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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"I think I can wear this for now, unless we're going somewhere." Matthew motioned over to the clothes he had just left on the floor in his half-conscious state last night. He had been anxious over wearing them last night: What if Derrick found out Matt had taken his clothes? But after all he had been through he couldn't care less. He had put the shirt and jeans and was just then zipping the jeans up when Vlad told him to wait in the room. "Wait, why?" Matthew asked, but the taller male barely seemed to be listening. Instead, he strode out of the room with a look that said he was ready to kill. "I better not bother him." Matthew mentally noted. The boy was already nervous about Vlad leaving him any day now, so why would he make it worse by irritating Vlad more? Matt came to the conclusion he'd need to be on the taller male's good side this week, and with that in mind he waited until he couldn't hear Vlad's footsteps before walking downstairs himself.

The first thing Matthew noticed was that Vladimor was outside. His voice could clearly be heard, but the words weren't distinguishable. It was strange to hear Vlad be so vocal, unless he was angry. He was angry, wasn't he? Matthew wanted to ask what was wrong, but that damn mental note was still stuck in his head! Matt had of course seen Derrick by now, but he didn't confront the boy. If he did, he knew it might turn into a fight, and for Vladimor's sake, that was the last thing Matthew wanted, even if the boy usually loved the feeling of scrapes, bruises, and burns. Call it sadistic, or more accurately masochistic, but with every piece of pain Matt felt, he became less like a human, at least in his mind. He didn't deserve to be a human- If he was human, that meant he had a part of him that was worth dying for, and nobody else needed to die. Not for his sake.​

"Hey." Derrick calls out from on the couch, not sparing a glance from his clipboard as he writes neat, crisp words on a blank piece of paper. They were tomorrow's plans. He needed the order to calm him. Derrick's usually quiet, shy demeanor changed to a colder one. His words were all sharp, precise as he spoke. It held a sense of superiority. He may have been a servant, but he was higher than Matthew, he was sure of it. However, when he did look up, his red eyes could practically burn a hole through Matthew's very being with how he looked at him. It was the look of a villain. (A very hot villain.) "What are you?" He clears his throat, lowering the clipboard. "To Lord Vladimor, I mean."

Vladimor frowns. "Fuck you?!" He laughs with sarcasm, covering his face with his hand, almost in disbelief. "Man, you're a fuckin' wild card,blood-sucker!" He smiles, showing off teeth, beautiful pearly, whites with no imperfections. Just like the rest of him. Perfect. "...Or more like cock-sucker? Getting your fucking rocks off by harassing my poor servant. What a joke, you are. " He laughs once more, but is soon caught off balance when he is pushed to the floor, but has the reaction time to both bring Orious down with him, as well as being able to break any dangerous impact with his shadows. "Wild animal, is what you are." The smile was wiped clean off his face, but the way he slid his tongue over his teeth was seductively feral. He was the true animal. He hated the smile he had gotten in return so much he loved it. He grabbed the violet-eyed man by the collar and pulls him into a harsh kiss, a growl coming from the back of his throat with enough force against Orious to leave a bruise.​
Like always, life never went the way Matt wanted it to. When he turned to look at the boy who constantly tended to Vladimor, he was certain it was hatred in his eyes. Was he prepared to fight Matthew? Maybe. He looked like he was preparing to. "It took you long enough to figure it out- We're fuck buddies. We have been since... Well, since Vladimor woke from his coma." He stumbled over his words now and then, but for the most part they came out naturally and he didn't stutter. He raised an eyebrow but didn't cross his arms; If this boy charged at him, he needed to be ready with his hands free. He didn't know what training Derrick had exactly, but if he was anything like Vlad he'd be quite the opponent. Experiment or not, Vladimor scared the living daylights out of Matt when the taller male was angry... Now the only question was if Derrick was nearly that bad.

Derrick shrugs. "Vladimor sleeps around a lot more than you think. If you're just that, I'm not bothered; sex is easier than breathing for him." He chuckles, running his fingers through thick blonde hair, golden locks falling right back into place. He leans forward, slouching over, resting his elbows on his knees. He thinks back to when each girl confessed to him, how each scene was nearly no different from the other. "Did he say sweet things to you before and after? Is it so easy for him to act like you have a real relationship?" The servant smiles sickly, stepping in front of Matthew. "Did you say "I love you" yet? Did he respond?....Will he..respond?" He tone was taunting upbeat, a devilish upturn on the corners of his lips as he leans forward with his hands dipped into his pocket. "I know the way things go."

