocean and me." She stated smiling "But that was only an illusion Cicero created himself but his true self might be evil but hes not evil only when he fights he goes insane and sadistic I should know I was there and witness it in person he killed so many of them to protect me." Susu cried on Tab's shoulder she leaned up and to face Tab "Trust me on this he will fight to the death too save you it depends on you how you see him after it though." She stated the tears stopped but her eyes were still red from crying
Orious saw the two and swallowed bitterly like the air made it hard to breathe upon seeing them before sighing. The vampire was shirtless and without his bandages or necklace his injures visible as well as all the marks,bruises,and cuts vlad had left along his body. Ori felt like dying inside,all derrick cared about was his precious master and ori despised the guy he wished he could just remove him from this place away from vlad thinking for a moment he just decided it was probly best he kept trying,he didn't know what else he could do any ways. Pathetic. He must looked terrible. Orious simply looked to derrick when vlad left carrying off matt. he shook his head annoyed it all annoyed him, it mad him upset. He didn't like it derrick never paid attention to him like that and it only made him jelious An bitter. He couldn't let such a man win. No. Orious approached derrick from behind reaching to touch derrick's hand and spoke. "derrick, what will it take? I'll do almost anything........I can't take not being able to figure it out. I'm not smart, I'm not remotly human...I know I'm a monster and I probly don't have much a chance but I'm serious and I'm trying. Derrick, i'd walk the ends of this earth and back or try cutting down your enimies to know means, i'd protect you and stay by your side......your probly the first person I ever met I've felt this crazy about let alone I'm not used to carrying this much emotion at all.....I want you so much half the time to the point it hurts not to mention I get sad of any sort of idea of you leaving me all alone, you are the absoulutly most beautiful and amazing person I have ever met in my entire life and I know I'm not perfect nor am i the best people.....derrick what will it take for me to get you to return my feelings...I don't know what to do... "he told him softly but his tone full of seriousness as he spoke and he stared at derrick the whole time he spoke.

Derrick wasn't at all comfortable with the closeness of Orious, especially with the little interaction he just had with Matthew. The professional demeanor never wiped itself from Derrick, and he looks at Orious, barely hearing what he had to say. "Look- No. No means no. I do not want anything like this with you." The servant draws back his hand, using it to pinch the bridge of his nose, a burdened look on his face. "Be glad I am allowing our friendship. Vladimor disapproves of you and your presence, but I defy his wishes and hand around you- Asking for anything more is just selfish." He seemed to be putting some strain on his wounded hand, blood seeping through the bandages. When there was a soft 'plip' against the floor, he realized it was his blood, and in the moment the pain rushed at him and he cringed. "I...am going to go prepare for today's activities." With that, Derrick dismisses himself, taking the elevator with a bitter expression on that once irresistible, adorable face of his.

