• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

A light blush dusted his face as the vampire felt derrick up against his bare back and didn't try moving to face him but only simply stared at the wall for a moment before letting out a soft breath murmuring something French. "plus le temps que je passe avec vous, plus je vous aime...derrick..." He whispered quietly biting lip,making it bleed a little bit from his fangs before smiling to himself closing his eyes again. ".....I will wait until you can too....I won't push it, I won't force anything...I really want you to be happy with your choices......"He added before becoming silent again. Orious was accepting the fact derrick might not start feeling like he did but that wouldn't stop him from trying but he wouldn't force it as much. He respected derricks feelings too much and hated seeing him upset.
Derrick, being around a noble family in Europe, had known most of the continent's languages, including French. He understood him perfectly. He curls more tightly around himself, resisting the urge to scoot back again and making the situation awkward again. Instead he musters a short "Alright," covering his face and attempting to go to sleep. He successfully was able to do so. Only 5 hours pass before the servant is awake again, trying his best to go back to sleep to enjoy the time where he wasn't busy, but to no avail. He sits up, rubbing at his eyes as he takes a glance towards Orious before getting up. He finds it too early to make breakfast. There was nothing to do. A new, perfectly clean house. He hadn't anyone to tend to, nothing to clean, nothing to take care of. He huffs, getting back onto the bed. He was made for one thing, serving, and he couldn't even do that.

Cicero said:
"Yea but.....I don't want anyone else to see." He stated embarrassed while sitting on the foundation "So are we shoplifting or what?" The boy asked
"Ok ffiinnee but I'm finding out eventually." She stated annoyed while trying to get Cicero up

Ooc:Sorry for short post
mewbot5408 said:
Mew's expression darkened and he sighed softly,taking rin into his arms standing up. "you have a fever....this won't do...."He murmured softly, shaking his head as he began making his way to where he had taken rin earlier but stopped for a second to send a message to rei using his a.I to tell her everything would be fine and he had a deal to make before and he sent the address of where he was staying. Mew carried rin back to his place quickly as possible without messing up his stitches or getting noticed by the police and hurried inside placing the other on the bed touching his forehead checking his temperature before getting a cool damp rag and put on his forehead tucking him in and hurried off getting a special medicine that might lower the pain a bit mixing it into water and pouring it down rin's throat before sitting down at his side with a sigh watching and waiting patiently filled with worry.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor doesn't even bother to turn the lights on, it's getting bright enough outside as it is. He lets go of Matthew's hand to take his shirt off, (He'd settle for just that, but damn, jeans are uncomfortable!) He kicks off his boots as well and takes his hair out of it's ponytail before he hops on the bed. It was softer than he remembered, and the blanket that had a symbol that matched the one on his lower hip was so much fluffier than he thought it could be. He yawns, smiling lazily as he beckons Matthew over. He could feel the exhaustion seep into his bones, making his eyelids become heavier, much more than before. The lord buries himself under the thick, warm blankets, indulging in the protection it gave from the cold air. Matthew fits into his enjoyment perfectly.

Derrick too finds himself bedding down. He lays the perfect distance away from Orious, close enough to leech his heat, but not so close as to at any time be caught in the vampire. Even from this distance, he could smell him, and it was honestly enticing. Against his own willingness he scoots a little closer to the experiment, curling up as he closes his eyes. He found himself not as tired as expected, his mind more alert than his body. This didn't change anything, as he'd just lay there, enjoying the time he'd have in bed. He wouldn't have to wake up too early since Vladimor was also awake

Rei continues on, stopping when she heard something in her head. Was it that guy? She scoffs, but gives a small prayer since her brother was fine. The twin held tightly on to the address, getting a taxi to bring her to the location. She hums a tune, resting her face in her hands during the drive. " When she pays the driver and gets out, she rushes up to the door, knocking hastily multiple times, her foot tapping impatiently as she waits to see Rin.​


Ooc: I know it's a minor thing, but Rei giving a small prayer makes me wonder... What characters are religious vs not religious? Matthew's a super obnoxious Atheist for certain, I think I remember Tabitha being a skeptic but she's pretty accepting of people, and Rin's pretty much the same as Matthew... Basically, don't preach religion to my chars and you'll be fine.