"Hmph! you believe what you want,human....I'm a idiot for thinking I could deserve his affection in the first place and I definitely don't want anything to do with the likes of you.." He growled licking his lips and his expression dark let alone obviously annoyed. He was pulled in and kissed by Vladimir as Orious only kissed back biting vlad's lip as he kissed back with a low growl.
There's a lot of teeth in this kiss, a lot of Vladimor's nails digging into the flesh of Orious' sides, scratching and dragging along the skin and leaving bright red marks, close to cutting into skin. He takes a moment between to scoff. "You're right, you don't deserve his affection, not in the slightest. He's above you. Above me. Above anyone. Then again, I don't think anyone would want anything to do with you, chief." Shadows coil tightly around the vampire's wrists sure to leave bruises where they tighten. He didn't need them there, he just wanted something else to add to Orious' pain. " He gives a sharp, precise nip to the corner of his mouth, just perfect enough to break the skin in a perfectly clean cut. His tongue swipes up the red liquid, and he cringes. "You taste as disgusting as your personality." He gives another hard kiss, tangling his fingers in Orious's hair, gripping tightly as he pushes him closer to himself.

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"Vlad's not like that!" Matthew blurted out, grabbing Derrick by the collar and getting close to his face before getting a hold on himself. He let go and took a step back, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of frustration. Why was he letting this punk with a slave's attitude get on his nerves? "Vlad's not like that." Matt repeated, but this time it had an entirely different meaning to it: The meaning Matt didn't want to admit was true. "Vlad wouldn't tell me he cared for me unless he did... As it stands now, he hasn't told me anything close to that." He turned his face away from Derrick to keep from glaring, instead gazing at the ceiling as if it suddenly became something more interesting. He didn't say anything else, but what more could he say without completely losing it? Was Vladimor really a player like Derrick said? Sure, Matthew didn't expect Vlad to be anything close to a virgin but... wasn't their relationship special? This small thought had been circling Matt's head for ages now, and with each time Matt pushed it away it only became more demanding. By this point it was basically jabbing at Matt, and jeering just like Derrick was now. Matt was so close to losing all control, and to maybe cracking a few bones in this boy's precious body. He was so close, like a suicidal man at the edge of a cliff: One more step, and there'd be no turning back.

Derrick remained unphased when his collar was held by Matthew, and the condescending smile didn't leave. "He's not like that? Do you want me to name all the girls? He doesn't know this, but he's gotten at least 3 of them pregnant." He remembered none of them were allowed to conceive his child due to the effect it could have on his 'pure blooded' family, or worse; the threat of a noble man's power being dissipated all because his pubescent kid couldn't keep it tucked in his pants. Derrick continued with this freakish smile, putting his uncut hand on his hip, tapping his foot to an imaginary beat. "Think whatever, I'll find myself completely uncaring, for the most part." He twirls a finger in the air, waiting for this boy's next move. He uninterestedly interested, he must admit.

Matthew was now shaking with rage. Every word that spilled from Derrick's mouth ignited an anger in Matthew, so deep and unexpected that the boy didn't know what to do with it. Matt could care less about the bitches Vladimor used to bang. He didn't care who Vlad slept with in the past. He just thought- No, he just wished that Vlad actually meant something more than "Fuck me." every time he said or did something nice for Matthew. Was he really nothing more than a toy for Vlad? It didn't seem impossible, nor did it seem unlikely that Vladimor had used all those tender moments the two shared together, from the hotel room to the restaurant last night just to get inside Matthew's pants. At least, it didn't seem unlikely right now. Between the doubts that had already dug their way into Matt's brain and what Vlad's most trusted friend was saying now, Matthew found himself feeling weak, but he tried to shake off the feeling before it spread. In his blind madness he almost forgot how him leaving would benefit Derrick- almost. "If I'm nothing more than a toy, then what are you?" Matt finally turned to face Derrick again, a familiar crooked, corrupt smile plastered across his face as he realized something that should've been so obvious before. "I know you like Vlad, but do you think getting rid of me will mean he'll run to you? I've been around him long enough to know he doesn't think of you as anything other than a friend- would you betray that trust? You're a toy, just like me." The shorter, meaner boy practically spat out those vile, wicked words, before marching over to Derrick and pushing him without any clue what he intended to do. He just wanted Derrick to feel the pain he felt now. How it got through to him didn't matter. This shoving, sometimes accompanied by kicking, continued for only a few seconds, before Matthew found himself falling on top of the other boy, his arms unintentionally landing on the other boy's shoulders, as if he had the intent to pin him down all along. Matt barely noticed however, instead taking this opportunity to say ever so quietly "I hate you, you sick fucker." If Matt's rough tone didn't declare his hostility for Derrick to the whole world, the look in his eyes could almost be mistaken for lust instead of the loathing he plainly felt.