Vladimor had returned to his regular get up- nothing special. Piercings, rings, long sleeved striped shirt with a T-shirt over it, and his jeans. He goes downstairs, slipping his boots on before he goes out to search for Matthew who had run off. This was a big ass city, and he rather now have Matthew lost in it. It felt like forever that he was looking for him, and he had the mind to bet Derrick was gonna start bitchin' about throwing off schedule. He was tired of walking and almost decided that Matthew was going to just come back on his own. That is until he saw him in an alleyway between two small stores. It was purely by luck that he took a glance to his right. He jogs over to the alley, yelling his name. "Hey, why'dya run off like that, chief? Ya worry me, you know?" He gives a small smile, offering his hand hesitantly to the boy.​
Orious sighed shaking his head and let out a sharp breath looking down at the floor. Why was it no matter how much he tried all he could do was push everyone else away no matter what. Derrick's words stung,vlad was cruel and he was losing himself. Why was everything so Damn confusing....what the hell was he doing wrong? He didn't know. Maybe he was losing it?! Orious held up his hand biting down into his own wrist, he wished it could just go numb like in the beginning...this was exactly why he didn't want his emotions in the first place all he could do was get hurt. Monsters weren't to be loved or actually cared about. No. They were ment to be hated and destroyed.....pathetic. Orious let go and turned to leave wiping his wrist against the wall leaving his scent sweet lingering and bit of blood smeared against the wall before leaving out the door leaving,making his way behind the house crouching down in a ball with a low irritated groan crying by himself. He didn't get it. Why...
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mewbot5408 said:
Mew looked straight at the twins his ears sitting half way in between flatten and not,arms crossed over his chest a pale finger tracing the shape of his stitches on his chest underneath his dark shirt. Mew's expression was still a serious one and he seemed worried, his deep red gaze keeping on them to show he was persistant. Sure he thought he sounded a weird asking to stay but now wasn't the time to think about that, he swore to protect them no matter what and he wasn't gonna just break that promise even if the twins forgot him from the facility. He wasn't the type to, even if they were now merely aquiantances because of some technical difficulties of little things of being forgotten. They were his only friends during that time, a time he wasn't alone.
Maybe his dear friends would remember one day But for now he could do what he could to help in any way,especially now he got over himself and stepped in instead of watching from the shadows. "I know it seems strange but....its much eaisier keeping you safe if I'm near by. hmmm...you don't have to stay with them,if you prefer we can stay seprate but safty is better is numbers somtimes....."
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Tabitha listened to every word the girl had to say, but mostly out of concern for her. She seemed so traumatized. What had she seen Cicero do to make her like this? "I'm sure he'd protect both of us." she replied, unsure of what else she could say. All she knew was Susan still stuck around him after seeing... whatever it was she saw, so Tabitha was sure she could too... Or she wanted to be sure. Honestly, she wasn't certain what Cicero was like when he was in the sadistic state Susan described. Would he still love her, or maybe he'd turn on her. Tabitha tried to think of a cruel version of Cicero, but besides what she saw today she had no clue. From what Susan said, he was a full-blown lunatic, but even with Tabby's imagination she couldn't picture such a thing. She let out a small breath and got up, resigning herself to the fact that there were parts of Cicero she might never see. "Do you want to go back to him, or go home? I'd prefer to call it a day, but I don't trust Cicero to be on his own, after... that." Tabitha offered her hand to Susan, letting the other girl make the decision. She was tired, but even if Susan wasn't here Tabitha wouldn't hesitate to try to find Cicero again.

Matthew had just managed to regain most of his composure when Vladimor showed up. He nearly lost it again just at the sight of the male. How had he found him in this huge city?! All things considered, he shouldn't be surprised: Vladimor always seemed to defy logic, or at least the norm. Matt reached out his hand to take Vlad's when he offered- It seemed so natural for him to just go with whatever the taller, younger male said by now, but the more aggressive side of Matthew stopped himself. He dropped his arms to his sides and looked up at Vladimor with a pretty hostile expression. "Did you have fun with the blood-drinker? I didn't know he was your type." Matt's voice was calm, but those fiery ember brown eyes gave away everything he was feeling. He knew he was being jealous for something he had no right to be, but after the hell Matt had been through already... Was it too much to ask Vlad didn't hurt him too? Matthew knew who his real enemy was; He would be more likely to die than admit his feelings, but somewhere in his heart he felt Vladimor should've known already. Who was the real villain here? Was it Vladimor, who should already know Matt's emotions by now and respond to them, or Matthew, who was being a child by not coming out and saying them?​
Cicero said:
Nick followed Stell into the kitchen "So what does the chef have in mind?" He asked the girl curiously while he stomach growled in response to his question "Cause apparently i'm hungry." The boy stated with a chuckle
"Hmm..something sweet. You'll like it I think.."Stell murmured softly with a smile as she went about putting the ingredients together and was stirring the batter in a bowl nicely with a giggle humming as she poured it into a pan and stuck it in the oven.
"Sure something sweet sounds good but nothing can compare to how sweet your lips are."The boy stated smiling at the girl quickly kissing her lips after a while Nick stood there confused "I thought you were lying when you said you liked to cook." He stated amazed while looking at the girl
(OOC: I have risen from the dead. Life has kept me busy these past few days. Has much happened in my absence?)
(Not really know just a lot of drama pretty much the only main important stuff)
Poko said:
(OOC: I have risen from the dead. Life has kept me busy these past few days. Has much happened in my absence?)