Bic: Tabitha's interest was at an all-time high, but she restrained herself from bothering him anymore. "I don't want anyone else to see." The words were odd, no matter how Tabby looked at them. Did he mean that the gift was just for himself, or did it have something to do with someone else? "It could be for his health?" Tabitha tried to think of the most rational answer, but the theory fell flat when she reminded herself just how healthy the high-energy boy was. It didn't seem unusual for him to go days without sleep, and while Tabitha was an energetic person, she was often worn out just from people shouting at her. With curiosity as plentiful as blood in her, she walked a little bit ahead of them and began faze one of her plan: Changing the subject. "Come onnnn, can we go already?" she whined, clearly mimicking SuSu. She went a little further with this taunt by putting a finger under her eye and acting as if it was a tear sliding down, but this didn't last very long. She soon returned to her cheery self and said "Come on guys!" as loud as she could before walking away, not checking to see if they were following.

Rin went back and forth between conscious and unconscious. He understood what was happening only slightly: He was weak, wasn't he? He wasn't even awake when Mew picked him up, but when he woke up again the memory of Mew saying them was there. Mew was carrying him. Rin didn't know what he was going to say, but didn't he have to when this man was taking care of him? With that in mind Rin opened his mouth to say what his mind couldn't even process was a "thank you." but instead of warm, feverish words coming out of his dry lips, cold winter air went in them, causing Rin to close his mouth and cling tighter to Mew until he lost consciousness yet again.

When Rin woke up, he found himself nearly soaked in sweat with a washcloth on his forehead. This was what initially struck Rin as strange, until he came to terms with something even stranger: He was in a bed he had never seen before. Cautiously, he sat up and opened his eyes some more to realize with a start that Mew was looking right at him. "Where-" Rin didn't try to finish his sentence. A powerful migraine hit him, causing his head to suddenly feel very heavy. As if in surrender to it, he laid back down and just... looked at Mew and waited. He waited for an answer, at least he did until he heard a knock at the door. "Rei?" Despite being nearly dead a little bit of excitement crept through into Rin's voice when he heard the sound of his sister's familiar hum outside. He would've been reckless, running out to meet her and hugging her like it'd been years. He wouldn't have even hesitated to do this, if only the cyborg wasn't right in front of him with a face full of concern.

It surprised Matthew how tired he suddenly felt when he stepped into that room. He was still nervous, but there was an element of him that said "I don't give a fuck." when he got undressed, taking off everything but his boxers. This attitude of his continued for a few more seconds- until Vladimor beckoned him over. It was no secret that both of them were too tired to try anything, but something about sleeping next to a man, especially one as... well, as Vlad as Vladimor was. There was really no word Matt could use to summarize Vlad's personality, or if such a word existed, Matthew couldn't think of it. It was with this train of thought that Matt warily crawled into bed and under the covers next to Vlad, keeping some level of distance between them. He still somehow believed that Vladimor wanted to push him away, but just for tonight Matt would pretend those walls didn't exist. He closed his eyes and let his body relax. He could feel the warmth emanating from Vlad, but it wasn't until he was almost fully asleep that he crawled over enough to wrap his arms around the much larger boy.​
iiimee said:
Tabitha's interest was at an all-time high, but she restrained herself from bothering him anymore. "I don't want anyone else to see." The words were odd, no matter how Tabby looked at them. Did he mean that the gift was just for himself, or did it have something to do with someone else? "It could be for his health?" Tabitha tried to think of the most rational answer, but the theory fell flat when she reminded herself just how healthy the high-energy boy was. It didn't seem unusual for him to go days without sleep, and while Tabitha was an energetic person, she was often worn out just from people shouting at her. With curiosity as plentiful as blood in her, she walked a little bit ahead of them and began faze one of her plan: Changing the subject. "Come onnnn, can we go already?" she whined, clearly mimicking SuSu. She went a little further with this taunt by putting a finger under her eye and acting as if it was a tear sliding down, but this didn't last very long. She soon returned to her cheery self and said "Come on guys!" as loud as she could before walking away, not checking to see if they were following.
Ooc:Sorry sorry