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Derrick let Matthew proceed on, and he didn't dare to fight back. This was much too amusing. The way he was trying to defend Vladimor and his love made him laugh. Who knew Vladimor better than anybody? It's him. Derrick Wright.(Wright was his birth name!) "Me? I am 'reliable.' Vladimor is not hard to get. If I had the courage, he would be mine already, but I am letting him be free to someone other than me. I just do not want that someone to be a lowly peasant blood such as yourself. Anyways if I am really the toy, why hasn't he used me like he uses you?" He does nothing but grunt when he fell to floor, cringing when he used his injured hand to lessen the fall. That never wiped the smile off his face. When he looks into Matthew's eyes, he almost purrs in delight. In his own red eyes, there seemed to be a spark of black dimming the already dull shade. With a rough voice, he whispered out: "

Vy nechisto....You...are filthy." There was a shakyness in his voice, he wasn't too happy with some weak casual pinning him down like he had authority over him. He grin was that of a sick person's now, showing canines faltering slightly once or twice. If he was physically assaulted, he'd do it right back. He leaned up to bite at his lip, taunting him with teeth.

"You think I don't know that? No matter what I do I'm nothing but a Damn monster, I wish I could just kill you like one. ... . But I can't. I don't like killing....." He growled loudly and mumbled the last bit something stung in his voice as he spoke and he had a bitter frustrated expression. Tasting Vladimir's blood Orious not thinking murmured derrick's name and grabbed his wrists pinning him down his eyes illuminating a bit and he nearly instantly had his lips to vlad's neck giving it a long lick,kissed and nipping roughly.
For a few seconds, Derrick's words shocked Matt, not because he ever doubted there was a sinister side to the servant, but because Matthew didn't know if they were true. When Derrick called him filthy however, Matt was brought back to reality, and in response to the insult he pressed his hands harder down against the boy's shoulders, pinning him down more tightly if that was even possible. "I... hate you. Die before this becomes murder." Matthew said all of this before Derrick had the nerve to reach up and bite his lip. He hadn't thought of it before, but now that he did the idea seemed genius. If Matt was truly useless, would being touched by him make Derrick useless too? In truth this was a rather stupid idea; It wasn't like Vladimor would even know what Matt did to Derrick, but if there was any way to get back at Derrick, it was this. Grabbing the sides of Derrick's face with surprisingly strong hands, Matthew returned Derrick's tease by locking their lips. He wasn't playing around. He grabbed Derrick's wrists, using tongue and teeth alike to make sure Derrick felt the pain he had just inflicted to brutally on Matthew. He was a cornered animal, and this was his only way to retaliate. There was so much wrong with this, even Matt knew that, but he couldn't stop from trying his hardest to make Derrick not just bleed, but scar. If he had a scar, it meant he was permanently damaged by Matt. He'd be imperfect, just like the boy who barely considered himself human. Maybe, if Vlad saw how imperfect both of them were, he'd leave Derrick too, just like how Matt was certain he was going to leave him.


Vladimor moans lowly, a faint curl on the corner of his lips. He roughly runs his hands down Orious' back, pressing his body against the vampire's. He hisses through his teeth, biting down on his tongue to keep himself quiet. "So...you don't like killing, but you don't mind killing some poor boy's innocence?" Vladimor's nails left imprints where he dug into. Eventually, he had enough and didn't want this to progress any further before he got too 'excited'. He pushes Orious back, glaring before giving a clean, hard smack across his face, enough to leave a perfect imprint of his hand in red. "Leave him alone." Vladimor couldn't actually help it, but he give a last kiss to Orious neck before getting up and going back inside.