Ooc: Well, Rin, Rei, and Mew are all in the motel still but if you wait for too long they might leave- Rin's feverish from being injured: Often I find my characters with advanced senses suffering from fevers or other things related to the body and mind. You can knock on their door or just barge in if you want.

Vladimor's face showed confusion and his head tilts. Then in realization of what he meant, his hands absentmindedly reach over the now covered hickey spot, but he can feel it irritate his skin. "This?! Well is Derrick your type? Did he show you something he liked?!" His voice didn't raise either, but it came out rough and edged. He sighs, shaking his head. "I-I...I was angry with him, and...It's just the way I vent, ya know? Everyone has their..ways.." He huffs, kneeling down. "I don't know why you're mad at me. If anything, I should be mad...My childhood friend and servant underneath the guy I'm trying so hard for? That's not fair to me." He sighs going quiet for a moment. All he could hear is cars rushing down the street, footsteps of the Las Vegas population, and excessive chatter. He clears his throat. "We...aren't even together. This would just all be easier if you could just call me your boyfriend already." He seemed frustrated and he shakes his head, standing back up. "I....I don't know what else to say." It was simple, just shove that 'I'm sorry and I love you' Matthew's way. But he didn't. Vladimor didn't understand how to directly say how he felt about things like this; it was odd to him, he's never said 'I love you' to anyone. "If you want to head back to the house together, I'll be glad to have you join me. If not, I'll...be expecting you back?"

mewbot5408 said:
Mew looked straight at the twins his ears sitting half way in between flatten and not,arms crossed over his chest a pale finger tracing the shape of his stitches on his chest underneath his dark shirt. Mew's expression was still a serious one and he seemed worried, his deep red gaze keeping on them to show he was persistant. Sure he thought he sounded a weird asking to stay but now wasn't the time to think about that, he swore to protect them no matter what and he wasn't gonna just break that promise even if the twins forgot him from the facility. He wasn't the type to, even if they were now merely aquiantances because of some technical difficulties of little things of being forgotten. They were his only friends during that time, a time he wasn't alone.
Maybe his dear friends would remember one day But for now he could do what he could to help in any way,especially now he got over himself and stepped in instead of watching from the shadows. "I know it seems strange but....its much eaisier keeping you safe if I'm near by. hmmm...you don't have to stay with them,if you prefer we can stay seprate but safty is better is numbers somtimes....."
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor's face showed confusion and his head tilts. Then in realization of what he meant, his hands absentmindedly reach over the now covered hickey spot, but he can feel it irritate his skin. "This?! Well is Derrick your type? Did he show you something he liked?!" His voice didn't raise either, but it came out rough and edged. He sighs, shaking his head. "I-I...I was angry with him, and...It's just the way I vent, ya know? Everyone has their..ways.." He huffs, kneeling down. "I don't know why you're mad at me. If anything, I should be mad...My childhood friend and servant underneath the guy I'm trying so hard for? That's not fair to me." He sighs going quiet for a moment. All he could hear is cars rushing down the street, footsteps of the Las Vegas population, and excessive chatter. He clears his throat. "We...aren't even together. This would just all be easier if you could just call me your boyfriend already." He seemed frustrated and he shakes his head, standing back up. "I....I don't know what else to say." It was simple, just shove that 'I'm sorry and I love you' Matthew's way. But he didn't. Vladimor didn't understand how to directly say how he felt about things like this; it was odd to him, he's never said 'I love you' to anyone. "If you want to head back to the house together, I'll be glad to have you join me. If not, I'll...be expecting you back?"