Bic: "Yea we can go." The boy stated while getting up laughing a bit before putting his hands in his pocket holding the object smiling he walked up to Tab "I don't think you should mimic her she already hates you enough." He said before chuckling he looked over at the girl who was walking up to them

"Well isn't someone good at mimicking people miss...uh..miss bloody ears." She said embarrassed at the stupid insult grated she wasn't good at insulting to begin with she just sighed in defeat as she follows them.


Antonina "Nina" Magrim

Nina straightened her posture and tucked a few stray strands of hair back into her jacket. Around her, people charged forward in an attempt to beat the traffic, occasionally bumping into her and knocking her about. It got on her nerves, a lot, though it was the best she could do to blend in until she could find a deserted place to stay. She adjusted the sunglasses on her nose and let out a sigh. The big, round, bug-like lens were the only thing keeping the public from staring at her face - or more accurately, the abnormal colour of her eyes, accompanied by the hard-to-miss scar running across half her face. The last thing she needed, despite how much the sunglasses annoyed her, was for people to draw the attention to her. And, unfortunately for her, the 'labrats' had hardly considered that when they began prodding at her eyes.

As she continued to walk further away from the heart of the city, Nina noticed less people around her along with less cars. Rubbish flew across the street like some sort of tumbleweed and the few cars which were parked alongside the road resembled nothing more than scrap metal. It was the kind of area Nina's Mum would warn her and her friends about before they went to the bar. Though, back then she had always been too much of a coward to even drive through it. Now, she couldn't care less about the 'thugs' and what they could do to her, as long as they weren't associated with the 'labrats'.

Nina pressed on until she came across a motel; or what she thought was one, anyways. The brickwork which supported the building was old and mouldy with gang acronyms and symbols graffitied all across it. A sign hung overhead, flashing the letters O-T-L. The 'M' and 'E' looked as though they'd been stolen from the sign.
Perfect, Nina thought with a smile as she approached the door. It was unlikely for anyone to come looking for her here. As she opened the door, she walked through a string of beads hanging overhead, announcing her arrival.

She stood in what she guessed was the lobby, with a simple desk against one wall and cheap, plastic chairs against the other, accompanied by a few magazines. The place looked as though it housed more rats than people, though she couldn't really care less. Nina made her way to the desk and pressed her palm against the rusted bell, which didn't really 'ding' at all. Nevertheless, a grungy, old man poked his head out from a door behind the counter soon after.
"I ain't here to give directions," The man said with a scowl on his face.

Nina returned the scowl,
"I was actually looking for a room." At that, he emerged fully from the door and stood opposite from her at the desk.

"Good, good. It'll be fifty for a single," He said gladly, rummaging through a drawer before producing a key. He then held out his hand, which was covered in what she could guess was cheeseball dust. Nina cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at him. "Fifty or you can take the street. Your choice." Regrettably, Nina pulled out fifty dollars from a pouch and pressed it down on the desk before snatching the key from his grip.

"I'll be out by tomorrow morning," She said as she walked off in the direction of a stairwell.

(OOC: I think you guys are in a hotel/motel...Maybe I read the posts wrong lol. AnYwHo. If I'm wrong let me know and I'll fix this baby up
:) Also, I'm kind of guessing the area :3)

Poko said:


Antonina "Nina" Magrim

Nina straightened her posture and tucked a few stray strands of hair back into her jacket. Around her, people charged forward in an attempt to beat the traffic, occasionally bumping into her and knocking her about. It got on her nerves, a lot, though it was the best she could do to blend in until she could find a deserted place to stay. She adjusted the sunglasses on her nose and let out a sigh. The big, round, bug-like lens were the only thing keeping the public from staring at her face - or more accurately, the abnormal colour of her eyes, accompanied by the hard-to-miss scar running across half her face. The last thing she needed, despite how much the sunglasses annoyed her, was for people to draw the attention to her. And, unfortunately for her, the 'labrats' had hardly considered that when they began prodding at her eyes.