Derrick squealed when he was kissed, trying to fight back. Was he really? It wasn't like his innocence was still there...Orious took that from him. He frowns into the kiss, but reciprocates, mainly with the biting. He even ends up getting a good bite on the boy's tongue, enough to leave the red trail of teeth where he almost broke the thick flesh. Matthew reminded him of someone from his past: Danté was his name. A selfish boy who had a chance of being Vladimor's servant, but instead was sold away to some cruel, fat old man. He and Vladimor found them, Derrick was allowed to go over just to taunt him as Mr. King was talking to Danté's master. In this case, he still belongs to Vladimor, and he taunts what wishes to be in his lord's possession. He'll indulge in his rage, just to prove something. Though, he still put up minimum struggle, because it's not as if he enjoyed this.​
Orious Sat up quickly and shook his head holding a hand to his cheek,he had left a big red mark on Vladimir's neck visibility with a deep bite mark from orious' fangs which he noticed and frowned. "....I'm not leaving him...I can't,Vladimir..."He said softly with deep exhale and followed after the human. When Vladimir kissed him he pushed him off with a low irritated growled. ".....I hate you.."
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Cicero said:
"Sure looks like fun and easy." He stated while grabbing Tab's hand and rushing into the store leaving Susan to follow them in when she walked in she looked around for Cicero and Tab she founded them and up to them "Why did you leave me?" She asked pouting and crossing her arms "Oh sorry SuSu I guess I just got excited to make it up too you I promise I'll carry you one my shoulders on the way back home." He said rubbing the back of his neck while sneaking random stuff into his pocket
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

When she heard the door was open, she quickly rushed inside, finding the room that held her brother. When she found him, there was a million different emotions spiraling through her head and she quickly dashes forward to Rin, taking his face and her hands and kissing him. (Twice, thrice, perhaps.) "Rin-Rin!" She said in a whispered shout, pulling him close to her, holding him tightly. When she again realized how strange this place was, she lets go looking around. "He didn't do anything to you, did he? Are you hurt? How do you feel? s he trying to pull anything?You're kind of warm, are you sick?!" Even though Rei was considered the 'little sister', she had quite the motherly tone when it came to Rin.

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor moans lowly, a faint curl on the corner of his lips. He roughly runs his hands down Orious' back, pressing his body against the vampire's. He hisses through his teeth, biting down on his tongue to keep himself quiet. "So...you don't like killing, but you don't mind killing some poor boy's innocence?" Vladimor's nails left imprints where he dug into. Eventually, he had enough and didn't want this to progress any further before he got too 'excited'. He pushes Orious back, glaring before giving a clean, hard smack across his face, enough to leave a perfect imprint of his hand in red. "Leave him alone." Vladimor couldn't actually help it, but he give a last kiss to Orious neck before getting up and going back inside.

Derrick squealed when he was kissed, trying to fight back. Was he really? It wasn't like his innocence was still there...Orious took that from him. He frowns into the kiss, but reciprocates, mainly with the biting. He even ends up getting a good bite on the boy's tongue, enough to leave the red trail of teeth where he almost broke the thick flesh. Matthew reminded him of someone from his past: Danté was his name. A selfish boy who had a chance of being Vladimor's servant, but instead was sold away to some cruel, fat old man. He and Vladimor found them, Derrick was allowed to go over just to taunt him as Mr. King was talking to Danté's master. In this case, he still belongs to Vladimor, and he taunts what wishes to be in his lord's possession. He'll indulge in his rage, just to prove something. Though, he still put up minimum struggle, because it's not as if he enjoyed this.​


Eventually Matthew stopped, pulling away just enough so that he could properly glare at the other boy. "I hate you." was what Matt told him, before closing the space between them once again. He didn't kiss his lips however, or even bite them. Instead, his aim was a little different. He bite Derrick's ear, drawing blood before trying his mouth down further, along his neck and his collarbone. Every once in a while he bit down hard and drew blood, but Matt was a surprisingly gentle person. Even when he was this angry, he couldn't bring himself to leave damage that would last forever. All he really wanted was for Derrick to learn a lesson: That he wasn't any more important than Matt was. Of course Matthew wanted to be more important to Vladimor than Derrick, but if he could tie for second place he'd be grateful. That meant neither of them would ever truly get Vlad, and somehow that reality sounded so much better than Matt backing out only for another boy to take his place. Jealousy was a word Matthew barely knew the meaning of, but he could feel it quite plainly. It was jealousy that coursed through Matthew like blood, and stayed firm within him like bone. It was jealousy that was making Matt dig his nails into Derrick's shoulders, and wish every act of evil upon Derrick, who seemingly had everything Matthew wanted. "Vlad... would never... be with you." He said the words like they were a fact between the licks and bites he was inflicting upon Derrick. It wasn't like he found Derrick attractive or anything, but between his rage and him thinking of Vlad, he was probably a lot more... erm, passionate, than even he realized.