Matthew wanted to say that it wasn't normal to use somebody's body to vent, but he kept his mouth shut. He knew he had done the same, and guilt stabbed through the jealousy that had acted like a shield over his heart. He still felt envy; His whole being was covered in it, along with irritation at Vladimor and guilt for what he had done to the taller boy. Vladimor was strong, but it wasn't like he couldn't be hurt too! When Vlad mentioned the word "boyfriend" like it was only natural, Matt temporarily found himself at a loss for words. Vladimor continued on, saying he'd be glad to go back to the house with Matthew, but Matt was still trying to regain his voice. Eventually he found it again, but the words he chose were shockingly cruel. "I'll go with you, but who said we're boyfriends?" He didn't intend to sound so mean, but it was a legitimate question. Vlad may have reached out to him constantly, but what did that mean besides the younger, taller male wanted to fuck? It seemed that even if romance was in the air, neither of them addressed it. Love was a disease that nobody wanted to catch apparently. Of course Matthew didn't say any of this. If he did, his question would probably be less hurtful, but he still couldn't bring himself to. Hopefully Vlad would just take it as rhetorical and not respond, but a part of Matt really wanted to hear the answer. He was selfish after all; Up until now, his selfishness was the thing keeping him alive.

Rin didn't say much. In fact, his only words were "Whatever Rei decides." He was surprised when Rei said she'd rather stay with a large group of people, but if he evaluated the situation more he really shouldn't have been. They were already prepared to stay with a cyborg who was clearly obsessed with Rin, so privacy couldn't have been their biggest concern. Rin also knew that Rei was a curious girl. Even if she only had an interest in one person, (Rin) Rei was a girl who was constantly exploring, dragging her brother along to check out the coolest item she just found. The only thing Rei had no interest in was people, and Rin honestly didn't mind. Sure, he wished she was more out there, but as a loner he had no room to talk. The fact they were in danger was probably a big factor in her decision too, but Rin didn't want to admit to that one. If he did, it meant they were in danger, and somehow it was all his fault.​
Naomi had made herself scarce during the vast majority of the group's time so far in Vegas, and when anyone actually saw her, it was obvious that the effects of Calvin's death had had on the girl were starting to show. At first, she would just disappear randomly and come back, too quiet, with dull eyes and bloodstained hands, and then the next day news of an untraceable murder would be floating around. Milee and Cryx had gotten the girl to stop, barely, by convincing her that it would endanger the group. So Naomi stopped disappearing so much and spent more time in her room, crying or laying there and not saying a word. It took everything Milee had to get the girl to eat, and Cryx helped by keeping everyone away from the girl, especially Matt--God knew how the girl would react if too many people crowded her.

Naomi had been particularly unreasonable one day when the news of Matt and Vlad's obvious feelings--despite the two not speaking their love to one another--and had nearly gone off to attack either Matt or severely maim some innocent citizen, if Milee hadn't held her back in the cat form she would use in battle. After that, Naomi had returned to her uncharacteristic silence. Cryx was starting to have her own troubles, as well; the stress of trying to help the poor child was building up, and Calvin's death had affected her, believe it or not. She didn't vent as violently as Naomi had, but buried herself in books and refused to talk to people.

If Naomi had been unreasonable before, then things got considerably worse a week later. Cryx had gone off on a walk, and Naomi had somehow slipped past Milee's guard. The girl had been muttering to herself so quietly that even Milee couldn't understand what she had said. Milee went out to search for the girl, not saying a word to anyone else for fear of worrying them or dragging them in to Naomi's troubles. She found a shortsword buried blade-first in the dirt before an alleyway, and a quiet whimpering coming from within. The sounds of a child's regret, without the intense screaming. Milee had found the girl, covered in blood, and had refused to look any further, picking the girl up and carrying her home under the cover of night. Cryx never showed back up at the house, and Naomi refused to talk about it, going off into a fit of crying afterwards.