As she continued to walk further away from the heart of the city, Nina noticed less people around her along with less cars. Rubbish flew across the street like some sort of tumbleweed and the few cars which were parked alongside the road resembled nothing more than scrap metal. It was the kind of area Nina's Mum would warn her and her friends about before they went to the bar. Though, back then she had always been too much of a coward to even drive through it. Now, she couldn't care less about the 'thugs' and what they could do to her, as long as they weren't associated with the 'labrats'.

Nina pressed on until she came across a motel; or what she thought was one, anyways. The brickwork which supported the building was old and mouldy with gang acronyms and symbols graffitied all across it. A sign hung overhead, flashing the letters O-T-L. The 'M' and 'E' looked as though they'd been stolen from the sign.
Perfect, Nina thought with a smile as she approached the door. It was unlikely for anyone to come looking for her here. As she opened the door, she walked through a string of beads hanging overhead, announcing her arrival.

She stood in what she guessed was the lobby, with a simple desk against one wall and cheap, plastic chairs against the other, accompanied by a few magazines. The place looked as though it housed more rats than people, though she couldn't really care less. Nina made her way to the desk and pressed her palm against the rusted bell, which didn't really 'ding' at all. Nevertheless, a grungy, old man poked his head out from a door behind the counter soon after.
"I ain't here to give directions," The man said with a scowl on his face.

Nina returned the scowl,
"I was actually looking for a room." At that, he emerged fully from the door and stood opposite from her at the desk.

"Good, good. It'll be fifty for a single," He said gladly, rummaging through a drawer before producing a key. He then held out his hand, which was covered in what she could guess was cheeseball dust. Nina cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at him. "Fifty or you can take the street. Your choice." Regrettably, Nina pulled out fifty dollars from a pouch and pressed it down on the desk before snatching the key from his grip.

"I'll be out by tomorrow morning," She said as she walked off in the direction of a stairwell.

(OOC: I think you guys are in a hotel/motel...Maybe I read the posts wrong lol. AnYwHo. If I'm wrong let me know and I'll fix this baby up
:) Also, I'm kind of guessing the area :3)

Ooc: Rin, Rei, and Mew are in a motel/hotel I'm sure. Since you said motel, let's just make it a motel.

^_^ @mewbot5408 @King Anthony , make sure to include her in our posts involving those chars k? K!​
Poko said:


Antonina "Nina" Magrim

Nina straightened her posture and tucked a few stray strands of hair back into her jacket. Around her, people charged forward in an attempt to beat the traffic, occasionally bumping into her and knocking her about. It got on her nerves, a lot, though it was the best she could do to blend in until she could find a deserted place to stay. She adjusted the sunglasses on her nose and let out a sigh. The big, round, bug-like lens were the only thing keeping the public from staring at her face - or more accurately, the abnormal colour of her eyes, accompanied by the hard-to-miss scar running across half her face. The last thing she needed, despite how much the sunglasses annoyed her, was for people to draw the attention to her. And, unfortunately for her, the 'labrats' had hardly considered that when they began prodding at her eyes.

As she continued to walk further away from the heart of the city, Nina noticed less people around her along with less cars. Rubbish flew across the street like some sort of tumbleweed and the few cars which were parked alongside the road resembled nothing more than scrap metal. It was the kind of area Nina's Mum would warn her and her friends about before they went to the bar. Though, back then she had always been too much of a coward to even drive through it. Now, she couldn't care less about the 'thugs' and what they could do to her, as long as they weren't associated with the 'labrats'.

Nina pressed on until she came across a motel; or what she thought was one, anyways. The brickwork which supported the building was old and mouldy with gang acronyms and symbols graffitied all across it. A sign hung overhead, flashing the letters O-T-L. The 'M' and 'E' looked as though they'd been stolen from the sign.
Perfect, Nina thought with a smile as she approached the door. It was unlikely for anyone to come looking for her here. As she opened the door, she walked through a string of beads hanging overhead, announcing her arrival.