POST 1/3!!!
Cicero said:
"Sure looks like fun and easy." He stated while grabbing Tab's hand and rushing into the store leaving Susan to follow them in when she walked in she looked around for Cicero and Tab she founded them and up to them "Why did you leave me?" She asked pouting and crossing her arms "Oh sorry SuSu I guess I just got excited to make it up too you I promise I'll carry you one my shoulders on the way back home." He said rubbing the back of his neck while sneaking random stuff into his pocket
"What are you doing sir?" A man with an oriental look about him walked up to Cicero, gesturing to the item the cat-by had just now stuffed in his pocket. Tabitha let out a small sigh, coming to terms with the fact people in a store like this almost never missed a beat. "Can you think of a distraction?" Tabby silently mouthed the words at SuSu, but it seemed the girl didn't notice. Tabitha hurriedly looked around for a distraction. Was there any way she could distract the man from Cicero? She was prepared to just break one of the glass ornaments and run, but instead a different distraction saved the day... and scared Tabitha half to death. A boy who had walked in a while ago and was just looking around... suddenly caught on fire, grabbing one of the glass ornaments which somehow didn't melt and running off. "Code 14!" the oriental men shouted into a microphone, and it wasn't long before Tabitha could see from the store's window that a whole swarm of security had surrounded the boy, one stepping from the crowd to taze him, causing the boy's body to stiffen, turn to normal, and collapse. Once he was only semi-conscious one of the guards put a pair of handcuffs on him, before pulling him up and helping him walk to a place every experiments knew about: The facility. "God, it sucks being in a city that has a facility- these monsters are always running around, causing a ruckus!" A short girl no older than Susan or Cicero said. Tabitha nodded, trying to make it look like she agreed with her, but her eyes were still glued to the spot where the boy was tazed. "Las Vegas..." she muttered. Matthew and Calvin had both been so keen on coming here, but was this really the best place to go? Just because they blended into the crowd doesn't mean they wouldn't be found out eventually. The oriental man had went back to the register, completely forgetting Cicero's theft, but that did nothing to calm Tabitha's nerves. She had a bad feeling, like they never should've come here, but she couldn't just tell anyone about it. It seemed irrational right now; Just because she was scared, didn't mean Las Vegas wasn't the safest place for them... Las Vegas was safe, right?

"Hmm?" He said as the guy walked up too him he was mentally panicking not knowing what to do put he managed to stay calm on the outside "I don't know what your talking about I'm just looking around at these amazing items." The boy stated plainly while smiling and picking up one of the items only to hear the guy say something about a code whatever he looked too see someone get tasered and tried his hardest not to burst out laughing which pretty much only turned into a snicker at seeing that "Why are you snickering that could have happened too you you realize that right?" Susan whispered into the boys ears making to boy laugh harder "I know that's the funny part." Was all he said while putting an arm about Tab's shoulder using her as support while he laughed setting his head on his arm
mew shook his head gently,standing up and sighed."He is a bit under the weather from using his powers to much, no worries about it though he'll be fine....I have a deal for you if you'll hear me out..." He explained softly and leaned against the wall tilting his head and his expression serious, red eyes staring at the both of them. "If you will let me, I would like to stay with the both of you and in exchange you have my full protection and I will assist you in the way I know how best,also I know where other the experiments had gathered....."He says and smiled a little hoping they'd accept the offer.
Nick followed Stell into the kitchen "So what does the chef have in mind?" He asked the girl curiously while he stomach growled in response to his question "Cause apparently i'm hungry." The boy stated with a chuckle
Cicero said:
"Hmm?" He said as the guy walked up too him he was mentally panicking not knowing what to do put he managed to stay calm on the outside "I don't know what your talking about I'm just looking around at these amazing items." The boy stated plainly while smiling and picking up one of the items only to hear the guy say something about a code whatever he looked too see someone get tasered and tried his hardest not to burst out laughing which pretty much only turned into a snicker at seeing that "Why are you snickering that could have happened too you you realize that right?" Susan whispered into the boys ears making to boy laugh harder "I know that's the funny part." Was all he said while putting an arm about Tab's shoulder using her as support while he laughed setting his head on his arm
mewbot5408 said:
mew shook his head gently,standing up and sighed."He is a bit under the weather from using his powers to much, no worries about it though he'll be fine....I have a deal for you if you'll hear me out..." He explained softly and leaned against the wall tilting his head and his expression serious, red eyes staring at the both of them. "If you will let me, I would like to stay with the both of you and in exchange you have my full protection and I will assist you in the way I know how best,also I know where other the experiments had gathered....."He says and smiled a little hoping they'd accept the offer.