Milee had hoped that maybe Cryx would show up again, maybe with a way to help Naomi calm down, but the woman never returned. Milee had, on one of Naomi's calmer days, gone back to the alleyway to see what had happened. She had immediately turned right back around, solemnly picking up Cryx's sword as she left.

"You've got to stop this, Naomi. You're acting ridiculous!"

"You don't understand," the girl snapped, talking for the first time in days. Cryx's sword suddenly buried itself in the wall right next to Naomi's head, making the girl flinch.

"Don't act like you've been through worse than everyone here. We've all experienced death, and I know it hurts, but you're acting like a prissy, snobby brat! It's time you've cleaned up your act. Look what you've DONE!" Milee's voice only raised slightly at the girl; she was not in the mood for drawing attention.

"There's been enough death as it is, and if you want it to stop then you need to start thinking!" Milee snarled, and Naomi shrunk back into the corner.

"I'm sorry," came the quiet whimper, but Milee ignored it. She was finally snapping out of it, it seemed. Milee just hoped it was permanent.

"Don't apologize, stop being stupid," the older girl replied with a sigh. She left the room, shutting the door and wandering around the house, trying to calm herself down. The Golden Demon, as she called it, had manifested for a moment there, and while it knew better to attack, it had made Milee act a bit harsher than intended. Not that it really mattered, what was done was done.

Ignoring her surroundings except to keep from tripping around, Milee continued to absently wander the house, hoping Naomi would start to finally calm down.

Naomi hadn't moved for a moment after Milee had left. As the girl rose her head to look at Cryx's sword, the reality of it all finally sunk in. She refused to run, though, but her fingers twitched towards the blade's hilt.

She pulled the sword out of the wall, smoothing the slit in a vain attempt to hide it, and stared at the blade for a moment, frowning, raising it and baring the underside of her arm.

"One for the father you couldn't save," she murmured, the sentence freezing for a moment as she ran the blade over her arm, wincing.

"One for the mother you doomed," she added, and another cut. The pain shot through her mind. It wasn't an attempt to help herself; it was simple revenge.

Calvin would be pissed. What would Cryx think? Milee would scold you, her thoughts insisted this was all stupid, but Naomi took a tissue and wiped the blade, then her arm, clean, holding the white cloth there until the bleeding stopped before pulling her sleeve over the scars, wincing. She refused to be ashamed; there was nothing to be ashamed about, besides what she had and hadn't done.
"Well..." He laughs a little, giving a smile his way. "I'm not saying that, but..." He bit his lip over his piercing, gaze shifting down to the concrete. "I'm trying to reciprocate your feelings. It's harder than it looks." Vladimor began nervously braiding at his hair, covering up what he said with a sheepish chuckle. Vladimor hadn't want to say much more than this as he made his way back to the house, following a thin line of shadow he'd left in case he had gotten lost, after all it's easy to get lost in such a place. Vladimor opens the door he's left unlocked, tugging at his collar as he closes the door after Matthew. "Well...there was a schedule today, if you change we can go whenever you're ready, alright?" He says rubbing his hands together, just noticing how cold it still was outside.

Mew nodded and looked down ears flattening unable to look up at them anymore. "Sorry...Sorry.....I don't mean to make things difficult....I just don't want anything bad to happen.....I don't break promises. " he murmured honestly apologizing suddenly and shook his head before looking back with his red irises and smiled a little bit with a nervous laugh regaining his composure as he came over to the bed. Mew gave a concerned and serious gaze again,tail behind him nervously flicking.mew wasn't going to let rin make himself worse. "Ah, I'd suggest that you rest. It's probably best we don't go out with you in such a state, not to worry about it though I can take care of it and you'll be better in no time. If it makes you more comfortable, you can two stay here...there's plenty of room and you feel free to use anything here all I ask is if you need anything at all from me to tell me so I can be of assistance, I can do a lot of things because of the a.I and I also have this place upgraded so it's fairly safe enough if I'm not here.....you can easily contact me just by typing 5408 and the word contact on my laptop or core pad..." Mew explained and mentioned how he easily hooked up things to his inner computer so make easy access for people he trusted and how he could easily remove everything when leaving if he wanted. Mew was extremely skilled in this area anything including technology and electronics let alone he could easily hack into any computer or device including the id chips some experiments had so he could contact them on a high level of brain activity .
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