She stood in what she guessed was the lobby, with a simple desk against one wall and cheap, plastic chairs against the other, accompanied by a few magazines. The place looked as though it housed more rats than people, though she couldn't really care less. Nina made her way to the desk and pressed her palm against the rusted bell, which didn't really 'ding' at all. Nevertheless, a grungy, old man poked his head out from a door behind the counter soon after.
"I ain't here to give directions," The man said with a scowl on his face.

Nina returned the scowl,
"I was actually looking for a room." At that, he emerged fully from the door and stood opposite from her at the desk.

"Good, good. It'll be fifty for a single," He said gladly, rummaging through a drawer before producing a key. He then held out his hand, which was covered in what she could guess was cheeseball dust. Nina cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at him. "Fifty or you can take the street. Your choice." Regrettably, Nina pulled out fifty dollars from a pouch and pressed it down on the desk before snatching the key from his grip.

"I'll be out by tomorrow morning," She said as she walked off in the direction of a stairwell.

(OOC: I think you guys are in a hotel/motel...Maybe I read the posts wrong lol. AnYwHo. If I'm wrong let me know and I'll fix this baby up
:) Also, I'm kind of guessing the area :3)

((OOC: Well, everyone is supposed to meet up at my character's rich-kid house, but since your character wasn't far back with them, some of the characters meet up along the way and find out that his house is currently the safehouse for a bunch of experiments and just end up heading there,ahah))
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick, being around a noble family in Europe, had known most of the continent's languages, including French. He understood him perfectly. He curls more tightly around himself, resisting the urge to scoot back again and making the situation awkward again. Instead he musters a short "Alright," covering his face and attempting to go to sleep. He successfully was able to do so. Only 5 hours pass before the servant is awake again, trying his best to go back to sleep to enjoy the time where he wasn't busy, but to no avail. He sits up, rubbing at his eyes as he takes a glance towards Orious before getting up. He finds it too early to make breakfast. There was nothing to do. A new, perfectly clean house. He hadn't anyone to tend to, nothing to clean, nothing to take care of. He huffs, getting back onto the bed. He was made for one thing, serving, and he couldn't even do that.

Orious had fell asleep sleeping quietly only to wake up partiality with a small hum turning his body facing derrick when he got up and sighed a little bit looking amused by him. "...derrick, would you like me to tire you out with something pleasing? Of course, I only will if you ask it of me...and you can stop me any time necessary" The vampire suggested being straight up about doing what he said and smiled widely with a giggle before sitting up and shook his head blushing. "Ah. But you probably dislike that idea.."He says kinda disappointed in his self.

Vladimor both went to sleep and woke up feeling pleased. It was his pleasure to have this small boy wrapped around him, holding on as he slept. He stayed where he was; there was no need to rush to anywhere. Instead, he watched Matthew sleep, gently stroking his cheek as he lays there. Vladimor continues to enjoy his time, though another wave of tiredness had hit him, making him want to get up even less. Not like he was going to anyways. He chuckles to himself, biting back a yawn as he props himself up on an elbow. "Holy hell, you're my kryptonite," He says quietly under his breath, laying down all the way again, pulling the older boy closer to him, simply taking in the moment.

Derrick is not too surprised when Orious was awake alongside him though his words are vague and he doesn't understand. "I'm lost." He tilts his head, sitting criss-cross in front of Orious. "...Perhaps if you elaborate, and I gain a better understanding, I will possibly allow it?" He shrugs, rubbing at the dark circles beneath his dull red eyes. "More sleep would be nice, it is much too early." He falls back onto the mattress, but no amount of comfort can lead to his slumber. He sighs, feeling defeated by his own body, turning to the violet-eyed boy. "Go on."​
Standing up slowly reaching to touch rin's forehead again Mew sighed and shook his head."STAY THERE. you're in no condition to leave that bed,understand?" The cat man said softly but his words strict and full of concern. Mew then looked up to the door."Rei,it's unlocked.."He said and moved to the kitchen only to come back with a glass of water and held it out to rin. "Here...drink something you'll need the fluids with a fever like that, also if you need anything at all or feel like eating something tell me."