Tabitha froze, utterly horrified by the way Cicero was acting. Why was he laughing, out of all things?! Was it just a nervous reaction? When Matt was really scared Tabby had seen him laugh, but this seemed different, like Cicero enjoyed that poor boy's pain! "I- I'm going home. You two should continue without me." Nudging Cicero's arm off her, Tabitha quickly walked out the door, ignoring the stares of the curious shopkeeper and anyone else who saw the distress upon her face. She felt a little comfort in knowing her reaction probably seemed normal considering the events that just transpired, but only a little, as little as humanly possible.

No words could describe the joy the twins felt at their reunion. "I'm fine- You don't need to worry." He vaguely reassured her, giving off a smile that was reserved for only his sister. Rei didn't hesitate to kiss and shower her brother with affection, but after a few seconds Rin turned away to cough, pushing his sister away slightly with his other hand so she wouldn't catch his sickness. It was embarrassing to look so sick, and Mew's comments didn't help at all. He didn't want to listen to anything the cyborg said, even if he had saved his life, but for the sake of this somewhat peaceful atmosphere he heard him out. "Stay with us?! You really are strange!" Rin blurted out the words before he thought them through. Sure, he was grateful and all things considered he owed this guy, but for him to stay with them? It sounded like something a stalker would say, until he remembered what Mew had told him earlier. Rei wasn't safe with just Rin, but maybe with Mew she had a chance. "Do you propose we stay there? Rei and I aren't fond of other people." Rin only asked because he quickly understood something: If he and Rei continued along their path, Rei's fate was sealed. Rin didn't know how, but he wasn't naive enough to assume everything would be fine when Mew and his A.I specifically said otherwise. For now, he'd need to team up to protect Rei. The look he gave Mew clearly stated that, and maybe it was a reminder to Mew that it was Rin's only reason for ever agreeing to something like this.​
"Eh...okay?"He said confused while watching Tab leave "I'll go with you." Susan said while running after Tab leaving Cicero alone and confused he just shrugged while still chuckling at seeing the boy getting tazed as he left the store and continued to steal eventually getting bored he went to a random bench and sat down "Why did you decide to leave?"Susu asked Tab looking up at her with a confused expression on her face but still some what smiling she wanted to leave Cicero behind just as much as Tab did she hated when Cicero was like that no matter how nice he his to her it just scares her every time he acts like that
"Breakfast of champions. Say, why don't we find this broad that ran away from me recently eh?" He flipped his cup upside down and leaned into one of his shoulders. "I bet that she is with a few other of the lab rats I know. You've seen cat ears recently?" He leaned back into his seat and created a toothpick out of the loose ends of his jawline. Picking his teeth, he left a payment for the check and a 30$ tip. He got up, letting Allen follow close by. "Seriously though, have you seen a Neko recently? His name's Cicero and through the IPad supply I had, he seems like a thief."
Mew looked straight at the twins his ears sitting half way in between flatten and not,arms crossed over his chest a pale finger tracing the shape of his stitches on his chest underneath his dark shirt. Mew's expression was still a serious one and he seemed worried, his deep red gaze keeping on them to show he was persistant. Sure he thought he sounded a weird asking to stay but now wasn't the time to think about that, he swore to protect them no matter what and he wasn't gonna just break that promise even if the twins forgot him from the facility. He wasn't the type to, even if they were now merely aquiantances because of some technical difficulties of little things of being forgotten. They were his only friends during that time, a time he wasn't alone.