"Well..." He laughs a little, giving a smile his way. "I'm not saying that, but..." He bit his lip over his piercing, gaze shifting down to the concrete. "I'm trying to reciprocate your feelings. It's harder than it looks." Vladimor began nervously braiding at his hair, covering up what he said with a sheepish chuckle. Vladimor hadn't want to say much more than this as he made his way back to the house, following a thin line of shadow he'd left in case he had gotten lost, after all it's easy to get lost in such a place. Vladimor opens the door he's left unlocked, tugging at his collar as he closes the door after Matthew. "Well...there was a schedule today, if you change we can go whenever you're ready, alright?" He says rubbing his hands together, just noticing how cold it still was outside.

"So I'm not a toy- I'm a beggar." Matthew took notice of every little thing Vladimor said or did. He hid his eyes and quietly laughed. If Matt didn't know better, he'd think Vlad was shy, a boy just coming to terms with his first romance. That couldn't be true though; Not only had the young lord slept with countless women, and who knows how many men, but the words the younger boy chose were proof enough that he only did things for Matthew in order to get into bed with him. Matt wished Vlad had just told him the truth all along, but it's better late than never right? Perhaps it was because of how sudden this confession was- the confession that Vlad didn't feel the same- but Matt didn't cry or even look sad. His heart hurt, but at least Vlad hadn't left him pining after the lord for too long. If another week, nay, another day had gone by of Vladimor building his hopes up and saying that they had a chance, Matthew wasn't sure what he'd do. It was with this mindset that Matthew almost said "You don't need to love me back. Let's end it here." but the words never left his lips. Instead, Vladimor started speaking, mentioning something about a schedule and how he should go get dressed. Matthew smirked despite himself. Vladimor always seemed to save him from saying what needed to be said in just the nick of time. "As you wish, my lord." Matthew teased, sarcastically but gracefully bowing before walking upstairs, not waiting to see Vlad's reply. Once he was back in the master bedroom he set about getting dressed, only running into a small problem: He only had the one pair of clothes he was wearing right now, since Tabitha put the backpack who-knows-where. He finally came up with a solution, but it wasn't a pleasant one. "Well, Vlad did mention I could wear his clothes before." Matt muttered to himself, and without any further hesitation he opened one of the drawers- only to find a collection of needles and piercings. Matthew couldn't close that drawer fast enough. "Why is there a whole drawer-full?!" he was curious, but on second thought decided he'd rather not know. Matt opened the next drawer while trying to clear the image of those horrifying things out of his head. This time, he had more luck, and after a brief internal conflict over what he should wear, he picked out a black t-shirt with a skull design on it and the name of a band he wasn't familiar with. He decided to keep the jeans he was wearing, mostly due to the reality that he couldn't fit into Vlad's pants if he tried. Satisfied with his choice whichreallywasn'tmuchofachoice, he opened the door and walked downstairs to where he hoped Vlad was still waiting: If hadn't taken long, but Matt sorta guessed the lord was far from the patient type.


Rei shakes her head once more. "I just...don't feel comfortable around you, honestly. If you could offer protection, I'm sure a house full of other will benefit Rin and I just as much." She taps her foot on the ground looking in the direction of the door. "Anyways I'm...interested. Though I will keep that offer in mind, especially if it means Rin's safety." She looks once more at her sick brother, humming. "Staying here until he gets well might be a smarter option, I suppose." She says, sitting down on the edge of the bed, resting her chin on her fist, periodically glancing at Rin.