Tabitha just stuck her tongue out at the two of them in response, casually walking next to Cicero until she came across a store she thought would be easy to steal from. It looked like a normal beauty store, but along the walls of it were special glass decorations that Tabitha knew would sell for quite a lot. "Do you guys want to go in here?" she asked, turning her light green eyes mostly toward Cicero but giving a quick glance in Susan's direction too. The girl seemed upset. Did Tabitha's words really upset her that much, or was something else going on? Whatever the case, Tabitha knew that meddling in the girl's business would only cause the girl to lash out at her, and she'd rather not fight with her lover's friend, no matter how bipolar she could be.

"Hmm...?" Sounds of contentment soon turned in confusion as Matthew woke up to feel Vlad's long arms wrap around the boy and pull him closer to the taller male's chest. He opened his eyes pretty quickly, and once he understood the situation he nonchalantly disentangled himself from Vlad, at least enough so they were laying apart from each other. "You could... just tell me... to get up." Matthew's speech was interrupted by a series of long, lazy yawns. It was unusual for the boy to be this relaxed at anytime, much less when Vladimor was around. For a second, all he did was stretch, sit up, and glance over at the lord-turned-criminal before recalling the events of last night. The memories came flooding back to him all at once, causing him to hold his head and lay back down on the bed with a huff. Their day had went well, all things considered, but once they exited the house everything became a rollercoaster of emotions. Ely had made Vlad jealous, but after that event that still left them shaken Matt hadn't been in his right mind, and without meaning to he confessed to Vlad. He... wasn't in his right mind then. He couldn't have been, right? Matthew's eyes wandered toward the ceiling, before returning back to the boy who seemed so intent on doing nothing, at least at this moment. "So, how did you sleep?" Matt finally asked, trying to get his mind off the thoughts that should've been written in ink all over his skin by now, considering how long they had stayed within the realm of his thinking.

"If Rei-" Rin stopped himself from saying "If Rei asks me to, I'll stand." This cyborg man had saved his life twice, whether he liked it or not, so the least he could do was try not to worry him any further. Why was he so concerned about Rin's well-being? It took the boy a few seconds to remember that this cat-boy, this monster of a man- was in love with him. Rin had read documents talking about how some of the human-based experiments, A.I especially, often had difficulty expressing or even feeling emotions at their core. Rin was thankful this individual wasn't like so many of the others, but really that just meant he was thankful that he had a secret admirer instead of being killed. Was he selfish? Of course. Was he going to break this man's heart? Rin didn't want to, but he was a realist, and sooner or later this cyborg would hopefully realize that... or die by the A.I that shared his body. Ignoring these dark ideas, Rin just tried to smile and waited for his sister to come in: He knew that once she was here, he wouldn't have to fake a smile.

Ooc: @Poko Sorry, but you'll have to post again to intrude on Rin, Rei, and Mew. xD​
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor both went to sleep and woke up feeling pleased. It was his pleasure to have this small boy wrapped around him, holding on as he slept. He stayed where he was; there was no need to rush to anywhere. Instead, he watched Matthew sleep, gently stroking his cheek as he lays there. Vladimor continues to enjoy his time, though another wave of tiredness had hit him, making him want to get up even less. Not like he was going to anyways. He chuckles to himself, biting back a yawn as he props himself up on an elbow. "Holy hell, you're my kryptonite," He says quietly under his breath, laying down all the way again, pulling the older boy closer to him, simply taking in the moment.