Maybe his dear friends would remember one day But for now he could do what he could to help in any way,especially now he got over himself and stepped in instead of watching from the shadows. "I know it seems strange but....its much eaisier keeping you safe if I'm near by. hmmm...you don't have to stay with them,if you prefer we can stay seprate but safty is better is numbers somtimes....."

Cicero said:
"Eh...okay?"He said confused while watching Tab leave "I'll go with you." Susan said while running after Tab leaving Cicero alone and confused he just shrugged while still chuckling at seeing the boy getting tazed as he left the store and continued to steal eventually getting bored he went to a random bench and sat down "Why did you decide to leave?"Susu asked Tab looking up at her with a confused expression on her face but still some what smiling she wanted to leave Cicero behind just as much as Tab did she hated when Cicero was like that no matter how nice he his to her it just scares her every time he acts like that

Tabitha had been so focused on walking away that she practically jumped in shock when she noticed Susan was following her. "Oh, I just... want some space. Couples aren't by each other's sides all the time y'know." The lie was obvious but she hoped Susan wouldn't call her out on it. When they reached a bench, Tabitha sat down and patted the seat next to her, before leaning back and closing her eyes. She didn't pay attention to if Susan actually sat down or not, instead just taking a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. "That boy... He wasn't far from our age." Tabby finally said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear but otherwise not moving. Her face looked stressed. Was she frustrated? It was something of that nature, but she didn't say a word on it. Was there anything to say? As young women, Tabitha hoped Susan could understand where she was coming from and why she was so angry. She wouldn't say she was angry at Cicero, but that was the case. How could he laugh, when that boy would be taken an probably have unspeakable things done to him again? They were lucky the government didn't just take all teenagers and torture them. With some free, at least they had a cover.

Ooc: @Cicero , sorry for super late response! Don't usually RP 'til late on weekends. xD Also, just a warning... I might have something very bad happen to Tabitha- I PROMISE SHE WON'T DIE- at least not yet: I don't offer any of my chars permanent immunity, but just be prepared to have something horrible happen to our darling. ;) It won't be too long now until the attack starts, though I promised Anthony that we'd have a few more fun scenes before everything hits the fan, but that's only because when things turn bad... they'll be bad for a long while...​

Vladimor covers up the spot that he'd seen out of the corner of his eyes. How is he gonna explain this one? Well to be fair, he didn't need to explain anything. He wasn't really in a relationship. However, when he entered through the back door he got a good view of Matthew on top of Derrick, and for some reason it hurt. Then again it was quite the scene, and he couldn't exactly say anything due to the fact he was just under Orious in the same way. He approached and watches, but doesn't say anything for a while. Really, it was the same exchange as his and Orious. Black burning, not any sort of romance. For a very brief moment he thought, "Why doesn't either of them to this to me," But when he saw blood between the two, he shakes his head. Vladimor pulls Matthew off of Derrick, holding him bridal style. He raises a brow looking at the two, using a shadow to keep Matthew up as he also offers help to Derrick.

The servant accepted his lord's hand, clearing his throat. He hadn't even cared that Matthew was in his arms. Derrick grooms himself with his finger, wiping away spots of blood with a tissue from his pocket. It felt everywhere stung, everywhere he had gotten bit, places that were barely even touched- It was just a disgusting feeling all round. "I apologize for you having to see me like this, the both of us, really. There was just a slight quarrel between us, nothing...important." He forces a smile, before grabbing his clipboard off the couch and standing in front of Vladimor. "I have made a schedule based on your personal preferences, but before that, I'll let you know today utility bills have been paid, I already scheduled for our wall to be fixed, I'm transferring one of your other servants to double with me here; don't worry she's well aware of out circumstances." After this he began reading off the schedule, as if nothing had just happened. He wasn't quite sure how to respond, and he wasn't thinking about covering the bite wound/ hickey on his neck. Vladimor ust gave the 'ok' to all of this, putting Matthew down and saying that he'd about to go get dressed.

Rei just eyes the bot suspiciously. It was hard to trust him when he just randomly takes his brother away like that. She stubbornly shakes her head. "I'd rather check out this house that holds all these experiments. Since you're one too, I guess you're able to..." She hesitantly thinks about letting them come along, but in reality, the twins weren't very strong. "Join...us. " Regardless, she turns back to Rin, putting a hand over his forehead. "Are you sick?" He fingers trail through his hair, moving down to his cheek as she looks at Rin, something bordering a frown on her face as she concerns over her copy.​

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