Vladimor waits on the couch, ankle crossed over the opposite knee. He leans back, head tilted up as thoughts spiral through his head. There was a labored sigh pouring out of his throat and past parted lips, his hand combing through his messy black locks. "This is hard...To the stars, is this what love is like?" It didn't matter how burdened it caused him to feel, it was all because Matthew, and that made it all worth it. A faint smile passed on his lips for the shortest of times before he heard someone's voice. When he opens his eyes, he sees a well dressed servant, in a suit, hair combed back in an elegant manner. Even his posture was better than usual(If that was possible.) There was a charming look in his eyes, and it compliment his smile so well as he bowed. "Lord Vladimor." Derrick greeted, a steep bow upon his arrival. He still held his clipboard and hand and he noticed the bandages were covered by white gloves. "I supposed your waiting for," Derrick clears his throat, "Sir Matthew?" Vladimor raises a brow but now, asking what the first thing was. "Well, I noticed noone in this house has had breakfast, including you; although it is now eveving. It's lunch time. We'll go out to eat, and then you've been very...lax in your activities. I have aqquired a memership at the local gym for you and your company. You haven't been staying healthy as you should." Vladimor sighs and nods, closing his eyes again, but not before checking out Derrick one last time. The last time Vladimor seen Derrick like this was when they were about 12 or 13. He's matured by a large jump.​
After a moment or two Ori sighed annoyed with himself before standing up and going back in and headed towards the stairs looking at them for a moment before running upstairs with a sound of annoyance to go change his clothes and probably sleep on the floor. Everything was just too much he just wanted to shut himself down or actually do his job for a change...anything would be better than being such a pathetic thing.

((Post assuming that the last respond wasn't changed: ))

Derrick seen Orious come in and he smiles. "Why don't you join us, Orious?" He offers, bowing at his entrance. "We're going out for a while." Vladimor looked displeased, but says nothing against it. He makes brief eye contact, blue burning back at violet. He snickers, turning away from him. Derrick however, even on inspection of Vladimor's reaction, he didn't withdraw his offer.​
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Rei shakes her head once more. "I just...don't feel comfortable around you, honestly. If you could offer protection, I'm sure a house full of other will benefit Rin and I just as much." She taps her foot on the ground looking in the direction of the door. "Anyways I'm...interested. Though I will keep that offer in mind, especially if it means Rin's safety." She looks once more at her sick brother, humming. "Staying here until he gets well might be a smarter option, I suppose." She says, sitting down on the edge of the bed, resting her chin on her fist, periodically glancing at Rin.

Vladimor waits on the couch, ankle crossed over the opposite knee. He leans back, head tilted up as thoughts spiral through his head. There was a labored sigh pouring out of his throat and past parted lips, his hand combing through his messy black locks. "This is hard...To the stars, is this what love is like?" It didn't matter how burdened it caused him to feel, it was all because Matthew, and that made it all worth it. A faint smile passed on his lips for the shortest of times before he heard someone's voice. When he opens his eyes, he sees a well dressed servant, in a suit, hair combed back in an elegant manner. Even his posture was better than usual(If that was possible.) There was a charming look in his eyes, and it compliment his smile so well as he bowed. "Lord Vladimor." Derrick greeted, a steep bow upon his arrival. He still held his clipboard and hand and he noticed the bandages were covered by white gloves. "I supposed your waiting for," Derrick clears his throat, "Sir Matthew?" Vladimor raises a brow but now, asking what the first thing was. "Well, I noticed noone in this house has had breakfast, including you; although it is now eveving. It's lunch time. We'll go out to eat, and then you've been very...lax in your activities. I have aqquired a memership at the local gym for you and your company. You haven't been staying healthy as you should." Vladimor sighs and nods, closing his eyes again, but not before checking out Derrick one last time. The last time Vladimor seen Derrick like this was when they were about 12 or 13. He's matured by a large jump.​


"We should go now. I'm not slowing Rei down because I'm under the weather." Rin stated firmly. As quickly as he could, the boy moved the covers off him and sat up, giving Mew an irritated look. He didn't offer the same look to Rei though, not just because he loved his sister dearly, but because he knew she wouldn't restrain him, like this cyborg seemed so keen on doing. Still, Rin was calm and not so much enraged as mildly annoyed. "Shall we go?" he asked, standing up now and running a hand through his long black hair, which appeared slightly messy due to him laying down.