Derrick is not too surprised when Orious was awake alongside him though his words are vague and he doesn't understand. "I'm lost." He tilts his head, sitting criss-cross in front of Orious. "...Perhaps if you elaborate, and I gain a better understanding, I will possibly allow it?" He shrugs, rubbing at the dark circles beneath his dull red eyes. "More sleep would be nice, it is much too early." He falls back onto the mattress, but no amount of comfort can lead to his slumber. He sighs, feeling defeated by his own body, turning to the violet-eyed boy. "Go on."​

Orious' expression changed to a serious one and he climbed over derrick. "Hmmmm....well You know very well by what I mean,derrick.." He murmured with a amused chuckle and sighed looking down at him before leaning in and licking derrick's neck biting at it before going to his jaw and ear then neck again before nipping at his ear again. "Don't say you didn't say I could..."He whispered softly reminding derrick before taking anything any further.
iiimee said:
Tabitha just stuck her tongue out at the two of them in response, casually walking next to Cicero until she came across a store she thought would be easy to steal from. It looked like a normal beauty store, but along the walls of it were special glass decorations that Tabitha knew would sell for quite a lot. "Do you guys want to go in here?" she asked, turning her light green eyes mostly toward Cicero but giving a quick glance in Susan's direction too. The girl seemed upset. Did Tabitha's words really upset her that much, or was something else going on? Whatever the case, Tabitha knew that meddling in the girl's business would only cause the girl to lash out at her, and she'd rather not fight with her lover's friend, no matter how bipolar she could be.
"Sure looks like fun and easy." He stated while grabbing Tab's hand and rushing into the store leaving Susan to follow them in when she walked in she looked around for Cicero and Tab she founded them and up to them "Why did you leave me?" She asked pouting and crossing her arms "Oh sorry SuSu I guess I just got excited to make it up too you I promise I'll carry you one my shoulders on the way back home." He said rubbing the back of his neck while sneaking random stuff into his pocket
iiimee said:
Ooc: Awww, really? I want to ruin that scene so badly... xD I love cock-blocking my characters...
Ooc: Orious still hasn't had been officially a fuck buddy....they never actually did anything close to it

iiimee said:
Ooc: Awww, really? I want to ruin that scene so badly... xD I love cock-blocking my characters...
Ooc: I've been trying so hard just to get Orious to finally convince derrick to let him just do it already.....derrick is really slow...xc
mewbot5408 said:
Ooc: Orious still hasn't had been officially a fuck buddy....they never actually did anything close to it
Ooc: I've been trying so hard just to get Orious to finally convince derrick to let him just do it already.....derrick is really slow...xc
Ooc: But I mean... it's still Anthony's choice on what he wants to do with his character, and honestly wouldn't you rather make it more interesting, like maybe after the experiments Derrick is so in need of emotional comfort that he acts super romantic toward Orious and... well, um *cough cough* Sorry, I'm just a romantic writer, so I rarely allow "cheap scenes". There are hidden details to everything about my characters! <3
iiimee said:
Ooc: But I mean... it's still Anthony's choice on what he wants to do with his character, and honestly wouldn't you rather make it more interesting, like maybe after the experiments Derrick is so in need of emotional comfort that he acts super romantic toward Orious and... well, um *cough cough* Sorry, I'm just a romantic writer, so I rarely allow "cheap scenes". There are hidden details to everything about my characters! <3
Ooc: well yeah I know, and that's a good idea....orious is just a bit pushy with his feelings and what he likes he's really trying to respect him but he can be a little selfish somtimes,hmm typically just don't walk in unless its okay with anthony alright? Cuase I don't know how far he'll let ori go...)
mewbot5408 said:
Ooc: well yeah I know, and that's a good idea....orious is just a bit pushy with his feelings and what he likes he's really trying to respect him but he can be a little selfish somtimes,hmm typically just don't walk in unless its okay with anthony alright? Cuase I don't know how far he'll let ori go...)
Ooc: I think you're forgetting Vlad is Anthony's char in the first place- Matthew wouldn't walk in unless he DIDN'T think anything was going on. xD Matt knows how to respect privacy. Pretty sure Anthony went to bed so I might too- will reply to Heart Attack Academy in the morning.
iiimee said:
Ooc: I think you're forgetting Vlad is Anthony's char in the first place- Matthew wouldn't walk in unless he DIDN'T think anything was going on. xD Matt knows how to respect privacy. Pretty sure Anthony went to bed so I might too- will reply to Heart Attack Academy in the morning.
Ooc: idk seriously I did think you were gonna have matt walk in on them but back away slowly like I did not just see that..

Derrick panics when Orious crawls over him, wordless as he's assaulted by him. His face turns red, and he'd have to admit that he loved the way it felt. This is what he wanted, but not who he wanted. "I didn't...think you meant...this!" He tries to push him off, but the way Orious' mouth worked against his flesh weakened him in pleasure. Instead, he rolls from under him, falling off the bed in the process, but quickly standing. "This wasn't my guess, I think I'd rather stay awake! I'm...going to go find something to do!" He rushes off downstairs, eventually finding something; He called and paid utility bills. He made reservations. He wrote up a schedule for Vladimor. Derrick wasn't used to this and it scared him. He wasn't used to waking up by someone, he wasn't used to being loved, he wasn't used to loving anyone except for Vladimor. The whole situation was uncomfortable for him. He wish Vladimor's father never gave him out to a lab.

When she heard the door was open, she quickly rushed inside, finding the room that held her brother. When she found him, there was a million different emotions spiraling through her head and she quickly dashes forward to Rin, taking his face and her hands and kissing him. (Twice, thrice, perhaps.) "Rin-Rin!" She said in a whispered shout, pulling him close to her, holding him tightly. When she again realized how strange this place was, she lets go looking around. "He didn't do anything to you, did he? Are you hurt? How do you feel? s he trying to pull anything?You're kind of warm, are you sick?!" Even though Rei was considered the 'little sister', she had quite the motherly tone when it came to Rin.

"And why would I wanna wake you?" He sits back up, beginning to smooth down his bed head, pulling knots, pushing tangles. He sits for a moment, performing the trivial task before he just braids it all back, a few strands out to frame his face. "I sleep like a King, how about you?" He laughs, putting both his last name and political status into play as he gets out of bed, rummaging through his drawer for a pair of sweats. "Want something to wear, Matthew?" He tells him, pulling the grey sweats up, typing the little string to keep them up.

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Orious watched derrick leave and his expression darkened quickly his violet eyes showing a deep bitterness. It was impossible, derrick couldn't care less about his feelings and let alone who could love him. He was a monster, a disgusting thing he probably just tolerated. Raising a hand eyes glowing and he punched the wall leaving a crater in it making his knuckles bleed,and hitting the wall loud enough for everyone to hear. He shook his head frustrated before ripping off the necklace he always wore throwing the red stone onto the floor along with the bandages. Orious sighed shaking and he turned to the window as he climbed out and decided to walk off in the dark.
Vladimor was startled by the slam, it nearly strong enough to shake the entire 3 story house. His face pales at the thought of his dear precious house being destroyed by some reckless experiment. It was worse that they were the room over. "Wait right here..." He says bitterly, eyes narrowing. He didn't even have time to put on a damn shirt as he rushed over to the next room. He nearly tears up when there was a fucking hole in his wall, and damn it, he'll have to call for repair. He sees a necklace on the floor, and he realized that he'd seen it on Orious, and holy hell did two and two piece together. He looks out of the open window, seeing the said vampire, hopping down out and using his shadows to break his fall. He tugs the shirt of his, pulling him to face him. "What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?!" He pulls him further to slam him against the wall outside of the house, barring teeth. "I let you into my house , give you my fucking protection and this is what you do?! Fuck up MY property?" He was extremely close to Orious' face, electric blue eyes narrowed, his piercings gilnting in the morning light. "I don't know who the fuck you are, kid, but you're gonna have to tone it down.

"I don't need anything anymore, I'm done with everything...I'm tired of lying to myself and I'm sick of it all...." He growled in a low tone. "Go ahead, fuck me....I just don't care about anything anymore.."He mumbled annoyed and stared at him with a very bitter smile before pushing Vladimir to the ground harshly.

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