The first thing Matt saw really darkened the boy's mood. Derrick was there, going over what Matthew guessed was the schedule for today. It was strange, seeing someone decide another person's plans, but to Vlad and Derrick this must have been completely normal. Matthew shrugged this thought aside though, and with it the suspicion that Vlad was checking out Derrick. Vladimor was right; Unless Matt just came up and claimed him, Vladimor would continue to flirt and casually be with whoever he pleased... Well, even if Matt tried to claim Vlad, he knew he'd fail. Vladimor had mentioned how difficult it was for him to return Matthew's feelings, so Matt was going to make it easy on him by not doing something stupid like confessing again. (Not that he meant to do it in the first place!) If anything, Matthew needed to tell Vladimor it was over. It was just his selfishness that made him not say anything. Maybe Matt would even mention it right here, just to get Derrick out of his hair. He knew the servant was eager to completely obliterate their relationship, so why would Matthew agitate him more by continuing to hang around Vlad? He thought all of this, but a word didn't escape his mouth. He just stood there quietly instead, looking awkward and maybe even a little shy. Luckily the attention of Derrick and Vladimor was focused on the blood-drinker who had just entered the room. "Does he have to come along too?" Matt wondered miserably, but he kept his expression as neutral as he could. Vladimor seemed to be thinking the same thing as him, but Derrick seemed eager to have Orious tag along. "If you like him, why do you hate me?" Matthew asked the question to Derrick within his mind, but he didn't dare say it aloud. He had already proved himself to be a jealous bitch twice today. Would a third time make sure the whole world knows?​
iiimee said:
Tabitha listened to every word the girl had to say, but mostly out of concern for her. She seemed so traumatized. What had she seen Cicero do to make her like this? "I'm sure he'd protect both of us." she replied, unsure of what else she could say. All she knew was Susan still stuck around him after seeing... whatever it was she saw, so Tabitha was sure she could too... Or she wanted to be sure. Honestly, she wasn't certain what Cicero was like when he was in the sadistic state Susan described. Would he still love her, or maybe he'd turn on her. Tabitha tried to think of a cruel version of Cicero, but besides what she saw today she had no clue. From what Susan said, he was a full-blown lunatic, but even with Tabby's imagination she couldn't picture such a thing. She let out a small breath and got up, resigning herself to the fact that there were parts of Cicero she might never see. "Do you want to go back to him, or go home? I'd prefer to call it a day, but I don't trust Cicero to be on his own, after... that." Tabitha offered her hand to Susan, letting the other girl make the decision. She was tired, but even if Susan wasn't here Tabitha wouldn't hesitate to try to find Cicero again.
"Yea he'll protect to whole group even if he if he acts like a jerk to them or they beat him up he'll protect him....your group just does't respected him enough same with our other friends that didn't respect him." She stated a little bit annoyed "I think we should look for him who knows he probably turned back to the Cicero you grew to love forgetting all about the man getting tazed." She stated taking Tab's hand to get up while walking back to the store they left the boy hoping to find him but to now prevail at least from what she could see "Tab did you find him?" SuSu asked walking up too the girl
Orious glared back at vlad for a moment before looking back to derrick forcing a bitter smile. It could be noticed that he was in a terrible mood from everything and he held onto his own wrist digging in his nails from the frustration to the point it drew some blood. "..sure..why not..."He responded with a deep bitterness in tone and he then looked up at Matt expression softening just for a moment it could be seen as noticeable. He wished he could easily remove Vladimir from the picture and he gave Matt a look like he couldn't hate him. Orious then looked back to derrick and smiled again.

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